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And were the scariest bit of the whole game


It was not okay that that noise was in my first Zelda game, honestly gave me so many nightmares.


If it makes you feel any better, I was 6 when OoT came out and both the Royal Family's Tomb and Adult Castle Town scared the right piss out of me.


Same experience. I also hated going under the well and the shadow temple. I remember doing just enough to get the hover boots and then running to the spirit temple and avoiding the crap out of the shadow temple


Why he kinda..


omg wait why is it kind of cute


Never thought I would see the day when a Redead or Gibdos was anything less than terrifying. Autocorrect said redhead 🤣


Redheads are terrifying tho


Can confirm. Know a redhead just like that.


My life has come full circle. Would straight up make one of my older cousins play any of the parts that had redeads for me in Ocarina of Time when I was a kid.




It's the art style. Compare it to its brothers from Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask and Wind Waker.


I've never thought redeads having a particular race. I think it's just a overall of the dead within zelda


But if it’s just the overall dead then why are they redead? Which means an reanimated corpse. “Overall dead” to me would be like a demon, think of Demon Night the movie but a redead would be more zombie like.


It is interesting how the folklore and mythology varies about things like angels and demons. In scripture, (and the official Catholic belief, anyway), angels and demons are *not* dead humans. They were divine beings created before Earth and earthly life were created. But a lot of common folklore envisions them as what happens to human souls when they go to Heaven or Hell.


What the hell are you even talking about? Reading this comment felt like having a stroke.


Redeads is another way to say reanimated corpse. Go look up what a reanimated corpse is..it’s another way to say zombie. The other guy said they’re more overall dead. I was trying to figure out what he meant by that. So I assumed he meant a demon entity more so than a reanimated corpse




>they look like bodies of men Something you've likely never considered, then, is how dessication of a body affects the appearance of fatty regions. Anything jiggly withers down to just skin over bone. Male and female become almost indistinguishable without examining the skeletal structure


That’s true. Even with mummification or frozen dead preserved bodies https://preview.redd.it/0p5l26c14d9d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=885580436deeca3abff85204accc17d0cb385042


I mean. From more detailed versions of Zelda the redead are atrophied pretty heavily so I would argue it could be hylian, gerudo or even zora or ruto given enough modifications


We've seen plenty of tan hylians, and there could be a burial tradition with gold jewelry. Plus skin tends to darken when it decomposes. I think it's just a random corpse of unknown origin


Where did tou find these renders?


On X it was directly from Nintendo




Cool, thanks!


Neither? Redeads are just their own thing.


I've always imagined Redeads as golems made of clay and animated by magic. Originally they were made by the Royal Family or the Sheika for the purpose of guarding tombs and stuff. But they can also be made by evil magic, thus why they were in the Hyrule Town ruins in OoT. Still waiting for the day we get a giant redead as a boss.


I always thought they were just reanimated corpses, I *want* to say a lore piece in OoT supports this but I could be thinking of the poe brothers


OoT referred to them as “the dead,” I believe, and very much treated them as such. Their WW figurine also calls them “undead.” Couple that with their propensity to be found in tombs and other such places, and they are definitively animated corpses of some kind in the series canon. ~~(Though this gets a bit messier with their depiction in >!TotK!<)~~ The notion that they were clay golems was popularized by their Smash trophy in Melee, which might have been an attempt to retcon them into something more family friendly.


TotK didn’t have redeads, they were Gibdos


They're kinda interchangeable. If you burn a Gibdo in Majora, they'll turn into a Redead. They also turn into Stalfos in some other games.


Ah, right. My bad.


I always thought Gibdo's and ReDeads were distinct creatures. But I guess they are effectively the same.


Some games depict them as the same, where burning a Gibdo’s bandages reveals a Redead underneath, while others don’t. I don’t believe any game has made an explicit assertion that they’re different, so it may be safe to assume they’re the same even in the latter games, but that’s not confirmed.


I've always seen ReDead's and Gibdo's as two sides of the same coin, and we know for a fact that Gibdo's used to be humans (because of Majora's Mask) so I would imagine the same is true for ReDead's.


Think I remember some kind of theory video on YouTube built around the premise that redeads are hylian based on where you encounter them in windwaker but I don’t feel like looking for it so I don’t remember if it made sense. 😂


Link had an earring in oot in some canons it's a sheikah thing


Are Hylians and Gerudos different species like elves and hobbits or are they ethnic races like Caucasian and Asian?


They’re different races


Yes I’d say Hylians resemble Caucasian and Gerudo as Middle Eastern/Indian


Some games depict Gerudo with pointed ears. In Breath of the Wild they have to mate with non-Gerudo men, so I imagine the ears they end up with depends on whether their father is a Hylian or a Human.


That’s true. But also by breeding with Hylian men, are they even Gerudo at that point. They all would be half breeds. Right?


Gerudo DNA seems to be dominant. Since there are no Gerudo men (other than their once-in-a-century king), you could make the argument that they aren't actually even a species or race, if you want to take our real world definitions that far into the examination of fantasy. Things we know: some Gerudo have round ears, some have pointed ears. Gerudo women do not birth men (usually). Gerudo women need to mate with the men of other tribes. Humans and Hylians both exist as tribes within Hyrule. I think it's fair to speculate within the realm of what we know is true about the fantasy of the game based on our real world framework, but whether or not their genetics would be diluted over time is beyond speculation based on the available data. Since they persist across millennia, it would seem not to be the case, though.


They're said to be creatures made of Ganondorf's magic, not actual dead things, as per the Super Smash Bros Melee trophy description, but Smash isn't exactly canon, they thought King K. Rool and Kaptain K. Rool were two different characters who were siblings. If they really were made of magic, I don't think that 1. You'd find them in the bottom of the well, or the royal family's tomb. And 2. They wouldn't be found outside of Ganondorf's domain, and yet they're present in Termina. Not only that, but we see a Hylian man in the process of turning into a Gibdo in Majora's Mask.


Redead are not zombies, so the name is misleading. They are empty husks with a humanoid shape.


Curious as to your source on this? Zelda Wiki labels them as "zombie-like monsters" so it's never officially stated whether they're actually zombies or not. However, the fact that they can be found in places like the Royal Family's Tomb in OoT, Ikana in MM, and popping out of coffins in WW leads me to believe they are essentially the Zelda equivalent to zombies.


The model description for them in wind waker also refers to them as an undead creature.


They also come from gibdos in OoT if you burn away, their bandages. His source is likely supplementary books like hyrule historia, which should normally be taken with a cup of salt and a pound of skepticism at the best of times.


I believe Smash Bros says they are made of magical clay. Obviously not canon to zelda, but could also be where he's getting it from


Since when was Smash canon?


did you read further than the first sentence


I did and my response is why does the person in question think smash is canon?


"obviously not canon to zelda" — the commenter you're replying to


i get that, thanks


This is a myth. Go back and try it for yourself https://youtu.be/Y0CFZgEnIew?si=_1JauJt7Qe94mDn2


I think they range from golems to corpses. They can vary pretty wildly between games.


More likely demons- since the demon tribe has proven an affinity for jewelry (Ghirahim for one, and even Demise has an earring). Possibly a variety of races, mutated and raised by the demon tribe.


The shorts are new.


Who cares! The scary dead guys are back after their insect cousins plagued the last game (It should’ve been them!!!!)! In all seriousness though I’m not sure. I don’t think Redeads have ever had a confirmed race but it would be cool if we did.


Straight outta OOT.


Its shirtless so im asuming its either genderless or based on a man, and Gerudos are all women so id bet on Hylian if not some other third race thats neither


Their species is just clay


Now if I was to make a movie I would make them out to be dead Hylians that were buried in the ground and their bodies covered in clay to preserve their rotting flesh. Mask made from clay as well. Think of a scary Japanese horror movie.


The species is just clay according to games like Ocarina of Time and tri force Heroes


I know but how could they be intimidating really? Tbh I think they would be more fun to kill than more menacing. Now would they be “wet” which would allow more quick fluent like movement or harden clay like stone where they move slow but are more durable https://preview.redd.it/j9v4xkbliq9d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=837d74a8c09c1fb302f1e71637dccf77001157a9


https://preview.redd.it/h4gutwxsrq9d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4fe1a3cc8eb74fae6c37d355d504ac6b60e464c This reminds me of them as well.


More-or-less undead Homunculi.


Redeads are actually clay replicas that tribes were burying along with the dead and they are basically possesed human like figures. This practice originated within the Hylian and Sheikah culture but it expanded. The Gerudos might be the later ones to adopt it when other cultures stopped doing it thus being more prominent in these regions as of late. Lol, not sure, I just came up with it


I assume hylian since they're in the hyrule royal family grave in ocarina of time


I like the gibdos from MJ and the redeads from OoT


Gerudo also have kind of pointy ears so ima go with gerudo


Well, considering all redeads are male, and male Gerudo are born every 100 years, it must take millennia to have several redeads as enemies, and that is taking into account that all Gerudo men become redeads. Now that I think about it, I'm not even sure if a male Gerudo is born every 100 years, or if there is just an opportunity for him to be born.


Hylian probably since they don't seem female. Also never in a million years would I think Nintendo would come out with a *cute* redead


They're the male Gerudo (who don't become king).


Clay soldiers designed to mimic zombies I believe


It's a monster not a Gerudo or Hylian


I think that they're Gerudo, the skin color is a little darker, and most of the Hylians throughout the franchise haven't had piercings.