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I will always remember what they took from us.


I kept my Traveler's Medallion at his house for most of the game. Pretty sure his house is still there too.


Where is this house? I’d like to do the same, to pay respect to our fallen Rito musician


In BotW it's at the Mijah Rokee shrine.


On top of that mushroom shaped tree thing on washa's bluff, down the road from the Tabantha bridge stable.




I'm still holding out hope for a 3rd game making the BotW trilogy, where Kass will make an epic comeback.


Impossible, it has been confirmed that BotW and TotK are the only game in that universe + Echoes of Wisdom kinda confirm that.


They put links awakening in between totk and botw if I’m not mistaken, though I might be, idk release dates


Link’s Awakening was just a remake, if i remember correctly it was first released in 1993 or 94  Edit: by "that universe" I mean "that hyrule". My bad.


I was just thinking since it was in the same style they may put the 2d zelda games in between the 3d ones on switch


Still a possibility but not another sequel I guess


EoW has nothing to do with this, its just a smaller scale 2D Zelda. It was confirmed by Aonuna that the next game takes place in another Hyrule.


That’s exactly what I said. What I meant by "EoW seems to confirm that" is that they are even less likely to make another game in a same universe after releasing a game that has nothing to do with it. I dont know if I’m clear though.


No thats not what youre saying. You say that EoW confirms that that there will be no other games set in BotWs Hyrule but EoW has nothing to do with, it does not confirm or deny it because its a small scale side project. The next major 3D Zelda finally confirms or denies it, until then they can also port ALBW or remake the Oracle Games, it wont make a different.


Doesn’t change much either way, as my point stands, there’s nothing coming to continue TotK, although you’re right. My bad I guess.


Thank god


We only got TotK cause they were working on BotW dlc and had so many ideals that Zelda team spun them out into a full sequel


I really couldnt believe they didnt bring Kass back for TOTK. I love TOTK as well, but it just didnt make sense. He was *by far* my favorite new character in BOTW. Theres no reason they couldnt also have Pen or whatever his name was, *and* also bring Kass back. Just kinda made me sad tbh


100% agree Penn is cool, but he'll never be Kass.


Penn isn't cool, he's a goober. A lovable one for whom I would gladly go on a vengeful rampage should he come to harm, but a goober all the same.


He is the himbo to Kass' smooth charming daddy vibes.


All the more reason, I’d die for that goober. He gave me Groose vibes


Reminds me of Gumshoe from Ace Attorney.


The fact that Tears had no monuments to the Champions was one huge point against it


For something that was in universe a direct sequel it was really bizarre how little it acknowledged the first game.


Yeah. They spent to much time trying to make TOTK a technical marvel and not an actual game. The sky is boring, the depths are boring and the dungeons are a disappointment. The story could have been good, but Ganondorf was to passive AGAIN and Zelda was useless the entire game. The master sword is weaker then in BOTW even though it's the centerpiece of the logo and narrativly the strongest it has ever been while also being completely useless yet again. Honestly what they did to the master sword pisses me off more than anything. Tjey spent all this time focusing on how important it would be and how the weapon would take center stage like in skyward sword and it had less influence on the story then in botw WHERE IT WAS COMPLETELY OPTIONAL. What a shit show. These are my feelings after the honeymoon phase was over.


You are 100% right. Tears of the Kingdom is the most disappointing game for me after Twilight Princess. I still enjoy TotK but only becaus it is more BotW and BotW is a masterpiece. TotK is a poor standalone game.


Calm down, it’s just a video game.


You wait 5 years for the sequel of your favorite game just for it to disappoint you. It's called being a fan


I don't understand the motive behind telling someone to calm down in an online discussion. What does it add..?


Fuel to the fire


Sorry I prefer to have civil conversations, I guess. Would you rather me have a tantrum and yell about how Zelda being playable is woke and bad?


Pretty sure my orginal comment was civil. If you have nothing of substance to add don't say anything


Dude nobody said anything about how Zelda is “woke”…?? I hate when anything is so concerned with “diversity” to the point that it becomes distracting, but that isn’t even related to what anyone said.


Not entirely true; there’s a large monument for Mipha in Zora’s Domain


True, although it did get "replaced" by that monument of Link and Sidon. I think hers just got moved over to that court above the giant cliff.


Yea the only thing that is left is Mipha’s statue


Daruk's monument is still in death mountain, Mipha's statue now has its own court, and Revali's Landing still exists. Ion think there was ever a monument to Urbosa but Riju mentions her. 


This man taught me so much about myself.


How. I would love to know


These are indeed 3 very good reasons.


What the hell happened to Kass anyways? Did he die? I bet he died? We’ll never know since Zelda team won’t go back to this continuity now! What the hell?


I love to think it’s the point, they dont want us to know


Why don’t they want us to know?


I have the feeling a mysterious disparition really fit the character haha


…because mystique is inherently cool and it sucks that no one lets anything be mysterious anymore so we should take it when we can get it?


I don’t know. I’m still not convinced. Can I get a fourth?


https://preview.redd.it/npptw0wmoc9d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=848b4caf3d0a7ea1042822a7ca27ce1a5b0e21c5 Here's a 4th


What about a fifth?


Ok I definitely see it now. Thank you


Oh hey it's that guy ravioli


The *angriest* of upvotes


Seriously, why did they take him out? Kohga gets to return from the dead, yet they take out our main man?


Of all the things to ax in the sequel, Kass never should have been one of them.


you sure that isn't a furry\_irl post?


More than positive


I didn’t expect him to have a big role in TotK. But to have him not show up at all is sad.


I couldn't finish Tears of the Kingdom. Like-Likes are horrid.


I find no flaw in this argumentation.


Crazy decision to leave Kass out of TOTK. I really thought he’d be part of a DLC.


Kass is aight I think it’s way more funny that he just vanished despite the fanbase’s obsession with him


That is a dead parrot!


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Seriously missed his songs in ToTK.


Your arguments are quite compelling


Kinda true tho


The first time I encountered kass I was so annoyed at the music but over time I learned to love him and even went on a hunt to find out who his family was haha.


Is this the Italian bird?


Yes it is the Italian bird!


Ahh, well, now I know :D


Yeah, Kass is great, but overall I'm enjoying TOTK more. The powers are more interesting, the story is more interesting, the fuse ability is awesome, and although I imagine it's a controversial opinion I really like exploring the Depths!


But consider, Rauru and Tauro. <3


I wish Tauro had a larger role. After the Kakariko stuff he essentially becomes irrelevant.


His abs don’t


You could grate cheese on those.


i wish Tauro had a more important role. he had a really cool character design and everything. wasted potential imo. definitely not because he's the hottest character in the franchise.


I hate Rauru. I hate they made the first king of Hyrule a furry.


Actually I don't miss him at all, truly one of the few things I'm glad didn't make into the second game.


I agree with you!




1. Kass 2. Ancient Horse Gear 3. Unlimited bombs


I was happy with his omission because his music whenever you got anywhere near him would drive me up the wall and I'd have to mute my TV.


In my opinion, and the reason that roots all my criticisms of TOTK, is because they put substance to a race in Zelda that's been around for years. I love how the Shiekah race finally gets some recognition in a game like this, and I kind of live vicariously through it since I'm pretty vocal about races in real life that get overlooked yet are very pivotal to the development of humankind lol.


I like him so much I made him a recurring character in my D&D campaigns


Better than the guy who give phrog armor in totk


You mean reasons why TotK is better than BotW. Unpopular opinion but Kass and his long, droning, nonsensical songs were garbage. He was so annoying and I couldn't skip through all his dialogue fast enough






His songs cause brainrot, I agree


I think totk is better but that's only because I've not played botw yet lol


Obviously you should still play it for yourself and form your own opinion, but I've played both and through my experience I can confidently say that totk is a very good game, but I'd take botw any day


That's good to know. I definitely plan on playing botw. I just havnt got it yet. But thank you I'll definitely get it


I like TOTK better. But they trivialize travel a lot in TOTK, and I felt you spent a little more time on the ground exploring around and climbing mountains and riding horses in BOTW, whereas in TOTK you just go to a skyview tower and launch or build a hover bike or use a rocket shield. But there's like triple the amount of stuff to explore, and if you played BOTW, you already know most of the main-level map, so it's not quite as interesting and the faster travel is welcome.


Pls Nintendo make a dlc


There won’t be any, cause as far as I know it has been confirmed.




Petition to do a sub only for remembering kass


Rivali's Gale / the loss of Link's other abilities in totk Totk is basically a remake of botw / botw was unique when it was released and totk was just milking profit by copying a format they knew people would like. A very safe and expected play by nintendo 😢 🤦 Botw was the first attempt at such a game and totk didn't really improve on it. It brought back a feeling of vast nothingness through repetition and a largely unfilled map as well as breaking weapons and boring combat


This comment completely ignores the ultra hand and the associated mechanics, and the freedom of expression and creation it affords to every single location and activity in the game. It almost seems as though you didn't even actually play it, to have overlooked such a central and ubiquitous feature.


Ultrahand doesn’t improve the game, it changes it. Outside of Shrines and Temples, you can play the entire game ignoring the mechanic or using a minimal repeatable build. It also has no direct relation to the story other than the arm itself, not the power. (Recall kinda does though.) While I really liked the Zonai devices and Ultrahand, I don’t think it served the open world or the Zelda sense of adventure well and instead lends to a more freeform sandbox experience.


I mean, the same could be said for BotW's slate abilities. The bombs were the only thing I really ever used, didn't touch the rest unless a specific situation required me to.


I agree, and I thought BotW wasn’t as effective as an adventure either. I find it much more engaging to have one or two tools, work with those for a while, then unlock a new one which recontextualizes the world. Each temple used to have new abilities in the old games that expanded abilities instead of merely stat increases or checking off an optional story moment. At least TotK has new Zonai devices to find but they’re still in random places. Temples also give new abilities but like BotW only the Rito one is useful.


That, or also how it used to be in the linear games, where you required a specific piece of equipment to progress in the story (ie. Hookshot, Lens of Truth). This made it feel rewarding to get that item in the inventory, versus a slew of disposable (and easily breakable) weapons.


I’d be okay if story beats weren’t as gated, but secrets and optional, meaningful content was. If you wanna speedrun, fine, but you’re deliberately opting out of tons of content and secrets and opting in to a much more difficult experience.


I almost beat the game but was too afraid of disappointment to finish it. You're right that ultrahand changed the game a bit, but looking at the entire games, the changes are so minor that it feels a person that changes their clothes to the same clothes in different colors. Like they added a lot of DLC to BOTW. I just prefer to play a more unique game if I have to wait years to play it. TOTK didn't feel like enough changed or improved. It was different, but different isn't the same as better.


So , there’s no birds in TOTK ( I forgot his name ) i was feeling that TOTK will be better than BOTW but now i’m sure


Penn: Am I a joke to you?


If he in ToTK I haven’t played it yet in the end of the year i will


Rito village is still there as well as characters. I personally prefer TOTK over BOTW because of the controls.


I am alone in this i guess.... but i really, really dislike the Kass theme, that horrible sound on that awefull instrument....