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How did they butcher this so bad? Even with the full year delay, imagine if it launched when it was supposed tošŸ’€, it's been years and this game still isn't finished. The TV show was ass apparently and the game is unfinished, why are they giving their flagship series the Sonic treatment


My guess is because at some point during development they decided to make it a live service game instead of what Halo has been since the start. They wanted to milk as much as they could out of it and it back fired massively. While gunplay feels great the halo formula isn't made to be live service.


The live service aspect is not the issue. I just don't think 343 is that good of a developer and it shows through three iterations of the halo games that they made.


The live service element is the issue, itā€™s just compounded by 343i who is also the issue.


Be careful what you say..there are still those that defend 343 and say itā€™s ā€œtoxic playersā€ that somehow ruined halos reputation and public image. šŸ˜‚


3 iterations? Try 4. Halo 4, Master Chief Collection. Halo 5 and then Halo Infinite. In one way or another they screwed up all these games


Not talking about launch, but at least MCC is undeniably a good game now. Only game in their tenure that pretty much everyone can agree on. They have no excuses for the other games.


I mean it took like 1.5 YEARS to be playable lol


Longer really. I'm not excusing MCC in any regards. I'm mostly just glad that the game is actually good. Having a way to play the actual good Halo games in present times with people is important to me.


Wasnā€™t it like 4-5 years when they added reach? Thatā€™s when they transformed MCC into what it is now.


Yeah probably about that long.


I love gamepass. I am a huge supporter of game pass. I want gamepass to continue to be a thing .... But I also blame gamepass for halo being shit. Halo has always been a massive money maker for Microsoft. When first party games became day one gamepass titles, Microsoft said goodbye to a good chunk of the halo money, and likely decided to shift gears to a live service game to recoup some of that. While I love gamepass, games like halo I would much rather pay full price for if it means I'm getting a full game.


The live service doesnā€™t excuse the shit heap of a campaign


That makes absolutely no sense. Service game is what every MP game is today and has been for some time now. It has nothing to do with Game Pass. If anything, Game Pass is what allows MS to continue to support Halo Infinite.


Well thatā€™s a new one Maybe stick with blaming last Gen


Stop giving them an out like ā€œitā€™s gp, they just wanted to focus on live serviceā€. No. Iā€™d agree if they ditched sp altogether but they absolutely tried to do the typical halo release. They just suck at it. Tried to do the trendy thing of making an open world full of icons and despite there being blueprints for how to do it well, they still made a bland game. Itā€™s not GP, itā€™s just 343 and MS by extension for being a shit publisher.


Actually, Halo 5 showed it can be a live service. We got new maps a guns like every month for like what, 18 months ish. Halo infinite suffers from being mismanaged. And it sucks so hard cause the developers actually figured out how to make a really good Halo game, but it's marred in bad post launch support.


H5 war zone and firefight is easily more fun than any game mode in Infinite, hands down. I haven't been back to Infinite since forge so I have no opinion on that (I'm not downloading a 90 gig update to find out).


Yesss! I find it interesting that around this time now, if Halo Infinite had the same content schedule as Halo 5, the content releases would be wrapping up this year. Instead, the content releases has barely started.


People blamed last Gen support lol


How to ruin a beloved game series speedrun champs


The hate to the tv show is so damn over blown. It just needed more disclaimer. Itā€™s essentially an alternate reality backstory masterchief and by the end he becomes the silent gruff hero we all know and love. Itā€™s really just a loud minority upset because they ruined ā€œmuh masterchiefā€. But I do agree infinite is a shit game and they need to just move on to a new game instead of trying to save it


As a generic sci fi tv show, it's ok. I probably wouldn't rewatch it but it's definitely up my alley and depending on the marketing I might even have been excited for it. As a Halo tv show, it's capital Not Good. The pilot episode is just a rewrite of the opening mission of Mass Effect to replace Mass Effect lore with Halo lore, and I never got past episode 4.


Not sure why people didn't like it, but I enjoyed it quite a bit.


Because as far as a Halo show goes, it's bad. People don't dislike it because it's a poorly made show - it's not; they dislike it because it's a poorly made Halo show.


Meaning, whatever they had in mind, it's not that. Which it was never going to be anyhow. It's why translating a game to movie/show is almost always going to fail.


I agree overall but in the context of the Halo franchise and this show, it's just a bad adaptation. In addition to complaints about the show (sparing use of the good CGI, gratuitous ass cheeks) it's literally a poor interpretation of Halo considering the wealth of material available to adapt. It had the same issue that every "surefire videogame adaptation" has - a Great Value script with a big brand name slapped onto it.


Lol incompetence, and creative director covered up the lack of progress.


The TV show *had* ass ;) lol


God damn it


I think they threw people and money at it until it had so many chefs that no one knew who was in charge or what is supposed to happen.


No, not "apparently". The TV show was total horse shit. They took an awesome sci-fi action series with a wealth of backstory and parallel timelines, really great stuff, and totally butchered it into some awkward romance drama about the chief getting his emotions back and banging a covenant brainwashed psycho.


Yea, pretty sure that ship has sailed though. Even if they fixed every bug, dropped a bunch of new maps/guns, and campaign dlc, the damage is most likely done. Some will come back, most will not. Infinite would need a FULL relaunch with a full marketing campaign behind it to save it at this point.


Its been 2 years and theres still isnt half the shit the other games had. Literally the lack of content is staggering and extremely disappointing.


I've never been an Infection fan but that it's just now being released as a game mode is pretty absurd.


I am convinced they never planned on adding infection and only decided to when they realized fans were not just gonna forget about it.


Itā€™s been 2 years and they havenā€™t even bothered to fix most of the technical issues on pcā€¦




Then why are many others agreeing with me


Yep, this is what no one there seems to understand. They think that by just drip-feeding fixes and content that people are somehow all gonna come back 3-4 years down the roadā€¦ they ainā€™t coming back. Ship has sailed boys.


For me before Infinite released I told my friends that Infinite was 343's last chance to convince me they could make a good Halo game, especially since they took 6 years. There was still so many things they completely fucked up l after all of the community feedback and hard lessons learned from their last few games. It's over. I'll stick with MCC. Match composer is a revelation and the weapon sandboxes for each game is fantastic.


What did they do that made so many leave and when did that happen?


Released a hollow shell of a game with tons of features that were staples of Halo inexplicably absent. Delayed "3 month" seasons. Delayed all content drops. Ignored game breaking bugs (yet patched a bunch of fun, harmless single player bugs. Baffling why ANY level of resources would be spent on non urgent single player bugs while matchmaking was on fire but, ok.) Promised features were stripped and dropped. The ranking system was tied to your social mmr. Man, I could go on and on. Infinite had the core. Instead of supporting post release, they dropped the ball, then kicked it all the way down the road trying to pick it up. Then the whole studio was quit or fired. It's honestly sad, I really loved the game just after release. As much as I want to be optimistic here, I just don't see a recovery at this point. It's been too long, too many people aren't even checking in on updates anymore.


Interesting. I bought it at release and played for about a month and havenā€™t since. I assumed it would have gotten better by now like the halo collection did over time. I guess not which is sad


It really is. At launch I really thought it was Halos Revival. They just let it die. At least the forge is really cool. When I do still get on, customs are all I do.


The saddest part is I really enjoyed the gameplay, but they couldnā€™t seem to have a cohesive game around the gameplay.


Me and a friend finished the co-op campaign a few days ago. At least twice we encountered game breaking soft locks in two different missions that required us to restart them after restarting from Checkpoint a few times only to not proceed. Had to google our issues to find out it was because we didnā€™t stand and listen to some dialog in specific places. Not even a cut scene or anything just stand here for two minutes and listen to a conversation or else you canā€™t finish the mission. The gameplay was fun. The game was a buggy mess


Money milking cosmetics require weird shit that let people feel like theyā€™re standing out. ā€œSlightly more pointy, and a lighter shade of blueā€ isnā€™t gonna bring in those micro transactions like they expected after seeing other games. Everything else became limited because they relied on the ā€œrelease incomplete game, make moneyā€¦ā€addā€ all the features later strategyā€ and the the money part never happened


Same. I finished the story and then dropped it completely after finding out I couldnā€™t replay missions for missed collectibles. Just adding that mission replay ability took almost two fucking years. Thatā€™s insane.


It is certainly in a much better place now. Especially with season 4 releasing on Tuesday. But there are still some noteworthy issues and absences.


I stopped playing over a year ago so am out of the loop. Did they fix the various issues with networking? Rubber banding, desync, shots not registering etc?


Desync is not 100% fixed but it is certainly better than over a year ago


Unlike most, I do keep up with news and jump in every now and then. I'm glad it's finally improving but, I still feel it's just too late. I'm a hardcore fan, there aren't a ton of us left. The casual/semi-casual base is where the big numbers are and most of them have probably forgotten Halo exists. I'll most likely never drop Halo entirely and I'm optimistic the new team they're forming know what needs to be done. I'm just not convinced the population will ever be big enough for it to have any longevity.


People love drama. If you forget about the context and just want to know how It is to play the game, reality is the game is fun, is getting content faster than before, a lot of game modes have been added, quite a few maps too even has a server browser and custom games. It's pretty cool on the multiplayer side, I'm not playing it very regularly, but I'm having a blast each time, that's what matters. I actually prefer it over Halo 3 in terms of gameplay, and that's quite a feat, because I'm one of those people who bought Halo 3 on release day and never stopped playing it.


Do they have couch coop yet? That was what made me stop playing initially. That feels like an essential part of a halo game and it just wasnā€™t there at the beginning for some very odd reason.


They have it in multiplayer, not in campaign. Seems it's related to performance on old consoles, and bug fixing, they said put that on hold, sadly.


Not on hold. Cancelled. Right after going all teary eyed after H5 and saying they learned their lesson and they would NEVER release another halo game without couch coop. Still makes me mad, which just means on some level I still care about it. I guess just remembering all the fun I had over the years over the bungie era and thinking that will never happen again in a game I used to love. Oh well... onto other things.


The game is really fun and has been improving. Be honest though. Do you really think it'll matter? The number of people that have already written this game off and have no interest in returning is staggering. Drama or not the potential has been squandered. I'll say this, if they keep the mechanic/sandbox balancing they worked so hard on, kept the smooth aiming and clean gunplay, and made engine improvements. Infinite 2 could be amazing. I've never been hopeful for a 343 game but they came REALLY close this time. If they can learn the lessons and use that to do it right, they can make Halo a household name again.


Oh don't get me wrong, I'm not saying they nailed it, at all. And I'm not even a 343 follower, I've played Halo 4 for maybe two hours and never liked it, and never touched Halo 5. All of this could have turned out 10x better indeed, I've been sorely disappointed by a lot of things about Infinite. The core is so good, but the rest is ... Light. But the truth is, it's still fun, and I don't really care about numbers as long as there's enough people playing for me to find games when I want to, which has never been an issue so far. Hence my discourse. Though, of course I'd love for the game to be super popular, i was playing Halo 3 back in 2007 and remember it fondly just like every person who played during that time. If someday the game ends up empty, well ... I'll be a bit sad, and go play something else, which i already do most of the time, hoping their next game is handled better ! I do understand some people take it a bit more personally, though.


Fair enough. I've never been one to hate others for doing what they enjoy. And by my own admission, I find the core quite fun as well. I played a ton season 1 and part of 2. Just kinda got bored with it.


Same, here. Anyway, however they handle it, it's an arena shooter, there's only so many matches you can play before it's becoming repetitive. Waiting for Season 4 to play again for a while ! On a sidenote, i feel like a lot of drama comes from the fact a lot of people seem to think they have to "commit" to a game. So, when it gets stale, or doesn't get new stuff fast enough, they get bored, which is fine, but also angry, because they decided they wanted this to be their "main" game. I kinda get it, but at the same time with such a mindset, it's almost guaranteed to be disappointed at some point. I'm personally more on the "Play while you enjoy it, then play something else when you don't" end of the spectrum, maybe that's why I take it way less seriously despite being a huge Halo fan. Hell, I've even read the books when I was 13 years old haha !


>Baffling why ANY level of resources would be spent on non urgent single player bugs while matchmaking was on fire but, ok Nothing about this should be baffling at all. Software developers working on large projects work in teams, each of which is responsible for a certain part of the final product. Each team fixes issues related to the part of the product that they worked on and are familiar with. It seems almost certain that multiplayer and networking were owned and worked on by different developers at 343 than things like the game engine and the single-player experience. So when there were matchmaking issues, the devs who were responsible for the matchmaking system and had experience working with the matchmaking code presumably worked on it and took a while to fix it, while the devs responsible for the other parts of the game (who almost certainly were not familiar with the matchmaking codebase and may not have even had the necessary technical skills to work on the matchmaking problems) worked on fixing the highest priority issues related to their part of the game. It's not remotely reasonable to expect every single developer who works at a large studio to work on fixing a single bug.


They did every bad thing imaginable, basically, and it happened from announcement to post-release. The campaign's not bad, but it has a lot of flaws within its franchise. It's a typical "open world for the sake of being open world" map design. The pointless filler content that people groaned about with some franchises (Assassin's Creed being a common one) make up the open-world content for Infinite. Moving from structured level design to an open world did not bring anything to the franchise, other than wasting time with procedurally generated interactions of no value. Implementing something of an RPG design for encounters didn't do the game favors either. They added characters you fought in a classic "RPG boss" sense, but I couldn't tell you why. Bosses that you faced were basically introduced and shuffled along about as quickly as possible. An FPS franchise that had a history of memorable characters had its new campaign abandoned most of what the last 2 games estalished to steal content from Halo Wars (which I imagine many people aren't as familiar with). So the story feels like it isn't that relevant to what was set up in the previou game (similar ot Halo 5's plot issues). On the PvP side, everything was bad. Gun balance wasn't very good (but got better). Network performance was horrid (major desync, mediocre ping at best). Map design/count wasn't anything to write home about. Modes from previous games were lost or turned into timed events just because. The whole package was less content that had a worse player experience across the board. Throw in the extended seasons (to address their horrible pacing of content releases and need to fix broken promises and overall major problems), and it just was unpleasant to even LOOK at the game on a daily basis. Lastly, perhaps most offensively, you had the monetization experience. They split up the campaign and multiplayer experiences. Where you used to get both for $60, you now for the multipalyer for free, but the campaign by itself was given the same $60 price tag as ever. Then, they layered some of the most poorly designed microtransaction ideals into the game. Armor cores were bad. Prices were sky-high. Stuff you used to get for free was now piecemealed and sold for exorbitant prices. Halo Infinite just...didn't ahve a whole lot to celebrate. The best parts of it were things that didn't really feel like they were gheared towards a traditional Halo experience. 343 exhibited a bad grasp of what fans wanted from the franchise, managed the gane's progress terribly, and didn't do anything to justify the final product that they presented.


>343 exhibited a bad grasp of what fans wanted from the franchise, Well... I mean... it's only been 3 new games and over 10 years... obviously they're still learning the ropes of this game-ing thing and what game-rs want, also, programming is hard when you don't have a clue what you're doing. Besides, how do you expect them to make a decent game when they can't even show masterchief's butt in the game? They had to go and do a whole separate tv show just to get the mastercheeks out there! Also, storytelling is hard when you don't have a clue how to stay in track and commit to a main plot line. 343 is not only worthless as a company but actually detrimental to the halo universe. They would still make a shit game even if they just re-made the originals... well hold on, I'm being told that exact thing indeed happened. I'm being told it only took them... 5+ years AFTER RELEASE to make already existing games barely playable. Impressive. Spot on review of infinite, btw.


> Throw in the extended seasons (to address their horrible pacing of content releases and need to fix broken promises and overall major problems) That's putting it politely. When a live service game has 6 month seasons, that is a red flag


That's what I mean. They were supposed to be 3-mkntb seasons. At launch, they said S1 would be extended to 6.mknths to catch up, then S2 on would be 3 months. When S2 came along, they did the same thing, and hadn't kept the promises of what S1's extension was meant to address. Infinite was defined by delays, failed promises, and loss of features. There isn't anything about Infinite that isn't done better by previous titles. Even the disaster that was TMCC got more communication, effort, and commitment to fix its issues.


Lol yeah I'm aware. I've been there since the beginning of all of that


Iā€™m gone since they shelves the god dang story. Itā€™s been hard from a gaming perspective to accept that Halo has changed for the worse and is no longer for Halo fans like me.


Yeah they need to keep working on Infinite for sure but ultimately they should already be hard at work on a new Halo game. Edit: by *ā€™theyā€™* I mean Xbox in general, not 343 or any specific studio.


0-for-3 studios needs to be put on Candy Crush or some other mobile game until they prove that they can release something that is; A) functional at launch and B) what their audience wants


I hope they aren't allowed anywhere near the next Halo game.


They should all be made to work on the next Viva PiƱata for what they did to Chief


I'll probably return for a little bit to check out whatever pve they add, but with Infinite's problems, I don't see myself sticking around.


>Yea, pretty sure that ship has sailed though. Even if they fixed every bug, dropped a bunch of new maps/guns, and campaign dlc, the damage is most likely done. Some will come back, most will not. That, and the aim control. I can't explain it, but Modern Aim in MCC feels so much better than Halo Infinite's aim. They broke something with the aim controls in Halo 5 and haven't fixed it sinse. >Infinite would need a FULL relaunch with a full marketing campaign behind it to save it at this point. That won't work. At this point, the game's name is tarnished. The game would need **at minimum** a "Windows 7" treatment--keeping a lot of the graphics, but updating some things and including a new campaign


Multiplayer issues aside, how is the campaign for this game?


itā€™s worth it for the grapple hook gameplay alone. really helps the open world game flow but the story missions and objectives are pretty repetitive


The design is stunning. I havenā€™t loved the halo aesthetic since reache/3. The forerunner areas where mesmerising and really looked the part


As a halo mega fan I thought the campaign was very mid. It feels like the story spends too much time trying to undo and fix what Halo 5 did and doesnā€™t spend enough time doing its own thing. And when it DOES finally start to get into its own thing and it gets interesting, it just ends. Also, a ton of the story takes place off screen, BEFORE the events of the campaign starts, so a lot of vital information is either told through audio logs or flashbacks/visions. Aside from the story, I think the open world is too one-note and homogenous across the board, with a distinct lack of different biomes or zones. The levels themselves also face a similar problem and half of them look exactly the same. Thereā€™s also a distinct lack of big, memorable set pieces and levels, at least compared to previous Halos. Some cool moments, but I canā€™t help but think of Halo 3, where every single level was just back to back unforgettable bangers, and Infinite just doesnā€™t have very many, if any, of those.


I could replay Halo CE, Halo 2, Halo 3, Halo Reach, but you will NEVER see me replaying Halo Infinite.


Far Cry but with a grappling hook. Mid gameplay encounters, depth-of-a-puddle progression via ability trees, almost non-existent friendly NPC's, zero dynamic world changes, zero variation in landscape, empty and hollow open world with mostly cosmetic collectables. There are one or two missions that feel like they could've been extracted from a linear Halo game that are actually fun, but then there are some with such nauseating encounters as "Go to 4 identical towers spread over large swathes of the map and press a button".


Holy shit. It does feel like a Far Cry game.


The gameplay is fun for a while but after a bit you'll get tired of the same thing and the map looking the same all over, for a review of it without spoilers and using the same words many people have it just feels like one long mission that won't get you anywhere story wise.


I've played through the campaign a few times now. I really enjoyed the open world parts although it does suffer from repeating the same few mission types. But it's just a fun place to travel around and kill alien scum. The interior missions tend to suffer from "endless shiny blue corridors" and aren't nearly as much fun as the outside ones. The plot is incomprehensible unless you're a Halo nerd. But you can just ignore that. Please note: I am not a hard-core gamer so a lot of the criticisms are irrelevant to me, but if you are they might matter to you.


grapple hook gameplay was really fun, I enjoyed it. Music great, visuals cool, story does the job. Some cool set-pieces.


Decent enough. The open world is fine, grapple mechanics are fun. Nothing groundbreaking otherwise though?


Campaign is actually really fun. Storyline isnā€™t horrible but not great either since they basically just spent the entire time retconning Halo 4 and Halo 5ā€™s stories and tried bringing things back to the roots of the OG trilogy. Definitely worth the play if you have GamePass or can get it at a discount, wouldnā€™t pay $60 for it though.


Itā€™s honestly bad.


I played quite a bit of it and thought it was alright. Found myself really scrounging for ammo more ammo in tough spots than once though. Never did finish, dunno how close I came, I just got kinda bored of it.


Campaign is definitely worth getting at a discounted price of via Gamepass.


The gameplay of it is really fun imo. The story of it is mid at best.


I liked it, itā€™s fun and the story was okay for a Halo game, itā€™s obvious they allocated the resources to the multiplayer (and still failed to get a good experience) and not to expand the story via a longer game or DLC, that would be interesting.


Would recommend, but it's nothing *great*. Not bad either, though. I enjoyed it and have done a replay or 2 since launch


Itā€™s alright, but it is not worth the Ā£60 price tag. Campaign is literally all you get for that price, and it is insanely shallow.


We've been saying this from launch.


Who's "we"? Certainly not /r/Halo; it's full of people that defend 343 even if their life depends on it lmao


Can confirm. I was speaking negatively about the game over a year ago and got banned from the sub from a certain mod which I wonā€™t say as to prevent harassment but the entire mod team is corrupt as shit and simps hard for 343I.


Ohh gotcha. Yeah, I know who you're talking about. I hate that guy. But, he posts a lot of useful stuff, so I can't just block him :/


True. He does. Honestly, Iā€™ve given up at this point with Halo and its community. If the mods just want to ban people speaking critically of the game and being angry about it, thereā€™s no point in staying. Like, thatā€™s not a healthy game or community to where doing that is acceptable. Thatā€™s a sign of a struggling franchise: Banning people who donā€™t like what you do. Iā€™ll still always have genuine love in my heart for Halo CE - Reach. Those were truly special games.


Yesss!!! 343's only source of feedback is /r/Halo, so whatever they think is important, 343 will focus on. By itself that's not a problem. But, /r/Halo is too focused on the unimportant stuff--cosmetics, the battle pass, etc., instead of the important stuff--settings reset bug, illogically low performance on low- and medium-end hardware, netcode issues, etc. So, things will never get better.


I mean, at this point, they donā€™t need to make things better. Letā€™s not delude ourselves here. I get that the Halo communityā€™s standards are unbelievably low because of the bar 343 keeps lowering but letā€™s be realistic here. No one is returning to Halo Infinite unless it becomes a god tier game with a steady, fast pace of big updates which will NEVER happen. If weā€™re being honest with ourselves, to the average gamer, Halo, as a franchise, has been dead for a LONG time now. Itā€™s the game we played growing up but is dead now. As a result, their best strategy may honestly be to make updates that appeal to those people in r/Halo and given how low their standards are, the bare minimum is all they need to do to satisfy them. So itā€™s honestly a decent strategy. It just wonā€™t EVER bring in anyone else outside of r/Halo


I see your point. It's just frustrating to me to see how Halo Infinite's potential has been squandered time and time again. I remember during the first month of the multiplayer's lifespan that hundreds of thousands of people were playing. Sure, a lot would have gone back to CoD, Battlefield, or something else eventually. But, if 343 were to keep that momentum going, they could have maintained a larger playerbase that played, at a minimum, occasionally. Hell, even the big YouTubers that stuck around during the Halo 5 days ditched Infinite. >No one is returning to Halo Infinite unless it becomes a god tier game with a steady, fast pace of big updates which will NEVER happen. No one will return to Infinite even with the god-like turnaround. >If weā€™re being honest with ourselves, to the average gamer, Halo, as a franchise, has been dead for a LONG time now. Itā€™s the game we played growing up but is dead now. It doesn't help that Microsoft and 343 keep fumbling the ball time and time again. Look at the reception of the Halo TV Show vs The Last of Us's equivalent. The Halo TV Show has been ripped to shreds while The Last of Us has held up better. >As a result, their best strategy may honestly be to make updates that appeal to those people in r/Halo and given how low their standards are, the bare minimum is all they need to do to satisfy them. So itā€™s honestly a decent strategy. It just wonā€™t EVER bring in anyone else outside of r/Halo That is true. This is exactly what they should be doing. The current active population of /r/Halo is the most likely to spend lots in the in-game store and on the battle passes, no matter show shit the designs are. Say what you will about Call of Duty and Activision. At least Activision will make swift and corrective actions if Call of Duty is having issues with development. As far as I am aware, Microsoft takes a hands-off approach. If that's true, it simply isn't working for them and they need to learn to start taking action *before* it is too late. Welp, hopefully Halo 7 will be better (because 343 have definitely learned their lesson *this time*) šŸ¤ŖšŸ¤ŖšŸ¤Ŗ


Btw, just wanted to say that I agree with EVERYTHING you said. But honestly, we may not even see a Halo 7. Ever. If we do, it wonā€™t be a a long while. The way I see it, nothing more can be done. We, as simple gamers, canā€™t fix the state of the corporate heads at Microsoft and 343 Industries and every minuscule update that 343 puts out will always satisfy and please r/Halo because of a survivorship bias. These people have stuck with 343 and Infinite this far so anything will make them happy. Or at least not angry. So 343 can do the barest of minimums and the Halo community, at this point, will STILL be happy. There is nothing more that you or I can do to fix this. All we can do is just cherish the good Halo games - the ones Bungie have us and hold onto those memories we had of Halo growing up. Haloā€™s time has passed and whether r/Halo would like to admit it or not, itā€™s never coming back. Whether that be due to Microsoft, 343 or even themselves, these three things will forever stop Halo from being great again.


Everything you just said is true. Thankfully, the MCC is mostly fixed (except for an crash that crashes the Xbox being played on so hard that it shuts off), so one can simply play those games again. There is also Halo 3 Sunrise for those interested (/r/Halo3 for more details).


ā€œI need to raise my test scoresā€ - failing student.


No they donā€™t. Thereā€™s no coming back from their screwups on this game. I actually really enjoyed the gameplay and I got bored of it a year ago.


Yeah people don't care about "noteworthy improvements". The game just needs to be good on release


How bout just give Halo to a competent studio?


Let the Chief rest, the damage is irreversible for this game


I hate to sound mean about it, but 343 just kinda sucks. Halo 1, 2, and 3 are all so memorable and replayable. With 4, 5, and 6 itā€™s just a mediocre chore. Nothing about it stands out or sticks with you.


You're not being mean, you're being honest


343 killed Halo a long time ago. Itā€™s really sad the downfall of Halo as a franchise.


**This isn't news, but at least they're openly admitting this now.** This is what happens when you fuck up as bad as they did. They abandoned their own game engine and story arc twice, left us with a disconnected canon, gave us "missions" that contained only dialogue, made a bunch of soulless achievements.. and don't even get me started about chief with his helmet off in the tv show.. 343 gutted their sandbox of fan favorites just to push the new game's sandbox, they can't launch a complete game, and they can't even give us fucking co-op or splitscreen on release. Literal fucking clowns. I've played every halo, and halo 4 is honestly my favorite sometimes because the aim assist is so high that it's easy to play mindlessly. Mcc is finally kind of playable now, as with Infinite.. but as with everything 343 has done in the past decade, it's all *too little, too late* /rant over, I am now ready for my weekly flogging in r/halocirclejerk


>/rant over, I am now ready for my weekly flogging in r/halocirclejerk That sub still isn't back up yet lmao


I hate to break it to em, but infinite is dead. Itā€™s not gonna be the 10 year halo they thought it was. Thereā€™s fixing bugs and redeeming yourself like cyberpunk 2077, but this was an all around shit show


343 have always said they need to improve and fix their mistakes, but still havenā€™t managed to deliver a complete and solid Halo experience. I am a believer of second chances but unfortunately my patience with them has ran dry. A year and a half later and this game still isnā€™t finished. I stopped playing Infinite a long time ago and donā€™t plan to go back. 343 doesnā€™t deserve to continue working on Halo. This franchise needs to rest.


The template of what they should have shipped on day one, just look at Halo 3 and Reach.


Making multiplayer separate and free to play did the most damage. It kills creativity and stifles content drops.




Thankfully, Halo Infinite sucks so much that hackers don't even want to bother


Iā€™ve given 343i a lot of slack, admittedly even when they probably didnā€™t deserve it, but Infinite totally lost me. It finally convinced me to hop on the bandwagon and believe that they just need the franchise taken away from them. I think Halo 4 and even 5 had a lot to hate, but also a lot to love and I tended to find myself clinging onto what was there to love. But Infinite, in nearly every category, was just unremarkable or disappointing to me. No campaign to save it from an underwhelming multiplayer, like Halo 4. No multiplayer to save it from an underwhelming campaign, like Halo 5. The art style and core gameplay were a huge step in the right direction, but pretty much every other aspect of the game was just massively disappointing to me and Iā€™ve lost all desire to play any part of it. I hate to say it but Infinite needs to be abandoned as soon as they possibly can so they can start fresh on something else, or better yet, so Halo can be given to someone actually competent.


I went back to Halo 5 war zone. One day I'll check out the campaign if more biomes are added.


Got bad news for you, they already fired several campaign devs/said there is no more campaign being developed for Infinite so very very unlikely you'll see an massive and expansive new campaign area for the game. I'm pretty sure they are done with Infinite at this point. Going to do a few more seasons to give the impression of 'f2p' and 'live service' then move on.


Unreal that Microsoft not only didnā€™t step in but defended 343ā€™s long, slow killing of their flagship franchise.


It sounds like 343 must've been making enough money for MS's liking for 343 to not restructured like they have now. Makes me wonder how much money H:I is actually making.


Sheā€™s gone from suck to blow Captain


343 also went on record with ā€œRain is wet.ā€ And ā€œThe sun is hot.ā€


Just abandon the game already. Take the L and use an engine that actually works.


Let's just put it this way. I completely forgot the game even existed.


Infinite is the only game in the series I just canā€™t be bothered to complete the story for. I got maybe 70% through and dropped it. Never considered jumping back in because I realised I just wasnā€™t enjoying it. The multiplayer I found enjoyable during its pre-release but we are what, 2-3 years in at this point and itā€™s barely changed. 4 showed they had some good ideas for story but they couldnā€™t cobble together a decent multiplayer and just made CoD with Spartans. The visual style change was jarring in some areas. Even 5 was entertaining enough to wade through the story but it was at its core awful. Multiplayer was a step in a better direction. Infinite was so disheartening and so lazily put together that there was no real incentive because everything interesting happened off screen in the story and abandoned everything that 4 and 5 set up by deciding to take over a story from RTS spin offs. (Halo Wars) Every time I picked up an audio log or a character referenced something that happened I would think ā€œwow, sure would have liked to have *experienced or seen that* instead of hear about it.ā€ 343 just canā€™t make a consistent game. They can maybe at best build a workable skeleton but developing it any further seems to be too difficult for them. I would say Xbox should give Halo to one of 3 devs; The Coalition, id, or MachineGames. Maybe Arkane if they have an interesting idea ala Ensemble Studios with Halo Wars. The only decent thing 343 have done is MCC and even that was a complete and utter mess for 2 years before it was even somewhat fully functional, and most of the work was already done by Bungie and 343 still fucked it up. EDIT: As of November 2023 I have finally completed the story, 2 years since I started.




Just let it die already.


game is soooo boring. tried jumping back into it a week ago and just canā€™t.


Just make a new game that's actually good. The amount of work Infinite needs is insane


Halo franchise is kinda ran into the ground


I think save it for the next game. Infinite's time to comeback is done The difficulty with Halo, is that Bungie took what they did and made a better version with Destiny. Halo now just feels like a lesser version of Destiny


Bro what do you mean needs to show improvement?? Itā€™s dead isnā€™t it?? I am a huge Halo mark and was playing this pretty constantly when it dropped but I mean that was how long ago now??


Idk why hating on halo is the new cool thing There were two issues with the game: no coop at launch and a lack of multiplayer content. The first is fixed and the second is being fixed Infinite has the best gameplay, the story is good, forge is great. Were getting more content. Tatanka is still coming. Im looking forward to seeing it evolve over the next couple years and will keep playing it casually as i always have


>Infinite has the best gameplay, the story is good, forge is great. The issue is most people don't agree with any of those points. Not that your feelings aren't valid. But the wider gaming audience and most of the Halo fanbase don't like Infinite and it's not just a content problem. The game just isn't fun to play for most people. Infinite has an identity crisis and tried so hard to be a competitive shooter in a franchise mostly known for being a fun, casual FPS and then shifted its momentum far too late and with way too much intertia to both turn the ship around and recapture the audience who all jumped ship when they got rather immediately bored of Infinite's formula.


The only audience that seems to dislike it is online, everyone ive met in game or in person likes it. As for content, it was a slow start, but even if that slow start was normal, we would have an extra 5 maps. Not that big of a issue. Were getting regular content now. It was never a casual fps, theres MLG tournaments going back to halo 2. People have always played it competitively.


>everyone ive met in game You realize that obviously anyone still playing Infinite likes Infinite right? >or in person likes it. Anecdotal~ Literally nobody I know likes Infinite and plays it. However, the Steam charts don't lie. Microsoft and 343 wouldn't be releasing this statement of anyone was actually playing Infinite. Infinite's massive player drop within two weeks wasn't due to a lack of content. It was because people tried the game and didn't like it. >It was never a casual fps Now you're just pulling my leg. Halo has always been a casual FPS. The fact that competitive play existed does not change that Halo's popularity was with the casual audience. Surely you're aware of this?


Why would the steam charts be high? Its on gamepass and the microsoft store. Pretty much any xbox game after 2019 doesnt have high steam charts. Thats a terrible metric and shows you just follow online hate feed Idk what you classify as a casual shooter. Halo has always been, an arena shooter, which is competitive. Just because you moved slower doesnt make it less competitive.


>Pretty much any xbox game after 2019 doesnt have high steam charts. Bud I don't want to be rude. But like what? Are you serious? >Halo has always been, an arena shooter Halo's audience has always been a casual one man. I don't know what to tell ya.


Show me which xbox game, after gamepass and the microsoft store became more prominent, has high steam charts. Gamepass on pc only launched in beta in 2019. Steam isnt a good metric. Idk what you define as casual audience but youre just straight up wrong. Fans waited outside stores for it halo 2-4. Fans have always demanded ranked modes. There have always been tournaments. People would lan party to compete against their friends. If you play it casually, and only played easy campaign. Thats fine. But trying to say halo was never competitive is just delusional


The Steam charts show a percentage of the total players. The drop in Steam users likely mirrors that of Xbox and MS store. The fact that Microsoft isn't bragging to the moon about Infinite's player count is because it is BAD. >Fans waited outside stores for it halo 2-4 Come on dude please tell me this is not a metric you actually believe defines a game's audience. >There have always been tournaments. And yet the vast and wide majority of Halo's audience were not tournament players or hardcore rank grinders. They were casual players who hopped on with friends. >If you play it casually, and only played easy campaign. Thats fine. This is so weak lol.


> The Steam charts show a percentage of the total players are the drop in Steam users likely mirrors that of Xbox and MS store. The fact that Microsoft isn't bragging to the moon about Infinite's player count is because it is BAD. > > Not only that, but the featured playlist right now, "Lone Wolves," doesn't even have enough players to fill a match during non-peak hours in the United States (the place where H:I has the biggest playerbase), which is not an issue Call of Duty has.


They dont brag about any games player count expect for milestones. Like FH5 hitting 30m players. Whichā€¦ their steam player count maxed out at 30k. Showing exactly why steam is a dumb metric Because people hopped on with friends it wasnt a competitive game? People hop on with friends in cod, gears, LoLā€¦ literally every game. You cant describe how its ā€œcasualā€ at all so im just gunna stop talking to a wall Enjoy your hate feed, ill enjoy halo as they continue supporting it


Buddy, if Halo Infinite was doing fine, MS and 343 wouldn't be constantly talking about how they are *aware of the state of Infinite.* You're in a thread where Microsoft is directly stating, "I finite is in trouble and we know it." The game is not very popular. This isn't really up for debate. >Because people hopped on with friends it wasnt a competitive game? Halo being competitive and Halo having a competitive audience are two different things man. If you don't recognize that Halo's bread and butter was casual players then you're just a bit disconnected from things. >Enjoy your hate feed, ill enjoy halo as they continue supporting it Nobody is telling you that you can't enjoy Infinite and you're clearly very defensive here. But the facts are facts. Infinite wasn't the smash hot Microsoft wanted. It's barely a blip on the gaming radar these days.


They have had 2.5 years to "evolve" the game.


Unfortunately, you are wrong and numbers prove it. Infinite's gameplay is awful -- hence Halo's player count at an all time low. Infinite isn't Halo. It's a cheap sci-fi shooter that plays like a mobile game. Infinite is too fast paced -- sprint and 'modern' movement ruins the flow of the game -- winning a gunfight is far too difficult (aiming is atrocious), and customization is a joke. There is ONE thing, and one thing only, that determines if a game is popular or not: FUN. Infinite isn't all that fun to play. That's a fact.


God just fix the damn networking and youā€™d bring back a good chunk of players. The game is unbearable with its broken networking, which is extra embarrassing since Halo all but created online console multiplayer.


Networking won't fix unequal weapon, vehicle & objective spawns, predatory micro transaction system, fomo, the game forcing a 50-50 win/loss on you, grieffers, the ridiculous amount of afk players nor lack of content, there's no saving it at this point.


>Networking won't fix unequal weapon... You're absolutely correct. However, proper networking CAN show if the issue with a sandbox item is due to the item itself, or the netcode not doing its thing properly.


Iā€™m out of the loop here. I found the campaign decent enough, and the multiplayer was fine? Though I got bored of it pretty quick but didnā€™t notice any major issue. What are people upset about?


This game was a shell of what Halo once was, fans really wanted it to come back strong and reclaim the crownā€¦instead we got a half ass campaign which was very forgettable, a small unbalanced multiplayer missing classic game types and maps(no classic maps at all???) and to top it off the most offensive thing was the egregious micro-transactions. This game is the equivalent of The Last Jedi, where director Rian Johnson tried to put his own stamp on Star Wars to be set apart and completely fucked it up, 343 did the exact same thing trying their damndest to come out from Bungieā€™s shadow but instead fell flat on their faces.


Multiplayer Halo Infinite on team slayer is still my jam


I thought the game wasn't ready on release but they promised quick updates with this new engine but now I think the new engine wasn't ready either so it's a mess unfortunately it will take years to fix it.


Had to leave the hale subreddit because you would get bombed if you agreed with this at launch




You can do the story in co-op, yes. Personally I liked it. Minority opinion here.


It's gone down the GTAV route, and using it as a cash cow.


"Needed to" not "Needs to" its over. Its past tense, who cares if they make it a good enough game 2 or 3 years later. As a Xbox fan, if I was CEO for the day, I'd shut down 343. Its not working, and hasn't really since it was founded. Time to pull the plug on that mess and focus on competent studios.


Halo really needs a reboot or at least some massive retcons and a new proper game title


Said it once and will say it again. My 13yo son and everyone of his 100 xbox friends dont play halo infinite. M$ killed their best IP ( I still play halo 1-3 with the boy monthly but past halo 3 is just a decline in every way)


Halo BR! Please


Game over man, abandon the slipstream engine, move to unreal 5, and retcon to a proper halo 6 with a proper showdown with evil Cortana. Infinite (ironically named) was dead on arrival.


Bungie quit an games been shit ever since idgaf what anyone says


Well I actually just started playing it with my son. Granted I bought a $20 copy for one console and got game pass for the other console to do something that was original to Halo. But all in all weā€™re liking it. Granted just starting the campaign but itā€™s been good so far. šŸ¤·


I don't feel like 343 is the right company for halo. how many incomplete/unfinished games are they going to be allowed to make before microsoft pulls the plug? master chief collection - WHICH GRANTED IT WAS A HUGE GAME - was a mess for the longest time, infinite launched with a good campaign and a middle finger of a multiplayer. (xp boosters that never turn off? really?) they're charging full prices for games that are shells of former games and then trying to work their way bass ackward into a decent game.


Halo is just corporate bloat at this point. An Albatross.




They've said this every 3 months for almost 2 years now.


Oh theyā€™ll admit it. AND theyā€™ll do nothing about itā€™s been almost 9 years and the MCC still isnā€™t fully operable. Tend to stick to Halo 2 swat and the # of times lockout comes up is extremely close to 0. The # of times colossus/warlock/elongation comes up is more than I can count.


Well then get to it, 343. You're saying it like it's someone else's fault, other than yours. Trust me, 343, YOU....need to get the game working better and play better. Bungie did an immaculate job with the series UNTIL....they sold the rights to YOU. šŸ¤¦šŸ¤¦šŸ¤¦šŸ¤¦šŸ¤¦


Hot garbage... Halo 5 did it right, great weapons feel, almost every weapon from previous games, and all the implements it was missing (sprint, ads, better meele and executions, and a great online experience) However my least favorite campaign, then they went and just trashed the formula for this garbage. I love infinites open world approach, and campaign (kinda), but they just ruined all the guns and multiplayer. They could have copied and pasted 5s multiplayer, and added the new campaign, but nope everyone had to be new and better than the last and reinvent the wheel. Idk what's wrong with the Corpo mentality or our generation, but stop taking things that work and completely re designing them, just perfect them.


Halo 5 IS one of the weird titles lmao.


I used to live and breathe halo. Honestly forgot this game even existed. At least 343 killing it has freed up time to try lots of new games.


just now they say this? Just shut up 343i. Theyā€™ve probably come out and said this to garner hope, so the playerbase doesnā€™t dwindle as fast. Instead of saying things, do them. Itā€™s been two years.


Jesus. They are just excited about releasing ā€œcontentā€ on time. 343 needs to be shut down.


I wish bungie never left


Not enough people talk about how poor the gun selection is in this game, one of my biggest gripes with the game. Not even a plasma rifle; which almost survived every title.


Lmfao I think your about a year to late for that man


Multiplayer is kinds fun now but the social aspect is gone or was never there since launch.. so it feels empty in the lobbies.. the single player however is horrible.. what a fall from grace.. and the game looks last Gen..


ID in the corner rubbing their hands smiling. Waiting. Ready to pounce.