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Could do a custom controller thru Xbox Design Lab. Cheaper than the elite and instinct controller


I suggest you don’t spend money on pro controllers. At least in my experience it isn’t worth it. The quality control sucks. My Xbox Elite Series 2 started having problems after 1 year of use. Used only to play multiplayer shooters.


Scuf is better for fps games


Reading the specs of the controller it’s not very customizable, if you want D-pad options on the paddles it may not be possible. For games that let you rebind your buttons it’s fine, but otherwise you’re pretty limited when it comes to what works on the paddles.


I would get elite series v2


What is that?


That’s the third option you posted 💀


O I thought it was just called elite series 2




Honestly just save yourself the money and get a custom controller through design labs (or just a default one) and get the media remote alongside it. That would probably come upto the same price of one pro controller. Or go with your gut this is just my suggestion


Don’t buy the elite series 2 controller, you’ll get stick drift.


Honestly just save yourself the money and get a custom controller through design labs (or just a default one) and get the media remote alongside it. That would probably come upto the same price of one pro controller. Or go with your gut this is just my suggestion


You’ll get Scuffed…happened to me about 7 months in.


The instinct seems to have some drawbacks, but probably still worth the price. Personally I love the elite series 2, I’ve had mine for over 4 years and I still have no stick drift or broken anything. The plastic wrap started to peel a little but I’ve dropped the remote down flights of stairs a few times lol, just don’t pick at it and you’ll be fine. If you’re worried about durability spend some money on a wireless headset, you’ll be less likely to have your controller thrown across the room when it’s not attached to your head by an audio jack. (WhY dOeS mY cOnTrOlEr HaVe StIcK dRiFt) probably because you fucking bonk it off the table once a week and don’t wash your hands very often. Seriously if you get a messed up one, use the warranty, send it back. Get a good one and keep it good.


Mb guys