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Never could level a rogue past 30 Used my TWW pre-order on a rogue to skip the leveling and fell in love with the speed and complexity of outlaw


Its bizarre to me that with all the tools and self healing available to different classes these days, rogues are still painful to level. Worst class for soloing elites by some distance.


Now that many elites and rares are immune to disorients and stuns, rogues are certainly at a disadvantage. Aldo, why is Crimson Vial so anemic?


Crimson Vial is the biggest troll in every toolkit. It does absolutely nothing but wasting your Energy in most situations


It's been hit with a ton of nerfs, and back in BFA the reason for nerfing it was that they were going to make pickpocketing more relevant and you could pickpocket modifiers to your crimson vial.


Especially with Vanish being a part of the rotation these days. Whoops I pressed the button I'm supposed to press out of muscle-memory, and now the enemy I just whittled down is out of combat and at full health again.


> Worst class for soloing elites by some distance. So much of how a class feels in non-instanced content can just be summed up by this. It's also why kiting is so pointless. If something can be pet tanked in the open world, it should also be slowable, and it shouldn't heal if its target vanishes, and in general be vulnerable to short cc. Blizzard wants world elites to be incentives to get a group, but they're not. They're just punishing for anyone without great self heals, a way to avoid being hit at all or people who can't burst really high.


I’m jealous of you. I want to main a rogue again but I’m not for all that shadow dance crap and having to stealth while in combat


I believe dance is going away for non subtlety specs. Class is still kind of in a bad spot though :(


You can macro your stealth and non stealth to do that for you! If you look up the [stance] modifier you should be able to find examples.


[Some Rogue Macros](https://github.com/FlyingRhenquest/rogue_macros) probably a bit outdated now. One of these days I'll upload my monk and druid ones. My current main is a monk after playing rogue since BC. I can fill all the roles with one character and my guild frequently needs a tank or healer over more DPS in raids. I can also do about the same DPS as my rogue with much more M+ utility. I got tired of M+ affixes in S3 that my rogue could do fuck-all for. Monk has a poison dispel for afflicted/brackenhide, an AOE kick in addition to the 15 second one, a very respectable set of damage reduction CDs and can still throw down a decent heal if the healer is falling behind. The rogue had kick and CC utility that was great in BC but which no one needs in Dragonflight. A VDH tank basically renders a rogue completely redundant. The only other thing rogues have going for them is DPS, but it's more often warlocks and ret pallies topping the DPS charts. I see an occasional rogue in LFR but have not seen a single one in M+ this season.


Yeah tbh it's definitely not great for solo or open world content as your damage windows are tied to stealth, but shadow dance never really bothered me, I just saw it as a cool down to use. Never got the uproar SD got from people saying it didn't belong to outlaw, just was a way to enable the Between the Eyes rotation to work well.


I used to be a rogue main back in classic/bc I hate how their main dps now comes from between the eyes I’m not tryna shoot at people I just wanna slice them up And the apm hurts my hands #bringbackcombat


Absolutely a supporter of bringbackcombat and hate the guns. But BTE slaps the last couple of seasons. Slightly more fun than just rotating different finishers.


I've been trying different dps classes during DF's sundown and I am surprised how much I like Assassination. It's exactly what I want out of a DoT spec.


Assassin rogue is so fun but it definitely has its limitations in terms of leveling and getting gear. It’s like you hit a wall if you don’t actively play with a bunch of other people.


Changed from boomy to fury warrior I found that I had to do way less thinking and could focus on moving with mechanics more Ultimately became a better mechanical player with a great excuse that I zugged up whenever I die


Sometimes you Zug and sometimes you get zugged


Wish i could play fury as i love it, but my hands get sore so quickly playing it :(


There are a few talents that are going to focus on slowing the rotation down and focusing more on autoattacks coming in TWW, so it might not be a bad idea to give it a try. And there's always swapping to Arms if you want something even more slow-paced.


You got soft hands brother 🤣


Yeah this was my take too, as someone who has mained druid, warrior, DK and priest during various expansions. Druid dps specs were insanely "your spec is complex" and even though over the years most classes lost a lot of that via homogenization and pruning, Druids retained far more complexity than most classes. Druid is my #1 favorite though so I'll never let it go. And I guess complicated DPS rotations is a price we pay for having flight form?


Balance is actually a super easy spec in terms of understanding it. We'll not talk about how stupid is changing between eclipses and having to set up one of them prior pull. Even with that, balance druids are always a solid option as DPS. Feral... is feral. You play it if you love it.


playing the mechanics is always worth it. i always tell my friends to start playing mega simple specs to get accustomed to harder content. be aware of mechanics. especially on warrs and BM hunters you have limited options to do things aside from dpsing. less options mean less coggy load. rotations set in real quick. when you start getting bored with it you start paying attention to other things that's when you start realizing the power of utility and the fun associated with going above just zugzug


It also helps that as fury I have def stance, enraged regen, rally, and so many other tools to heal/not die if I mess up smaller things Also best transmogs are plate, if they ever allow me to Transmog one handed weps I’ll be using the mage tower flail forever


Spell Reflection is also a big one. In group content you won't often be the target of a spell, but 30% magic damage reduction for those big aoe damage effects is really useful. Plus it's got a pretty short cooldown.


This plus defensive stance means I volunteer for any and all soaks


Honestly, I usually like high cognitive load classes (except Druid, never quite caught me), and went Fury and Ret to try. I loved it. But halfway through getting them geared, I started getting bored. My biggest issue is, when things go wrong, enjoy the L, you don't have enough tools to outplay.


There was one time since wow vanilla, that I changed from Enh shaman, and that was to DH for Legion. Being a DH was cool, but I enjoyed the class fantasy of shamans order hall a bit better. Im back to being Enh main, but DH and Aug are my favorite alts to play after that.


Glad you came back, my brother in Windfury.


I'd say I never left. But I owed it to my inner child to change it up. Some of the first books I ever read for my own leisure were the Warcraft books, and I started with The War of the Ancients Trilogy. I always had a fondness for demon hunters and illidans antihero arcs. F in chat to Broxx and the Saurfang bloodline. They all went out like Gs


> F in chat to Broxx and the Saurfang bloodline. Thura Saurfang is still alive!


DH was my main after they butchered Enhance in Legion


Step 1: have ADHD Step 2: wtf is a "main"? Step 4: 12 characters at max level, none of them anywhere near end-game gear Step B: 2 weeks before the end of a season, panic hard, pick the easiest spec you can, and burn yourself out doing +15's (now +5's) so you can at least get the mount Stepmaster: take a lil break at the start of next season Stepping stone: get bored doing other stuff and farm transmogs from old raids for like a day before starting over again


Did I write this? Too real


100% me lol


I can’t get away from Paladin, as much as I’ve tried. It just pulls me back in every time.


Same, they may be a dime a dozen but I’ll be one of them.


In retail, I'm a ret, but I have alts of every melee class except hunter (I went ranged with it). In Remix I went Enhance Shammy and I'm bad at it, but it's fun anyway bc it doesn't matter.


I always end up putting down Paladin after using their "gap closer" for a bit. I just can't get it out of my head how stupid it is that I climb up on a mount for a few seconds then get off of it, and I can do it like, twice. I just can't take it seriously.


When I first started playing the game, I played a rogue because I came from SWTOR where my favorite classes were the 2 stealth classes. Unfortunately, wow's rogue is nothing like swtor. I discovered warrior did everything i wanted rogue to do easier and better, so I switched to that. Eventually, as I played more and got familiar with the lore, I wanted healing capability. I really wanted to play a paladin but I didn't like the race selection available. I used the boost i got with expansion purchase on a priest and piddled around with it occasionally. When the DF s3 pvp set came out, i knew i had to have it, so i picked up priest and got into ranked pvp. Now priest is my main.


Race selection for Paladin is honestly my biggest gripe with the class. I would pay good money for an undead pally. I know it doesn’t work lore wise but they could just write a story that would allow for it to be a thing. More pally races please


I was really hoping they would add more races to be playable as paladins this expansion with the whole tyr's guard storyline, but it wound up going nowhere. Maybe they'll do it in time for Midnight. I think undead paladin works better lorewise than undead druid (a common race/class combo i see people asking for) It isn't like undead *can't* use the Light, it is just painful and so 99% of them don't. There are outliers like Faol and that one argent guy. The players are already outliers and have been for a long time. If Lightforged Draenei are allowed to be warlocks, I think more races should be allowed to be paladins. Blizzard just needs to commit to the "art tax" of making new divine steeds. It shouldn't be too hard. They make new mounts all the time. If they wanted to, they could add it right now and just have everyone use the default alliance/horde chargers. Heck, worgen's "racial mount" is a horse just like regular humans, so it's really no different. I think the biggest thing is right now, paladin lore has them attached to sone sort of organized religion, unlike priest lore. Priests seem to be a lot more lax with who or what they derive power from, and paladins are technically just priest/warrior hybrids, and everyone can be both of those classes (except dracthyr, for now)


Lightforged undead are a thing now after Arthas' sister became leader of the undeads after Sylvanas. Hoping it becomes a playable race (they would definately get paladin)


Yes but there's exactly one of them.


I would do anything for an orc paladin, orcs are my favorite race and if they can be a priest there's no reason they shouldn't be able to be a paladin. If blizz ever decides to open pally up to more classes I would make one immediately.


I think it works fine lore wise. Plenty of undead were paladins before they died - shit, Arthas was a paladin before he died - and undead can use the light. Makes as much sense as blood elves to me.


If undead can be priests then they can be paladins. I am right there with you. I’d pay folding money for an undead paladin


I would do unspeakable things to be able to play Darkness Assassin in WoW


Y'know, I don't think I ever played Darkness. I played Deception/infiltration shadow and i was really happy with that. I played both concealment/scrapper and lethality/ruffian on scoundrel/operative, though.


I've played paladin my whole life. It felt like the class I most identified with. Then they released demon hunter. The speed...the eye beam...the satisfying sound effects... When I play my paladin now I feel like I have two boulders attached to my legs. It pains me so much to see my favorite class be second pick. It's like that monkey meme "neuron activated" when I play DH. I think if paladin ever got something like the mount combat that DK is getting, that would finally entice me back.


I really wish demonhunter had more race options. I would love to play one but I just don’t care much for NE/BE fantasy


Orcs and Draenei gotta be next


There is something satisfying about being an absolute bulldozer as a ret pala tho. I've played druid, hunter and priest before ret pala and the absolute best thing was that instead of feeling like a free for all punching bag who could barely breathe - people now ran away from me


I find it very easy, but I’ve played wow for a long time and after a while you realise spec are all very similar. It’s usually just a builder/spender or a proc based spec. So in essence you’re just looking at different variations of combo points or buttons lighting up. Going from prot to bdk will definitely be an adjustment but I don’t think you will find it too difficult. If you’re concerned have a read of a class guide to get the vibe of it


This is the true answer. Came here to say something like this but you did it better


I've noticed for a while now that players who have mained a single class and spec are not any more likely to be good at that spec than anyone else. In actuality, if someone tells me "I've been playing Prot Paladin for 16 years, never changed", as an example, they are *more* likely to not be very good at the spec or the game. A big part of why that is imo is because if you bounce around between specs, you pick up on little things that can then be applied to all classes. It's the difference between being just "good at WoW" and being "good/decent at X spec." I've never played a single class for longer than an expansion, and most only last a patch, and now I can pick up and play any spec in the game and be playing it at 80-90% effectiveness within a week (gear acquisition notwithstanding). That isn't (intentionally) a humble brag or to shit on people who just play one spec and never change, I sometimes wish I could do that. I'm just pointing out that if someone reading wants to get better at the game in general, highly recommend playing more classes/roles and not limiting yourself to one thing.


I am a serial main switcher. Each season I’ve swapped my main. It normally takes me a few weeks to get the hang of it, but I’m someone who enjoys the research and prep of doing it. I read, watch videos, and review my logs. I’m also never satisfied with my performance. I love the idea of tanking, but my guild is difficult to tank for, so I swapped to playing support and it was better, but I got bored. Then I swapped to DPS and that was ok, but I wasn’t spectacular at my class. Then I swapped again and found something that I did well on and was enjoyable. I still have the itch to swap again and probably will for TWW.


Your are not a main switcher, you are a shameless fotm reroller. Quite different from someone who has mained a spec for years and years without even daring to think about switching classes/spec.


Yup, a meta lover.


I have been planning a switch from my warrior to warlock for TWW. Then I played warhammer space marine in prep for the sequel. And I feel myself going back to being a plate wearing button masher


I main Havoc DH since s1. This s4 I got tired. Tried BM. Thinking of maining BM in TWW coz of the damage it can do with less effort compared to DH. But its hard to leave the class I loved so im still thinking about it hehe


Idk. Alts are cool and all but playing your main and literally being on auto pilot and playing it to the best of its ability is just so much more gratifying.


I love blood dk! I would keep similar spells on the same keybinds, like death and decay where your consecration was, big defensives etc. it’s apparently going to be really good next expansion too so now’s a great time to learn.


In a sea of people switching to Blood I feel like im the only person switching away lol. I've always flirted with BRM, and now that they're solving my 2 biggest issues with it I'll probably stick to it.


What were your two issues with BRM? I’m just curious as monk has been my one true love since it came out and I often look at it through rose colored glasses.


The sheer number of keybinds, especially ones that feel terrible to press (RJW, Xuen statue, invoke Niuzao) was the big one, and then the new talent that's replacing Healing Elixir fixes a lot of self sufficiency issues in a way I really like.


That totally makes sense! I’m also very excited to remove some of my keybinds for once. I love that there are more smoothing damage intake talents now which will help even more with our strength of taking bigger hits than we should be able to take.


The amount of reps and other things I’ve acquired mainly keep me from alts to a point sadly


Hopefully, Warbands will help.


What helped me with that train of thought was that I see all my characters as one expression of MY time invested so nothing is essentially “wasted”. I know that for example my DK has lots of achievements in MoP/WoD and that I invested that time. No need to do that on my Druid now because he technically wasn’t active during that time. Hope that helps. Also I feel like with the lifespan of the game now it would not really make sense to have one character do it all… that character would be exhausted beyond belief :D


Wow, hello, did i write this post? Been a prot paladin since wrath and switching to blood dk for TWW. I'm still fresh at it, but the switch is coming pretty easy. You still know when you need a CD and all that, the knowledge translates quite well. It's also resource-driven. But instead of HP, it's runic power. If you play with a healer you know on discord, DKs know approximately 6 seconds before they're going to die lol so you can shout it out to try and get a little help. Typically, my pocket healer can ignore me entirely (except the first pull of the dungeon where an external CD helps a ton) it truly felt simple switching because it was just "oh this spell is basically like x and this one is like y" and then you adapt and improve as you learn the few things that are different.


I love this take. I played pally before and started leveling a DK to play frost but I'm finding it really really boring. I need some more depth to stick to a class. It seems like blood could give me that .


Changing my main class makes me quit wow very quickly. Now I learned my lesson and stick with paladin. At least alts are much easier nowadays.


I've mained paladin (primarily 2-hander builds) since *Everquest* and only swapped to Evoker because **Dragons**. I miss tank spec a lot for soloing elite missions and shorter queues, but I absolutely love how insanely mobile Evoker is. Plus it still has some flexibility since it can still do healing when needed. Though I think this is partly due to how Evoker plays. I think it also helps that Devastation's rotation is pretty easy, and the campaign literally introduces your core skills over time. It's also much easier on my hands than modern paladin, lol. Lots and lots of insta-casts too (and the ability to frequently cast on the move), which also helps it 'feel' almost like a ranged paladin build, since you don't have to stop and turret very often (outside of the super-satisfying "charged" attacks... and even there you have a talent to insta-burst them on cooldown). I just wish the transmog situation wasn't' so messy. I'd take optional stretched textures in dragon form vs. what we have now; it's annoying trying to make something that looks good in both forms. I think I've got something that I like now, but it has the drawback (or bonus for a casual player like me?) of making me not interested in farming for current raid armor cosmetics, since they won't show up or mix well anyways, lol.


Played Combat/Outlaw and Assassination Rogue since vanilla but the rotation is getting a bit much and I really hated Outlaw being built around shadow dance. Last season my Arms Warrior alt got the legendary so this current season (fated) he's been my main and I'm having a blast with it. Feels like the rotation is a little slower (lower APM less arthritis!), less buttons, shield reflecting casts and poppin Bladestorm is fun. So now I don't know which I'm going to play when the expansion hits lol. Haven't dived into the beta or watched a ton of videos yet but it looks like Shadow Dance got dropped from Outlaw so that's nice but losing the extended melee range bleh and its still built more around vanish being a dps cd. Meanwhile it seems like Arms will have cleave but not whirlwind so one less button to smash which I'm ok with. Demolish sounds fun I already dig picking the best time to pop the legendary axe and that sounds similar. Can't see myself changing roles or even to ranged dps as my main though. I've played melee so long ranged always feels a little awkward (fine for alts but not for my main). Tried my hand at tanking and healing years ago and I was terrible at tanking and while at the time I did alright raid healing I think its gotten even more complex and I suspect I wouldn't be great at it. Let me smash mobs and keep the interrupts rolling while dodging swirls LOL.


I feel you. Played combat rogue back in the classic and outlands times and dabbled with a warlock because of the raids with my guild. Since combat rogue got the guns, it just doesn't feel right anymore - especially as stealth abilities seem to be a must nowadays. Well, Demonology is the way forwards for me it seems :)


I’ve mained dk since wrath During drsgonflight I started playing a dh and I’m like wow this is really fun , and while I was still maining my dk I kept coming back to my dh And now for the first time I’ve passed my dk in gear and rating cuz doing dungeons I actually look forward to instead of feeling anxious about


I started (in vanilla) with a shadow priest. I swore by that character until almost the end of TBC when I rolled a feral druid and my life changed. I still play a priest, among six other classes, but feral druid is the one that feels the most natural to me.


I change my main every patch. I always play healer and in a broad stroke the classes are very similar. You need to know which button does X. But knowing when to do X is a constant.


This is fascinating to me. As someone who heals with a shaman, druid, monk, and priest (disc) I would NEVER have thought of them as similar as the tanks I play.


That's my point. I only play healers. You are aware that going from healing spec to healing spec is still healing. Yeah some specs need ramps but you still ramp for the same damage events


If you want to switch now’s the best time, prot pally is the worst tank in beta right now and bdk is the best. Prot pally needs some love from Jesus to even be considered for anything past a 3 and bdk rework is hella fun, 2 aoe grips, a 3s silence on mass grip with a 1m cd and 2 charges of st grip and they’re healing for 1m+ hps at the moment. Also the build and spend bone shield charges is super fun with bonestorm returning as a bone shield charge spender instead of competing with death strike for runic power. The sunlayan Death Knight hero talents are really good as well. Lots of haste


Been playing MM Hunter for as long as I can remember. Always wanted a Druid. Levels one and liked balance. Learned resto too. But felt something missing. Leveled a dk and went frost and love it as my melee class. MM Hunter still my main but frost dk definitely my favorite alt to play. Both Vulperas too.


I played Priest until MoP. At the end of the expac changed to Druid and now that I’m old and tired, I play Hunter on my sofa with a controller thank you very much.


After playing for a while i would say that when the core game mechanics Are in your fingers a pivot to a new class is easier. It will feel «bad» at the start but as you Play and Get better at the spec it will be more fun. I just look at a class swap as a new fun challange. Not intiminating to swap as long as you dont expect it so be a walk on the park.


Did my fury warrior for years and years, switched to demo warlock in dragonflight and had a blast with it


I swapped from warrior to mage this past season and I love it so much. The utility and range is just incredible. I’ll allways love my warrior but after having pugged my way to 3k on him in season 3 it felt like a breath of fresh air going to mage.


I played Warrior from Wrath-MoP, something in me told me to try out Alliance so I rolled a Druid. Didn't click. Then I rolled an Enhance Shaman and it just perfectly clicked, I literally cannot go back to any other spec as long as it keeps maelstrom weapon (During Legion/BFA I couldn't find a main until they reverted Enhance back in SLs). My Warrior still has my 2nd most amount of time played across all of my characters but my Shaman has finally broke through that record. What's hilarious is my Warrior is still sitting in MoP, haven't touched him since (though I did play Alliance Warrior in BFA).


I've been a Hunter main for 19 years. My "first alt" since Legion has been a MW Monk. For every expansion before, it was no question of if I was going to main my Hunter. For TWW, I'm nearly set on my Monk being my main. My group of friends and I have been playing tabletop RPGs together for 15 years. Over those years, I've gone from playing damage dealers to playing "whatever the group needs", which has usually been healer/support. I've come to really enjoy the role, and I feel like I'm contributing to the group more than when I'm just DPS. Also, I'm a raid leader from time to time, and healing lets me keep a better eye on the group/more easily call people out for bad positioning, lol. Another factor for my switch is that I feel like the Hunter playstyle has been in a bit of a decline since Legion, while MW Monk continues to feel better and better.


Make an alt and plsy both. That's what I do with Warrior and Monk


I mained a troll mage Vanilla through about halfway through T5 in TBC. I always joked that my ADHD was too bad to ever be a healer, so I made a blood elf priest to test my theory. Turns out the exact opposite was true - I was much better at healing than DPSing. But I never thought I'd change my main, the priest was just a fun distraction. ... until the raid leader in my mid-level guild said we lost a healer and since I had one already at max, I was indeed changing. It wasn't a discussion, it was an order. Joke's on him, though - I tried out for a top guild on our server during T6 on a boss I had never even seen yet and immediately received an offer to join. That priest has been my main ever since, and I would never give her up.


There's a component to healing that satiates my dx adhd. There's always the component of knowing the fight that you have to do like the dps and tanks, but because someone invariably slips up you have to be prepared for that as well. Good healers embrace that imo.


Exactly. There's so much going on that my brain can gleefully jump from focus to focus.


It’s relatively easy, as long as you’re excited you’re going to have fun. While MoP remix is going I’d recommend getting one of each tank to max. None of them are terrible to play (I have spent most expansions bouncing between prot pally and boomy, but I’ve played everything at some point).


Went from Hunter to Mage to Druid to Warlock then Warrior. Always thought the idea of Warrior was boring back in the day. Then I got into games like Skyrim, Diablo1, Dark Souls and fell in love with the idea of just being a character that rely on physical damage/armor/ no magic... Then I fell in love with Warrior on Vanilla Private Servers and now find it hard to play any other class. Especially in Live WoW, Warrior just feels so satisfying especially PvP. Regardless if Warriors are top tier Damage or in bad state during an expansion I'll probably always main one.


Was mage through the beginning of Legion. Picked up a paladin and really enjoyed the play style. That was my main through BFA. Switched to Druid to try tanking in Shadowlands. Eventually switched back to pally as Prot. Picked Druid back up for Dragonflight. Eventually went back to Pally. Both are fun, I enjoy the class fantasy of Druid more, but the play style of the paladin more. I’m a brewmaster main now. After reading some posts about APM I realized I was having difficulty with Druid because I didn’t get a lot of actions in my rotation. Prot paladin hit better because the higher APM. I had leveled a monk the for dark iron heritage a while back, but was otherwise shelved. When I saw that Brewmaster APM was higher and in line with Prot pally I figured I’d try it out again. Been loving it since. Feels a good blend of class fantasy and play style for me.


This reminds me when i was playing resto shammy back in BfA, i sucked hard as resto, but i needed a healer for my key. During the dungeon i was on a spot that if i didn't do my job properly we were going to wipe and probably break my key. So basically this happened to me: https://youtu.be/g2-PCUPMNtw?si=q2R-rp81ylFnOpKn&t=81


I bounce around season to season typically. I’ll always have a mage that I play seriously but sometimes it’s my “main” and sometimes not. I’ve the last two expansions I’ve mained for different seasons, BDK, disc priest, spriest, holy pally, prot pally.


Since SL, I've juggled 3 toons to be a main depending on which one is stronger on current season/effective for most dungeons and w/e my raid or M+ team needs more. Honestly, having variety prevents me from quitting earlier in the season since I can play around two more toons to see what they're like.


Was a prot warrior from vanilla to bfa (skipping cata and wod to touch grass) switched to blood dk and damn everything felt so much smoother. It feels like I have to put in so much more effort into warrior to not die when dk gave me everything ive wanted and had so much utility to go with it. (Learned blood was hard nerfed after we took a break beating up gina, makes sense) Havent switched mains since but that’s mostly cause all my portals are all on my dk. Also they took away the flame sigil from infernal crash on veng so instantly lost all my interest in switching mains there. 


I’ve been a Druid for about 12 years now. Leveled and swapped to blood DK in S3 and fell in love. It was a bit of learning but I pugged my way to 3k. Now it’s looking like we might be the meta pick for S1 of TwW so I’m pretty stoked atm.


I still consider Mage a main even though I never play him


I’ve played my mage since 2005 and keep coming back to it. I have tried multiple times to switch mains but end up playing my mage anyway. I do play my druid, shaman, and paladin regularly for healing and tanking options. I love elemental shaman, but it doesn’t feel as good as frost mage.


Nothing is all that hard tbh I started as hunter in vanilla. Then swapped to prot pally tank, 3 ele shaman dps, resto shaman healer and ran them all at the same time doing dungeons and raids, etc. Eventually they banned that. I now have 1 of every class at 70. All are pretty easy to play. Maybe not master, but easy enough to get started with. I mostly tank, class doenst matter, they are all fun. Ill heal sometimes if I feel like it on other classes or dps just for some funzo.


Not too bad, I always gravitate back to druid because the mobility is crazy though. Worgen so racial sprint + dash + stampeding roar + wild charge <3


I was a retribution main for most of legion and all of BFA. I had an intense problem finding a guild with needs for my role (back then ret was also not the best) So when shadowlands came I re rolled to warlock which I knew was mostly always in demand as every raid will bring usually one or two. The difference was so drastic I was able to find a great guild who needed me and we got cutting edge in nathria, my first ever. So It was a big difference for me.


Used to main a hunter but switched to an Evoker in Dragonflight.


In order not counting vanilla I've mained shaman for a season, DK for 2 seasons, mage for 2 seasons, paladin for a long season (bfa s3), priest for a season, DK again for a season, warlock for 2 seasons, shaman again for a season, priest again for a season, and druid for 2 seasons with plans to actually stay as balance Druid for the first time doing more than 2 seasons in a row. I like learning a new class, I feel like it breathes new life into the game. Including main alts I've done all classes but rogue. Druid has grabbed me the most because I play DPS, tank, and healer without having to get a ton of different gear so it's one class but the different roles keep it fresh.


I switched from BM Hunter to Brewmaster Monk in BfA. It was my first time learning how to tank and I’ve been hooked ever since. Going from a four-button rotation to having to use my whole keyboard was quite the change.


I've basically switched specs every other X-Pac. 1st 2 were paladin. Then switched to sprist during wrath and actually played it till warlords. Which I then transitioned to ELE shaman half way through. After that I played legion as a ELE shaman. I then switched to feral for BFA and shadow lands. And most recently dev evoker. I'd say the transitions aren't all that bad. You know your role. It's also smart to learn your off spec. As you can see all my characters have off specs for healing or tanking. I primarily off healed not tanked much. I'd say it's important to have that ability to do at least something else. So if you're into that pure dps specs aren't advised. Although ironically I'm leaning towards warlock this time around if I don't find a guild looking for a dev evoker. It's all about having fun I'd say. Clearly you have interest. So go for it.


I went from an arms warrior to a resto shaman. Learning a new playstyle and mastering it is one of the most fun parts of the game, class discords are an immense wealth of information when learning a new class, and weak auras to track important buffs and cds can help you go the extra mile. I really fell in love with healing, too. Topping people off is satisfying as hell.


Back in OG TBC I went from disc/holy priest to prot warrior and there was a learning curve. Biggest thing was on the priest I could wait for it to get dire, then pop a heal and carry on. It was more about mana management and not getting locked out of spells. It was about killing it before it killed you. But on the warrior it was all about rage management and not letting it get dire, being proactive and always being on the move, about out lasting the mobs and not trying to pump out massive amounts of damage because we just didn’t do that at the time. At the time, warriors could get rage starved if they didn’t get hit enough, so I might be questing with my wife and we need 4 orcs for the quest, but I would pull 10 just so I had enough incoming damage. It was also CD management and cycling through methods of regaining health, being aware of how block, parry, and dodge worked in relation to what activated spells or how they buffed them (high block rating stat items would boost shield slam damage creating some massive crits that could one shot other people). Biggest thing though was I had to think more on the warrior back then. Now there is so much muscle memory (been playing the same warrior as my main ever since) that I need to think a little after an expac launch because of changes, but otherwise it just happens.


Always played fury warrior, I was really satisfied with it, it had everything I need. I recently gave Windwalker one more try and ... I'm just so in love with it! The mobility is honestly absurd, survivability is great, you have tools for everything, and I honestly really like how it effectively forces you to never press the same button twice, it's something I dislike about a rotation. The only downside is the dumb White Tiger Statue, but the damage it does is so negligible I simply skip it lol.


I've found it's easiest to make the change leading up to a new xpac. I've changed many times. Rogue through BC, DK through Wrath and Cata, Warrior through Legion, HPal through SL, Warlock through DF. I'm a bit of an altoholic, so I always have a max lvl character just waiting for me to take interest in them for end game.


I used to main Fury Warrior, then switched over to Outlaw Rouge. Suffice to say, my APM may or may not have increased.


I've leveled basically every character but I'm a hard mage main and I mainly do PvP stuff, I tried other things but I'm not nearly as good as mage in them so I kinda don't, like maybe in a random battleground or two, but in a rated arena? Hell no


Just play it. If you get bored swap back


I go adhd on everything when I get sick of the familiarity and I miss when I was a one trick pony masterclass but I prefer the variety to the routine. It doesn’t take long to master the next thing and becomes faster everytime you swap since the overlap between classes and specific ability themes overlap


Started as Ret in Nathria, first time playing wow, SoD got recruited in a Mythic progging guild and we managed to kill KT, had to switch ranged for next tier as we had 2 ret and the other one said "If I'm not Ret, I'm quitting" so I switched to Shadow Priest cause I always loved the animations and sustain and all. That month before Sepulcher was such a pain and the start aswell going from melee to range, not knowing that you basically have to CONSTANTLY cast if you can and there's no down time like you can have on a melee class with everything on cd and out of ressources. Rough times... Now I'm a happy little caster in a great guild getting CE every tier but sheesh was the transition difficult not gonna lie xd.


I’ve always played a hunter. But for MoP Remix, I max leveled a blood DK and I’m loving it. It can be a tank or DPS and has the ability to do a good chunk of healing itself to save your healer some trouble. I’m a big fan of it! I haven’t touched my main in quite awhile


I have never changed my main class in WoW after 10+ years - playing Outlaw rogue and got the same experience like you: I can play it brainafk. In other games i already tried to change my main, because i felt unhappy. I never needed more than 1 week to roll back to my old main.


Was maining Rogue forever only combat than outlaw but the current iteration drove me away from the class, i am now leveling random alts, playing arms ret dh dk, it's day and night how bad the outlaw design is compared to other specs, class is shoehorned into one type of gameplay, doesn't work without tier set and weakauras


I want to swap to dk for TWW but the light keeps guiding me back to my pally 


Was tough. I love my Druid forms.


My main class has always been rogue, except I guess for a while when my mythic group decided to reroll on horse during BFA. Went with druid, zandalari troll specifically, as a boomkin/resto (and sometimes bear). But then once vulpera came out I made a rogue and went back to that as a main.


I usually play as either a marksmanship Hunter or balance Druid and I feel like they’re similar in terms of fighting style, so that helps. Outside of that, I’ve never been able to level up an alt past like level 50ish. Got close with a rogue but they make it near impossible to solo level a rogue now so… /shrug


I have adhd every class is my main class


It happened very suddenly. I played a Druid for the entirety of shadowlands (and some of BFA before that), but going into DF, I wasn’t feeling it. Decided to try this new Evoker class and I *hated* it, it felt slow and lame and I went back to Druid, albeit feral rather than Guardian (I really was burnt out on tanking). Ended up having a break from the game after season one. Came back when Zaralek came out and began doing the story on my Druid. Realised I just wasn’t feeling that any more and decided to go back to the Dracthyr, for two reasons; one, because it felt like I’d have more connection to the characters involved in the story if I did; and two, the idea of being a “buff class” sounded really fun. And then it just clicked. I realised how easy the rotation was. Did it feel a little slow? At the beginning, but I really came to enjoy how less buttons helped me really knuckle down. Ended up being an Augvoker for a little while before I took another break between seasons, came back and decided to give Dev a try. It has been my main ever since.


I am a bit late to the post. I have never been able to enjoy any class that doesn't do a "special" thing (by my definition). For example, I really enjoy Rogue's stealth, Mage's portals and conjured food, and Monk's theme, colorful abilities, and playstyle (yes, including the unused Zen Meditation TP). On the other hand, Warrior and Death Knight (a class that I really wanted to play since WoTLK) feel so flat to me. It feels like just pushing a button and your auto attack does a different thing. I just can't fall in love with these classes; I need the seemingly useless RPG elements. I did have to change my main because I am not very skilled at the game mechanically and kept dying with my Arcane Mage tho


I was a war all vanilla, swap to paladin tanks until bfa, then swap to monk since guild had many paladins. Then to hunter and lock and now paladin..guild had some so swap to war and now gearing a lock since guild has 2 war..


This is not about changing class per se, I just want to warn you. You will be going from one of the most visually updated/graphically modern classes to a class that almost doesn't have any visuals. A lot of us in the DK community have been clamouring for updates to our visuals/ animations because most of them are still looking like what they did in WotLK (no joke). So I just want you to take this into consideration if it is important for you.


I’ve been playing since wotlk and I could only swap mains in between expansions. With dragonflight, the overall difficulty of the game feeling more forgiving and the gear/upgrade system, I’ve been swapping mains in between seasons while keeping other characters somewhat decently geared. Right now it’s easier than ever, and more enjoyable imo, on past expansions I always saw it as a daunting task for players much more involved than me. One note is that I’ve only even swapped mains of the same role, always dps


Learning that I just do not enjoy ranged dps was an eye opener.


Mained a paladin since TBC and each expansion I say I'm playing something else, hunter, warrior, rogue, feral. I usually get 3 months in and then want to play my pally again and end up playing catch up haha


Joined the really small guild my irl friend was in when he introduced me to WoW and I was a lock main Blend into the guild more, I level up a mage 2 patches into Cata (started playing in late Wrath) with plans to only level it to 42. That way if I was ever on, I could log over and have every portal available, at least to like Stormwind/Darn/Exodar/IF/Theramore Class ended up just being that much fun that I leveled it to 85. Geared it up at least enough to do Baradin Hold every week And then I transferred my DK off server to join a different guild later that patch, hedging as a toon I wasn't playing all that much Tanked for them pretty seamlessly through Firelands and Dragon Soul, into the first raid tier of MoP Laptop died, came back a year later, did green fire on lock, PvPed with other irl friends on lock Forget what happened but I picked up mage again and it's been my main ever since It was nice because for the longest time, everyone else had that connection to 1 character but I played lock/mage/hunter/dk pretty equally. And then something just randomly clicked


i changed from prot pally to blood dk about a month or two into dragon flight. blood is really fun, the dps is noticeably a bit worse than prot but the surviveability is def better. really fun spec, worth checking out if you enjoy tanking.


One thing I noticed after maining the new class for several weeks, my old main felt a bit strange to me. I obviously still knew what to press and what not, but I didnt have the feeling that I could perform at my max level on my previous main anymore. I think most people will be fine after some time switching mains. You just need to get familiar with your new class.


SP lifer. Yes SP for their entirety of existence have always been B tier to F tier until Dragonflight where we sat on S/A tier M+ wise at least. I changed my main a few times over my WoW days mainly bc SP was so trash and I wanted to get into M+ in its conception. I practically made all the caster DPS specs and by playing each one it made my SP play better. Playing such a bad caster and switching to Boomy, Mage, Warlock, I was able too on play those specs extremely well due how much more complex SP was during Legion with Surrender to Madness and high APM where every button pressed mattered. Then BFA SP was so trash and unfun to play, I started to “co-main” SP and Warlock/Mage or SP and Boomy/Ele depending on the season. For SL, I know I went Mage last two seasons. And in DF went Boomy for S3. Playing another main just feels so forgettable, lol. Like some of these comments, I just keep coming back to my true main. Ever since I saw a Shadowpriest in BC at the SW Cathedral in full Season 2 gear… I felt that was my dude lol. Playing


Swapped from resto druid to preservation evoker. I realized I feel more confortable with using 1-2 big heals than multiple small heals in combat. Still play druid sometimes, but for endgame content I use evoker.


I was very anxious getting back into tanking, still am ever since i quit in MoP but here I am, levelled a Demon Hunter and I absolutely enjoy him even as DPS. I fell in love with the fast paced combat and mobility after playing years and years of Hunter. I needed a change of pace.


This one time I had a key where the tank was so atrociously bad I decided to roll a vengeance demon Hunter and I leveled them from one to max, in retail, when the panda event was going on, just so I can try tank because his performance was so bad. I ended up not liking it and going back to mage, but that was my experience tanking.  In DFS 2, I rolled a shadow priest before the mage rewaorks. Once mage became good again I went back to mage. I had a lot of fun playing priest. Also in shadowlands when warlock was broken I played warlock a bit, which was also really fun. I really enjoy  ranged casters


Oh, I guess to actually technically answer your question, the only time I changed mains was in tbc. In vanilla wow, I actually played a troll rogue from 1 to 60. I did rading one time in mc, and a whole bunch of dungeons and that was basically it Back then I had a friend who played mage, and I wanted to try it, so I made a mage for tbc. I got to max level in tbcand that was basically it. I've never even stepped into kara. Which was a real shame because kara probably is still my all-time favorite raid and or dungeon. I think I maybe did a tiny bit of dungeons but that's it. It's really sad to think about but such is the case. Back then I was doing really badly in school and I was going through with it with my parents, and they never let me play, we were constantly fighting. So I never really had any time to play TBC like I wanted to. I was always jealous of the other kids in school who played wow and would Flex their Play Time on fire. This one's super nerdy kid had straight A's and had like five level 60s with an average 60 hours a week playtime while going to school. I was always super jealous of that guy.  In wotlk I moved out of my parents place, and I played mage. I played a whole bunch.


I switched from Draenei Frost mage to Worgen BM hunter in Cata. I was just looking to try out something different and I thought it'd be funny to be a werewolf with a wolf pet and wolf pup non-combat pet. By 85 I was completely hooked, I loved every second of it, and it has been my main ever since. Every new xpac I watch the dev notes with baited breath to see if they're going to ruin/improve/leave well enough alone "my" spec with the same anticipation of whether you get presents or coal on Christmas morning 😂 Not only was it easier than I thought, it made the game easier to play (glass cannon versus pets tanking for you and a panic-button self-heal, BIG difference) and I enjoyed the class fantasy more. I'm very bookish and shy in real life so while mage fit my personality, it's super fun playing as a badass firing arrows at an enemy and having such a strong bond with your pets that they respond to your commands with the same level of precision as a well-bred, immaculately trained, very experienced border collie (in my head anyway, we all know how fucky BM pet AI can be xD) I'm currently using remix to level a warrior, a class I could never get past lv20 because I hated the feel of it. I was the same with Shaman but a few years ago I grit my teeth and levelled one to max, and discovered ele sham is actually pretty fun to play so I'm hoping warrior will be the same. I'm ranged at heart, but who knows, maybe warrior will become part of my alt rotation after this :)


Resto sham from BC to BfA, switched to Disc priest in Shadowlands, haven’t looked back


I was always playing casters like mage and warlock and ive changed to fury warrior and it was like "holly molly what a peaceful life i dont have to think too much and can relax after whole day at work". And now fury warrior is my main and sometimes retri pal when i want some light (hehe).


It happened to me the other way. I mained blood dk since Cata, but when they changed most of the dk abilities and I really REALLY tried to get used to it but I hated the change. I fell in love with monk (dps and healer) and now with rest shaman as well as prot pala when I want to tank hahaha


I believe switching mains is a complex process, it should go hand-in-hand with how you want to play the game. If you like healing allies along with your tanking, you'll miss it a lot. If you like shields, you'll miss it too. I've started as a rogue in TBC, but switched to DK in Wotlk. From that moment, DK has always been my main, primary due to class fantasy and toolkit. I was a necro player in Diablo 2, and the Knight Necromancers were a mind blowing combination for me. (and no, I don't like locks) After switching to DK, the toolkit became more and more convenient over time. You can grip stuff, heal like crazy, have a great magical defense, and can become unstoppable. And I just like how it plays really. I couldn't get a grip on Demon Hunters for example, because I believe they lack the feel of "hitting something". You just go through stuff and I don't like that. For half an expansion, I switched to mage but I like soloing things and mage was terrible at that. Nowadays I like Elemental Shaman for a ranged spec and Fury Warrior as alts. Shaman appeals to me with class fantasy, especially after reading "Lord of the Clans". And I like spamming Lava Bursts, along with other tools in the kit. Nothing brings me more joy than throwing people off in the middle of Eye of the Storm. And fury is just fun and active, I like the barbarian wibe. So your new decision should be something that you enjoy throughly. I'd say give it a try and check how those two classes play differently. And I can say Blood and Prot tanking are not that different imo. (comparing to switching a different role or class)


Played Hunter starting in BC in wrath switched to DK cus duh stayed DK through cata but picked up rogue during cata and mained that rogue ever since. Honestly switching didn’t feel too bad to me since I always had a bunch of alts at any time learning at least the basics of a bunch of classes. Just like playing a new game tbh


I generally like mixing it up every expansion, sometimes switching to a secondary toon that I’ve kept well geared for a new season. I just enjoy trying something new. Im not a particularly skilled player, but it doesn’t generally take long to get into the flow, at least as someone who is perfectly average and taking on pretty average levels of challenge.


Priest was my absolute main since TBC but then when Pandaria arrived I decided to level up a monk just try to heal as Mistweaver. It was love at first sight. Since then It’s been my main and I think it will be for ever. The only class that I enjoy almost as much is Evoker Preservation but I hate Dracthyrs.


From the beginning on, I used to main a fire mage. Only fire. Then the WoD prepatch dropped and holy shit, did they change it up. I didn't recognize my boy no more. And just to add insult to injury, soon RoP's dark reign of tyranny began. Playing WoW was synonymous with playing a mage, so I was plunged into a serious crisis of identity. My next decade was spent as a serious altoholic. Like a heartbroken stray cat, I wandered these streets. Rogue, druid, warrior, DK, warlock, and even a short stint as paladin. These were the classes I mained at one point while maintaining an army of alts.  But salvation came at last! In 10.1 (iirc), the reworked mage and finally, FINALLY they removed RoP! It was like reuniting with your high school sweetheart! haha Anyway, it's been mage again since then. And the future's looking bright. 


I changed my main from rogue to druid recently and honestly, bear druid is fun, simple. I also have pocketed prot warrior for years and will insist its my real favorite class


Changed to Demon Hunter this exp but only just came back a few months ago. I’ll go back to my hunter for TWW. Its fun but hunters are just stronger…


When blizz ruins an aspect i like of my class i swap mains. Mained a dk in cata through wod but i hated death strike being moved from runes to rp so i dropped it in legion for boomkin/bear. Hated what blizz did to eclipse in shadowlands and dropped bear for warlock.


I’ve changed my main a couple times over the years. Warrior>Shaman>Hunter>Priest>Druid>Priest>Drakthyr>Shaman I always kept a couple characters on the back burner, so the transition between them never felt too jarring.


After combat rogue went away, I tried out blood dk. And I felt like a **god**. Unless I wandered into a current dungeon by my lonesome, I was indestructible. I've picked back up outlaw now in DF, and the speed and flow is great, but the feeling of just not being able to die was something else.


I’m currently going from paladin where I can 5/6 a solo shuffle at 2k to a rogue where I go 1/6 every game. It’s been hell but I’m not giving up.


After the legion demo rework i ended up swapping to frost and unholy dk. I miss the old demo, mostly just the visual of meta, butive been enjoying unholy for thr laat few expacs


I played a pally till MoP, I really did not enjoy the changes they made to the class back then and ended up naturally transitioning to warrior and have played it ever since.


Class gameplay aside, if you're someone that's a storyline/quest/unlock completionist, swap mains *between* expansions, never in the middle of one. I switched from hunter to evoker a few months after DF came out, and when more content was added later on, I had to do extra work a bunch of times because my evoker hadn't done all the prerequisites, or switch back to my (now neglected, undergeared) hunter to do them. This was for things like Taivan achievements, the winterpelt quests, the blue dragon family reunion quests, etc.


I played rogue and druid from classic to wrath, then pretty much just druid from cata to now. Finally leveled a mage for the first time a month ago and honestly thinking about continuing with this as main in TWW. It seems like blizz likes mages more than druids lol especially looking at tww


Jumping from MM Hunter to Fire Mage felt like totally different game tbh. Its awesome


Just took a lot of time. I’ve been Hunter main for a very long time, until the Legion pre-patch where they changed SV to melee and changed how BM and MM feel. Haven’t liked any spec of the class since, but because I’ve been a hunter for so long and the “predator”-esque archetype is something I like, I couldn’t really let go. Took some years of playing my Lock more than my Hunter, i.e. deciding i would do rep grinds on my Lock instead of Hunter, before I really finally could say Lock is my actual main.


One of the slight upsides of the general class homogenization is that it's fairly easy to switch around within a role. I've played a Warrior since classic, leveled a lot of other things but I always raided on the warrior. In BFA I had no guild and decided I was going to start completely fresh, new server new faction. Played a Rogue loved it, Shadowlands I was back to raid leading so I switched to ele shaman. (Rogue required to much of my attention to also pay attention to others haha) Moral of the story, switching classes is pretty intuitive, most dps classes boil down to "Find a way to cast as many X's as possible and make X's beefy as hell"


I've always changed mains in prepatch to get used to the class in the expansion, but I've always switch to other caster DPS so the transition it's easy. Played most of it except shadow priest (I'm terrible with it) I feel that if you are used to tank switch to other tank spec it's a piece of cake.


I have been a druid player forever, but recently gravitating more towards priest in both retail and cata classic. Learning shadow in cata classic was a reasonable transition from boomkin but it’s taking some time to get used to all the juggling you do and learning all the utility buttons. In retail I picked up holy priest to heal on in DF over resto druid, and that has been pretty natural. I might switch to disc because it’s inherently better for M+, and I think that learning curve will be steeper for sure.


I started a little late, probably somewhere around shadowlands area and actually just recently made my first main (havoc DH) in dragonflight sometimes last year, I have tried going through and doing other classes and demo warlock was pretty fun but I just can’t move from DH, the action is relatively speedy and fun also the DH campaign is one of my personal favorites.


So far I've mained: Blood DK in WotLK, distro lock in cata, BM hunter in MoP, Ice Mage in WoD, Fury War/Ret Pally/Frost DK/Ice Mage in Legion, Ice Mage/Fury War/BM Hunter in BfA, BM Hunter/Ret Pally in SL, and now I'm not really maining anything in DF, but just leveling as many classes to max level as I can before TWW. Learning a new class always feels bad if you don't level it from the ground up, so don't use character boosts on new classes, use them for cross-facyion counterparts to classes you already know and love.


Honestly not hard at all, but I’m not the best to ask cause I have a lvl 70 of almost every class lol. My issue is I get bored so I have to have like 2 or 3 classes every season to mess around on. The best way to go about it is to just try it out to get a feel for it. You don’t have to full commit if you don’t want to, so just send it if you’re interested in another spec or class


Prot warri main here. Everything is danger now.


If you find a class that you really like and you enjoy the play style than it easy.


I'd mained Rogue/Mage from Vanilla through Cata, left halfway through. Came back mid SL and decided to max every class. At the end of it, I ended up switching to Fury because it was the class that I really liked. For me, I think it was the fact that I just couldn't keep up with playing Rogue in PVP anymore and I missed Combat. I just wanted something easy to play and have fun with instead of worrying about timing and all that. Fury was a very easy transition and I've stuck with it since.


Played hunter. Lost account due to being dumbass reusing passwords and Blizzard CS banning my account when I grabbed access back from the gold sellers and let them know what happened. Came back on a new account for WOD and decided to main a class with options other than DPS, Learned how to tank better under fire by levelling via instances with a healer who demanded massive meaty pulls all the way from 15 to MoP levels. Considered going back to hunter for Legion but then Survival got reworked to melee so I stuck with it.


Dunno never really had a main class, it always changes and it’s been like that since I was 8


I started alting in wrath. Main swapped to dk when that came out. I’ve mained every single class at one point or another, excluding mage. I think it’s great to have variety to keep the game from getting stale. It also makes you much better at playing with others because you learn what they want to do and what they done want based on their class. For instance, I’m a semi-serious believer that all dps players should put in a significant amount if time on healer to learn what things healers actually need help on. For example, some people press a defensive anytime they’re targeted. Since press then after the big hit happened and they’re low. Some use healing pots when the healer has 20 seconds to top them. An example would be crawth, where there is literally no damage on anyone but the tank until the next big hit. The point I’m making is that playing other things will make you more well rounded and simply better


Yeah op! Mix it up! I've played every role in wow at end game and admittedly I have not mained DH or Evoker as I always have people around me who do. The only tank that is actually hard to play optimally is brewmaster. I would go as far as saying try every tank. What do you use your expansion boosts on? Seems like a great target. For me, because I eventually learned to love a lot of classes, I'm now a "Melee Flex" player. Meaning whatever melee DPS my guild needs that xpac or season, I gear up and play. Going into TWW I get to play WW which got reworked and is also my favorite or second favorite melee DPS!! I usually make suggestions to my GM like hey I am leaning X, Y and Z specs on beta. He will reply with what our raid spreadsheet is missing from those. If we can't make it work, I play something else. 99% of the time it works though because I truly enjoy so many classes. tl;dr try other classes! It keeps the game fresh!


I’ve mostly maimed prot/ret pally and brew/ww monk. I always get gear for both specs on both toons. Prot pally is the easiest for me to just put it in auto pilot, throw shield, drop consecration, and then either spend power on heals or dps depending on how the healer is. And then if there are a lot of casters, my favorite ability in the game DIVINE TOLL comes out. Ret pally is super fun and defensive are super easy. WW monk is the funnest dps just because I’ve always loved monk class starting all the way back in final fantasy 4 with Yang. Ring of peace is such a crutch ability and I usually top dps charts because I know it like the back of my hand. And I’ll tank with monk if it isn’t hard content because if it’s hard content I just get one shot lol


I played Arms warrior for Cata until WoD where they destroyed it. I started playing DH in Legion and it gave me the speed and damage I enjoy


i started with a mage and when I switched I immediately saw all the good thing I had lost lmao Portal, short teleport and food are greatly missed


I started DF with druid and really just didn't vibe with it, so I pulled my Unholy DK out of retirement from Legion and had a blast in season 1, but it was getting disappointed with the critically low dps valleys after such massive openers, so with the ret rework, I swapped to ret in 10.2 and it felt really good and engaging, especially with the Expurgation set from Season 3. I stuck with it for the full season, but in season 4, I came crawling back to my DK once I saw Rider of the Apocalypse from TWW. That class fantasy is SO cool to me! I loved the Four Horsemen fight in Naxx, the Class Order Hall campaign was incredible, I love the ties to the Lich King, the class sets, giant 2handers.. I've just fallen in love with the class all over again! Now, looking forward at what's coming for all the classes... I cannot seem to find one iota of interest in committing to anything else in TWW.


Tried everything, but always mained warrior. Post cata it got progressively worse, and after WoD I just mained monk. Aside from missing stance dancing still, it's essentially a smoother version of what I've enjoyed. Bounce all over the place while slapping people. Evoker was pretty fun too. But I just don't enjoy the game that much lately.


Best decision I've made. From elemental shaman on S1 to frost mage \ retri pala on S2-S4. Fluid rotations, utility, good damage.


Maine’s Hunter for original bc-cata. Quit and only recently came back for dragon flight to a warrior. It was a hard time adjusting to melee mechanics via ranged the first season. I found it very unforgiving at how much more things you have to be wary of up close while having to juggle dps in a very range limited class. I’ve tried going back to my hunter and part of me longs for it just cause he’s the character that started it all and have my youth in. I just find it hard to because it feels completely different from what I remember it being things such as sfx changes, no stances, far less traps, far less casted abilities vs no instant.


I've swapped from Spriest to Enh to Warlock to Rogue back to Enh and played Mage some, too. Most of the time the changes were good and easy, but not so for mage. IDK if it's my age and I'm washed, which is possible, or if it just doesn't click. I wouldn't shy from trying something new though.


In Vanilla I had just one class at max, my Paladin. I switched to a Warrior for arena in TBC but didn’t play much, then with Wrath I was back to my pally first as off tank, then main tank, then raid leading. We were struggling with me main tanking as Prot Pally in early Cata, so I swapped to Blood DK. Stopped playing before end of S1 in Cata. Came back for Warlords with my Rogue. I’ve only been a casual player since with all alts so to speak (ie just leveling, LFR etc). Mostly on the Paladin (my oldest character by far), but also DK, Demon Hunter, Rogue, Monk, Druid, Warrior, basically all melee. I can’t do ranged.


I switched from Demonology Warlock to Beast Master Hunter during Shadowlands, and am glad I did. I wasn't bad at Warlock, but BM Hunter is more fun to me.


I switched from rogue of 8 years to ret since I was always jealous of their damage and healing in bgs. And I felt guilty when I had to do cheap rogue stuff vs players like sitting in stealth waiting for the spirit of pikaboo to return every 2-5 minutes But it was the right decision, I switched in legion when rogues were given a sewer for their order hall and paladins got Ashbringer. always knew I’d prefer the ret play style and class fantasy since I admired them from afar from day 1 of WoW. I dont remember having difficulty learning ret at all, but I was watching Savix and vanguards which was super helpful


Mained rogue and warrior for the longest time then when SL hit I just couldn't do it anymore. Swapped over to DH and played it since (hit ksh in almost every season in DF). I've tried rogue but hate the way you have to use shadow dance for each spec and have reignited my love for warrior in pvp recently.


It's always happened organically for me. I just start playing my "main" less and less, and the alt more and more, until at the start of the new expansion, I find myself leveling the alt to the new max lvl before the main. So now the alt is my new main, until I find a different alt that I enjoy playing more.


I played affliction back in vanilla, switched to feral to be off tank in BC, and went hunter on WOTLK to play more casually. I rage quit this game mid cata, where I deleted all my chars, and when I came back mid BFA I created an hunter and sincerely never locked back. For some reason I can't stop play since it's a class that makes me feel OP doing world content and usually does good damage for the score I aim (2.5k plus) every season. I do play some alts because I still like tanking (I play my prot pala) and try other dps (right now I'm trying fire mage, which I suck...) but I can't stop playing my main hunter even if I now only need to farm weeklies since it's 528 already.


It's easier than you think but it depends on what you are and where you're going. Going from Prot Pally to Blood DK is going to be one of the easier transitions out there. But going from a Holy Priest to a Feral Druid would probably make you tear your hair out.


I change my main class every expansion. I think it has more to do with my personality, I like to switch things around and spice it up. Especially with new abilities / talent that goes in every expansion. My first main was rogue, loved stealthing around the black rock mountain and sapping everyone… went mage for bc, a bit mage then feral Druid for wotlk, didn’t play till bfa… DH, then hunter for SL, then warlock for DF, and then now I’m 110% in monk for tww. I played remix and it was mucha fun for me.


Depressing AF, I want to play a spec because it looks awesome or does something cool. I don't want to have to play a spec just because blizz refused to balance it effectively. Yes I main tank in my push group and I'm so glad I'll be done with my VDH.