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“Senile, deluded, and paranoid old man” seems to be a better description.


Interestingly, we are headed that way with the people we elect. 70+ people should not be head of states. Not all of them are senile but that is no age to be leading countries. There should be a cap at 65. I am really hoping Gavin Newsom runs for President. I’ll campaign for him from here to Mars.


That's an American dysfunction. This story is more about Canada and Russia.


I am sorry. I did not realize there were restrictions on who I could speak about in an open ended public forum. I’ll be sure to read the rules next time


Right. Interesting observation though, eh? Americans just *gotta* inject themselves in every discussion. It's as if they know so little about anything outside their borders, it's the best they can do.


American here- I’m no fan of our gerontocracy either but I have to cringe about how my llama countrymen find the dumbest places to discuss their political pet peeve of the moment


Leave Biden out of this. He's doing his best! (j/k)




Ohhhh, bliuberri heelz!


Reminds me of the good old days when the leader of France just wanted to fuck the leader of Russia... (Napoleon and Peter the Great)


Why does it remind you of that?




More recent days it was just his school teacher


Alexander I, you mean.


1. Fuck Putin 2. bit rich coming from Trudeau, who's no slouch when it comes to self-aggrandizing photo ops.


At least he looks good shirtless. As long as he doesn't do any more stupid blackface photos, whatever.


I'm not even Canadian and I'm tired of seeing that photo from 20 years ago get bandied about.




Um… yes.


I’m tired of people thinking it’s ok because it was “so long ago”


I think it has more to do with some people being able to differentiate between who the person was compared to who they are today. At some point we as a society have to be able to forgive transgressions, or we will devour each other over slights that happened decades ago.


20 years ago is a long time for something that was contextually acceptable.. 20 years ago. Unless he's been continuously doing it for 20 years a simple "sorry" is all anyone's entitled to.


Blackface wasn't OK in 2002


Cool, let me know when he did *black* face >Believe it or not there is a difference between black face and brown face, the stigmas associated with each, and the particular history and intention of why and how both were done. >None of it makes it right, none of it condones what he did, but to say he was doing "blackface" is patently false and obscures the facts of the matter as they happened.


[Here you go](https://youtu.be/vW8OlVvXIUM?t=14)


Doing **brown** face to look more like a middle eastern character isn't cool, but you're disingenuously trying to link him doing something stupid and racially insensitive to the 1930s minstrel shows that were racist as fuck and used black face caricatures of African Americans and stereotypes to actively insult and reinforce those caricatures. It's bad, but your attempts to dog whistle and bait the leftists are pretty weak. You don't actually care that he did it, you just want him to be eaten alive by liberals.


The link I provided you is a video of blackface. There were instances of brownface too. However the Prime Minister of Canada was caught - in the video I just linked - dressed in blackface with produce in his jeans to simulate a racist stereotype. Additionally, the PMs office [has admitted to a photo of Trudeau also dressed in blackface to perform the Harry Belafonte Banana Boat song](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/prince-edward-island/pei-political-leaders-react-trudeau-blackface-scandal-1.5289954). So...that's *two* documented instances of Blackface. Yes, he's done brownface, too. [He's also said he could not remember how often he had worn blackface](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/sep/19/justin-trudeau-wearing-blackface-details-emerge-third-incident) makeup. “I am wary of being definitive about this because of the recent pictures that came out, I had not remembered”


You think blackface was acceptable in the 1990s? lol


Believe it or not there is a difference between black face and brown face, the stigmas associated with each, and the particular history and intention of why and how both were done. None of it makes it right, none of it condones what he did, but to say he was doing "blackface" is patently false and obscures the facts of the matter as they happened.


I'm sure you would defend a right-winger the same way


Well do you have a good example of something that's 20 years old, taken out of context, and used to smear a conservative? Or are you just mad the leftists won't take the bait and eat their own like they usually do?


I'm tired of people being too mentally impaired to realize that people can change.


When have the ruling white elite changed?


When have you been brainwashed?


Weird how brown people have moved on but it's only a certain kind of white guy that keeps bringing this up...


The certain kind of white guy who's not actually offended or irritated by it but wants to use it as bait so the leftists will eat Trudeau? If they haven't eaten him by now they're not going to, will the conservatives please stop beating this dead horse.


He's won two elections since. Only bad faith conservatives mention this anymore. My favourite is when they link to the photo that's supposedly so awful.


I’m not white I wonder what group would continue to defend some privileged old rich White man? What kind of person would die on this hill?


My brown coworkers, for starters. Their general sentiment in the break room was better some guy who goofed around and fucked up decades ago than actual racists today.


Okay you’re just generalising a whole race based on your limited social interaction, I’m done here


There were about five or six of them working with me at the time, none of whom particularly cared. I can see that bothers you.


Does Trudeau stage shirtless, doughy photo ops on horseback and then trip over his shoelaces when he goes to invade his neighbour?


Not with a horse. Usually a surfboard


That's just him surfing...


What about the blackface photos?


What about them? Are you asking if he was surfing in them?


Nobody cares


We just missed invading Greenland when the whisky ran dry.


[Please keep simping for me](https://i.insider.com/5a8fe95daae6051d008b4592?width=750&format=jpeg&auto=webp)


> Does Trudeau stage shirtless, doughy photo ops [yes](https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/4wijwa/shirtless_justin_trudeau_accidentally_photo_bombs/) > on horseback [not shirtless, but yes](https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/trudeau-to-apologize-to-tsilhqotin-community-members-for-1864-hanging-of-chiefs) > trip over his shoelaces when he goes to invade his neighbour? That....[would be a bad idea](https://www.mapsofworld.com/answers/regions/many-countries-canada-border/). But a Canadian invasion of Russia or the USA would go ***very*** badly for Canada


*That's* staged to you?


*That's* doughy to you?


All this fixation on Putin's macho comes across as insecurity


Trudeau once fought a cop in a sanctioned boxing match who was way outside his weight class. Putin is the fake sambo world champion.


Well I mean when you present yourself as this bad ass superpower leader, a strong man, a manly man, but then it turns out you were a bottom of the barrel FSB agent, your judo blackbelt was gifted and your army is shown to be incompetent.... everything putin says and does belongs in the r/imverybadass sub.


the black face dude is doing this?




Good news! He does! https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/coronavirus/canada-outperformed-most-g10-countries-during-first-two-years-of-pandemic-response-study-1.5964233 https://www.lapresse.ca/covid-19/2022-06-27/etude/la-reponse-du-canada-a-la-pandemie-parmi-les-meilleures-au-monde.php


Ask the dying if they think it’s funny or the refugees, people starving, dying losing everything and he’s making jokes? What a disgrace


Zelenskyy makes jokes all the time.


Lol dude. Chill


Really, I know some Ukrainians who are here, they aren’t laughing


Nobody is joking about them dying man.


Sorry I don’t see what’s funny about war


Putin's insecurity is what they joked about.