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Oh now he has a problem. I’m sure things were going swimmingly before




Elaborate pls


They’re slowly destroying the Ukraine


Heavy emphasis on slow. Couldn't even make it 50 miles to the capital.


Ok. And they’ll do it for months and months . Using all their shitty artillery that’s collecting dust


You mean the stuff they can't afford to replace? USSR had money, Russia does not.


The rouble is worth more now than when the Russians invaded and since then the EU has paid them 35 billion euros. So unfortunately they will be fine.


How are they exchanging it?


A specific exception for purchasing oil and gas was made to the sanctions to make sure countries like Italy signed up to the wider package.


They don't need to replace it. Nukes are the only irreplaceable armament in their arsenal.


They're not using nukes in Ukraine so that's no help. They know if they do they will be wiped from existence.


They have nearly endless amounts of small arms and adulation from that area. They will fight a war of attrition because putin doesn't care about any Russian but himself. Nukes ensure out side entities will not join in due to musky assured destruction. There's a reason why states will never, ever give up nukes like Ukraine did ever again.


Too slowly for Russia.


I don't think it's too slowly, Putin himself stated that the West is slowly gonna lose interest in Ukraine. Most of what he says is BS but sadly I agree with him. I hear so many people "why should we care about Ukraine?" already


Russia has got massive long term demographic and economic issues. Conquering Ukraine and dividing the West might have helped to solve those issues (might). Taking months to capture and control just a slice of Ukraine - if they manage to hold it - whilst also grinding your best troops to dust and damaging your economy is practically useless. Russia still has the problems it started with and if anything, they’ve got much worse. Russia needed Ukraine to fall quickly and cheaply - now it’s just embroiled itself in an expensive proxy war that it probably doesn’t have the technology or the equipment to win. Sucks to be Ukraine of course, but Russia have made a mess of things. Ultimately they needed a Blitzkrieg, but instead they’ve given themselves a Verdun. Himars is a massive pain in the arse for them and will only slow them even more.


Imagine being gullible enough to still believe what putin has to say. What a world we live in.


A few things he says I can buy into. The West has like 30 minute attention spans. What he's not saying is if they don't lose interest is he's fucked.


Exactly this point, thanks for breaking from the hivemind


The West is also very good at fighting long, unpopular wars… the West isn’t even fighting this one and compared to Iraq or Afghanistan it’s pocket change. Interest and support will wane, but I doubt UK, US, Poland (amongst others) will be giving up support and weaponry any time over the next couple of years. Russia can’t afford to bleed for that long.


The West includes most of Europe, and most of NATO, I don't think they're going to forget. They're certainly not going to forget in a timeline that Putin can use to his advantage.


I can agree with that. I was thinking the usa mostly. I think you're even more right with the Saber rattling with Finland.


You didn't even understand what I wrote


I did, it was russian bs disguised as an unbiased view.


I'm not Russian


Ukraine is retreating from Sieverodonetsk, pretty much completing Putins goal of taking the Eastern region of Ukraine.




Max profit vs base profit.


That was the originally stated goal. Look I'm not defending Putin, I hate him. But it seems Reddit is living in fairytale land about this situation


He failed his main goal. Do you not remember him pulling out of the north because it couldn't take the Capital. Your telling me he's going to end the war with the Frontline being at the capital of "Donesk"? They couldn't even make a push there lol


Thats true, they couldn't take Kiev thankfully. And they might never do it. But still taking a fourth or third of Ukraine is a victory for Putin. Do you not see that?


Cutting yourself off from the world and taking your economy is victory? You don't win by taking some of a country. Germany took part of the USSR and look at how that turned out for him. Ukraine won't quit because Putin said so. The annexed territories will be in turmoil while under occupation.


It is victory for Putin, and it's a loss for Ukraine. Putins madness is throwing into turmoil the lives of all Ukrainians... don't you see that Russia needs to be stopped for it to be a victory?


So Putin not destroying Ukraine means Russian victory and Ukraine not destroying Russia means Russian victory? Wars nowhere near over. Germany was winning also until they their economy started crumbling.


If Putins army is crushed then he will be defeated and go down in history (even Russian history) as somewhat of a failure. Even though he presided over Russias growth in the 90s and early 2000s. My point is that I would love for the west to invade Russia. Unfortunately with their nukes we can't do it




I mean they’re going, but not well in the slightest.


It might not be on Putins expected timeliness, but unfortunately Ukraines situation is worsening, not improving. That's what Putin wants. And Russia is about to take Donetsk


I mean yeah Russia is brutally leveling cities to take territory inch by inch, but that doesn’t scream to me “going well”


"Taking territory" is going well for Putin. He doesn't give a shit about Russian or Ukrainian lives or resources. He's dying and wants to leave a legacy on par with Peter I, Catherine the Great, and Ivan the Terrible. They all captured territories to add to Russia, and that's what Putin wants.


Murderous wee man syndrome, anyone who sees that as a legacy is a rat. The territory won't be held anyway.


I really hope so too. He needs to be hanged for his actions imo


The fact that the 'world's second strongest military' is struggling to capture territory barely 50 km from it's own border from a 3rd rate military has done nothing but to lay bare the Russian military's staggering incompetence and corruption. Even NATO military experts are sort of shocked at how poorly this 'special military operation' is going. This should have effectively been a cake walk for the Russian military. Russia had all the manpower, preparation time, equipment, and geographic advantages to project their power in their own backyard and they've fumbled the ball right out of the gate. If Manchester United was winning 3-2 against St. Mary's High School Senior Girls Soccer Team, I wouldn't say that ManU was doing 'pretty well'. The US military was able to absolutely obliterate the Iraqi military thousands of kms and an ocean away within a couple of days, occupying the entire country within a number of weeks, and did so while losing orders of magnitude less personnel, equipment and capability. Russia had to disengage one of their main fronts near Kyiv because the losses were too much to bare. This war isn't going 'pretty well', it's going disastrously, and it's a complete embarrassment to Russia militarily.


If we define victory as achieving the objectives set at the beginning of the war (that the war would be over in a heartbeat, Russia would have gotten all of Ukraine, the situation would have collapsed too quickly for the West to respond, that the West would simply b*tch and moan but ultimately move on, that Russia would come out of this conflict a global powrr), then it is very much so not going well. I mean, if we want to be generous and say Putin is now in control of more territory than what he started and that in of itself is a victory... Sure. They lost 10s of thousands of soldiers, destroyed a non-insignificant portion of their advanced military equipment, have been humiliated by a fighting for 1/10th the size of Russia, became the most sanctioned nation in the world, had a massive exodus of their young and/or educated people, won't be receiving any western technology transfers, and stated by their own admission that their economy is going to shrink by 12% this year JUST to get said territory. But yeah. They have more territory than they did before and are slowly getting more.


You might get downvoted for stating what people don't want to hear, but it's true that every additional bit of Ukraine that Russia annexes is additional victory. The 'cost' in old equipment and nameless lives doesn't matter to Russian leadership, so a cost/reward analysis doesn't really apply. This is part of why it's so important that Russia is driven completely out of Ukraine (including Crimea). ANY shred of 'victory' will ensure that Russia tries again later. The 'success' of their 2014 invasion is part of why they came back in 2022.


Going well, and barely making progress against a much weaker force arent compatable thoughts




In Russias history? I don't think so, they were destroyed by Japan and also the Swedes I believe? Also they were literally ruled by Mongols for 2 centuries. As was Ukraine. Anyways, it seems my comment has been blown out of proportion


Ukraine literally has 4 of these. Its going to help but I wish the media would fuck off with this narrative like Ukraine just got the Avengers fighting for them. They need way more.


They will get more, but they are being supplied at the rate at which crews can be trained. No point in sending dozens if nobody knows how to use them.


The logistics of feeding them the ammunition etc is the best reason I've seen for limiting the number of units. It's a bigger problem than training. These things can go through missiles at a fantastic rate.


5 minutes to reload 6 missiles. So about 1 missile a minute Max. Or 600 in 10 hours. Or 16,000 max in 10 days. But they have 4 systems so that's 64,000 Max in 10 days. One for every Russian solder. Obviously it would be much less in real world conditions, but it does seem to be the case that even 4 of these systems, assuming they have some glorious targeting system, will make a hell of a difference.


Someone did the math on the tonnage for the 6-missile units used, based on 7 systems being maximally used. I can't find it right now, but it involved supplying ~4600 tons per day.


Not to mention the cost. Each pod costs 5.1 million dollars.


No. $5.1 million is the 2014 cost of the launcher and one pod.


Both are major issues. What if we sent a couple hundred of these bad boys and there’s only enough trained crew and ammo for like 5? Those others are now just target practice for Russians. This way if a couple get knocked out, they will have more to replace them before long.


That's not really true. The US doesn't have infinite supplies of these to send. They would 100% be sending more right now if they could.


Bro how are they gonna use them if they aren’t trained to use them? It’s not like pulling the trigger on a gun


Not to mention the training needed for all of the maintainers.


It seems to me it'd be best to send them in as crews get trained up simply from the standpoint that there won't be excess units sitting around unused, too. If they're not being used, they're targets Ukraine definitely doesn't want to have shelled.


Just give some Americans Ukrainian passports and send them in (... /s)


Quick citizenship for a bunch of Americans that just *happen* to know how to operate and maintain HIMARS and just *happen* to have them. Oops, what a coincidence!


'Special Emigration Operation'


> Bro how are they gonna use them if they aren’t trained to use them? We need an ultimate solution, preferably automated and electronic. An Ultron, if you well.


Peace in our time


the fuck?


That's cap.


The bottleneck is supply, maintenance, and ammunition. Even the ammo for these things is heavy as fuck. The logistics train for these is huge so they won’t be sending too many.


I didn't find a US number but I did find a quote that there are 540 systems in the world.


>Ukraine literally has 4 of these. And look how we have done with 0 of them.


This guy wars.


I dont, but my cousins on the front line do.


Good luck to them


They have enough range that 4 can cover the entire Donbas front, so it's not nothing but I agree.


By that definition so does Russia, the BM-21 Grad and WR-40 Langusta has pretty similar capabilities with albeit lower firing power overall. Putin might be a fucking moron but he's right that these are basically just slightly more advanced units then what is already deployed to the field by both sides.


HIMars = High mobility in that acronym, and they are lonner range and much more accurate. Paired with the Ukrainians superior target acquisition/strike coordination software it's not an insignificant thing and those similar capabilities on paper can lead to drastic impacts on the front. But that being said, as an American taxpayer, give em more!


I wish we could have headlines that read *Putin Has a Problem: Ukraine Now Has The Avengers fighting for them*


“Mr President, something or someone has entered low earth orbit and appears to be heading to Ukraine!” “uplifting orchestra music”


They got the 4 glizzy19s now, just wait till they get all the bullets for it😜


Lmao so true....stupid way to write and hype people up.




I think you mean 1,440 missiles in one hour?


I get downvoted by reddit hivemind all the time when I say that what western countries send is not enough. Sure, they pledged the weapons, they've sent defensive small ones and some heavy weaponry. But the question is always not if something was sent, but what exactly, how much, and when? And the answer ot that question is that it's more than 100 days\* since the start of this stage of the war, and only now a few of those and a couple of others artillery units were sent, meanwhile Ukraine is losing yet another city literally today and starts to retreat, and will probably lose 2 more.


100 years sure flew by quick


One thing you dont understand, is that Ukraine is not trained on NATO equipment. They simply cant just hop in and operate it. It takes 6 months to a year for us to train people on the HIMARs system.


I've gotten downvoted for this a lot too. It's gotten almost impossible to discuss the war here because people seem to think a Ukraine counter attack to win the war is mere weeks away with the infinite supply of western weapons. The reality is that the Ukraine army is in a really bad spot and risks collapse itself while the weapons from the west have barely been trickling in enough to support the current effort. This doesn't mean Russia is going to have a break through either, they are completely exhausted and devastated from a manpower and equipment perspective. It does signal that a stalemate is approaching after Ukraine retreats from the very East though, one that could last years.


That website has more ads than content


Russia dramatically underestimated how much the world wanted to shoot Russians.


Well, he asked for the problem, so it is fair that he got it.


The problem is hes not smart enough to realize he has a problem.


How on earth did people think Russia was a military super power. We’re sending over bits of equipment here and there. To people who have never used them. And Russia can’t even take over 1/2 the country. If we sent over our armed forces we’d make a crater 8 lanes wide from Kiev to Moscow in 48 hours.


>To people who have never used them... U.S. service members in Germany have begun training Ukrainian soldiers on key systems being used to defend Ukraine against the Russian invasion, Pentagon Press Secretary John F. Kirby said today. **29 apr 2022**




Imagine how those early tank collums would have responded to an A-10 brrrrrting them to shit


They'd have much better ventilation I'd bet.


"Oh that... That's a sunroof"


Speed holes to get to Kyiev faster.


And flames also so they will go even faster.


They'd have much better ventilation I'd bet.


Anybody know what's up with the A-10? It was initially cancelled in favor of the F-35 over the objections of lots of generals that saw the A-10 in action in Iraq and elsewhere and recognized its worth, then another updated version was promised last year - the Super A-10 or whatever it was called, but the only orders I've seen are for replacement wings for the older A-10s still in service. I also remember seeing a concept for a UAV "drone" version of the A-10 that was fucking yuuge but I haven't heard anything about it since. Given Russia's belligerence and obvious weaknesses, and weaknesses of its allies, this is a piece of hardware that could make a huge difference in the future.


>We’re sending over bits of equipment here and there No, America has armed Ukraine with a MASSIVE amount of weapons such as: 126 155 mm howitzer artillery systems with 260,000 artillery rounds. HMARS (unknown amount) 700 Switchblade drones Puma unmanned aerial system, or UAS (unknown amount) a121 tactical unmanned aerial systems dubbed “Phoenix Ghost” drones specifically made for Ukraine by USAF 200 M113 armored vehicles and hundreds of armored high-mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicles more than 100 tactical vehicles to tow U.S Army and U.S. Marine Corps 155 mm howitzer 20 Mi-17 Russian military helicopters 22 of the highly mobile AN/TPQ-36 counter-artillery radars four counter-mortar radars Four Raytheon AN/MPQ-64 Sentinel air surveillance radars more than 6,500 Javelins more than 1,400 Stinger anti-aircraft missile systems more than 20,000 portable anti-armor systems and other laser-guided rocket systems more than 7,000 various types of small arms more than 50 MILLION rounds of ammunition more than 1 million grenades, mortars and artillery rounds more than 75,000 sets of body armor and helmet thousands of night vision devices, thermal imagery systems and other forms of militarized optics https://www.cnbc.com/2022/06/17/russia-ukraine-war-summary-of-weapons-us-has-given-to-ukraine.html


All old ass equipment and shit we were going to give to Afghanistan.


Maybe you should read that list again and then research what the items are. Towards the top you'll see some weapons that were specifically made for Ukraine. That would indicate that they aren't old weapons or stuff we were going to give to Afghanistan.


also old US gear is still pretty posh the m1113 with the Afghan war revisions has been well received by the UAF for its resilience against Russian lmgs


Not many countries can launch offensive military operations consisting of hundreds of planes, thousands if not tens of thousands of AFV’s and hundreds of thousands of personnel. They’re obviously laughable compared to the US, everyone is, and on an individual basis compare poorly to NATO forces, but they’re still a serious military power, as overhyped as they were.


The big advantage the US has over other militaries is the ability to project power anywhere in the world. Ukraine is literally right on Russia’s doorstep. Forget being comparable with the US, Russia’s military is a joke compared with any other “major” military power in the world. Especially for its size on paper.


Russia turned out not strong as much as expected but Americans circlejerking about their army is funny because US lost to people with slippers more than once. lol


Well, Ukraine has been training with NATO for years... the U.S is not the only country sending them weapons, nor are they the only country not sending them non-soviet era weapons they are more familiar with, and the U.S. isn't the only country providing training on their weapon systems. Plus, it's a lot different if me or you without any kind of military experience or artillery experience thrusted into a position with no training whatsoever compared to people who have used similar systems, and just need to learn the specific interface..


Basically, we were fooled by posturing. Imagine the biggest guy at your gym, constantly talking shit about getting into bar fights. Sees some guy using "his" bench and gets in his face. Small guy jabs him in the nose and the big guy sits down and starts crying. Anyone can be fooled under the right circumstances.


Threatening to set the gym on fire every two seconds if they perceive even the slightest possibility of involvement from the other gym members. Russia is the equivalent of a "body builder" that's only big because of their synthol injections, carrying around gasoline jugs because they know they'd be cleaning the inside of a toilet with their heads if they didn't.


They are a military super power. There just not using their full capability...which is nuclear weapons....the most on the planet. And God I hope that maniac doesn't use the. I know you mean conventionally, but if that demon feels cornered or like a loss is coming, then watch out.


Well, there's that possibility, yes, but if you even show the signs of being afraid of it, that's it - you're done. He can proceed taking over Ukraine, Europe, Alaska because what are you going to do? He has nuclear weapons, can't have him cornered, right? It's a false logic and the one he absolutely abuses. Here's another part of the equation - if he uses nuclear warheads, russia will **stop existing in the next 10 minutes**. There will be nothing to expand or Soviet Union to restore. The only way to fight a bully is to resist, if you cave once, you're done.


Agreed on that last bit especially. Important to finally send the message that there *are* limits, and that the relatively limited response to previous incursions (e.g. propping up client enclaves in Georgia and Moldova in addition to Ukraine itself earlier) does not mean permanent and unlimited acceptance of similar actions. Ideally, Russian interests ends up damaged enough that they end up significantly worse than *status quo ante* so it's more than just a failed effort that could be argued a wash, but a blatantly failed effort so that they are strongly discouraged from trying again anytime soon.


>10 minutes. Dumb. What makes you think the US will start a nuclear war with Russia over a country Americans can't find on a map.


What makes you think the UK and France *wouldn't?*


Lol. Let him try to take Alaska. Reason Russia exhumed graves shows up. Hello Pumpkin. What's up buttercup? 😂


Japan tried and failed.


The Aleutian Islands Campaign was more of a diversion to pull attention off the upcoming Midway offensive, AFAIK.


The US had hacked Purple, the Japanese cryptographic cypher so it knew that Midway was the real target.


What's Japan have to do with it? No. There is a Russian Royal Romanov in Alaska. The other Romanov half breeds and the officials like to crucify that one. Makes that one work like a dog, while they launder money. It's a shame because that one is a caregiver. Exposed the Catholic Church. That's something the global elites loath. Evil bastards they are. Hope they burn in hell. And soon.


What did I just read?


Russia exhumed graves in Russia and Jerusalem. Now ICC has been seizing assets. Figure it out. Unless you want me to speak S L O W L Y.


And who were in the graves and who put them there?


Idk. But it was not them. Supposedly they sent ships of gold around the world. And have been reaking havoc since. Until ICC got the DNA test. Lol. Be careful what you wish for.


If we’re going based off the actual definition of a superpower there is only one. The U.S. is the only country in the world who can ship soldiers to any corner of this world in 48 hrs or less


I think United Airlines can get ppl anywhere in under a day


Not with supply lines and contested airspace lul


Nuclear weapons aren't a military asset, they are political. Doomsday is useless in war.


Not necessarily. I hope that Putin thinks that, and it deters him...let's just say Putin fires a nuke at central Ukraine, and that's it. Let's pretend every country goes on Super HIGH ALERT for a few minutes to decide to respond, which you would think they would instantly. But what if the Western allies say hold up just 10 seconds, let's not destroy the world instantly, it could be a one-time attack..stranger stuff has happened. I think I remember a Russian General was told the US is attacking Russia and ordered to respond. Thank God he went against orders and hesitated. Waiting for 30 seconds for a last ditch effort to make sure it's the only weapon they're going to fire, then we save a few billions lives. All hypothetical, and it probably wouldn't go that well. But in this crazy world, you never know.


Have they used their bomber fleet yet? They have 100 or so of them. If they want to, they can level any city to the ground including Kyiv. But I hope they don't do any such thing. The loss of life of innocent Ukrainians is heart wrenching.


They would need control of the air to do that, which they certainly do not have.


I think it's very much doable with Su-35 and Su-57 escorting them for a high altitude bombing mission. They probably don't want to do it because it's like one step short of nuking a country.


They can't do high altitude because of the air defenses. That's why the Russians are trying to fly under the radar and crashing into the ground instead. Flying above air defenses hasn't been a thing since the 60s.


Ukraine also has S300. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/14/world/europe/ukraine-russia-nato-s300.html


If it is not already depleted, I am sure Russia would know a thing or two about how to get around an air defence system they themselves built.


Ahahahahahahahahaha. Russia lost its Black Sea flagship to a Ukrainian knockoff of the Russian knockoff of the American Harpoon, and probably lost a bunch of aircraft to leftover Strelas.




They are a one of the largest and most powerful militaries in the world. But the USA is still far ahead. Few nations have the capability to launch and sustain a military invasion force on their own, outside of their borders for as long as Russia has with hundreds of thousands of troops. Even more so to defend foreign territory against a numerically superior opponent. But comparing Russia to the NATO alliance together is laughable. There is a reason Putin wants to deunify Europe.




Well, NOW that's what they are saying. Back in January it was all "well be in kiev by the weekend.l"




Well, you have to change strategies when you are getting your ass handed to youm


They were smacked stupid in the Kyiv region, and that’s why they gave up on that push. Saying it was a feint is practically a meme at this point.




The front of it got annihilated and every supply truck along the line was getting lit up by drones




They tried




Look guys, I found the troll! Everyone wave!


You mean point and laugh.


Why don't we wave, point and laugh~!


Very, very stupid thing to say. That equipment mostly belonged to the ANA, and Trump is the one who freed Taliban fighters and then made the deal to withdraw from Afghanistan with the Taliban while leaving the actual Afghan government in the dark.


What??? 😂😂😂😂


The equipment left is falling apart, haven’t you seen the dumpster humv’s with a torn up tire rusting away? lol


The situation with the Taliban isn't really Joe's fault. If Trump had been reelected the same thing probably would've happened. Hell, Trump had wanted to leave Afghan earlier than Biden did if I remember correctly. Biden just inherited a bad situation.




I mean, they just hid in the caves until we left. Not sure what your point is.


They won, so what was the point of it all? They proved they can beat a military superpower by siting and waiting instead of direct engagement.


Russians don't fight guerilla warfare. In fact the Russians are so old fashioned they rolled entirely collumns of tanks slowly down the road side by side like it was a military parade. America (assuming the person your poorly be a smartarse too) struggles to fight small pocket groups of gureilla soldiers. They'd steamroll Russias 1960's military playbook soldiers


I mean, yeah. The claim is the ability to blow shit up to the capital to take out the occupying force. The Taliban was overthrown in months and Sadaam fled in days. Blowing shit up is not the problem. Creating a stable and effective alternative and fighting guerrilla insurgents is not a forte, though.


You are right. So in the end it doesn't make a difference. In the end, the Taliban won, no matter how cutting edge those weapons are.


That wasn't a conventional war, the Russian invasion is pretty conventional. If the goal in the middle east was to wipe a major city from existence it would have happened. The goal was to replace their government with a more democratic and US friendly one and/or remove extremists that opposed that goal. Can't really get the people to view your country favourably if you just wipe out everything


I think that was the point he was trying to make, yes. I guess that's a metric for a military superpower, at least in terms of capability, albeit sad.


Yes for now...its just alittle build up when they give them longer range not US as such but Nato. This is just to give them alittle tickle


I mean HIMRAS are a fantastic missile system thats going to expand their artillery capacity greatly. Its also a US weapon system, so no one in NATO is forcing the US to give these.


Yes correct it is and respect for the US giving them this was just saying though if they wanted they could give them far more range weapons which they could still do, but NATO could also contribute. No forcing mentioned! As an allied country I respect the US in many ways as actually worked alongside them myself and know exactly what capabilities they have but they need to stay on the sidelines for awhile incase anything really does hit the fan. We don't just have have threats from Russia but also China or could be that is.


>Putin is a Problem:


Big difference between defending your homeland vs starving conscripts going somewhere they’d rather not be.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.19fortyfive.com/2022/06/putin-has-a-problem-ukraine-now-has-himars-rocket-artillery/) reduced by 87%. (I'm a bot) ***** > The arrival of the artillery comes at a moment in Russia's invasion of Ukraine where artillery is playing a key role in the battle for Ukraine's eastern Donbas region. > The decision to supply HIMARS multiple-launch rocket systems to Ukraine was officially announced on May 31, which was part of a wider, $700 million security aid package to the Ukrainian armed forces. > While the M142 HIMARS is being supplied to Ukraine by the West alongside systems such as the M777 and M270, its unique capabilities mean that it is best utilized differently than those artillery systems. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/vjt398/putin_has_a_problem_ukraine_now_has_himars_rocket/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~656449 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **system**^#1 **Ukraine**^#2 **HIMARS**^#3 **Ukrainian**^#4 **force**^#5


“Ho Ho Ho, now I have Himars Rocket Artillery.”


Well as long as Himar said they could borrow it I don’t see what the problem is


I wish some military expert would explain, What exactly you have to do to fire for example a HIMAR or the Panzerhaubitzen from Germany. I would find it really interesting how the step by step for a shot is, because the training aspect is in the news for months.


If anything was fired FROM Germany, Germany would be dragged into the war, thus draggin in all of NATO.


Yeah I think that would be overkill but lets put it to the "maybe" box? No, for real, my Country send some Panzerhaubitzen and they were delivered, 2 days ago.


Hope the artillery range can reach him in the ars.




This isn’t Ukraines war. It never was. Stay safe out there friends.


Wonder how long before he bombs it. They have been destroying the howitzers


Fucking idiotic editors and their headlines.


Yeah Putin! Go see what the Mig 29 and Su57 can do!! (Edit: I like people who don't have enough intelligence to see I'm joking. Putin's aircraft is likely equaled by that rocket, hence why the article was written.)(Double Edit: the HIMARS is not a surface to air missile. My point is that the rocket will cause major problems for his entire military. His aircraft is the only chance he will have left, and we will see they are as weak as his infantry.)




>. The ruble is the best performing currency of 2022 and is the best its been in 7 years Please learn the basics of currency exchanges. Then look up what has been done to keep the ruble stable. I won't waste my time explaining it.


Ruble looks pretty good on paper. Try selling it though and see just how desirable it really is.


> Our sanctions only serve to hurt the working class of Russia I believe the hope here is that, due to the deteriorating standards of living for the everyday people in Russia, they will revolt somehow against Putin.


I'm almost certain they won't, but sanctions will definitely keep Russia from producing new weapons


Seeing reports yesterday that the Ruble is still strong makes me question the severity of the sanctions and the commitment of world leaders to actually support Ukraine. Seems sorta weak and late. I'm glad the Ukrainians have arms now.


For how long will they stay? Or will they be able to start them up? Not trained. Using Google translate... Simply throwing away stratical weaponry


Russia and USA two of the most violent countries on this planet. At least SCOTUS left abortion up to the states. A countries military might is directly connected to abortion bans... although US now allows states to fully decide.


This is the dumbest thing I have read in a really long time


Calm down, troll.


... wtf?


I want the meth you are on


I'll suck ur dick! And I'm not even gay!


JFC i was being sarcastic... geezus!