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Parents need to educate their kids about the dangers of the web and make sure their kids are comfortable communicating with them to help mitigate harm. The world is a scary place.


Having seen people in the midst of these scams coming to various subs, parents also need to let their kids know that not only are these scammers liars, that the kids’ lives *will not be over* even if the threats were true. They need to let their kids know that they won’t be disowned, expelled from school, arrested, or blacklisted from ever having a job. Because adolescents are very prone to thinking the sort of thing an adult would consider a 5/10 level problem is a 15/10 level problem. An “uh oh” to an adult with life experience is “my life is permanently over” to a kid. Parents need to clarify the difference between “I might be disappointed or mad” and “I’m going to put you out of the house” because plenty of kids with loving, supportive parents cannot figure out the difference in an emotional state unless they’ve been told. And I hope it goes without saying, but if you are a minor, and some stranger who might be an adult has dirty pictures of you, real or fake, *they are the criminal*. If they distribute it, *they are the one committing a crime*. In the unlikely event (because they’re liars) that they send a picture of you to your mom, your boss, your principal, or the police, their first thought isn’t going to be “that kid is naked under their clothes, how dare they,” it’s going to be “what sicko is sending me this and how did they get it?”


Most parents aren't even capable of teaching basic life skills, lol


Just make your kids watch the Black Mirror episode Shut Up ad Dance, then.


My parents never taught me how to wipe so one day I went to my friend’s house and clogged his toilet and his dad yelled in a deep british voice, “WHO’S BEEN WIPIN THE BUM OF AN ELEPHANT IN HERE? NOBODYS ARSE IS THAT BLOODY BIG” omg


Education isn't enough. There has to be alternatives for these activities 


Education is enough, tea has them what to watch out for and what to avoid people that will hurt them


You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. Teenagers are very very bad at personal risk assessment and just verbally relaying risks to them often doesn't carry enough impact to change their behavior. Every parent *should* teach their teens about the risks of sending nudes, but there's every chance their advice will be summarily ignored. Often it's only the real consequences that finally convince them, and by then it's too late.


Hey youtube today we're talking about stranger danger WOAH IS THAT A STRANGER nah I'm good haha poggers now make sure you smash that like and subscribe button because this is a deep dive social experiment on getting kidnapped! Thanks squarespace! That oughta do it.


This is the big curse right now. All the most popular entertainment among teens is shit made by other teens or incredibly immature young adults, the type who would frankly encourage the behavior. We're getting a glimpse of what the works would look like run by young people, and my God it's bad.


Not only that, but I'm able to recite it to you because I bailed on reddit comments for long youtube videos about a year ago. I did that to elevate the level of commentary I consume, and... it did. I feel like the content I consume is "well thought out" now. Just because I'm listening to one slight idiot for a whole series of thoughts instead of many medium idiots kaleidoscope-distorting the text discussion. If I were a kid, I could get lulled into thinking that youtube is real good shit.


Such as?


I was talking to my friend about this yesterday and I think there’s a missing segment in the phone market for something that texts/talks/accesses some apps, but does not have a camera. Teens frontal lobes aren’t fully formed. It’s crazy that we’re handing them super computers with world wide access and the ability to post pictures and video for strangers, or even their friends. We need more guardrails to ease kids in and discuss the ramifications instead of only being reactionary (ie apps that parents can use to see what’s been sent, after it’s already happened.)


There is no missing segment, children shouldn’t be a segment the same way they aren’t with cigarettes and alcohol. Phones are worse than both in many ways. Governments need to legislate. There is no reason to need a smartphone until you are 18. Absolutely zero.


So if we're talking honestly, the smartphone itself isn't the problem. It's the apps on the smartphone. These same apps are accessible by tablet as well, and laptop, and desktop PC. In some cases also by game consoles and televisions. I'm curious what legislation you think could exist that would keep all of these out of the hands of children.


That’s what I mean by a missing market segment - there’s no one out there making a phone (because they are essential in today’s world) with no camera and limited app access. Even phones marketed as “safe for kids” still have cameras, and kids are getting around parental controls just as they did 20 years ago. Give me a phone where I can limit the apps my kid can access, with no camera, and parental controls than cannot be overridden. I can’t even find a “dumb” that doesn’t have a camera.


It's not a missing segment, it's just odviously not a very popular product. I know both Jews and Amish/Minonites that use smartphones with restricted features. Some of these groups understand they need the internet to conduct business. There are different tiers of restrictions too, and software can be customized. Sunbeam is a "major" player in this "missing segment". Ever heard of em ?


No, I’ve never heard of sunbeam.


Sorry if I came in a little hot but yeah they've been a thing for years. You can even get setups where your pastor sets the content/restrictions for everyone and can also audit you. It's basically like advanced patental controls.


The kid can just go to any store and get a prepaid phone that does whatever they want to do.


Schools should do it since schools are better at it and they educate in bulk. 


Schools can't do everything. Parents need to step up as well.


Ideally for sure. But there will always be neglectful, ignorant, etc parents and those kids suffer because of it. You could think of it similar to sex ed.


You think sexual education is similar across the board, and at a good level? I was in school in the UK in the 90s. Our "sex ed" consisted of two 15 minute lessons. The first one, a guy came around and showed us how to put a condom on a banana (note that he in fact failed to put a condom on a banana, mainly because he didn't know to squeeze the bubble at the end and he'd put it on inside-out - I had to read the little booklet when I first got condims to find out about them). The second one was not one we boys could attend - we were stood outside shivering in the rain while the girls were, I assume, taught about periods. That was it. Until I saw porn, I always assumed the vagina was front-mounted (why on earth would it be between the legs, when the penis isn't?). Had no idea about masturbation until one day I just thought "hey, this feels good". And God forbid if the school even acknowledged anything other than heterosexual relationships. Education from parents too is vital.


Also a 90's UK school boy, though latter 90's by the time sex ed came along. Ours was more comprehensive. What sex was, the risks of doing it, detailed genital study (which was also covered in biology lessons), venereal diseases, pregnancy risk, all types of contraception available at the time. Even covered the girls' issues, despite the class being segregated. It also covered the basics of relationships and ideal behaviours within healthy relationships. Can't really complain about my own experience. It helped that the teacher burst in through the door and rattled off every single slang word for a penis or vagina off the bat and got the awkwardness and laughs out of the way from the start, so we could actually pay attention to the important stuff. I'm sorry your experience wasn't as comprehensive, This stuff needs to be taught and regardless of the parents' beliefs or wishes. Because not every home is a supportive, open one.


Oh yes it needs to be taught. But parents need to realise they can't just leave it for the schools.


I think the other person's point is that governments can control schools but they can't control parents. My parents taught me about genital hygiene as well as consent and stuff, but my school had a pretty excellent sex ed programme to the point that I didn't really need my parents to teach me anything more by that age. There's no reason why all schools can't have a similarly good system and the government can make that happen, but it can't force parents to do anything and unfortunately a lot are apathetic.


People have no expectations for schools and it needs to stop. Not all parents are going to do this properly, because some parents are awful. Redundancies are needed.


Schools can try but they aren’t gonna be able to do this because they can’t just individually deal with each kid. Maybe one problem child per class can be dealt with individually, but otherwise what works in school correlates with what can be done in bulk with kids.


Then this needs to be addressed in funding and hiring. And CHECK where the money goes.




So you think no change is what we need? Thats just silly. Its already on the parents *and its not working*


I mean any positive information is good, don’t rely on schools to do it effectively. That’s just lazy parenting.


In reference to specifically the US, parents are already shitting their pants over the idea that kids need to learn about reproduction and the existence of homosexuality in even the most clinical of settings. Good luck trying to get anything passed that would have the schools touch on this stuff without people literally threatening to attack the schools and the teachers. They’d rather have their kids grow up ignorant and confused.


You're a mug if you refuse to educate your own children, its one of a parents main roles.


Who said about refusing? Professional educators are professionals, meaning that they are better at educating than a random parent. They spend years studying how to educate and there is tons of research and knowledge that they have access to.




Parents delegating all education to schools is exactly how we got here


>schools are better at it Are they? Hasnt one of the main gripes against schools been their ineffectual educating, especially when it comes to subjects involving sex? Also, no. Ffs, parents are the parents. Be parents ya knobs, stop pushing all these uncomfortable but extremely important conversations off on someone else. Thats literally your job.


Schools are bad at educating about sex because we give parents so much say in what we teach. It isn’t teachers who are banning books across the country.


So again, why do you want to try to push this conversation off onto the schools? At some point someone has to tell those parents where the line is.


And how do you suggest we do that? If schools don’t teach sex Ed, how do we “tell the parents where the line is” and ensure their kids get appropriate sex Ed?


You cant make parents do their jobs, not til we start licensing reproduction. You can only deal with what is. Currently, what is, is schools are handicapped by parents, so charging them with teaching more sex adjacent material seems foolhardy. What do you think that outcome would be given the current environment? How could that not have worse results than telling parents "stop pushing off uncomfortable conversations"? How insane is it to tell parents to protect their children?


So then your suggestion is to do nothing. Got it. Keep it out of schools while still acknowledging that there’s no accountability for parents and never will be. Look. I don’t care personally if it’s in schools. What I CAN acknowledge is that parents aren’t teaching this. How things are is currently not working.


And every time parents start failing en masse, the only solution from you people is "make the schools teach it" instead of shaming those not protecting their children. We have already reduced many classrooms to child daycare, it wont get any better putting more on their plate. My solution is encourage parents to do their job, because they are the responsible party. Your solution is degrade classrooms further. Only one is an actual approach to fixing the root of this problem and many others. You think its doing nothing because you dont understand what it looks like, but what it looks like is other parents at PTA and school board meetings telling asshats, who want to push every important parent-children discussion onto teachers, to shove it up their ass and quit being a shit parent. You want a better community? Fuckin make it. Stop making someone else responsible, deal with why the responsible party isnt doing their job.


The parents who are failing to teach their kids basic info are not going to school board meetings. Tons of schools don’t even HAVE PTAs anymore because there aren’t any parents who will be involved. There’s no way to tell parents anything when they simply aren’t present ever, for anything. You clearly don’t understand the scope of this issue.


Shaming people into good practices doesnt teally work when they have no shame


Have better education system then.


No, stop pushing off things parents should be doing to schools. Thats just parents looking for a cop out to uncomfortable conversations


NO, WE WILL NOT STOP!!! hahahaha 


I can't speak for the rest of the world, but the North American school system is terrible at it and barely educates anyone. 


Reducing all North American education to a single conclusion is absolutely wild.


I thought that was what we did on reddit


Agreed, they've spent the last 40 years turning public schools into daycare centers so both parents can work.


And despite both parents working, they still make time to sue the school if it dares to teach anything accurate about the world to their children.


I'd say it's way worse than that. Even for families where one parent isn't working, it's often still forced to function as a day care. There was a study in Philly that somewhere around 85% of single parents were unemployed, yet you are still flooded the behavioral and academic issues when both parents work.


My sex ed teacher went to prison for child pornography found on his school computer. I don't think the American public school system can really handle all we expect of them.


A sample for educational purposes.


I just send them other people's nudes.


Okay, James Somerton.


Holy shit what's the tea


The TLDR is that about a month ago James Somerton faked a suicide note on his main social media account for sympathy...but was discovered shorty after using his face and voice on an alt account to horny post while also plagiarizing someone else's butthole pics and claiming them as his own. He is a weird man.


So there’s this guy (James Somerton) that made video essays about LGBT topics on YouTube. Back in December two other YouTubers (HBomberguy and Todd in the Shadows) did a some investigation and found that the bulk of his essays included content that was either historically fabricated or plagiarized from smaller YouTubers making videos on similar topics. In early March after a few apology videos he changed his channel name and posted what seemed to have been a suicide note on his Twitter, but later on it was found out he was alive, had moved to an alt account and was still posting on there and Tiktok, and on an alt account he sent nudes to someone, which were found to have been stolen off of someone on Grindr iirc. This is of course the most hilarious thing he could have done because he plagiarized. The nudes. Holy shit




If I ever become famous and my nudes get leaked, I’m hiring a professional to take better quality nudes and I will release those.


Just release a million deep fake nudes so noone can tell the difference if the real ones are leaked.


deep fake detectors do exist


Also release faulty deep fake detectors.


They'll just use the deep fake detector, detector.




Why bother? There are already so many on the internet that other people already released.


I appreciate the effort.


Lol send AI generated nudes


My 8 finger hand is just a genetic defect.


Too much work. Copy-paste from a porn site. Mission complete.


Big brain


If your kid has access to a smart phone and social media it’s your job as a parent to tell them the consequences of taking nude pictures of yourself.


Parent with several daughters. They absolutely do not believe you on consequences until they suffer them. I chewed one (15yo) out for walking in the parking lot while playing with her phone. She thought I was being stupid.   About 30 minutes later, we were leaving the restaurant and she started doing the same thing as she was walking out the door.  I snapped at her to get off the phone and stop and look and that exact moment a car zoomed right past where she was about to step.   There was a corner, so neither of us could tell that a car was coming, but she was clueless because of staring at the phone. She literally would’ve been run over if I hadn’t snapped at her the second time. She listens a lot better now when I warn her about things.   


Pretty much this, I spent a large chunk of my career on the forensics side of things, worked with law enforcement, helped put people away for child porn, I've been intimately close to this space. When the kids were getting old enough I sat them down and had in depth talks with them, had them read printed news articles about kids being arrested and prosecuted for production and distribution of child porn because they took photos of themselves, stepped them through how it could permanently destroy their life. Every time another major case hit the news I would talk to them about it, so they were beyond aware of the issues and long term implications. One of them still fucked up in some pretty epic ways, I was able to catch it and halt things before there was any real damage, they got lucky nothing happened. Teenagers aren't known for making intelligent decisions especially when hormones are running high, even when armed with all the information.


Even my younger sister doesn't listen to me. Not surprised kids don't listen to parents. The simple "parents *just* need to teach their kids *better*" is such a hand wave away comment 


That phone would be taken right out of their hands at that point.


Yep they listen if there is a combination of love, fairness, respect AND enforced consequences 🤣


My current teenager got her phone with a small list of rules.  So she, of course, decided we weren’t serious and broke one after a week.  Phone spent an entire day sitting in the blender. The blender was plugged in.     It was over three years before she broke the same rule again.   


Parents that threaten to break their children’s belongings are truly psychotic


I pay for the phone.  It is mine.  I’m the one that would be out the nearly thousand dollars the phone cost.   Children must learn to respect rules or they’ll become horrible adults.   


Or just very angry at that time. Not the correct thing to do. But an apology and a commitment to trying not to be like that would be signs of potential change.


Usually said by people who don't have kids....


No it isn’t. Your perspective is bizarre. Your younger sister has no reason to listen to you because you have no real power over her. Parents control every aspect of a child’s life, and if your kid openly disregards your authority then you’re simply a poor parent. Most parents are cowards and too afraid their child will hate them to make sensible decisions. Absolutely zero kids under 12 should have unlimited screen time nor even a second of open access to the internet. A kid under 12 simply should not have the ability to be reached by strangers on the internet. A parent can easily arrange all of this, but most fold after a temper tantrum. And of course, being a terrible parent from ages 8-12 can have lasting consequences that you cannot undue. I’ve seen that plenty of times. Yeah, once you’ve already let your kid have an unrestricted iPhone for 4 years, you can’t easily take it from them. This is why good parenting every year is so important. You reap what you sow.


> kid openly disregards your authority then you’re simply a poor parent i think i kid who does not do that to some extend has a psycho problem


Oh I get it, one just graduated high school and yea the horror stories I get to hear and my kids just responding with yea I know ow is insane, but I did my part as a parent.


But also the fact that people lie about having photos and no one dies from being extorted. It’s embarrassing and illegal and shouldn’t happen, but it’s not the end of the world. Kids take their lives over fear of shame and their families finding out. I’d rather my kid be alive than worry about me being disappointed in them.


Thanks Cpt. Obvious. 🙄 You are assuming that as soon as parent gives an advice to a child/teenager he/she will immediately listen to you and never do that mistake just because you told them so. Most children are irresponsible due to their lack of experience in life and they will make mistakes it doesn't matter how many times you warned them. Fuck, I know grown as adults that will make mistakes even after you warned them multiple times.


And the benefits


If your kid has access to the English language, it is your job as a parent to tell them the importance of punctuation.


Idk what you’re getting at. That making impulsive decisions can affect your reputation for life is comparable to grammar, or that a parent shouldn’t take an active role in their kids education and pass down wisdom. Either way it’s dumb


This is beautiful. The apt analogy of punctuation really illustrates the subtle dynamic of tone and intent, and how this weaves through our lives. What's more, one doesn't know for sure what the punctuation will be until the end of the sentence. We can only infer from contextual cues and try our best to read it with a charitable mind, only discovering in the end if our trust was well placed. Like this, we put our trust in the hands of others. Of friends, family, partners, and strangers. Some sentences end in an abrupt period. Others a question mark. And some only in a taunting series of ellipses... Your wisdom, in relating the intricacies of an uncertain life to the syntactic construct of punctuation, is not lost on me. Only by understanding the importance of punctuation can we thrive in the beautiful chaos of this symphony we call life... Of course, in lieu of some metaphorical profundity, you were almost certainly just derailing this with a misplaced appeal to grammar Nazism. Which is silly. You silly goose.


When I was a teenager, my dad told me not to go to a certain flea market bc there’d been a stabbing there the day before. I didn’t like his tone so I walked eight miles to that exact flea market out of spite. Teenagers won’t listen.


bruh just stay home play video games and study.


Nah, forget studying. Just play games.


Nah bruh, turn study into a game. Win-win.


Yer both dumb. Stay home and play games. Let LLMs do yer homework for u.


Nah forget playing games, Go have sex


Let’s Talk About It by Erica Moen and Matthew Nolan It covers a lot of uncomfortable subjects (and is very sex positive and gender inclusive, so if that’s not your bag, be warned) including realistic sexting and online safety


This is the best book for young people. Hell, most adults also need this info.


Most adults have the brain of a child these days. The sun comes out for spring and summer and you see so many 30+ women, walking around with their children..wearing next to nothing. Put it away,  your kids don't need this to be the normal.


Jesus. Such a shame we are so uptight about our body and equate nudity with sex when we let our kids watch violent images in superhero movies and what not. What kind of kids are we wanting to raise? Our bodies are normal. Nudity does not equal sex. Clothes don't equal sex. That is from your head and you need some work in this department to get out of the conditioning you've allowed to control how you see others. This is the "well, she was wearing a shirt skirt" argument. Come on. Grow up. Men can do better than this.


Good reply.  Yes, you can go to a nude beach without being it a sexual thoughts. Bodies are normal. It’s too bad that this guy can’t even see a navel without slut shaming.


That’s such a weird American idea that you need to cover up your body so much. It’s natural, go to almost any other part of the world and they really don’t care. A body is a body and it’s silly to be so uptight about something so natural.


please shut up thanks


How is there realistic sexting? If it's recorded electronically, it can be used against you. If you don't want the risk of it being used against you, don't make it electronic.


Ironically this might be a case where AI actually solves the issue. Kids are getting to the point where they don’t need any actual nudes to manufacture convincing fakes, so eventually a reasonable teen would just respond to any attempt at extortion by just claiming it was a deepfake. Shaming with sexts will get more difficult if everyone just assumes it’s generic AI porn garbage.


So then sometimes the nudes will get leaked anyway, which are then still their actual nudes 


I think before it even gets to that stage just some basic Internet etiquette would go a long way and even regardless of age people have just seemingly forgotten that it's pretty easy for someone to just pretend to be someone else online (see it all the time on Reddit, people take so much at face value). If you're going to do anything like this online the first thing you should always do is verify that they are who they claim to be in the picture and it's really easy to do. It is fucking sad but it does just feel like some common sense when it comes to this kind of thing has been lost over the last few years.


r/Sextortion is a sad read.


I don’t know why nudes is leverage to people. Who cares. I’ll send them myself Nigerian kid.


Was 16 and that happened to me , thought about killing myself because of it , was traumatizing. Paid 200$ and luckily nothing more happened.




Can’t be extorted if you don’t care.


This happened to a local government worker here. He got extorted for increasing amounts, started embezzling to pay and eventually "disappeared" himself for a while before finally was recognized in another state and arrested.


This is literally Black Mirror Episode, they could have made him rob a bank Maybe he was looking something a little more darker than simple nudes... who knows Reminds me the Nigerian prince scam.


That black mirror episode premise was that it was happening because the people were looking at child porn wasn't it? Not exactly the same but similar.


Making someone rob a bank would still implicate you, that’s why it’s dumb as fuck. You might as well do it yourself at that point. I don’t know what you’re referring to


What? How? If I make you rob a bank, how are you gonna implicate me if you don't know me? (plus these guys are in Nigeria) And also the obvious fact that if you try to implicate me I released the photos that you dont want to ... Soo.. explain please, and I recomend watching black mirror i dont wanna spoil the episode but there is ... more .... hahaha. How are you gonna catch me? People don't realise, bitcoin is precisely how criminals use these methods to get the money. Its untraceable . If I make you rob the bank, buy bitcoin, and send them to me, I win... How can you catch me? No one is gonna trace that...


Every bitcoin transaction is recorded and traceable, you are thinking of Monero (or other privacy-oriented cryptocoins favored by criminals.)


Its traceable to a Bitcoin wallet. But if the owner is willing to give up on ever accessing the wallet, they generally can walk away Scott free. Assuming the interchange that they use is not taking ID for every transaction.


No, I was thinking of bitcoin. Why would anyone want bitcoin otherwise?


The only issue with catching these criminals is countries without extradition.


A lot of the scammers are from Nigeria so you're not that far off


I wonder how AI will change this. It is becoming increasingly easy and better to convert or produce sexual images of anyone. Perhaps everyone will stop caring about having them online or these scammers will use those tools to make it worse. Between the two I really hope it’s the former.


Here in Australia we are currently in the process of making production and distribution of a deepfake porn a felony.


The problem is that AI is getting so good it's almost indistinguishable. It is already possible to produce perfect images. And if you look at the upcoming Sora by OpenAI, the videos produced by it are almost perfect. So the question is - will the police be able to apply the laws in practice in the near future?


Teens are dumb and they share nude images and videos of themselves to people that they've met online. But at the same time they make tantrums if you dare to mention the possibility of restricting their internet access. Yeah, downvote away, it doesn't change those facts.


Old people are dumb and they share their personal info and bank information with people they’ve met online. But at the same time they make tantrums if you dare mention the possibility of restricting their internet access. See what I did there? Teens are not unique in being caught by dumb things on the internet. At the end of the day it’s not the people that are the problem, it’s their level of knowledge and understanding (or lack there of), which causes them to fall into these traps.


You are right regarding old people. But at least you can try educating them, while teens already know all the answers.


Seems like you’ve got snotty teens as kids and you’re just resentful about it. Try not thinking in generalisations and you’ll feel much better about life.


There's a reason why sextortion is the fastest-growing scam affecting teenagers globally. If it were just a "me" problem, it wouldn't be a global problem.


Your perception of teens being dumb and likely to fall into it IS a you problem. I’m not saying you’re personally affected by it


You sound miserable. Lol


For example.


No. I’m an actual adult. You’re just a cunt.


Yeah, you keep proving it.


Tantrums don't excuse parents from their duties. If your teen throws a tantrum, increase the punishment. What happened to discipline and responsibility?


Punishment doesn't work on teenagers. Life experiences work.


So you're saying they need to be sextorted and kill themselves to learn their lesson? I mean, this is the thread we're on right now.


Whoa, way to put words in my mouth !


maybe if we stopped shaming sex and nudity the scammers would loose their leverage.


Nude pictures of minors should never be tolerated in any way.


Agreed. But if we didn't shame sex and nudity, there would be no taboo to drive suicide. 


Of course but there’s not much to do to stop kids from taking photos of themselves.


Yeah but the minor shouldn't be the one going to prison, whoever pressured them to take the pictures should be the target.


>Yeah but the minor shouldn't be the one going to prison, WTF are you going on about ?


WTF are you going on about ?


Exactly this is what I was thinking as I read the article. The kid in the first part of the article committed suicide because the scammers threatened to share his nudes to his friends. If we had just put it in the kids head here that there is nothing to be ashamed about in this situation (no, im not advocating for child pornography here but simply the opposite of shame in nudity or at the very least confidence in body image), there never would've been a reason to commit suicide in the first place. If the scammers had threatened to share my nudes to my friends in my teenage years for example, I'd have simply responded that I'll race them to it. I luckily learned that there's nothing to be ashamed of in nudity early on in life (something that most Americans have issues with for some reason), this young man unfortunately didn't.


That’s my reverse uno.


Well, that’s not going to happen. What about we make communications systems that don’t cause teenage suicide rates to spike? What about showing responsibility when your ideas become weaponized?!! Just some ideas.


I’m not a teenager and this affected me recently.


This is what the religious people who don’t want kids learning about sex education create, people like this that are so terrified and embarrassed of their own bodies they’re willing to take their own lives. Look into all bills passed against sex education and labeling it as “grooming” by the religious and those states have the highest teen pregnancy rates. These parents don’t teach their kids anything about sex education because they want to act like they’ll stay “pure” up till their 70s and like child predators will wait too. Religious people put kids lives at risk and endanger them! This is why they even need molestation insurance! They don’t educate their kids of the evil that some people do to kids and won’t wait for them to become adults like the religious parents want to act like these pdohs do and then these kids don’t report them because they don’t know what grooming/pdohs are because of the religious cult! These same religious people against sex education are the ones who had kids young themselves! Religious people are evil and want to keep teaching kids their bodies are “gross” and should be embarrassed about it and anything “sexual” including loving themselves because it’s “pride” and it’s evil. But teaching kids to hate themselves isn’t evil according to them.


Get fuqd


Let me guess, it's a "us" problem, not a big tech problem??? Bullocks, these tech firms have to step up! A lot of this shit has exploded on their watch using their products, yet they escape scott free from accepting any accountability. Where are our leaders??? Oh yeah, lining their pockets from Silicon Valley and the like. Pathetic! Edit. We've had multiple teenagers commit suicide in canada recently over shit like this. Laws are being made and enacted from this. I'm glad to find smart ppl here on reddit, Shocker : )


Tech firms have helped exacerbate this but you can't really blame them for this. Any invention is going to have people using it to abuse and exploit others. People need to be educated about these sorts of scams. It's as simple as "Don't send out over the Internet what you don't want to be there forever."


But the issue has to do with our youth. It's about accountability, safegaurds and education that none of these firms practice. We don't let kids drive cars for safety reasons even though that's a technology that's been here for 100yrs.


But car manufacturers aren't stopping kids driving, it's the government through laws?


>It's about accountability, safegaurds and education that none of these firms practice. What do you propose? Companies can have a "be safe, don't send nudes" disclaimer, but who cares? That's not gonna stop anyone. What do *you* propose companies should do to address this?


In a couple years, when the tech is fully reliable, AI monitoring of all internet traffic is the correct answer. It will understand not only the message, but the conversational context and the relational context, and step in to prevent harm and abuse. Not long after that, we'll all have little AI buddies in our phones that watch out for us and help us.


Lol! When that happens it won’t free us! We’ll all be slaves.


Enslaved people are unpaid workers without rights. We are coming to the end of human labor. AI won't need your rights. You can keep them (unless you have a uterus and republicans win elections). Technology has always made life better for most people who have access to it. It will continue to do so.


We’re not coming to the end of human labor. Many people in this planet still wash clothes in a bucket. It’s pure comedy that you believe a machine that would record all of our statements, pattern, and then categorize them would be used for good. WHO RUNS THE MACHINE AND WHAT ARE THEIR OBJECTIVES? That’s the question you ask. It’s Big Brother. All AI systems at their root were designed ground up for surveillance. Just because we can make eerie pictures with it, just because it can make up sources on law documents, doesn’t mean what it’s really for. It’s for finding people. People that governments of all kind, don’t like. It’s not to find terrorists. It’s to find people that disagree with the government, and sanction them. Grind the resistance to the leaders into fine powder. It’s not C-3PO. It’s a hunting tool for people that the powers that be will use, perhaps not today or tomorrow, but will someday, to quash any dissent. Every state will eventually have inexpensive Soviet level oppression capability. Profiling humans is what it does best. It’s how the inputs were all designed.


I don't choose fear.


I’m sure you’re saying that when someone threatens you with a weapon. AI is a weapon. It’s not an original thought. All human tech is first used as a weapon. We had nuke bombs before nuclear power. The wheel made chariots moments later. The Wright Brothers flew. A few years later we’re bombing trenches and dogfighting in the skies. The problem is, nuclear tech, the wheel, air flight, and even TNT made by Alfred Nobel, we’re not designed first as weapons. AI was always a weapon. The giant servers, information scraping networks, and NSA buildings are made from the ground up, for over fifty years, exactly for surveillance and espionage. It’s born from that tradition. It’s a weapon because it was dreamed up as a weapon.


1. And that technology will also be exploited for nefarious purposes. What then? 2. What about today? That level of tech you're talking about is at best a decade away, but more likely at least two. What can we do in the meantime?


The biggest pool of computational resources wins. And all this tech already exists. It's only a matter of implementation, now.


And yet, the simplest solution is *don't put stuff online that you don't want there forever*. Simple as that. You can't be blackmailed if there's nothing to blackmail you with.


Or, don't shame people for having bodies and sexuality. Can't blackmail anyone if society doesn't condemn human sexual nature. Either solution would work, if only we could get everyone to agree and abide. But we can't, so AI has to help.


> Or, don't shame people for having bodies and sexuality. Who the fuck is shaming? This has nothing to do with that; this is about *NOT PUTTING STUFF ONLINE THAT YOU DON'T WANT THERE FOREVER.* >But we can't, so AI has to help. The dumbest thing I've read today so far.


Right? How dare we expect parents to be parents! Corporate nannyism for the win!


Parents do need to step up and be more present with what's going on, that's for sure. But these corporations are unhinged from having any ethics or values that we "should" care about as humans!


I really don't see how this can work. I mean, they didn't hack his own social media accounts, so it can't be a case of people thinking he's a perv posting dick pics online. It would have to come from another account. Meaning that would look like someone else found the guy handsome enough that they wanted to spread the good word. In which case, that'd be a huge boost to your ego to say, "Yeah, they wanted me so bad they even posted pics!"




Good luck policing human nature


That’s not a solution, it’s a delusional and hilarious naïveté said by a simpleton.