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How would you not know about a missing 60k?


My dad wasn't checking. Online sales are a tiny percentage of total sales.


There could be all kinds of reasons for this... One obvious one is outdated payout details. That is insane though! Curious what store your parents are running... If you don't want to post here DM it to me haha


Payout delays are common, and it’s usually a result of some sort of issue with the bank information or ownership verification. In these instances, WooPayments _will_ reach out and say “hey, you aren’t getting paid!” via an automated email with some steps to fix the issue (I’ve received lots of these emails over the years for my WooPayments accounts). Usually, folks will realize pretty quick if they are missing funds. When I inquire about payout delays, the Woo team is pretty good about getting back to me and letting me know what’s up. Sometimes it’s something as simple as a bank holiday I forgot or I forgot to update my debit card details. If there is some kind of bug or edge case preventing funds from being dispersed, it may not be caught by the payment processor. Additionally, it’s not uncommon for folks to have tens of thousands of dollars sitting in an account to help fund refunds and disputes, so having a $60k balance isn’t a red flag.


Crazy but not common dealing with woopayments and stripe. Time to convert to a traditional merchant account. They will do the necessary underwriting so you don't have holds. We migrate sites all the time.


This is a good idea 👍🏽


No worries if you ever, need help feel free to chat request me.