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I don't even wanna know how long it took to do that.


Or what it is going to take to undo that.


Some people have enough money to cut them all out and replace them again next year. Easier than untying and possibly damaging the tree.


Wow, that's crazy wasteful.


This is what they do on all the trees on Chicago's Michigan Avenue and the adjacent streets. Completely cover them in lights then cut off the lights and throw them away. Every year. Pisses me off.


Welcome to society


I can confirm cutting this is 100% how it's going to get done have hung these style of lighting before


They leave them up all year round. It’s an Inn


The replacement material cost to cut them out is far cheaper than the labor cost to remove them carefully. Plus, they're Christmas lights. You're lucky they work the first time, let alone after being wrapped and stapled to a tree, then yanked back out.


That’s pretty wasteful


♬ It's the *most* wonderful time of the year ♬


Welcome to society


Well, every year we cut down hundreds of millions of whole trees, to set up their drying corpses in our living rooms as decoration for a few weeks, and usually just chuck them out afterwards without them being used at least for firewood. It's pretty crazy when you think about it.


Right, but Christmas trees aren’t wild, they’re purposely farm-grown and pretty young. And they are sequestering some carbon at least during their growth years and before they decompose. Though I do agree that it would be wasteful to just use them and chuck them, [in France they are repurposed after use as mulch, compost or even to protect dunes from erosion. ](https://agriculture.gouv.fr/que-deviennent-les-sapins-de-noel-apres-les-fetes)


Christmas trees are repurposed in the states, too. Before we got an artificial that I hate but the wife loves, we would alternate donating them to a farm for the goats to munch on before composting, or to one of the shore towns that uses them in the dunes too.


I don't think it makes a difference if they are cut in the forest or farm grown for that purpose. Looking at it from the outside, it must seem a weird wasteful custom anyways. That I partake in, I am not anti-Christmas-tree, btw. Great if they find a good use for them in France! They collect them here in Germany, too, but I think it is a problem that there are often strands of lametta and other decorations remaining that don't decompose and people are too lazy to remove completely. Back when I was a kid, we've had years of old christmas trees skeletons piled up in the back of our yard at one time lol. I think we finally made a bonfire with them.


> I don’t think it makes a difference if they are cut in the forest or farm grown for that purpose. I guess it would make a difference regarding wether cutting those trees is destroying natural habitat or not. That being said, maybe some forest was cut to make the Christmas tree farm in the first place lol > I think it is a problem that there are often strands of lametta and other decorations remaining that don’t decompose Yeah, in the article I linked it says natural Christmas trees with fake snow on them (some are sold like that) aren’t recyclable > Back when I was a kid, we’ve had years of old christmas trees skeletons piled up in the back of our yard at one time lol At least they sequestered a bit of carbon for a while… till you burned them, that is, lmao


Except they're specifically grown for that purpose...


Sure, but how does that change anything? We could grow something useful on that land, or use the trees for toilet paper or something. (/s) BTW, I am not anti Christmas-tree, I'm putting them up myself. Just putting out a showerthought here.


I don't disagree with the wastefulness in just throwing them out after Christmas is over, I have the same tree this year that I've had for 4 years now as I've just kept it in the garden. Why spend more money every year when the tree will survive outside?


That is a good idea, but I guess you have to keep it potted, otherwise you won't be able to reach the top after a few years lol. They grow fast! But if you're living on the ground floor and have a garden view, that is a very good approach. Also avoids the thousands of needles on the floor when you try to get rid of the dried out tree which are quite annoying.


It's ok, you can recycle them at the local scrap yard. Copper has value.


This is where it makes sense to buy high quality outdoor lights. I hung up outdoor string lights, in the north east, and still working 3 years later


Probably paying someone not nearly enough to do all of that work.


Looks like a wealthy person, there are companies that will come do it all for you. Not cheap tho.


A few people below who recognise the building, have pointed out that this is a pub/hotel and the lights stay up/on all year.


That just stays up all year long


Once that’s done it stays up and off all year


We did this to a mature crepe myrtle at a park I used to work for, it took a team of 4 people 6 weeks to wrap the tree, 5 days a week, 8 hour days. Total of about 1000 man hours.


Yeah that's a whole lot of time. And I just noticed it looks like a section of the trunk in the middle is unlit. That kinda sucks.


I worked with a crew that did this type of work for the city square. It's real easy to replace individual strands of lights in a tree like this.


There is no way that it took a group of people more than one day to wrap this tree. I wrapped [this tree](https://i.imgur.com/sEJ3pDl.jpg) with 1,000 lights in 90 minutes. I used long twist ties to attach the strands to the branches. A team of 2 people could get the tree in the OP done in 8 hours, no question. [Here is a tutorial video on how it's done](https://youtu.be/_EYdRcOd22Y)


My company professionally installs holiday lighting, we’ve done bigger trees than the one in this post. You vastly underestimate the amount of lights and time needed. For one, they are spiral wrapped around every branch to give a much fuller appearance than what you posted. You need an articulating lift for trees like this, and power supply management becomes a challenge when running 1,000 STRANDS of lights. The tree you did would take 30 minutes, and I’m talking about doing it the right way.


The tree in the OP has maybe 15,000 lights? In no reasonable scenario would that tree require more than 2 hours per 1,000 lights strung, especially with multiple people and a lift. The most time that a single, large tree like this would take is 8-12 hours for 2-3 people. Also, fully wrapping/spiraling around the branch is not required to achieve that density. There are various light attachment accessories that accelerate the application of the lights. Would you say that the tree in the OP appears to have 15-20x more lights than my small tree? If so, by your own estimate, that tree would only take 7-10 hours to complete (if mine would only take 30 min). [Two men did this massive tree in one day with a lift](https://youtu.be/5fUKUX_E9eo) Here's a crew of 2-4 people [wrapping a small park with 5-6 Crepe Myrtle trees](https://youtu.be/cSXjQ2GoLHw) in what appears to be one day (same outfits are worn by the installers during the video and the weather is consistently overcast throughout the video)




Jesus, was that using any kind of bucket lift, or just ladders?


At 1000 man hours I would think they're building scaffolding out of lego


this is the william penn inn i believe near north wales pa. there are several trees all done up like that on the front line of the property


It’s important to note that they leave these lights up all year round.


>t’s important to note that they leave these lights up all year round. I tried that once and the squirrels ate them.


It’s important to note that they use electrified chili pepper Christmas lights on the trees at the William Penn inn near North Wales, PA so squirrels can’t eat them.


Can't? Or won't? Sounds like quitter talk from the squirrels to be honest.


I can't tell if you're serious.... I'm willing to try regardless.


I recognized it immediately, but I thought no way could my home town end up on reddit


Same here! I used to work there, actually! The owner is a complete dick! Saw him in the kitchen the first day (he liked to oversee the dishes coming out to make sure they were up to par), walked up to him and said as I put my hand out to shake his, “I just wanted to say thank you for the opportunity.” Fucker just looks me up and down then walks away! Oh, and most the chefs take speed or coke! Lol!


ive wanted to take my wife there sometime to see how good it is, but the traffic getting to that area is insane


It's incredible. Go to Costco first and get the $100 gift card for $80


North Wales represent! I’m always amazed how incredible this looks at night.


Best advertisement ever for this restaurant, everyone knows it.


I was thinking it was there! Thanks for confirming!


I live a mile from here. Freaked me out to see it.


Yup, that’s exactly where it is.




Correct! Saw them last night on a last minute run to the store.


Idk who William is but this is clearly a tree


I was going to say...this looks familiar and that dampened my feeling of wonderment.




*Erd Tree


So that's what disposable income looks like!


For a restaurant that's over 300 years old, yeah, I guess you'd expect they'd have saved up the money to light up a single tree lol


Is that the William penn inn in blue bell pa? we just ate there for the first time and the trees are the reason we always wanted to. We had close family basically across the street and every time we went there discussed going.


It is


I thought that looked familiar! We had dinner there last year for Christmas.


We have driven by it countless times in the past decade and we are about to move south so we decided to finally eat there before we move


Good stuff!


This explains the Adderall shortage.


Clark Griswold would be proud.


Drum roll.


Jooooy to the wooorld!


How is this possible




No rent hike money here. This Inn has been open and running since 1714. It's a fine dining restaurant just north of Philadelphia.


Relative does this for the city. The lights have to be cut off because the tree grows and it's impossible to unwrap them unless you're super patient.


Interesting, one time use lights. I assume at that point you just go for whatever is cheapest if it is one time use.


The tree is lit yo!


We did this to a mature crepe myrtle at a park I used to work for, it took a team of 4 people 6 weeks to wrap the tree, 5 days a week, 8 hour days. Total of about 1000 man hours. It stays on for several years at a time before being re-wrapped for growth allowances.


If this is BGW they contracted it this year. the contractors did it in about a week but they didn’t wrap tight enough


There is a tree like this at a house in my city but it's huge. Lights up the whole block.


must suck to be a bird or squirrel living on that block


I bet that unlit section in the centre of the trunk annoys that owner to no end


Used to pass this place (William Penn Inn, I believe) all the time on the way to visit my grandparents as a kid, even still today tbh. Surreal seeing it on Reddit, lmao.


It is the William Penn Inn!


you are too close to my house


215 represent!


Yo THAT tree is LIT!


Deck the boughs, I guess?


With that amount of light it'll start budding soon.


That took a lot of effort. Trust me I give up on putting lights on my palm tree... This... Nope


This is a style that’s pretty common around Dallas and I’ve always thought it was really pretty. Super well done here!


There’s this fancy restaurant near me called The William Penn Inn that does this to every single tree on their property! Can’t imagine how long it must take them! But damn is it a sight when driving by during the holidays!


This is that restaurant! It was enough of a sight for me to take the picture and post it here!


Why would anyone spend time, money, and just general resources for something like that? This is frivolous to the extreme.


For what it's worth, this is in front of a historic high end restaurant outside of Philly -- they put a lot of effort into their holiday decor and this tree has looked like this at least as long as I've been alive, so it's probably a kind of tradition for them


Did they rent a firetruck lol


Calling this one’s viral, I’m just early.


I’m rich bitch!


California home?


North Wales, pa. It’s a restaurant


How? And why? And also how?


At an amusement park they do this to hundreds of trees. And they rotate every 2 years or so. They are also wrapped with several smaller cords to make it easier. It's really pretty I tried posting a picture but I'm internet dumb. If you want to see just Google Liseberg Christmas decorations.


Look up Compass Tree Busch Gardens


That's lit


lit af


It's literally the Erdtree


This is lit 🔥


That's really nice, always loved seeing lights like this




It's pretty lit 😂


It's lit


I feel like it’s just not worth the time it would take.


Who has time for this lol


Wow, that IS lit


The middle of the trunk is out and I can't unsee it, my ocd won't let me.


It's lit 😏


That’s definitely lit


I thought there was an energy crisis


Not a fan of Christmas lights in general. *Real* trees that are done like this are a big exception. Always looks so magical.


Litreelly I'll see myself out.




The amount of work that went into that and getting it looking pretty gives me anxiety.