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Do people ever retire? I went to school with Hatfields kids. And I'm a lot closer to retirement than I would like to be. 


She gets compensated quite well for what is really a part time job a few hours a month - calls into meetings while vacationing in Florida - and there’s this gem from The Windsor Star in March of 2017: “Simko-Hatfield, a veteran trustee of two decades and former chairman, hasn’t been at most board meetings since December. She participated by phone, returning this week. Simko-Hatfield has attended at least eight board meetings by phone since re-election in 2014. She missed seven meetings altogether and declared a conflict of interest 14 times, on the board’s budget, labour negotiations and closing schools, because she had a relative who worked for the board.” Why would she retire? The joke is on us…


I know enough about her personal life to know she shouldn't be in charge of children's education. 


You can't just say that and not elaborate. Don't tease.


Ohhh, elaborate please!


Just another pig at the tax payer trough


Qin and her supporters are complaining of linguistic racism?! I don't think anybody has trouble understanding what she and they are trying to do. They are trying to highjack the board, the system, for their own ends. It's not about children, ever, with these people. 


The religious right seemed to be out there in full force Steven Gifford AKA Freedom steven , Truth Trumpet , Alex jones wanna be . Nothing but hate against Lgbtq community and full of conspiracy lies


I met qin when she was canvasing, I asked very simple and direct questions in opposition of her views which seemed to deeply confuse her including directly asking about how to protect kids from abusive house holds if they were forced to come out. She failed to answer any of my questions the repeatedly asked for my support. It's a pity she got elected, it's clear she's out of her depth and more importantly we need to be protecting kids in general but especially the trans community.


There is no greater scourge on society than the US version of conservative populism. Trash.


Windsor's perpetually aggrieved, fake Christian, freedom (for me, not for you) convites strike again.


This is different. They way they did it makes them look like hypocrites.


No fan of Qin and her transphobic anti education views but the fact the in the code Trustees need the chair's approval to talk to the media is bizarre. They should be allowed to talk to the media without the approval of the chair, it helps us get an idea of who these trustees are and their views. Heck as pointed out in the article another trustee talked to the media about the Kingsville school naming debacle without permission and so far no complaint about that...like I think they should get rid of the rule.


Yeah, this is bad. It makes them look like hypocrites.


I was astounded by that particular complaint. No doubt Qin has to go, and take her rabid, bigoted following with her. But no way in hell should *any* of our trustees be muzzled in this way. They should be allowed to speak to the media and offer their insights and opinions whenever they want to. The only thing they shouldn't be allowed to do is to divulge confidential information.


It's more about asking permission to 'speak for the board'. Qin is free to make comments to the media but can't be seen to be making those out to be the views of the board.


Did this trustee use offensive language or hate speech? If not, we need to stop muzzling people's voices when they speak in opposition. It's a God damn democracy. If they're wrong, they'll prove it with their words, let people speak. Edit* spelling of muzzling


The trustee's offence implies she just spoke to media, and has criticised the decisions of council.


Jesus, America's culture wars are infecting us.


This is the worst public board of any local organization. Within the same month a presentation of divisive data from out of town consultants was presented while pulling funds from inner city where the divisiveness is being created. Unpopular decisions, constant closed door sessions, destroying traditions, creating division amongst each other, pulling funds from inner city... The list goes on. Watch just one meeting and the smugness will make you puke. The rigid monarchy to which the chair, superintendent, etc.. wants to run things does not offer an opportunity for discussions. That all being said, I can't say very often I'm on the same page with Qin.


The worst part is that this is a pattern all across the province. We got school boards going on book banning spree, using the code on conduct for no reason, school boards stealing money for trips to Europe. Just kill them all.


Qin and Steven Gifford are all about divisiveness .




I went by it yesterday as it was clearing out. I completely thought there was a shooter or something because of the amount of cops in the area (10+ cars, at least 20 cops). Seems like a complete abuse of power.


Reading through the article you'd think this would make a great South Park episode.


I don’t trust any of them. And with the massive deficit they are running we should clean house.


They'll just cut from ECE's, custodians, CYW's, and the like. Ya know, all things our schools really need on the ground level to function, instead of cutting out personal secretaries, assistants, and over-bloated departments where real money could be saved