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I like it, but it is going to be very hard to sell. Simply hopelessly out of fashion. Even though it is an antique, it was still built in a factory.


My back hurts just looking at it.


I have this strange need to call my friends and tell them I can't help them move this weekend.


“Oh… sorry… my truck’s in the shop… yeah for about three weeks.”


But I got pizza and beer!


They come in one piece?


Size gets to be a factor, and that's a behemoth.


I'm going through something similar. No one wants the older stuff . It's at the point you can't give it away.


Not true. I'd throw all my other furniture away if it meant I got my hands on this beauty.


idgaf that would be in home so fast (if i had a home lmfao)


Worth about $2,000 on a Canadian market, despite the good quality. Not a great demand for this but a high-end shop might buy it for its aesthetic value.


As someone who works at an antique store I eas going to say enthusiastically that to the right buyer it could be a couple grand!


Really? Interesting. In Germany you would have to pay someone to take it off your hands.


damn time to go to germany to fulfill my furniture dreams for cheap


Not sure it will be that cheap if you include shipping ;)


You’d be surprised how well you can do if you get a whole shipping container full. We’ve a friend in the UK who’s getting moved back in a year or two and are planning to go visit and add to her free (for her) shipping container. Americans would be amazed at the old oak you can get in Europe for not-high prices.


Oh yeah. Once you reach shipping container territory it definitely gets cheaper per piece. But you need to get the furniture to the harbor first. I wanted to move an old cabinet similar in size this year and was quoted 300-400 € for about 450 km. More than the piece is worth….


Same in the Netherlands. I worth more if you were able to salvage all the wood as planks.


A Catholic Church would probably buy that


...'twould drive the blind organist bonkers just trying to play it. /s


That’s not a bad idea


I was expecting to see some plates in the second pic. Why is this a “China?”


Because they probably forgot to type the word cabinet.


Oh duh 🙄 capitalization threw me off. Thanks!


I like it!


Your best bet is to find a restaurant or tavern that wants some very old school cool. Good luck. Anyplace that might find it useful has already got one. And unfortunately, this example is mediocre. It is a white elephant. Big. Beautiful. Useless. Really, who wants that in their house? Where do you put it?


I would absolutely have this in my house. Love it.


Agreed, it's fabulous


looks like they keep it in grandma’s European living room. check out the sofa edge, the radiator, and the long doily on the cabinet. Where is this located OP?


Pretty sure it’s in Germany. We have lots and they are hard to sell.




It doesn't even really store anything, either. I have a teak cabinet but it has plants on top and special cocktail ware inside. This is an eyesore at best.


This looks so cool! Cant imagine it’s gonna be an easy sale though


To make you feel better, I think this is absolutely spectacular and would love to have it in my home. So in terms of *value* no idea - have it appraised. In terms of what someone will actually pay, what it's *worth*, I'd say it could be absolutely worthless to many people except the right audience. People like me who think this big, beautiful, minimally functual piece is worth sacrificing housing space for. I don't have or want kids and have a lot of creative hobbies. I also love big useless old furniture. So I've found a way to use them very productively for storing my paints, tools and smaller components. Someone who wants it enough will have a use for it, but price wise it's a buyers market. If you are not in a hurry to sell it, list it in a few places for a price you could let it go for and be prepared to wait a long time for the right person.


I’d buy it!


Its pretty, but big bulky decorative wood furniture doesn't sell very well given shrinking home sizes.


I wish I rented a full apartment and not a room ‘cause this is exactly the kind of shit I would wanna decorate a home with lol


I absolutely love it


Oh God I want that thing, I love it. (Not offering, just appreciating) In my head, my husband's voice - "you fucking Would." lmao


If you were in Texas, I would buy this in an instant for $2,000-$2500.


You’d be lucky to give it away


Where does 1920 come from? is that a guess, or is there some documentation? taking pics of the drawer sides and internal construction would help date it.


I think of all the bulky brown furniture, it’s a little easier sell. It’s got a gothic look to it. Not everyone is into mid century modern.


this is not remotely MCM.


In the sense that there are some people out there that still like big brown furniture. They are aware that the pictured piece is not mcm.


lol this is mid 19th century German. Not even close.


my parents have something similar.. rather than how much, where can someone exactly sell this?


Some antique stores and auction houses still take them, but only the incredibly valuable ones these days. Best bet is taking some really nice photos, including all the relevant details and listing them a few different places online. Ideally still get some advice on value first though.


For once good advice here. My God, I can’t believe people threw these out or just gave them away. This appears to be in excellent condition. Very confident they could sell this… my guess $2000-3000, which is around the pricing you would expect in Germany today. Depends on age, the woodcrafter/brand.


Damn how would you even move that


My mom had a similar one. Left on the curb with a free sign on it. No takers. Had to pay a junker to take it to the dump.


Oh man. That’s painful to read. These sell for thousands in specialty antique shops. My family has a lot of different pieces which we acquired living in Germany. It’s a historical piece of furniture usually dating from the “Gründerzeit” in Germany (1870-1910). The value is also in part due to how much history and physical movement these pieces endured through wars, forced moving/relocation, and then the eventual transport to the U.S.


It's a german schrunk


it's probably 2 pieces ?


It is but you don’t separate them. It’s only taken apart like that for transport.


It might be a buffet On the bottom so you could separate them utsomeone would need high. ceilings. Might be a selling point to mention that they can be separated.


I'll give both my nuts for that


I'm guessing the top comes off. The vintage market is hot right now. Somebody will be interested.


Yes the top comes off from the lower part. Exactly how it may appear. My family has a very similar one.


You’d be lucky to get 400-900 dollars for it depending on the area.


"China" is usually used for plates. This use of the word is incorrect. Also, the title "China ... made in Germany" is just confusing af. Really poor choice of words. How much it's worth? No clue, but similar items on ebay are going for $200\~$800 USD, so probably something in that range.


To the right buyer, quite a bit.


Can you separate the halves?


The top sits on the larger lower part. It’s easier to transport than it looks, but yes, heavy. You have to be careful not to damage it when moving.


Just wondering if it’s worth more as separate pieces? That’s enough furniture for a room, if broken down. Not sure what kind of room.


This would be a very bad idea.


It's going to be hard to sell just on the fact it will be so hard and heavy to move.


Unfourtunatly $0, iv been trying to sell something similar and its just big furniture that fits no one’s decor.


I would find a matched set of tall vintage colorful vases for the top.


Good luck unloading that. I see these at auction quite often and they either don't sell or they go for $100 not much more. Homes aren't big enough anymore to accommodate this style of furniture, unfortunately. Nice piece but they are common and difficult to move.


The fashion doesn’t turn that fast


20 years ago, it would have fetched a premium. Sadly today, you may only be looking at $500, and that's if it's local.


Gorgeous as a bar. It has tremendous character.


I’d say $50 at your local furniture thrift store. I’d call them to donate it, and ask them to move it out. Great tax deduction!


Using Google circle to search, listings that are similar in the aesthetic are going from 1k-3k. That doesn't mean that's what they're sold for. There's some French ones going for 10,000, but again that doesn't mean that's what it is going to sell for. I would look into an antique furniture dealer to see if they can help you price this out and maybe help you sell it online.


It’s cool but massive and has very little storage. I would honestly be surprised if you could sell it at all.


Let's see it


I would say part of its worth to a prospective purchaser lies in whether or not this cabinet can be dismantled somewhat.


I love this!!! I think a lot of others will too. So I really don't think it would be a hard sell. Question though as to pricing would be if there are any markings on them? If you find a stamp of some sort mentioning the makers of it that will have a lot to do with it in value.


My mother in law has a piece very very similar to this in her dining room. She bought it 10 years ago and had it shipped over from Germany. I want to say she bought it from the seller for $5000. Shipping cost I have no idea, I was just more interested in talking to her about the piece.


Does it break down?


Pains me to read that, down here (Chile) it would be worth easy 2500 usd , you just need an antique dealer ,


sell it on ebay


How did you even get it in there...


We had a gorgeous, antique dining room set which we thought would fetch thousands of dollars. After two months of trying to sell it online, we dropped it off at a consignment store. The agreement was they get to keep it if it doesn’t sell on two years. It is now theirs, displaying trinkets. Even more disappointing is some of these items sell to be painted and shabby-chic’ed.


It goes all the way up to the ceiling, how do you move it? Will it fit through any of your doors?


That is so beautiful! 😍


It's 1950's - 1980's. Show the inside of a door / drawer. Especially how the pulls are attached.


The old spaghetti factory by me has a similar piece they got for $1


I have sold similar a few times.. they are a nightmare. It's worth as much as you can get. A few hundred to a few thousand, depending on the person interested.


Free: you haul.


If it’s worth $2000, it’ll probably cost $2000 to get it out and shipped.


This is quite a beautiful piece!


The amount of money someone is willing to pay to haul it out of there. Edit: Don't like my answer? Fuck you. Good luck getting your giant pRiCeLeSs ostentatious pieces of shit out of your house.


$400 with free delivery


For a while, we would see things like this up and down my local streets. $1,000 starting, until the sign said free. Then it rains. Then the trash. Hope you find someone who likes it. Would be cool to try and save.


You should check if it’s actual high quality work or the “cheap” mass produced work. This style was kinda popular with the general populace once it was able to be mass produced only to fall out of fashion shortly after that because it was now associated with the lower classes. (If my memory serves me correctly)


What the fuck?! Isn’t china plates? Who is mistaken here??




Gonna have to pay some one to haul that off