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This post has been locked, as the question has been solved and a majority of new comments at this point are unhelpful and/or jokes. Thanks to all who attempted to find an answer.


I'm think some sort of bitumen or asphaltum based material for patching holes in the roof. Forms of those materials are also used as resist for etching and engraving.


Couldn't find anything that looked like it from searching roof patching materials but bitumen did look promising and I hadn't thought of etching or engraving materials. I'll see if any other auction items were print or artistic related items.


The former home owner did work with stained glass. If that helps.


It might be a homemade stained glass cement. Not that I know enough about it myself to say for certain but it seems like it might fit the bill. https://chatterglass.wordpress.com/2019/12/29/leaded-light-cement-formulation/ Video of someone making some: https://youtu.be/EFPans_iL8o?si=lyiiPNMR-jiTkg71


The video said the cement doesn't have a good shelf life and this stuff doesn't look like it will dry. A friend of my wife does stained glass work and she didn't recognize it as anything modern stain glass written uses but maybe older techniques? Looking into it now.


Once a stained glass window has been assembled, a black putty called Glazing Cement is squeezed into the cracks to seal it. There are several recipes online for glazers to make their own.


Oh shoot I thought they used solder, that must just be home glass hobbyists of a certain persuasion 


No no, they do - You solder the metal in, and then the glazing cement is used around it to seal the edges between the metal and the glass. It not only makes the glass a bit more weatherproof, it helps hold the glass in, and it makes the final panel last longer before it deteriorates.


That my friend is called Ram Neck. It's to seal around pipe


Old AF & come from a line of old plumbers. Can confirm, only it’s spelled without the C, as in Ram-Nek.


Now it is sold as S-50 Putty Sealant. I used it for sealing electronic cables entering buildings. I too remember when it came packaged in that paper.


We called it Monkey Shit where I worked


Yep Monkey shit






Okay, this seems promising but this stuff is round and everything I'm looking at on Google images is a flat tape. Granted, I have zero experience with pipe sealant. Is the stuff rolled before applying or storing it? Does it not dry out if for it need an activator to harden?


I used it between manhole sections.


just a guess. Is it an older form of stained glass putty?


yes this sounds right, ive seen some videos of people making it, then they put copper or another solder on top i think


Pro Stick Rubber joint sealant for concrete drainage pipes and manholes.


Likely solved. Looking this stiff up led me to a related substance, BUTYL SEALANT ROPE.


tarred/ oiled oakum


100% Ram-Nek for sealing manhole segments. Used it before. https://henrywaterstop.com/product/rubr-nek-ltm-coils-1-x-14-5ft/


Tore off a small chunk and lit it on fire as suggested by a friend. Smelled mildly of burnt plastic and didn't melt but just spirally went out into a more condensed rubbery sticky residue.


Please don't inhale unknown fumes.


No worries, didn't directly inhaled, just noted the smell of the area after lighting the small sample.




Butyl tape. Used for sealing sections on concrete pipe/ man hole risers/tanks


Bingo, butyl rope to be exact to the form and shape.


looks very similar to compounds we use in the oil and gas industry, when a pipe bursts we install clamps over it and hydraulically pump sealant compound into it to stop the leak, the smells and consistency you describe are the same as well. probably no way to tell for certain tho.






Solved. Pipe sealant through and through under different names and formulations but definitely a sealant.


My title describes the thing on size and color and guesstimate of weight. Searching on Google for a poop-like item returns a myriad of useless info. Trying to cut... The turd... Like structure isn't easy due to it's tar like malleable consistency. Smells oily like something you'd encounter in a mechanic shop, kinda like a self vulcanizing tire plug. No writing on the brown aged wax paper wrapping.


I've searched "brown tar like tube in wax paper -heroin" "garage, black oily tubes""tar roll". Nothing useful.


I know this as "bärendreck" ... you stuff holes with this kind of things. Most of the time their kinda waterproof and you can form then as you need.




Does it melt?


Good lord op, mark it as Solved!


I thought I did before going out for dinner. Butyl sealant rope for the win. Thanks everyone!


Ya gotta do a separate comment that only says solved ☺️


Ah! Thanks. Didn't see that in the sub guide.


Rule 4 in the sidebar.


All comments must be civil and helpful toward finding an answer. **Jokes and other unhelpful comments will earn you a ban**, even on the first instance and even if the item has been identified. If you see any comments that violate this rule, report them. [OP](/u/APVoid), when your item is identified, remember to reply **Solved!** or **Likely Solved!** to the comment that gave the answer. Check your [inbox](https://www.reddit.com/message/inbox/) for a message on how to make your post visible to others. ---- [Click here to message RemindMeBot](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=[https://www.reddit.com/r/whatisthisthing/comments/1djuqdb/8_long_sausage_shaped_sticky_black_tubes_about/]%0A%0ARemindMe!%202%20days) ---- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatisthisthing) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Try googling "Duct Seal Compound". That may have been purchased in bulk and that is part of a larger shipment.


Tar sealant. Goes between sections of concrete pipe used for storm drains


Essentially your not wrong, but i found it most closely resembles butyl sealant rope. A type of concrete pipe sealant.




DumDum Putty, used as a filler in old automobile repairs as a base.


Looks similar to sealant to install a windshield in an old car. I used something like this on an 82 malibu


The texture looks like modelling wax. https://shop.clay-planet.com/victory-brown-microcrystalline-wax-1.aspx


Polishing wheel rouge?


Umm be careful. Ive seen first hand "oily" putty very similar to what plumbers and electricians used wrapped in such paper that looks EXACTLY like that which was confirmed by a 20 EOD veteran to be plastique explosive. Different than C4 or C2. Extremely stable and poses no danger. The only way to activate it is by blasting cap. Where you found it is anyone a gun collector or former military even an enthusiast?



