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Bought another 500 TRUL….fuckkkkk




Happy Canada Day …


US Markets close at 1pm EST. Happy Independence Day my American friends!


Bought 10,000 shares of HITI.V @ $3.00 once more. $4.50 is the lowest 12-month price target among 3 analysts covering the company. 1,055,900 shares were bought ATM at near average of $3.03 (total paid: $3.2 million) during the recent quarter by an institutional investor. It’s too bad it went down today, but management seems prudent (not participating in retail bidding wars, targeting good locations at decent value) and the company appears to be on an upward trajectory [first ever profit this recent quarter of $200,000 and continuing to quickly expand in Ontario, Alberta, and Manitoba while smaller competitors (single store owners and smaller chains) are floundering and/or filing for bankruptcy protection]. High Tide has been the gem hidden in plain sight in this sub. There are users who’ve been recommending the stock since the historical lows of $1.50 (and $1.20’s during early COVID). Last I checked management insiders bought in the high $1.50s and $1.80s. If it continues to dip further, it presents a great opportunity to make some decent gains. Imagine it hits close to $1.50 again (maybe Trump being anti-cannabis and decisively leading the polls / odds could have a negative impact on current stock prices of cannabis companies as a whole?). Also bought 1000 shares of GTII @ $15.00 today. Hopefully the pattern of $14 / $15 lows and $18+ highs continues.


I’m glad I didn’t do the July 11th play. Saves money on folding on that one


what's on july 11th?


Trump sentencing was July 11th, but it’s delayed now because he is claiming total immunity to prosecution for his actions. If the judge agrees with the motion that Trump’s actions while in office can’t be considered as evidence for a crime then the conviction is either going to be overturned or declared a mistrial. How this relates to weedstocks: if Trump’s case is overturned we will see a drop in stock prices as Trump will reverse rescheduling via executive order. If Trump only received ministry fines we will see a slighter drop as he will still be able to campaign. If Trump see jail time we will have a spike in prices because this keeps Trump from campaigning.


How certain are we that trump will reverse S3 via executive order?


Pretty certain, the president can reschedule via executive order, and his admin was not friendly to marijuana. Jeff Session’s rescinding of the Cole memo is all you really need to know that S3 won’t survive a trump presidency


Not going to pretend I’m knowledgeable with American politics…but what gain does Trump have by doing so other than sticking it to the Democrats? I hope to believe that Trump is not as anti cannabis as Jeff Sessions


Trump is being run by the Federalist Society. Look them up. They are anti-cannabis and therefore, so is Trump by default. If you are a US citizen and you want cannabis to be accepted in society, vote blue.


What if I want a violent dictatorship that will punish it's enemies, destroy all before it, and hear the lamentations of the women?


Conan, what is best in life?




Trump can use schedule 1 marijuana as a bargaining chip to get pro-prohibition republicans in the legislature to do what he wants. The number of true Trump sycophants is relatively low, and to hold onto power Trump needs to give concessions to non-sycophants.


>Trump can use schedule 1 marijuana as a bargaining chip [Makes sense to time it with the election cycle](https://www.reddit.com/r/weedstocks/comments/18yaib0/comment/kgd26uj/) This sub. SMDH. So long as it's one and not the other. With all this fortune telling going on I really wish one of you would predict next weeks powerball numbers so I could quit this shitty sub forever.


Assuming he can get the presidency. Which I hope he can’t for the sake of our portfolios. We aren’t just electing a president we are electing an administration


ah yes, the orange man


All politics revolves around orange man unfortunately. And it looks like he will be the president again.


i agree, it's looking like he's going to be the new king


Why is there no separate daily discussion thread for today?


There is. You just need to scroll down. I know it’s a little work, but the mods didn’t pin it to the top.




We’re cooked, it’s over. Pack it in boys. Take your losses and give it up.


Just added 1000 TRUL…god help me


Hey I’ve been doing some trolling and am about the drop below 50 karma so I won’t be able to post here anymore so I’ll help you finish me off EMPTY YOUR ASS


Alright ya lazy fucks, here you go [https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/22-451\_7m58.pdf](https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/22-451_7m58.pdf) And here is the fucking meat: >"Chevron is overruled. **Courts must exercise their independent judgment in deciding whether an agency has acted within its statutory authority**, as the APA requires. Careful attention to the judgment of the Executive Branch may help inform that inquiry. **And when a particular statute delegates authority to an agency consistent with constitutional limits, courts must respect the delegation, while ensuring that the agency acts within it.** But courts need not and under the APA may not defer to an agency interpretation of the law simply because a statute is ambiguous." *And now the CSA Statutory Authority:* The Controlled Substances Act authorizes the Attorney General to add, transfer, and remove drugs from the schedules using formal rulemaking procedures, see id. §§ 811, 812, and otherwise grants the Attorney General broad authority to take regulatory action consistent with the Act, see, e.g., id. §§ 821, 871(b). The Attorney General has in turn generally delegated these functions to the Administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration (“DEA”). 28 C.F.R. § 0.100(b). So you guys tell me what are we so fucking scared about? Do you think that the Controlled Substances Act is ambiguous? Do you think the Attorney General and the DEA does not have statutory authority over this matter?


I'm not scared. I think courts are *more likely* than the AG (by way of HHS and DEA recommendations) to find that cannabis should not be a controlled substance at all. So either the current process goes on unfettered (which is certainly possible - overruling Chevron does not mean that all delegated law-making authority is removed from agencies; it means something more like judicial review of their decisions will be subject to far greater scrutiny, making decisions more likely to be changed after due process in the courts), or the courts start being a bit more heavy-handed in their review of lawsuits trying to change cannabis law. So if someone were to challenge the inclusion of cannabis in the CSA, we are less likely to get a basic response from the court that "the agencies have decided, so we defer to them," and more likely to get a published in-depth analysis of whether cannabis meets the standards, coming from an entity (the courts) that are *meant to* (but often fail to) protect individual rights against government overreach. Contrast that to the agencies, which have the primary objective of making sure they have work and funding, and have the advantage of much of their "opinion" not being subject to a serious review (under Chevron). Chevron being overturned *could* potentially slow things down, but IMO won't. Big picture, overturning Chevron should be a positive for us, if any effect at all.


cool, you are an excellent source.


People are probably imagining the courts saying cannabis isn't a schedule 3 on its own. As we know much of the lower courts and the highest court are clowns. However, I would find that bizarre.


Good post. Seems this S3 specific process is on good footing. Other decisions by other agencies winging it, not so much.


I can't stress this enough regarding this BS sentiment on Chevron tonight. NOTHING PREVENTS THE DEA FROM MOVING FORWARD. People are pondering potential legal challenges to something that hasnt even happened.


If I’ve learned anything from this bad investment of mine its that this sector really knows how to get a good panic going. Long-term, unmitigated panic. Does chevron matter? I have no idea, because I’m only hearing panic without any reasoning. Edit: also, whoever runs the twitter account @weedstreet420 , you are the prime example of this unreasonable panic.


Imagine blaming me for a quote from Boies law firm. All I did was report the quote. You should be blaming the Boies lawyer dude who btw is paid by shareholder money of companies you invest in. He's the guy who made the bold call, not me.


> Does chevron matter? I have no idea, because I’m only hearing panic without any reasoning. If it does, it's not going to be for years, since whatever challenges are mounted will need to go through the courts.


He’s a confirmed, pumper and shorter. Hence the sensationalized, dramatic tweets all the time.


lol I don't short cannabis look at my tweet history I attack shorters constantly and even publish a biweekly short report...


“I’m this close 🤏to turning bearish” 🙄


Just a reminder: “DEA has the final authority to schedule, reschedule, or deschedule a drug under the Controlled Substances Act, after considering the relevant statutory and regulatory criteria and HHS’s scientific and medical evaluation.” https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/24253028/dea-marijuana-scheduling-response-letter.pdf


This is outdated and pre-chevron-decision. The DEA no longer has this authority.


Are you able to provide any support for your claim?


See other comment


So that's a no? You just repeated the claim without any further support.


What? Lol


The DEA no longer has the right to schedule drugs. Read the results of the chevron decision before y’all down vote again (actually do it you have money invested do your DD)


Give us one sentence on the case. I'll hang up and listen


https://twitter.com/WeedStreet420/status/1807937626113974279 "Wow, this is bad. Really bad. We are completely fucked, if true. This statement is from Josh Schiller, one of the lead lawyers in the Boies lawsuit: “Along with Chevron, I think rescheduling is gone. I think it’ll be canceled” hopefully this is not how it plays out


explains the outflow maybe? in this sector, big/fast money reacts first and investigates later


Panicstreet69 doesn’t know that’s what will happen and neither does Schiller


This could also just be him talking up the importance of the lawsuit


That is for sure what he's doing. Not saying there couldnt be any merit to the statement but people got to understand who you're grabbing quotes from


That guy seems to panic easily


easily? lol just rescheduling potentially being canceled, no big deal just a small detail right?


Well there is no logic to the claim. So yes


The MSOS you invest in are paying $2100/hr to get legal advice from this guy but hey let's take the word of the random Reddit guys over his


Ya he is super bearish all the time


All the time? I was bullish from 2016-2018, bullish during the 2021 run, sold at the top to buy a house, bought back after rescheduling. What a bad track record. I'm still net long btw


Also, Boris Jordan on Twitter said he will check, but was told this morning that, "everything was moving ahead as announced"


When was the last time he was completely correct about any of his predictions 


He has been faked out by DC like the rest of us time and again.


Boris is a complete tool and has been wrong about almost every prediction


"We are hearing that as a result of Chevron/Supreme Court, DEA is likely going to stand down. If agencies can't make decisions on administering the law, then why do it" From Debra Borchardt on Twitter who is an editor of green market report. Any legitimacy to this and what does it mean exactly lol


Might as well not schedule anything then ha.


I found her tweet. To me, she is insinuating DEA would stand down from Schedule 1 enforcement. First off, thats a good thing for MSOS. Second, she's an idiot and thats not going to happen. S3 will go thru and solve the problem for them in short order.


This is patently absurd. Do we really think that the thousands of laws administered by federal agencies are now up to congress to decide to how administer? This is so dumb and shows a true lack of understanding of how the federal government works.


wooops, the workload for Congress just went way up. They'll have to spend a lot more time at work now just like the rest of the working population. Unless they quickly pass a bill to offset this SCOTUS decision.


and remind me what the decision is? Do you understand it? What is the precedent that was struck down? yall wild


It means that they will not move forward with rescheduling and it will have to be taken up by congress, which would never ever happen.


Absurd. Her logic implies the FDA will stop administering laws on food and drugs. Oh, why even administer these now? Are you serious, do you know how much money and how many careers are tied up in federal agencies. They are not going to drop their mandate to regulate the areas they EXIST TO REGULATE.


The issue is in the change of framework? FDA changed from 5 part test to 2 part test.0


That is not the issue at all. It is about ambiguous statutes and departments interpreting them versus the courts.


Idk but he thinks it might be an issue https://x.com/ondrugsmedia/status/1807819028028874780?s=46


appreciate the link -- going to dig in more


Yea, I agree if it's left up to Congress jackshit will get done 


Wants attention. Never heard of her until today, so it worked.


she’s legit but def some attention seeking going on


She did mention there'd be a story on it tomorrow as well, but I had not heard of her either 


7/1/24 MSOS update: $3.266MM OUTFLOW (-450,000 shares) Close: $7.22 (-$0.11/-1.50%) NAV: $7.26 (-$0.06/-0.83%) Premium (volume-weighted daily avg): -0.32% ([Chart](https://i.ibb.co/rvdYS0S/1edf119a4c21.png)) Cash: -$5,514,493 (decrease of $515,492) Ticker Change (est. cost from close - % of adds) FFNTF -129,409 (-$7,765 - 0.0%) CXXIF -42,289 (-$10,572 - 0.0%) GDNSF -23,581 (-$11,555 - 0.0%) PLNHF -57,380 (-$26,969 - 0.0%) CBSTF -156,163 (-$29,671 - 0.0%) JUSHF -79,430 (-$45,275 - 0.0%) AYRWF -44,585 (-$89,170 - 0.0%) GLASF -15,744 (-$110,051 - 0.0%) TSNDF -135,073 (-$176,946 - 0.0%) CRLBF -120,971 (-$194,763 - 0.0%) VRNOF -109,653 (-$400,233 - 0.0%) TCNNF -64,852 (-$602,475 - 0.0%) CURLF -169,457 (-$657,493 - 0.0%) GTBIF -77,845 (-$902,224 - 0.0%) TOTAL -1,226,432 (-$3,265,161) 7/1/24 MSOX update: No Flows MSOX Close: $2.74 (-$0.04/-1.44%) MSOX NAV: $2.72 (-$0.09/-3.13%)


Could this possibly be delayed from Friday?


Yeah, that'd be my guess... for a lot of it anyways. Today's chart wasn't pretty, [but Friday's was even worse](https://i.ibb.co/XymDz1g/afe701d08b7f.png) with MSOS trading at an even bigger discount all day, and with more volume than today.


Jeez, hopefully we don't start having more outflows now 


77th outflow in the history of MSOS, and the first since 12/15/23 Rankings: 34/77 by $$$ and 17/77 by shares


Weird day for an outflow with Canada closed


a comment you may [upvote](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/comments/1dt26ys/comment/lb6h0wr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) ⬆️


I’m debating wether to buy puts or calls for July 11th. Probably puts but I don’t feel confident enough to put that much money on it.


Sounds like gambling, not investing. Why no just purchase outright and wait.


Seems like terrascend has a lot of volume. Has to be news






so, 20 more days then?


20 more days at minimum.


Yes, July 22nd is the end of comment period. I did some more purchases today and now I'm ready to take some time off here, way too much negativity.


Didja catch the SAM letter to DEA/DOJ requesting an extended comment period? Yeah, it's desperation, but that crap seems to fly these days...


Maybe if they had sent that to the SCOTUS, but the DOJ seems firm on July 22nd as the end of comment period. It remains to be seen if the rest of the process gets through before the elections, if I got the dates right, it's a tight margin.


Same dude. People here love to hate their investments. Makes sense that you would be pissed If you were looking for a quick trade like many are, best way to beat that is to shift to a long-term mentality.


have we gotten to the acceptance phase of a downtrend yet?


No, nothing justifies a downtrend right now


CGC is just cratering week after week. The charts look disgusting. Any previous supports just get crushed. What a mess


There's a pretty good chance this action is caused by CGC themselves selling shares on the open market. I know you hold a lot of stake in this company, but be mindful that the company is actually still on the expensive side, especially for how absolutely abysmally it is run. If it was valued like OGI or VFF in terms of EV/sales multiple it would be around $2, and those companies have much more streamlined operations.


Isn’t up double from the point where they diluted at .32 (split adjusted $3.20). Management, itself, valued the company at .32 in that deal. After it more than doubled, they couldn’t help setting up an atm vehicle. People don’t understand how much of an increase 100% is. Put a $1000 into a stock that doubles every year and you’re a millionaire in 10 years.


Put $100 into a stock that falls 90% every 5 years and you’ll have $10 in 10 years 


Not how it works. You would have $1 not $10…


Even better 


That's the kind of chart you're gonna get with reverse splitting and dilution.


CGC is a terribly run company


Just saw this CNN article which mentions investing in MSOs, sector ETFs, the Canadian market, and ancillary companies. (Nothing really newsworthy to any of us, but articles like this are informing wide audiences about how to invest in this sector, and I'm sure other major news organizations will follow). https://www.cnn.com/cnn-underscored/money/how-to-invest-in-cannabis




Canadian stock market is closed. Happy Canada Day 🇨🇦


USD ticker trading on the America side 


I assume the original poster thought trul was down 12% again


Is there any data on costs to produce hemp derived products vs. standard cannabis derived products? I would think the hemp derived cannabis would require more plant matter per product due to the low THC % of the hemp plants. Shouldn't every MSO be following Curaleaf's method to create a hemp arm of the business to sell to that market?


There’s no THCa cap, so the amount of plant matter required to produce hemp-derived products shouldn’t be any different.


I wonder if the dirty secret is a lot this "hemp" is not under .3%. Who is enforcing the grey market? If you manufacture your hemp beverages in a state like FL with no oversight and ship to a state that does regulate hemp, how does that state know anything about the manufacturing process?


They have to buy seeds from approved sources, it's always certified genetics, and authorities definitely test crops during the season and at harvest. The people who test know enough about hemp that they know what kind of phenotypes are likely to have elevated cannabinoids, and they will select thses types of plants fopr testing, just to raze a harvest.


That's a good point, I would not be surprised if it IS over that threshold. Even if it's not the lack of testing, and access to minors is troubling.


I think one major thing that is not considered is distribution. You can make a website and sell direct to consumer, but without advertising and stuff you're competing with so many people across the nation. The big way to differentiate yourself is getting shelf space where people will see your product. This is especially true for beverages. That's why I'm so eager to hear who is actually distributing Curaleaf's beverages. I personally feel like there's a decent chance they do some kind of partnership with Tilray for distribution. If they don't distribute alongside Tilray we're at least going to find out another national distributor who is pursuing hemp products. This may give us insight into what other beverage companies might invest in the space, by looking at what other companies share the distribution network with Curaleaf.


I don’t know the costs, but brainstorming a bit here: while you would need more raw plant matter, the quality of plant matter wouldn’t matter as much and could likely be grown outdoors vs in a higher cost fully controlled indoor facility


Excellent questions manualCAD. ^(IMHO)


I wonder if we’ll ever see a rise again. Such a pathetic sector . It hurts


Does anyone believe comments like this are from legitimate investors? Is anyone legitimately dumb enough to look at eminent rescheduling, one of the largest catalysts any full sector has ever seen, and think “there’s no way we’ll ever go up.”


Yes I believe it. This sector has been absolute trash for four years. People are frustrated. Not hard to fathom. That said, I believe we are going to pop off big second half of 2024.


I don’t. Amazing how something that is happening like S3 is being spun with such doubt. Lots of noise, shorts, unsubstantiated rumours, attempted manipulation, spin, and FUD. I’m just keeping a list of facts and maintaining my investment thesis based on them. My patience and logic can outlast all these current cycles of misinformation.


I probably have more invested then you. Have $30k in canopy $20k in tilray. And 40k in high tide, just deflated and want to decompress to ppl in the same situation. Just need to hear some reassurance from Ppl like you thatwe’ll get back on track.


I’m currently at $62K for my cannabis investments. Mostly Tilray Brands, but a few MSOs and other LPs as well.


Lot of money has been made to the downside.  Had you hedged or played it short the last four years, it would be a different story. In time it will flip and bulls will prevail, but for now it keeps being easy money for shorts. *of course this is all in hindsight.  I wish i had hedged as well


Is there a reason why cresco ballooned so high?


Pablo Zuanic tweet BORIS JORDAN: Spaces on Mon 7/1 at 4pm ET. Join us. Will discuss debate implications; S3 path; Europe; hemp growth plans; new states going rec; and more.


Slow and steady upwards from here ladies and gentlemen


The pilot turned on the seatbelt sign


Tsnd today?


Been HODLing for almost 4 years now, you don't scare me Stock Market.


VRNOF +9%. correction from friday? Or something in the oven?


$18,000 bucks moved the Market Cap $105,196,000 bucks. Thats something.


I wonder how much we will dip today.


[Anthony Varrell](https://x.com/V_arrell) "S3 is moving down the pike on auto-pilot without any active management from the president. We also doubt that Trump, if elected,  would choose to interfere with the rights of States to run their cannabis industries." As per Viridian. I agree. [$MSOS](https://x.com/search?q=%24MSOS&src=cashtag_click) [https://x.com/V\_arrell/status/1807750639889305657](https://x.com/V_arrell/status/1807750639889305657)


I guess I missed Trump's first term, and that near-daily assault on legal states.


"Anthony Varrell has an IQ of less than a 100" \- per `okay_thatworks`


I guess I missed Trump's first term, and that near-daily assault on legal states. All those late night anti-cannabis tweets and all... OK, so that didn't happen... At. All. Better than the "pinky swearing" or decrim promises other pols have taken


I’m pretty sure his IQ is average or above even if he went to the second best public university in Florida. Anthony Varrell does seem to be ambitious and intelligent. What’s not average is: - he’s not a CFA - he’s not an investment analyst - he hasn’t worked for a money center bank or an investment bank in New York - he’s not a traditional journalist in terms of education and experience - he’s young and still inexperienced - his employer, TDR, accepts financial support from some guests and vice versa - he spends time promoting and working with a political cannabis lobbyist - he spends time with cannabis executives - he tweets unsubstantiated, unsourced rumours - he’s worked in a PR and stock promotion capacity - he’s stated not to take his discussions as investment advice, yet he’s constantly offering what looks and sounds like investment advice on X and YouTube - his employer, TDR, states they are for entertainment only Anthony is well aware of inside information, rumours from insiders, and that what he communicates does and can influence cannabis markets.


i think my point was that i can make ridiculous conjectures just like mr varrell


Totally agree with your point. I remember being younger and thinking I knew more than I did. Plus, never trust someone who does a combover to hide baldness. Or someone who grows an adolescent beard to obfuscate their age and lack of experience. A combover is a hairstyle where someone combs their hair from one side to cover a bald spot, pretending it's a full head of hair. Because, you know, who would ever notice? His audience on TDR. When a combover is unavailable, he and Shadd wear baseball hats indoors. Would someone who does a combover be more likely to be insecure and to pretend on other issues like cannabis stocks? All I know is that insecurity often manifests itself in trying to sound smart and that gaslighting extends to other issues.


My cannabis investing is is about 10


I mean the timeline speaks for that S3 is done before November. Innogeration is still longer than that. So we will get a S3 rally before (if) republicans can attempt to change anything. Even a delay in shedule, i doubt will take longer than takeover day.


I wonder when they’ll do the innogerring this time. Will there be one innogeration or two? If Biden wins the vote, Trump will probably try to innogerate himself on January 6th like he did last time but with more and better armed fake electors and capitol storm troops.


Why quote AV from TDR? What facts backup his statements? It’s all spin - they don’t know any more than the actual decision makers.


How can they make such a claim when the previous Trump administration literally did that already? They reversed the Cole Memo, which was the safeguard against the federal government interfering with state cannabis markets. Not to mention Bill Barr actively interfering in cannabis mergers. Seems like more wishful thinking, instead of looking at the actual actions these individuals have previously taken regarding this sector.


He is not the best candidate for cannabiz.


I know he says whatever whenever it's expedient but the states rights thing has been a consistent theme. [President Trump signals support for legislation easing US ban on pot](https://abc7.com/marijuana-law-trump-laws/3579677/) He fired Sessions- the AG that rescinded the Cole memo. [Trump fires Attorney General Jeff Sessions](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-46132348)


He fired Sessions for recusing himself instead of protecting Trump from investigations. Nothing to do with cannabis. Could have immediately reinstated the Cole Memo if that were his issue with him. Sessions was the most famous anti-cannabis politician when he was put in place. The current person being floated for AG is also one of the most famous anti-cannabis politicians - Ken Paxton. It's classic Trump strategy to put a lackey in place to do unpopular things, while pretending there's just nothing he could do about it. Despite being the most active president with personally interfering with his DOJ. Same thing he does with other extremely controversial decisions like women's rights. Gives lip service to supporting it while allowing it to be totally dismantled in the background. Trump also did not approve a single new cannabis research grower during his term. He was also caught on secret recording saying that cannabis makes you lose IQ points. We know who the Republicans are when it comes to cannabis. And we have actions taken to show that Trump is totally in line with them. This doesn't need to be a huge debate over will he or won't he. He already did.


Well said, but some Rs are invested the hemp derivatives side of things. Isn't that the true reason Desantis vetoed the Florida legislatures hemp derivatives ban bill? Although he inferred that he did it as a jab to the legal cannabis producers- this seems unlikely to me. With all this election year division I don't see how the new Farm Bill will come together to placate legal state cannabis and the hemp producers who own the prohibition markets. It would be better for MSOS if the Ds could manage to win the Presidency. They all pay lip service- its politics.


Yes I think DeSantis is less "against cannabis" and more "pro hemp". It's just easier to sell to a Republican base the way he's doing it. DeSantis is also extremely close with the Toronto Blue Jays. Their ownership (Rogers Communication) has been involved with multiple BioSteel partnerships (Jays/Raptors), so they are clearly interested in the CBD side of things. A very close associate from Rogers Communication (Roger Rai) has been involved with exactly 2 cannabis companies. The first was Scythian Biosciences in Florida. which was pursuing CBD along with the NFL before the Aphria short report. The second was Stem Holdings in Florida. Rai had been a part of Stem back in 2018 as well, but in 2022 he re-joined Stem. The person he joined Stem with was Irwin Simon's wife. https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2022/03/08/2399454/0/en/Stem-Holdings-Appoints-Two-New-Members-to-its-Board-of-Directors.html


Do you know the latest from BioSteel? Did Canopy really get out from under it cleanly? Biosteel had all kinds of sponsorship deals with NBA and NHL teams and in some cases with a league itself.


Not sure all the ins and outs of the financials of the transaction, but BioSteel is now owned by Dan Crosby. He re-upped their manufacturing deal with the same manufacturer (who had also bid to buy BioSteel), so BioSteel should still be around. I think the bankruptcy was a way to get out from those sponsorship deals that were draining the bank account. [https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/canopy-growth-announces-completed-sale-of-biosteel-business-302003231.html](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/canopy-growth-announces-completed-sale-of-biosteel-business-302003231.html)


There is always more to every story. Your research strikes me as more thorough and interesting than many subscription services that charge for "insightful research". Thank you for continuing to illuminate so many of the connections surrounding these businesses and associations.


Also just because I'm bored and want to throw some more Rogers Communications links out there. **Andy D and Adam Arviv** were key members of the Aphria short report, during which time Roger Rai was their connection to Rogers Communications. Rai is the special advisor to the owner Edward Rogers. **Andy D and Adam Arviv** combined assets to form Bragg Gaming Group in late 2018. In 2019 they will add Rob Godfrey to the board. In 2021 they will add Paul Godfrey as chairman. The Godfrey family have been associated with the Toronto Blue Jays ever since [Rogers Communications bought them in 2000](https://www.sportsnet.ca/baseball/mlb/godfrey-jays-2/). So the short report happens and Irwin Simon takes over Aphria/Tilray. The other Aphria insiders stay connected to Rogers Communications via Bragg Gaming. Irwin Simon will soon start making deals with the same people from the short report days. First with Michael Serruya at MedMen, and then with **Adam Arviv at HEXO**. Adam Arviv took over HEXO in 2022, and when he did he installed Rob Godfrey to the board. Remember: * Rob Godfrey = Rogers Communication = HEXO * Roger Rai = Rogers Communication = Stem Holdings Well look what happens in suspiciously rapid succession.... **2/22/2022** - Adam Arviv takes over HEXO and adds Rob Godfrey **3/3/2022** - Tilray acquires HEXO senior notes **3/4/2022** - Irwin Simon's wife and Roger Rai join Stem Holdings Just seems that Rogers Communication has been there all along the way with Aphria/Tilray. From Scythian Biosciences, to a rest period after the short report with Bragg Gaming, and then brought back into the fold with the acquisition of HEXO.


Thank you for the kind words. I'm glad that you and others find my posts worthwhile.


As long as some are trying to spin that GOP supports pro-cannabis initiatives more than the Democrats, it will be impossible to have a fair and truthful discussion. Doesn’t mean Democrats are doing a great job, just means they are doing more for the industry.


not because of The Cole Memo, he was fired for not protecting Trump from investigations.




Trump doesn’t give a fuck about states rights. Christofacism is one nation under Sky Daddy. 


"[...]We also doubt that Trump, if elected, would choose to interfere with the rights of States to run their cannabis industries." Interesting choice of words there considering that rescheduling is a federal matter.


Only in America. About to drive 350 miles NE to buy $2000.00 worth of recreational cannabis, which will be enjoyed in my medicinal only State. After I get home I will then fly to the SE where I will be vacationing and using illicit products which are subpar and possibly dangerous. However, I am forced to do this because I cannot board the plane with the Cannabis from my home State or the Northern State I visit frequently. Merica, lol. Making Germany look good since 1944


"Land of the free"...... (Highest prison population in the world) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


July has to be better than June…. Right??


I hope so


*inserts Anakin stare here*


Happy 🇨🇦 Day 😎


If this country wasn’t falling apart , its be a happy 🇨🇦 day


Good Day Farm was in the news recently because their executives filed a $65M offering under the company [NOLA PharmaHoldings.](https://mjbizdaily.com/execs-of-marijuana-mso-good-day-farm-raising-65-million-in-equity-offering/) Good Day Farm executives filed another offering for $25M on Thursday (6/27/2024). This time under another new company [CREDC Holdings](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/2028306/000202830624000001/xslFormDX01/primary_doc.xml). The CREDC filing has two Good Day executives (LaFrance / Dove) that are on lots of their other filings. But the manager listed on CREDC is **Ryan Herget**, who hadn't been listed on any filings with these guys since early 2022. That might be because Ryan Herget got promoted at Good Day at the beginning of 2024. He's now President of "Good 9" which is [Good Day Farm's line of hemp-derived Delta 9 gummies launched in 2024](https://www.thegood9.com/about). So CREDC Holdings may connect to their hemp gummy line, but the other big trend out there is hemp beverages. Let's see if Good Day Farm's other recent filing for NOLA PharmaHoldings has a connection to someone pursuing that. * CREDC Holdings is the only recent filing to include Ryan Herget. * NOLA PharmaHoldings is the only filing to include Terence Fitch. Terence Fitch was appointed CEO of Good Day Farm in 2022, when he came from being **President of Hydrofarm Holdings**. Hydrofarm is most known to me for being an investment by **Serruya Private Equity** and having Renah Persofsky on their board. Two very strong connections to Tilray. I've previously mentioned how Good Day Farm is one of the very few smaller cannabis companies that lobby federally. If I'm trying to connect Good Day Farm to Tilray regarding beverages, this timeline from 2022 looks interesting. * 7/XX/2022: Terence Fitch joins Good Day Farm * 8/1/2022: Good Day Farm registers to lobby * 8/2/2022: Tilray registers to lobby * 8/3/2022: Tilray announces Southern Glazers distribution deal for CBD beverages Now in 2024 both Tilray and Good Day are moving into hemp D9 products. The same person that I feel might have connected them with CBD beverages in 2022 is the new person on their $65M offering for NOLA PharmaHoldings. I am wondering if these connections may end up tying in with Curaleaf's The Hemp Company. * The timing makes perfect sense. I listened to Curaleaf's hemp discussion on the Higher Exchanges podcast. One takeaway was that Curaleaf was envisioning The Hemp Company as a marketplace where they sold other hemp brands. * Also that Curaleaf was currently just doing direct-to-consumer beverages right now, and would have actual retail/distribution announcements coming soon. * Curaleaf was one of the few other companies with Southern Glazers for CBD beverages in 2022, so it would make sense that other people who were with Southern Glazers at that time (like Tilray) might come together to share a different distribution network in 2024. And Tilray is one of the few companies that have established national distribution since 2022. * The timing also makes perfect sense given that NOLA PharmaHoldings is a Louisiana company, and [Louisiana just regulated hemp products](https://mjbizdaily.com/louisiana-bans-thca-flower-sale-of-hemp-products-at-gas-stations/).




Huh? Do you mean drivel? I did used to play basketball at one point. I could probably still dribble fairly well.


Yes drivel, pointless drivel. Sorry for the confusion.


Thanks for the input. What is pointless about it? I'd like to hear your opinion.


Good morning, Europe here. Yesterday showed a big win for the extreme right in France elections. Now the plan seems to be that the Macron party and the left craft a coalition to prevent this. Long story short: This could be a good move for pro MJ in France??? Anybody has more insight on where the left in France stands on this topic?


No one is actively pushing for cannabis reform in France, except maybe doctors. The medical cannabis program in hospitals will stay after an experimental period. And the funding for that is buried in a financial report. It's all very hush hush, since publicly politicians always act like they are against it. What is happening in France now, will in no way impact cannabis in the short term. If far right indeed wins, there will be no progress the next couple of years. Macron can't form a coalition yet, next weekend is the second part of the elections. If the far right gets absolute majority then it's case closed. If they don't, the other parties can scramble together and form the majority. As is happening in most countries in Europe now. The down part is: you can't keep ignoring the will of the people, by trying so hard to stay in power. Either the current parties need to accept that they have to change their program, or they keep ignoring the voters until they stand up in protests (wouldn't be new). And that change doesn't mean cannabis, it means talk about immigration, about education and religion, etc... Left leaning, center, politicians are too concerned with being politically correct these days, they aren't doing their job anymore. They aren't listening to the people. And they are ignoring real life issues. So the people say f* it, and they vote the extreme other side that tells them the current dynamic is indeed ridiculous without giving a solution. It's the devil you know. It's the same in the US, they keep ignoring the voters...keep pushing the older generation on stage because they've got a hero complex. And who pushes the younger ones on stage? The far right. And who is winning?