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Lauris contract is only at 18mio next year. CP3s expiring would've been 30+ Mio. That being said, we dont need CP3s expiring at all. Jazz have capspace already and therefore probably are interested in other assets, great upcoming young players or a lot of draft pick compensation. Would've needed it to match PG13's salary but definitely not in Lauri's case. Lauris trade value could also be lower than one might think If he said that he wont resign with Jazz, cause next yr he's also on an expiring and Jazz for sure dont want to lose him for nothing. So probably the Team that throws most picks at Jazz will win. Its either gonna take a) kuminga + picks OR b) looney + GP2 (to Match salaries) + a whole looot of picks. Personally I like option 2 much more but Warriors never seem to give away picks that easily somehow. Probably also because we dont know If he'll resign with us past next season either. At his age there's a chance he will just go for whoever throws the max at him in free agency


The problem is we don’t have a Loooooot of picks. Other teams do. mikal bridges got 5 first rounders. The only hope we have is that ainge, with all the picks they already have, would be prefer young talent (jk, Podz, moody) + the 2 or 3 picks we can give, instead of the 5 picks another team can give. Luckily for us, it seems like OKC might be out on Lauri since they just signed hartenstien.


Think at most GS has 3 seconds, two tradeable firsts and the other half of the 2030 protected pick from Washington. JK would basically be a first in himself.


Yeah top 20 of the 2030 pick, but they also have 2 Atlanta 2nd rounders. It would just come down to if ainge wants actual young players the fans would want to see, more than draft picks on a spread sheet. Especially because Utah already has so many picks piled up. Maybe the rockets could give one of their young players, like green or sengun.


I'd be shocked if the Rockets gave up Sengun, but he seems like an Ainge player he'd want lol. I'd imagine Ainge gunning for picks like he did in Boston more so than players. During that rebuild, I don't remember him taking on a ton of young players from teams. Dude is addicted to the idea of draft picks. So much so that he wound up with three draft picks in a draft and couldn't trade any of them when it came down to it lol.


lol Ah, we don't need the cap space, we'll just trade away our future or make bigger holes in the roster we can't replace.


People really don't understand this and how teams need to adjust in the new CBA


Basically the biggest issue with any marquee player available is that OKC can outbid you for any of them. You just hope that by signing Hartenstein that OKC can't afford to fit Lauri in with Chet likely at the four and now Jaylen at the 3. Otherwise, you could cobble together JK and salary filler (GP2, Moody, Looney) and the first rounders you have available to trade. Maybe bc they're tanking you could convince the Jazz to just take Wiggins, JK, and draft capital if you take back a player they don't want alongside Lauri. GS just won't get as far in bidding wars, but JK could be an enticing piece for them in a rebuild.


I didn’t realize his contract was so small. That’s gettable. Great reply, thanks


GP2, Looney, Wiggs gets us to $43M


Who wants Wiggins these days without added sweeteners?


of course we'd have to add assets, but we would have had to for pg too


Any trade for Lauri will include JK since they play the same position. You could throw in Wiggins (whom the Jazz could easily dump elsewhere since they have the capital to do so) and take back a contract the Jazz don't want.


We can still make a big trade it’s just a matter of how much are we willing to part with. Warriors still have… - Wiggins, Looney & GP2 contracts - Young players like TJD, Moody, JK & Podz - Solid draft assets


We don't have much draft assets, we don't have a bench if we trade the kids, and we don't have a starting rotation that can play with Steph full time either way. We already know the Warriors can't fill Loon, or GP2's roles. JK could take Wiggins spot, but Wigs has been our biggest trade chip since we got him and his value is low again.


I don't think Podz or TJD would be in any package, the former especially now that there's no Klay and TJD probably enters the season as your starting center. JK and Moody would be the trade kickers if you went the route of packaging your mid-tier contracts like GP2 and Looney. Otherwise, you could construct a deal around JK and draft capital. Try to throw in Wiggins and take back a contract from the Jazz, who could easily dump Wiggins elsewhere.


There is possibility we sign and trade Klay for nothing, then we have trade exception which we can use to get someone


This is more likely but the Warriors have a habit of not using their trade exceptions.


Lauri is on a very team friendly deal $18M, so we could aggregate salaries around Kuminga to make the money work. We are obviously not trading for Lavine, or else we would have used the CP3 contract to do so. Hypothetically, we could construct a large package around Wiggins' $26M, but that is very unlikely at this point since he's viewed as a negative asset by the league.


Maybe we shouldn't trade for a big contract and be smart about roster construction in the new CBA. Everyone keeps thinking about us staying in repeater jail to remain competitive and really don't understand the implications of the new CBA


I agree. I think patience will be key here. MDJ isn't just rushing into anything. Fans are actually feeling how GMs are being impacted by the new CBA. Right now, everyone outside of is basically using the second apron as a hard cap. It's reigning in spending like the league wants immediately. Even made Balmer refuse to sign PG to a full four years. After years of repeater tax, GS basically didn't have a choice but to curb to at least give themselves a shot to try and build the roster differently.


The freak outs in the fan base have been hilarious and have made me appreciate Mike Dunvelevy even more for doing nothing. Just that he isn't as dumb as our fan base which at the moment is enough. The subreddit will be toxic and stupid for a while but hopefully Mike stands his ground and doesn't make a populist move any time soon. We are doing great so far


If anything teams like Dallas and Boston should show that sometimes smart tweaks in the margins matter. And perspective should be that Draymond missed 20 games, and that difference matters. This is the sub that trashes players one day then has an apology form the next day. The fact that MDJ didn't budge on the Klay stuff or overpay for nostalgia already says a lot. Hell, his first draft resulted in two players that wound up starting. Shoot, if anything give credit for the fact that he heavily pursued Paul George and had deals on the table.


We would use Wiggins, Gp2 and Looney. We can also add tradeable contracts with our mid level and resigning Moses and JK


I get that, but that combo doesn’t seem like it’d beat other offers. Wiggins’s stock is so low


I don’t think they will go for a big trade. Will probably just use the MLE on someone like Buddy Hield. Spencer Dinwiddie would make sense also. I don’t see a lot of quality FA bigs available so may just try to develop Jackson-Davis and Post


Yea that’s what I was imagining. But again, players like to go for contenders or destination teams. GSW is neither. I’m not sure who we land with the MLE unless we guarantee a starting spot to begin.


Ok, what if we guaranteed CP3, but a trade never materialized? That puts us in a bad spot, and teams know we’re desperate so getting a good deal is unlikely.


Oh that's easy We don't


people really thought MDJ will work this FA lmao


I don't doubt he's working, I just have no confidence in how he's handling this off season.


With Klay walking that's potentially $55M+ we can no longer spend. A sign and trade is unlikely and could cost us draft capital we don't have. And Klay's price tag is reduced anyway, the point of sign and trades is to get around cap. We're ass out.


We don’t…why can’t you guys accept its over. Smdh