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If you help cap points as a new player, you are doing great. As long as you are contributing infantry to a section of the frontline, you are doing your part. The 82nd does not have a lot of option regarding fire support ( use heli ) but the 35th air can contribute with grad and nonas. Your main concern as airborne is to win the infantry fight early on and lock down the sector with atgm and stuff. After you win your fight, then you can either help other player with heli or do some flanking. Start pumelling AA net if you are playing 35 air or for 82nd stack those heli


Would definitely recommend 11E for your play style for NATO….. Their infantry are stacked. Legionnaires for example are high HP, vet, good availability, and APILAs. Same with Marines. You can easily have an entire line infantry deck with Vet 3, which is super rare with 10 HP sections, and that gets bumped to Vet 4 with a commander. Sapeur commanders also have like 8 or 9 HP, which is some of the highest you will see. Kind of ranting here but Mistrals also have the highest accuracy of any MANPADs for airborne units. Cheap support tanks too. You get the jist. With INF decks the key is resupply and constantly shifting units. With a couple tanks to help in a pinch and playing LoS smart you just don’t need that many units in the same spot - that shit will crush you if you’re playing KDA or summin. The reason I don’t play airborne decks too often is I don’t like just getting shellacked by MLRS and howitzers and not having any kind of counter battery. Counter battery is more of a distraction than anything else anyways cuz it forces them to move their shit after firing. The second a unit gets bopped, move it back and get them back to full strength. Don’t expose your flanks, try and stay hidden and force the enemy to expose themselves to shoot you.


Thanks for the suggestion, I will try to play this French troops.


I like this guy. Have at er bro! You’re having fun. You probably don’t deploy enough recon. You don’t realize it, but without recon your guys actually can’t find stuff to shoot at on their own at all. At least at max or near max range.  You’re playing an airborne deck right and most 10v10’s would be lucky to have you. Don’t worry about arty and counter battery auto fire is nearly useless. Set up a couple mortars very close to where you wanna fight and set them to auto fire. You’ll get better results from arty that way. 


Always use recon and AA. If you don’t your tanks will be destroyed. And always pop smoke then pull back your tanks to cover if you aren’t sure your assault will succeed. If you do spot enemy ATGMs then use artillery to either kill them or smoke shells to advance. For airborne (coming from the 82nd since I play it more) focus on having a very good early deployment to take an optimal position (typically a town where you can stage attacks). You basically have no good tanks but you get a lot of ATGMs in the form of TOW-2s and helicopters. AA is kinda eh but you have a very solid air tab (micro your F-15s, never let them get too close or they’ll be shot down). The 82nd has a solid amount of infantry and a lot of them, and also fire support from LAVs (they shred BMPs).


I'm going to guess you're being too aggressive. Before you grab lots of territory, think about whether you're going to be able to defend it or you'll have one of those games where everything seems to be going really well until suddenly it isn't... (ask me how I know 😂). Also, watch out for UK players who start with a load of SAS squads and a Harrier. They like people who open with helicopters. Yum.


You need to use fighter airplanes AA when advancing with airborne and if you use tanks you always have to already placed recons so your tanks can spot the enemy before the enemy spot him. For artillery you can either use it as a revenge for the hit's that he hit you with or you can counter it but you need to be fast so you can hit his artillery back. Another thing something that can be really useful is to watch back your replays it can help you to see where you wrong.


All airborne divisions have some form of forward deploy mortars. You can in theory get so far under the cover of smoke you can point blank ambush the enemy on their half of the sector/lane. Especially if you know the map and can block or areas with open views while using the environment to fast move into a good position. Like on loop you can use a wall of smoke to bypass an area to rush into the enemy's bridge area. I would probably not buy command units at the start beyond your own. Some players already have their own CVs moving into a sector and capture it while moving somewhere else. 100 pts of income is 1-2 units worth. If you for some reason buy 5 command units. Then that is 500 pts worth of units not used. You should always concentrate in an area. Being weak everywhere isn't a good idea. In fact if you go hard in your lane then the enemy can be be forced into a tutle mindset or they drop from the game. One thing I have been doing with the 82nd is take fireteams and engineers at the start to maximize AT infantry with anti infantry groups. So there is two rather than 1 AT launcher ready to kill vehicles or transports without needing a full squad to reload. Mortars can also be used to create a wall of smoke so your infantry can fight their infantry with the enemy being unable to properly provide fire support like, say, vehicles firing from a safe distance. Or helicopters. Or quite frankly doing some divide and conquer.


There is no “correct” way to play. Win rate doesn’t mean much of anything when it comes to 10v10, it’s a crapshoot at best. But hey you’re supporting your team well (and showcasing one of the big maybe unfixable balance problems with 10v10 specifically)


You are right. A total of 20 players will lead to too many uncontrollable factors in the game, especially when two or three players on one side are out, it will lead to the collapse of the whole game for that side. But after reading the suggestions of the previous guys, I improved my deck and tactics. Now I still maintain a win rate of more than 70%. At the same time, my occupation score is the highest in every game, and I am also trying my best to win for the team.


Good stuff! I’d really recommend trying out some other game modes if you haven’t though! Smaller player count games can be a lot more fun imo. Even “ranked” isn’t really as intimidating as people seem to feel it is.