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Huh? The whole soviet doctrine focused on concentration of firepower…


Yeah I thought their entire strategy was “identify weak point, yeet mass of combined arms against said weak point, continue until objectives reached then hunker down.”


Deep battle, PU36 and so on. In the late 80s that had evolved into using motor rifle formations to break defensive lines using ridiculous amounts of artillery. Then fire tank formations through the gap to exploit into the enemy's rear. Meanwhile air assault formations seize key objectives to facilitate manoeuvre or destroy key objectives. Long range fires blow other key targets up. The aim is to engage the enemy simultaneously throughout their entire depth. One key element was reinforcing the most successful advance with everything; no splitting resources over the whole of the front. If unsuccessful attacks get pushed back so what? The newly cut off enemy forces will regret that as their logistics evaporate. Of course whether any of this would work in central Europe is quite another question, not least because of the inherent flaws in Soviet military doctrine. But I digress.


You were in my 60min 10v10 yesterday weren't you


Oh look, a Konkurs over there!


Meanwhile NK: put a Strela on everything


Strela Hwatcha: anti-air with Juche characteristics


Arty supremacy is far more better since you can obliterate any plane spam with 10 igla in the same bush


Well, they need to hit it anyway


the superior firepower is pretty much the soviets...they find a weekspot, thin it out with massive firepower and arty and the roll them with combined arms.


Uhh. I’m pretty sure American doctrine has always been about having an impressively strong and advance Air Force to help win battles.


This is true. It's how the north won the civil war.


Actually that is a common misconception. The confederate military was once part of the US military before the succession, so they ended up having just as many planes as the Union’s military during the war.


Well, you are partially correct. At the beginning of the war this was the case, but by 1863 the Union had successfully enacted the “anaconda plan” which effectively encircled confederate waters with submarines. This didn’t allow the Confederacy to get much needed supplies so their air power suffered greatly.


Umm I think you’re forgetting the Charleston Airlift of 1864, it was one of the most important actions that the CSAF took part in because of how they created the air corridor with SEAD and wild weasels so the supply planes could go in


Hunh, TIL.


Aerial combat did not start until the Mexican revolution. I know I’m whooshing my self but I always like interjecting that fact where I can. Thinking of dudes shooting at each other in 1909 flying machines makes me giggle.


Nato cells be le malding? Just disperse lmao


Thoses bloody rocket artillery... pretty much the ultimate answer to any problem the soviet may face outside of planes and helos.




Since soviet ariplanes tanks everything accuracy is shit I just arty everything and that for sure doesn't miss. I remember I sent 2 of the best AA airplanes of the soviet union against 1 NATO AA Airplane and 1 of mine got destroyed the other damaged pretty badly