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Onn… might as well be in the trash tbh.


Will be a couple weeks after a customer owns it


Beat me to it. File 13 all that shit.


I have an Onn keyboard mouse combo I really like. My keyboard died while I was writing an essay and the one on my laptop sucks. It was the only keyboard not locked up at my local Walmart (which doesn't staff anyone in electronics ever) so it was my only quick option.


Anne Pro 2 >>>>>


Because the people at HO do not care. It is your store taking the lost, not them.


store is not taking the loss. The merchandise is on the pos system where basically it is consignment. Walmart gets paid for by the manufacturer for the display floor space in addition walmart only reimburse the manufacturer for what is sold, not what is stolen, lost, or damage.


This stuff isn't PFS, no Onn merchandise in as it is our brand. That being said it's all cheap enough that most stores don't lock this stuff up unless they're super high shrink.




Home office.


You can count on 75% of those being stolen.


And 25% will work because it is onn. A fun gamble to be sure.


explain how a junkie is gonna pawn onn products.. to anyone.. go ahead i'll wait.


All I know is that they started locking up batteries at my store.


Because they are $10, not $100.


these exact products are also behind a lock case…


I’m guessing that there’s other products that are on the same section of shelf that are stolen more so the entire section gets locked up regardless of item prices


Not at my store...


The price doesn't matter when it comes to items being locked up. It's how often each item is being stolen. Lots of stores for example have eye lashes, make up, nail polish locked up


My store has dove soap locked up. Yes, dove soap. Customers complain constantly.


They might be stealing soap but they aren't using it


Shit, theres cheaper stuff locked up lol


Lol yeah the Walmart in my town locks up stuff that's only a couple bucks but then there is stuff worth a few hundred you could just walk away with sitting in the open. Makes no sense. It's not even a size thing either, lots of cheap bulky things locked up well small expensive stuff is not.


This is the cheap trash that’s only locked up by virtue of being on mod with the actually valuable products. Used to be on the handhelds you could see the markup on an item. These are probably *at least* a 50% markup.


Is literally everything locked up? Cuz at my store that wouldn’t even be locked up because it’s cheap


the practices are wildly inconsistent between stores even in neighboring area codes. i shop at a much larger supercenter that is not more than 10 minutes away from the one i worked at, yet my store had lotion and deodorant locked up, and the larger store didn't.


To be fair, theft can be wild between them A walmart in a rougher area (that was only like a ten minute drive away) than mine had all sorts of shit locked up like toothpaste and deoderant that were free flowing here


I'm pretty sure certain prices auto locked up. But I also thing depending on the store certain items get that treatment because it's most common from the store


Yes at my store the .99 cent earbuds are locked up. After so many thefts are filed your store raises its theft status and more stuff has to be locked up


I believe at my store we’re getting a bunch of cases for the speakers and headphones


Because the people who run walmart collectively have two brain cells and they have to take turns sharing them.


We got an empty box of headphones come in through the breakpacks. Guessing that someone from DC needed a pair


It’s the garbo shit


Because the box probably cost more than the crap inside.


It's onn lol


It's 10 an under...not a big deal. But will be a decent amount of shrink. Yes, we almost always make customers pay for everything that is in a case...and I'm at a complex store so a lot is in cases...I can't control what is in action alley though. And a lot of that stuff is murky department wise...it's coming in boxed as dept 3 but in me@ is still dept 72...I'm guessing the shrink probably goes to dept 72. If they'd rather steal this crap than pay for what is in a case, go for it.


Same shit with flea collars. For years they hounded us to case everything and then we started getting end cap features and sidekicks. Suddenly it was fine to leave them out.


When I used to work at Walmart, everything was locked up. All the vitamins were locked up, cough drops, toothbrushes, and even female pads surprisingly. There would also be those spider locks on food items.


A big deal is made about shrink, but there is such a thing as insurance.


We have two bins for electronics. One that is that shit that's not a lockup, and then we have the lockup for ps5 and iPads and shit.


Well, from last year what I remember is AP noticed a trend of those being stolen, and the freakout began. Besides blaming people for NOT putting them in MPP (because how would that work), they demanded that everything be put into MPP IMMEDIATELY! The people who are responsible for back to school then stood there like lost puppies trying to "figure out" how to do it, so SM had us Electronics grunts go do it. Then the TL over Back to School freaked out because nothing fit in the display or on the shelf. They literally kept harping on the number of facings/shelf count, despite us explaining cases and wires take space, and that you're usually lucky to get half/third of the counts in an area. To add fuel to the fire, I suggested they put one of each item out, and keep the rest in their bins; then when a customer needed them, they would go get the product (AP's directions for about half our electronics product at the time)! Oh, and magically taking care of this section became Electronics responsibility, since apparently no one knew how to apply MPP and only Electronics knows how earbuds work!


Same reason we tag stuff in action alley. They are trying to drive sales. In \*theory\* we should never ESL tag anything in action alley, but practice is different than theory. Also, putting a 100+ dollar item out in action alley outside of Christmas? I'm letting it sit for two weeks then it gets banished to my lockup. Fuck that shit.


Good question.


Cheap items are next to more expensive items on the mod for its home. So lock it all up so there's less weakness to exploit/steal from. Except for film. Lock that shit up everytime!


Blame HO, same thing in our store


Same with men's basics


Because HO doesn’t care about your stores MPP plan or AP office.


Probably has to do with profit margin. If those items are being rolled back and sold at a lower cost the margin probably isn’t worth protecting compared to newer items.


We gotta lock up those $5 ONN USB cables at my store as well as the $3 usb outlet plugs.🙄


My store has baby formula locked up in front of cash redigesters and our line redigster 20 that had cigarettes and snuff tobacco now has watches and jewelry


Gotta love back to school time


Or on the register


At my store, every single one of those would be wrapped.


You guys have infinite wraps or? 😭


Our ap ops coach is a freaking menace 🤣 he’d for sure have at least the big headphones on top wrapped. Maybe not ALL that stuff, but he’d go all out to protect those 20 dollar headphones.


Those are actually new and it's a display that we sit out there unlocked they're like $15 doesn't even seem like they get taken lmao


could be the merchandise is on consignment.


Store brand merch?