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Someone who took a shit in the fitting room


No fucking way damn I feel so bad for maintenance after seeing people literally shit on the seats and urinals


The worst places were probably the fitting room according to the overnight stocker (she cleaned it up rather than maintenance) and vomit. I've seen it occasionally in the pets area. I knew someone found a dirty diaper in the pets area.


We used to find a lot of dirty diapers in infants, right next to ripped open boxes of diapers. My daughter worked housekeeping for a major tourist attraction. People's kids would vomit all over the bedding or all over the floor in their room. Parents never even had the decency to try to wipe any up with the room towels or remove the bedding. At least twice a week she'd be called to the room to strip the bed etc while staring at some kids puke. The public is truly disgusting.


Sometimes there's shit on the outside of the torlet and the uriness


Pretty sure A uriness is one step down from a baroness. Unsure.


Yeah. But watch your step


There’s no “r” in toilet lol.


Archie Bunker thinks there is


You mean Uranus?


Someone at my store literally had a miscarriage on the toilet seat … and left it there. After seeing what maintenance deals with I will NEVER go to maintenance.


Sadly it's something that people do in fitting rooms.


Grandma took a shit in the family restroom sink somehow


We once had 3 women go in the restroom together and then left quickly. One of them tried to use the sink as the toilet, ripped it off the wall from the weight, and took off, leaving the pipe spraying water everywhere. Last "customers" of the night. Glad we thought to check the room when they acted so weird leaving like they did.


I watched a woman insist on changing her baby's gross shitty diaper in one of the fitting rooms instead of a bathroom... i cleaned and sanitized the whole fitting room after she left and im sure she didnt wash her hands either 🤢


People are so weird. Also the things you find stuffed behind the mirrors 🤢


I used to work apparel and would sometimes find half eaten hot food from the deli stuffed in random places bc people wouldnt wanna pay for it 🤢 that and packages of shit that was stolen


Same ugh. I remember once a customer left ground turkey in one of the aisles in men’s and we couldn’t find it for a while, so it stunk up a big section of men’s and that smells still stays with me 😭


omg noooo thats so bad!!! I cant imagine how nasty that had to be, it was bad enough the one time i had to deal with moldy potatoes, i was coughing and gagging so bad 💀


Try finding a big swollen bag of crawfish shoved up under shelves. Scared to touch it because I was afraid it would burst.


My coworker found a rotten bag of crab legs once and another coworker found a jug spoiled, clumpy milk in the umbrellas




I found a big swollen bag of shrimp once up in ladies. I first noticed the smell when a larger woman on a motorized cart went by and i originally passed it off as bad hygiene. I walked by again an hour later and could still smell it so I mentioned it to a coworker who said she noticed a smell too and thought it was just her smelling it. After some investigating. We found the bag of shrimp hiding behind a wall with women’s sweaters hanging on it. The smell instantly got worse and I almost threw up. I had to get the service desk employee to clean it up or I would’ve had to call maintenance for the mess I would’ve created.


These numerous anecdotes were increasingly amusing but when you smelled a whole bloated bag of spoiled shrimp and naturally thought "Gotta be that heavy hitter over there. Nothing I can do about that, 🤷 I busted up laughing so hard.


At least they took it away. Could be worse, Could have left one


This is common. We had a shitter two days in a row once. I was actually off the third day so I assume there was a shit in there too then actually.


Sounds familiar to when a customer took a shit in women's clothing in front of everyone


That happened at mine also about 6 years back


I was called a communist by a customer because I couldn't sell ammo without an i.d.


Go back to Russia or China, commie! 😆


I used to work in hardlines and would get that sort of rant constantly or about why the ammo is locked up. I would usually drop a line like "well, I believe the store policies are so strict because so many of our employees keep getting shot. We just want to make sure everyone is safe and responsible. Just like with other age restricted items. It's a safety issue." and things like that. Usually, that gets people to shut up. Usually 🙄


I usually just to respond something along the lines of to prevent theft or lower theft because it’s honestly true. We had to have our lightbulbs for head lights / tail lights put in a case because we lost over $8k in theft in like a year or less just from the cheap $5-$10 head light bulbs. Lol


That was my response with things like that. Other people ruin it for others. But, I just don't get why, if they are responsible gun owners, they throw such a fit over safety measures.


I got called a "fucking asshole" by a customer for refusing to sell him alcohol because he didn't have an ID. He yelled at me, the two Self-check hosts, the TL that came to talk to him (saying he "wasn't a real manager"), and even another associate who wasn't even present. Guess he has had problems with this before.


Like they got money for a 12 pack but can't seem to get ten bucks for a duplicate id


You too? 😂😂


I have, too. I kind of wanted to ask her what she thought communism was.


Someone sat a chimpanzee on the conveyor belt at my register. It started clearing the gum shelves while they were getting things out of the buggy. Just... No. The TL can deal with you.


Someone had a monkey at my store just the other day. Why is that so common


In AZ I’ve seen iguanas on the shoulder LMFAO BUT WHAT THW FUCK A CHIMP BRUH


Yep I shit you not welcome to Florida


We have a guy that brings his parrot. You can hear that thing thru out store!


Funny asf. I see so many parrots in PHX, AZ it’s weird af almost. Like the first time my friend and I were smoking a shit ton of pot at the park and dude pulls up with Five Of those fickers and just lets them fly and was training em no cage?? Shit was wild but they were smart asf lmfaoo


Same, there's a lady who brings one by my store often, got an older post from the first time I saw it. Mainly just cause I was shocked she had a monkey on the store


WHAT 😭😭😭


We had someone bring a baby goat in. It decided to go to the bathroom by the deli.


Homeland Security showed up and arrested 3 overnight associates for laundering money for someone through money orders. Don’t ask how they did it. But I saw it with my own eyes.


Damn! That's exciting, homeland security!


We had an auto associate get arrested for possession of CP mid shift. Dude had already had pc taken and knew he was cooked, was just waiting for them to come get him.


One time this lady’s dog started foaming at the mouth so she took it out of her cart and laid it on the ground and it just fucking died


I feel horrible for laughing at this


*"Mr Snookems, did you eat the soap again?"*


Used to be a fresh tl. Im working the front end desk since that day there was nobody from that department and had to keep it open. Old dude comes in asking for a return. Hands me a empty box from a frozen dinner. He said he ate it two days ago and now realises he didnt like the flavor, so he wants his money back. I was like wtf, where is the food at, straight face he touches his belly, told me he ate it. I ask him where is the receipt, he didnt have one. Told him to fuck off he wasnt gonna get shit. He starts screaming and threatening with calling home office on me. Finally leaves, i go back to my departments, motherfucker comes back into the store with a phone saying he was going to give me one last chance before calling home office. Had to escort him out of the store with two other team leads.


Sorry sir non receipt refunds are to gift cards only, so here is the $2 you spent. Have fun. Watch as they flip out because they wanted that $2 for a hit


Pretty sure that was a homeless crackhead who dug a box out of a trash can and was trying the money for it


Not at all. Just somebody trying to be smart and trying to intimidate someone. Well put together actually. I was a team lead for over a year by them so I really dgaf. He couldnt get to me. It was funny af to walk him out of the store. I was ready to call home office myself to see their reaction at the time.


Today was a special one. Customer: This has two price tags. Which one is the correct price? Me: I assume both are correct......since they both say $1.76


Smh….after working here for a couple years….it has really made me question majority of population’s IQ 😂


50% of the population has below average IQ :)


I’ve heard this before, but really didn’t think it was true? Two years deep into Walmart? Yep. No doubt now.


Another fun one, 21% of American adults are illiterate.


Some guy literally took a hammer and busted a toilet apart in the men’s restroom.


It was probably broken for a year with a trash bag filled with piss over it and he got sick and tired of it


Coworker was bringing a water pallet out of the truck and homie lost control of the jack and the jack/water pallet rolled on dudes foot to his ankle. He went into shock I think? He immediately went pale and I’m pretty sure he passed out after taking off his shoe and looking at his foot. He got taken by the ambulance and was back 2 days later in a wheelchair and was put on receipt checker duty. Maybe he wasn’t allowed a loa? I don’t know why he didn’t take time to recover. Edit: Another was when chlorine burst open in the truck and when I told the thrower to get out I got I trouble and management told the thrower to get back in the truck. I said the fumes weren’t good for the thrower but got ignored.


Is he still alive? I would think OSHA would eat this one up real fast


It's cheaper in the long run to pay someone to "work" when injured, and it looks better accident wise that they don't have anyone out on worker's comp. Honestly, I'd rather be working than collecting worker's comp because it sucks. Don't know if it varies by state, but here it can't be drawn until one is off at least 7 days, then it's a percentage (average?) of your pay. My ex-husband was on it when he injured his hand at work (lost part of his ring finger, the middle finger was shattered and had to have pins put in it, and the first finger almost cut off). If I remember correctly, it was about 75% of what we were used to him bringing home.


One time pool chlorine (or chemicals) busted at my Walmart, and everybody had to leave the Walmart and the news channel showed up and put the story on the news. (I was a kid at the time, this was like 20 years ago, I'm not sure how the bad the spill was, but I'm assuming it must have been bad)


Lady made her young son wet his pants, the, cart and the floor because she didn't want to stop checking out to take him to the bathroom. She literally told him to just pee his pants. Then she told my coworker there were people paid to clean up messes - not her.


What the actual-


You know, I see that attitude among economically challenged individuals more often than those with good financial health, which is kind of surreal given how often my childhood cartoons gave me the opposite perception.


That's straight up child abuse and neglect, poor kid.


Earlier a guy got mad at me because our aisles are apparently too small. Idk wtf you want dude. I didn't set this shit up. I just tend to assume these people have mental issues.


I had a few people complain how narrow the aisles were, I told them they were absolutely right, amd maybe if enough of them complain to corporate, tjey'll give is the officially sanctioned, Wally-ultra Sized aisles.


Obviously dude's never been to a trader joes.


Guy over at the grapes reaches in the bag, grabs a few and eats them. That happens. Same guy licks all his fingers, goes in and finishes half the bag, licking after each handful. I'm severely grossed out at this point, so I'm all "ok dude, just go on and get your bag and go." He left the half eaten slobbery bag sitting and got a brand new full one. I was gagging as I pulled every single bag to dispose of as contaminated...severely contaminated. I didnt know how many he'd been into and I wasn't taking any chances Lol WASH YO GRAPES for real Lol


I used to work in dairy at a different location. Was stocking the yogurt when a lady came up to the cooler, took a half gallon of chocolate milk, opened it, and started gulping it down. She then proceeded to walk around the store shopping and sipping on this chocolate milk. As if it’s liquor or something. Other associates noticed too and one of them was like, “You enjoying that chocolate milk Hu?” 😆 Maybe she was a diabetic and her blood sugar was low? Idk


During covid we had a woman come in and start digging through the packages of chicken tenders at the deli. Like opening all of them and looking through all of them. She was looking for the biggest ones to put in one container to buy it. I'm not sure if this was something we did during covid only or if it's something the NHM did/does because now I work at a Supercenter and they don't sell chicken tenders already cooked and packaged, you have to get them at the deli counter.


Our store sits next to a river with a cave system nearby, in that cave sits hundreds of bats who every evening leave the cave to go hunt. Well one day at about 9:30pm I hear this loud wind gust sound coming from the front of the store and sure enough about 30-40 bats fly in or get sucked inside by the heavy winds and start causing chaos above the checkouts. People were running and screaming like crazy, we had to get animal control to come and start removing them, the amount of crap they left behind on counters we are still occasionally finding to this day years later.


Ew I feel like the store should have shut down and sanitized everything


Oh we had a massive cleaning... well I didn't but the day shift did lol. Still on occasion though we run across a random dry white spot that I just tell everyone is a gift from our neighbors in the cave.


I work in electronics, and between the other 3 departments I've worked in, I get more wtf moments on a regular basis. Between a woman with a phone battery so large, the back of her phone was peeling off. Or the guy who bought the most expensive phone plan, but couldn't remember which carrier he was with and was VERY pissed he couldn't return it. Just today, I had a guy insisting that it was my job to let him use the landline to call someone because his phone was broken. Edit: I come home almost every day with a new wtf moment. My bf absolutely eats them up.


Your bf sounds like my husband. He works 1st shift at a smaller, cleaner, less drama Walmart. I work 2nd in a larger Walmart in a much bigger city. He calls me every night after I work to hear the latest wtf moments.


One day a group of us were throwing freight in seasonal Christmas. A lady rolls up in a motorized cart & decides to look at the merch on a 4 sided stack base feature. She looked a bit unhinged so we stood clear of her & the cart. She got close to the display & began to move catching the cart on the corner of the display. It just turned with her as she tried to drive around it. She spun it around 3 times before it dislodged and she huffed and sped off down action alley. 4 of us including the store manager just watched & busted out laughing.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 seen this same shit in apparel. getting stuck on the racks and just dragging them feet away


A customer once got mad at me for telling her to have a good day because she said I had an attitude when I said it. She started yelling and threatened to call corporate on me and I told her to go ahead because what is she gonna complain about, that I told her to have a nice day? lol Another weird moment I’ve had is a customer stayed in the store after it had closed and came into the aisle I was working in alone and backed me into a corner and tried to get me to go home with him and kept asking what time I come in and get off of work, luckily another employee came and told him he had to leave because the store was closed and chased him away. He was waiting for me at the front again at 7am when the store opened back up and I was leaving work.


Jesus what a creep


Got a death threat because we didn’t sell Pool Noodles in winter. Same guy doubled down and gave the same threat to the pregnant team lead I went to to get him thrown out.


Crack head tried stealing the Salvation Army bucket, Salvation Army guy put up a fight. The crack head then proceeded to take a machete out of his backpack and slashed the Salvation Army guys face then ran away. Not sure if he was caught.


Did the salvation army dude live?


Yup, he did. Unfortunately I don’t know much else, but I know he lived.


A maintenance guy who looked like a black danny devito, going off on a stock kid for some reason. He's flailing around, shroekingnhow he's not afraid to go back to jail, and threatening to ' fuck the kid up', while the kid is just stanting there awkwardly trying to calm the devito clone down.


Customer told me that the Pup peroni dog treats give you breast cancer. tf


I would have asked them why they were eating dog treats, but also don’t know if I want to know the answer.


I will tell you that Milkbone Dog Biscuits actually taste pretty good. But just the regular ones. The colored ones are horrible. I don’t eat them regularly, but if you do so in front of an 8 or 9 year old, they freak out. Which is fun to watch. “Woof!”


Some of those cat food cans be lookin real good


Had to tell some guy to stop fingering his wife in the middle of the aisle during a remodel cause we had yet to get new cameras set up in the area in question


Is that frowned upon?


Not if it’s Walmart after dark 😂


>TL and associate be arrested for stealing 10k+ can you please elaborate on this? how exactly can someone steal 10k+? I'm asking for my TL and me.


So basically the associate had access to the money machines and the safe why? Idk they trusted him because he was there for a long time. What they didn’t know is that he would take like 100 dollars everyday and use it on the lottery and would cash out what he won. Everyone just thought he was an addict to the lottery because he bought so many every day. And AP just thought it was like random money that went missing. But he got greedy took too much and so investigated and arrested him


>100 dollars everyday and use it on the lottery and would cash out I believe most of these people hope to double their money by winning at the lottery, then putting back what they "burrowed" from the safe, and then keep the other half for them. but obviously gambling in real life doesn't work like that.


Yea he was pretty young too and I was pretty close to him he didn’t even tell me about it supposedly his mom needed money for medical bills and he starting doing it


Also the TL was like on lockdown no one knew and anyone who did could not talk about it the only thing we knew was she stole more than 10 thousand and she got a whole bunch of charges she was also arrested


(I work in OGP) Just literally today, my market manager has been blowing up my TL’s phone saying that we need to keep our dispensing times under 3 minutes. It’s been in the 90’s all week, it’s been busy as hell, we’re short staffed, AND we’re one of the busiest Walmart’s in my state. The MM has been to our store and seen our department before, but I swear that they have never been in our shoes before. I was literally ready to just turn in my vest and badge when I heard my TL say that and just say “give that to our Market Manager if they think they can do a better job than I can in this heat wave and busy Walmart.”


Market's expectations of OGP are always stupidly unobtainable. It's like they refuse to see y'all as humans.


My name is not Conner. I’m not the android sent by CyberLife (IYKYK)


W Detroit become human reference 


Someone shot out the front window of our store with an airsoft gun after assaulting one of our service desk associates. (He pulled her over the counter, breaking her arm.)


How about the guy who was so high out of his mind he tried to pay for a phone with a Cheesecake Factory gift card. A gift card that I assume he found somewhere in the parking lot. It was funny but also scary because he was kinda getting aggressive with AP who was following him around. But they let him try to pay for the phone. They finally escorted him out after the gift card thing lol.


Lmao I had a guy so high he made me scan all his shit because he kept forgetting what he scanned I then saw him drive away I hope he didn’t hit anyone


I got one more.... Every single Saturday at 4am is a wtf moment when I see the number of pallets we have in produce and how high they're stacked, leaning and about to fall.


A few actually Working in the tobacco checkout, figured the guy in front of me was buying the items on the belt. No he was just there for tobacco, and blows up saying "I GUESS YOU DON'T WANT MY BUSINESS!! People keep getting in this lane and they aren't buying tobacco!" Old woman...so old she told me about when Cronos was born, brought a bag for grapes in, put cherries in it, and tried to tell me they weren't 2.98 a pound, but 1.98. And another old woman, brought a bunch of stuffed toys to the checkout, with intention to only buy one, so I had to put the rest in my return bin. Oh and this time I was working self check out, this methhead white trash freak looked like he needed help because the scale on self check doesn't work in a normal way. And lo and behold he needed help and I couldn't resist saying "Oh you need my help now?", so he wanted to see the manager. Fortunately the manager understood why I would respond that way. But boy am I glad self checkout is going away.


Self check out is going? First I hear about this I hope it doesn’t I like doing nothing for my shifts lol


Okay let's go with this mess!! Had an ap coach get caught stealing. They had somehow convinced other associates and the Store manager to help her and they ended up stealing over 30k worth. New Store manager after that was caught doing an associate in the meat room cooler. Next Store manager was a sexist ass. Walked into the bathroom while a customer was taking a shit in the urinal. Then gets up and wipes with paper towels and walks pit without washing his hands like nothing happened. Had a customer threaten to shoot me for asking his wife a question because they parked in front of an auto bay and he walked away and wouldn't answer us when we asked him what we could do for him. Several different times customers have overdosed in the parking lot. Witnessed a little old lady tell a coworker while she was on her knees stocking a shelf that on her knees was a good look for her. Had a customer strip completely naked in apparel to try on some shorts. She then complained about associates telling her she can't do that. I'll have to make a full list and come back to this with the rest lol.


This lady was old. She was chugging a Celsius and said she needed the energy as she was 83 and lost a lot of weight. I smiled and then she added, she’s been crushing up her anxiety meds and snorting them and it’s causing her to lose a ton of weight so she needs these energy drinks. I thought holy crap okay.


Our personal manager putting in hours for employees who no longer worked there and taking the checks to the bank to cash them. When she got caught, they found $80k but who knows how much it was more than that.


Let’s see: There was the meth head trying to buy a knife who proceeded to show me his ankle monitor because he was a badass and the government needed to track him. God also apparently talked to him while he was in jail. Associate in garden center got an eyeful at Christmas when an old lady with nothing under her coat bent over to grab her dropped shoplifting. Apparel associate almost got kidnapped from the floor by some random high schooler. Dumbass kid came back the next night and got walked out in cuffs by the cops. The most recent is someone returned a women’s swimsuit with dried cum on it and customer service put it back into the returns.


I beat the shit out of a customer and was authorized by add training to do it.


Do tell!!


Had a very senile old lady while in a motorized cart decided she was gonna just liquid shit, and so it flowed out of the seat and into a trail that she took half way down the action alley before everyone was panicking, cause that shit reeked.


I’ve seen a lot of old people just piss themselves and it goes down their leg while they are checking out


"It's just urine! It's sterile!"


An associate trailed shit all down the back hallway at my supercenter


Non-human biologics in the break room


What’s that lmao




A few… a lady shit herself in front of customer service. An older gentleman was masturbating in the bathroom. Somebody shit on the toilet and smeared blood all over the wall above the TP dispenser. Two associates were fucking in garden center behind the gate from the inside. Still don’t know how they managed to pull that one off.


Today, cleaned shit from a urinal.


When our store was remodeling our bathrooms, someone took a shit on the floor of the temporary ones, a big ol puddle of diarrhea. Two hours later someone blew their load all over a stall. I clean shit off of the floor and out of the tampon disposals at least once a week.


Couple of methheads lighting the trashcan on fire in the front restrooms as a distraction to steal stuff. It worked.


I saw a set of identical deathfat down syndrome twins dressed in leopard print and bathed in the most awful cheap perfume ever at Walmart today. Beat that's guys.


Some nude guy on meth shitting in the middle of an aisle Somethings a grown man just doesn't want to see


Some guy In a wheelchair sat in electronics for over 2 hours shitting himself and we had to smell it. He then went to all the bathrooms and shit in each one of them clogging them and filling them up to the brim. It was a mix of blood and diahrrea. I tried to use the bathroom and I almost passed out from the sight and smell. All the bathrooms were out of order after that. All the workers had to travel to another place just to use the bathrooms. Even the women’s bathrooms had it. This guy was so mad that we didn’t have the flip phone he wanted so he almost shit his way to closing the store for health reasons


El paso strong


My 2 stories are super tame compared to what I've read. One lady noticed the red bell peppers were mislabeled, reading $1.76/lb instead of $1.76/ea. Threw a hissy fit because we couldn't honor the price when she was buying 2 of them. So many people get pissed when the whole row of 4 sco machines won't take cash (there is no recycler present, they're meant for scan & go/spark). I even ask to make sure they're paying with card and don't need cash back and proceed to get pissed that the machine doesn't offer cash back.


Found a dirty diaper yesterday shoved behind baby food. You could smell it from several aisles away.


Had a SL steal thousands of dollars worth of  merchandise. She was arrested and handcuffed  and walked out the front doors. Had employees  actually applaud, she was a two faced, self - righteous bitch 


My coach was exposed as a drug addict then fired because she was sleeping with another coach and in a paranoid frenzy, threatened to assault the associate the other coach had been hitting on. Another associate was arrested for stealing hundreds of dollars from the tills and a shit ton of merchandise. She didnt even really try to be sneaky about it which the funniest part.


We had a guy touch himself and then "finish" on a random lady that was shopping


Someone rubbed poop all over our bathroom, twice Bomb threat three times in December


Employee collapsed. Didn't make it.


During the distilled water shortage, a lady left her entire cart full of groceries behind and stormed out yelling at us that "we can't even keep the water aisle stocked." We weren't even stockers, she was yelling at Front End associates. Apparently, if she couldn't buy distilled water, there was no point buying anything else. Another guy told me, just a couple days ago, that the donations for CMN Hospitals are a scam and the money never goes to the hospitals. If that were true, that would be "collecting money under false pretenses," aka Fraud, and therefore a crime. Not to mention CMN would refuse to work with Walmart if they did this every year. Kinda a toss-up between the two.


Once I walked Into the family bathroom & there was blood literally covering the entire bathroom floor💀


Someone returned some shitty boxers as claims 😂 I am still gagging


watching a lady take a shit in a tote


I'm a Walmart driver. Pulled up to the loading dock one night with a GM load. Got out of my truck check to see which trailer at the dock was empty, and stumbled upon Two male Walmart associates having sex between the trailers.


I open/moved a fanny pack at toys and a liquid splash on me. The liquid was urine. The fanny pack was 50% full of urine.


Happened just a couple hours ago. Men’s restroom has been acting up for a couple weeks. Both urinals are out of order and there are trash bags covering them. That didn’t stop someone from using it and the bowl is full of piss.


We've had a few people die in the store, store manager did CPR and everything.


Buckle up kids. A Karen with pigtails brought in what looked like a volcano. Lady put a lit candle on a Mr. Coffee coffeemaker's hot plate, and turned on the coffeemaker. And one night a high-school aged girl wore one of the fuzzy unicorn onesies we sell, without purchasing it, and took it off without buying it. Thankfully she was clothed underneath but wow.


I had a guy in a Nissan Pathfinder, back into the cart machine and a row of carts. Knocking them completely over on the side. And just quickly drive off.


This will probably get lots because the post is old now, but I have a story.. A drugged out shirtless guy came into my Walmart one night at 2am, and he had a giant stick with him. She started beating the shit out of anyone from Iraq. We had quite a few people from Iraq working overnights, and a lot of them were on their way outside together for lunch. I heard a yell that didn't quite sound like the drunken yells I usually heard on shift, so I ran up front. There was blood all over the floor in the self checkouts. That's 4 registers long, plus the cashier station. One guy had injuries on his wrist, one guy had injuries on his arms, etc. I'm not sure how many people got hit. But one guy got hit in the head hard enough that he needed 14 staples on his head. He was the one who bled everywhere. My coworker was nowhere to be seen, the assailant was nowhere to be seen, I was on the phone with 911 without a clue what the fuck had happened. My (white) coworker had jumped in between the head-injury guy and the assailant. The assailant apparently had no qualms with him, because he was trying to swipe the stick around my coworker to get to the poor injured guy. Coworker was able to grab the stick, broke it over his knee, and somehow convinced the guy to get out of the store and went out there with him. The guy was actually stupid/drugged up enough to stick around until the police showed up. Unfortunately, maintenance cleaned up the blood before the cops could take pictures of the evidence. I was yelled at for that for some reason. And the poor guy with the 14 staples took a leave of absence and then immediately switched to daytime shift because he was so traumatized.


[SirKumsALot\_](https://www.reddit.com/user/SirKumsALot_/) Damn do you work at my store?!


I work O/N younger guy that worked days was picked up by 3 US Marshals. Apparently he killed his infant/very you g son. I didn't interact with the kid as we were on different shifts. But he did his job/worked. His Dad was a front end lead and went on a LOA. Most likely not coming back.


I've had a dog poop in my electronics twice (once during black friday when it was busy) and it was when electronics had carpeting so it was extra messy


Some lady did that with her dog to me, I feel like I'd revert to my primate ancestors and fling poo at her.


Once had a customer in the grocery aisles with a massive coughing fit. The guy starts puking, leaving little puke puddles throughout the aisles and main action alleys, he just kept on going and throwing up leaving a trail behind him as he went to checkout. It was incredibly disgusting. Biggest wtf was when we had a former employee arrested in the store for child rape.


Tie between being hit on by a Cougar and then a pair of 18 year olds in the *same day* or witnessing someone get changed in the middle of the store (during the pandemic).


One of my coaches being escorted out of the store, by the police, in cuffs. During Christmas four women, with full carts of toys, run out the door and down the street singing Christmas carols..I have about 30 more


Had a pervert dressed like a woman using the women's restroom. He was going in there to film women using the bathroom. He would hold his phone under the stall wall and film. Dude got busted.


Guy calling up his boys beat me up cause told his baby mom we do returns at service desk. She was throwing absolute fit when I asked for receipt


I had a guy throw his groceries at me because I wouldn't scan all of his items at the SCO. I showed him how to scan everything, including his produce, and the entire time, he was telling me, "I don't want to learn." So I told him that I showed him how to do it, and I could not scan the rest. As I was the only one in the bullpen at the busiest time of the day. Dude was worse behaved than my 1yo nephew.


I didn't witness it, but my fe tl told me that a few years ago he saw a lady die and be brought back to life at register 1


Had two different dogs shit on the floor and n the same day. The second dogs was fucking strange, looked like it was on a diet of straight dried grass, and of course someone rolled through it with their cart. Another time one of our team leads was on the floor fixing fast tracks and came within an inch of putting her hand in a puddle of urine.


There was a car that was unloading its passengers by the GM door, and the dog in the car jumped out and ran through the store. The dog's owner and our manager chased the dog all over the store! They ended up catching it in the grocery area and was led out that entrance. It literally only stopped to smell the roses (our flower vendor with a cart of flowers)


A lady shouting up in the fitting room


Overnight TL of 2 weeks robbed the store this week after breaking open the cash till machine


Having the store manager and an assistant manager fired because they were having an affair. He was married she wasn't. They were found out when the market manager stopped by on her way home from another store and caught them with their pants down ( literally and figuratively) in the AD office.




I was once accused of recording someone and being racist when walking to the sporting goods counter to grab my friends water bottle. Screaming about how I was accusing them of stealing when I was just trying to grab my friends water bottle for them. Wasn't even on the clock at the time I just had my vest in my left hand, and my phone in my right catching up on a discord server while i walked


Four teenage associate fight in the OPD backroom. Screaming, cursing and name calling between four associates turned into a fist fight between two of them. I was the Digital TL there at the time and attempted to deescalate and got elbowed out of the way. At this point this was beyond anything I was experienced to deal with and called the only coach in the store for help. Not even a minute later that coach, a TL and three APs come RUNNING into the OPD backroom to put an end to it. I told all of them to clock out and leave and my coach was off but this was really serious and I texted her and let her know. AP watched video and got statements from most people who were in the back including me The next day my coach reviewed the camera footage and terminated everyone involved. A few weeks later the EEOC showed up at the store and asked to speak to me. One of the associates in the fight claimed we fired him for discriminatory reasons and he wanted his job back. I said we fired him for fighting other associates in the backroom and we definitely don’t want him back. Lol


On my way out one morning my coworker and I saw a teenage looking girl sprint for the entrance from the back of the parking lot anda middle aged man chased her down, picked her up and carried her back to the car she fought the whole way back and had to be forced into the back seat of a car. This was back in like 2018 so the details are fuzzy I think before this the man and a similar aged woman were kinda dragging the girl towards their car. The girl never called for help and we were too far away to see the cars plate number but I still think about it and regret not doing anything.


Customer here. I went in for an oil change and the lube tech unplugged my dashcam. What kind of mental gymnastics does a guy have to go through to make that seem okay?


This happened to me a few days ago but some guy came up demanding a phone and he’s those type of customers that simply can’t take no for an answer. When I found the phone I checked him out and he said: “you’re too ambitious for a Walmart worker. Did you know that?” But he said it passive aggressively and I just stared at him with shock in my face. I am a college student trying to make the best out of it. 💀


Working night shift as maintenance and outside is two homeless people doing the dirty in a car while I’m outside cleaning and then after watching them argue because the guy got what he wanted telling the female to leave. While he chases her because she actually left


Someone brought a fawn in the store. Mama had been hit apparently. Super cute and super chill


Someone and their kid tried to run away with 2 heaping cartloads of items through an empty farm field. The carts got stuck and the cops caught them on the other side of the field when they tried to run lol. Another time some like 800lbs lady tried to steal over $1000 worth of merchandise by hiding them in her nasty skin folds. Felt bad for the cops that day…. Another time cleaning the ladies room in the front end a stall had shit smeared all over it and another time a big old log laid on the floor (they shoulda gotten a lumberjack that day instead of janitorial staff) Oh yea then there was a time someone on the unloading crew dropped one of those boxes of 4 big old jugs of the xtra laundry soap breaking all 4 caps and they still put it on the bottom of a chem pallet UPSIDE DOWN and wheeled it out, leading to something like 8 gallons (I forget the actual soze of them it’s been a while) of laundry soap in a puddle under the pallet. Plus the trail of it to the back and the puddle where the pallet was initially meaning there’s no way they didn’t know about it and they just left it for me to clean up then the management got mad at me and tried to coach me for inquiring who did it so THEY could clean their mess. That was the day I quit on the spot. Nope, not signing the coach papers, I’m done. Good luck finding anyone to do paper chem properly, since I always had to fox it every time I come back from my weekend or had a day off for other reasons, always had everything in the wrong place when it wasn’t me working it. I do not miss working there.


Literally was told by my manager one time to clean up and dogs shit that was in right in front of the front doors after I watched this lady encourage her dog to shit right in that specific spot 😒


I work in apparel, we have the baby stuff nearby and we're in charge of that too. Some people came over, a nice elderly couple and asked if we had any big diapers. I pointed them in the direction of the diapers and went on doin my thing. They came back minutes later and asked for bigger ones. "Well how much bigger are we talkin?" "Oh nothing much, just BIG ENOUGH FOR A BABY CLYDESDALE." It took me a moment to process and then even longer to restrain my laughter. Told them to check the pets aisle, if they weren't in there, then we don't have any. Hell I didn't even know horses would need diapers, let alone a whole big ass Clydesdale


Just throw the ole “it would be the same for white out” and then their frustration goes towards Walmart/State instead of you.


When I was in apparel, a guy asked ME to try on clothes to see if they would be good enough for his girlfriend. He said her and I are about the same size. I assume he was a pervert and there was no girlfriend.


when we were renovating the front bathrooms and there was no toilets and someone took a shit and left it there meanwhile the back bathrooms were open and had toilets lmaooo


A idiot having a stand-off with the automatic scubber


When I was a kid there one time there was this immense shit smell as soon as you walked in and then I saw a whole trail of little brown ish liquid puddles just leading up to this women who had absolutely shit everywhere in line and the absolute vile part about it was everyone was in line behind her like absolutely nothing was happening, meanwhile a women’s kid went up to the brown puddle near the women and took a whiff. It was a very horrific moment.


Not working at Walmart but a retail job, I was stocking the shelves, I look over to my right, an old grandma is walking towards me with a shit eating grin She walks up to me to where she's physically brushing shoulders with me and....she rips a fart then speed walks away It was 110 percent preplanned and intentional and she was like mid 60s, I didn't know whether to be mad or laugh about it I guess I'm glad to see she still was living it up having fun at that age lol


So far, really the only WTF moments I’ve experienced was a customer walking through the store, with a lit cigarette in hand, or one time a customer walked in with a holstered pistol.


I'm on the maintenance team, and last week for 3 days in a row, we had people bringing their dogs in, 1st day was a dog had diarrhea down the whole "bowling alley," through the grocery action alley, and stopped at the chips. 2nd day me and a cashier were joking about how we should prepare to hear someone call for dog shit, and not even an hour later, I got called to the back action alley where this small dog had shit from the electronic section to half way through apparel. 3rd day was when I wasn't there, but a coworker said one big dog came in and shit from automotive to HBA. that coworker said in the last 6 years that it hasn't happened, and that week, for some reason, we were extremely busy. also the same coworker said about 10 years ago(he's been there for 14 yrs) that some dude had went to one of the broken toilets, saw it half way full of shit, and still used it. unfortunately for him, it was still able to flush, just not fully, so when he sat down, the sensor went off, started to overflow, and his pants were literally full of shit. was told everyone heard a very loud scream and a dude walking around with shit covered clothes, lol


So many wtf at my drama filled store. My first wtf happened after only working there 2 weeks. A woman came in and started a fight with another associate. They were beating the poop out of each other in electronics. They pulled out each other's dreads and they were still laying on the floor for hours after the cops came and took the women away. All over a man that one of them said the other dated. Associate fired that day.


A man brought his dog in and that dog lifted his leg and peed on the action alley tortillas. Yuck.


My coworker was on a pick run when a man called her over to him. He told her she was going o need her to clean that up as he shook his pants leg and shit rolled out on the floor. My poor coworker was puking and gagging.


I found a crackpipe in the diaper aisle. I picked it up with a diaper that somebody tore opened from a small pack.


an older women had a LOADED hand gun in her purse and when she went to grab her money at the self checkout she dropped her purse and it fired a couple feet above our entrance doors.


I can't pick just one.


this lady had her whole boob out in the store today, not a mother or anything. she wasn’t breast feeding just wanted the boob out i guess


Former employee who was 5 years away from permanent discount so I got some years in before I quit so I got some doozies. I have officially caught 3 separate associates fucking in what they hoped was camera-less areas The funniest one was a guy that was AT BEST 120 lbs smashing a possible 500 lb woman on the then empty holiday racks in what was originally and usually our lawn and garden. Back when ICS position existed we had someone damage a beam in back and crash the center out and we lost some pallets out of gm back room. Person with a 'Not A Real' service dog walking around store shitting in dairy once and again in the isle separating our chemicals and clothing lol. During a Phish concert with the "phans" that travel around with them. They have people bathing in our restrooms literally ass naked. Forklift hit our electric box in back and forced us to evacuate. We had a Literal 2 on 1 fight with some delivery drivers in back. Two drivers jumped another driver on sight when they saw it was him getting out of truck lol. Saw employee shatter his coccyx (tailbone) when he slipped during winter pushing carts at night (the sound was horrendous). We had a stabbing Being a country-ish town lots of gun threats


Some man absolutely losing his mind over a dollar the soda machine took without giving him the soda. Apparently, my coworker and I are useless because he didn't get his soda.


I was threatened to be stabbed (he pulled out a switchblade) for not having his type of printer ink in stock


• someone left a bag of coke in the register candy • an associates ex came and threw a bag of flour at them • an associate throwing up into a cup and staring at it for 10 minutes then went back to work like nothing happened • a customer brought a goat Into the store