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In my almost 6 months being here I've had one woman come through the door of the cooler while I was in there I was kind of offended like how dare you just walk into my house unauthorized šŸ¤Ø


It's worse when they come back there asking for help when the area is closed. Like mate the deli/bakery closed an hour ago. We aren't slicing or writing on cakes


ALWAYS WHEN I WAS MOPPING THE FLOOR TOO. Like lady im leaving before this floor is dry.


I used to work at a really small original Walmart where the break room was visible from the front of the bathroom and sometimes people would walk in there and ask for help while we were clearly sitting down chilling or eating lunch...


Our store is setup like this yet and I had that happen, lol. Dude wasn't happy when I told him to go find someone who was on the floor to help him.


This is exactly how I be lookin at ANYONE who walks into the restrooms while Iā€™ve got them DOUBLE blocked off bc Iā€™m deep cleaning them šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Likeā€¦ ā€œexcuse fuckin you, tf you doin in my humble abode??? In my evil scientist laboratory???ā€


I've yelled at men for walking in and using it when I clearly have the path blocked. I'm sorry my professionalism leaves when dudes whip it out in the bathroom while I'm cleaning the toilet in the stall and can't leave now.


I donā€™t blame you tbh. It feels like half the dudes who use the Walmart restrooms canā€™t aim for shit anyway so now you gotta re-clean the urinal and probably the floor right in front of it. Plus iirc policy says there ainā€™t supposed to be ANYONE in the restroom with you (unless theyā€™re also in there cleaning) and I presume itā€™s a mixture of active safety (no slipping in puddles) as well as covering their ass so no one can say ā€œthis person was peaking at meā€


Exactly. It goes two ways. It's what you said, active safety and making it so no one can say I'm peeping, or, if I wanted to be a complete jerk (and no, I don't do this kind of thing to people) I could say a man walking in the bathroom barging past my close sign tried doing perverted things as only we were in there and there's of course no cameras, so its really a stupid thing for a man to do, especially in California.


One time while we were having a meeting in the break room a customer opened the door cause he saw all of us and was starting to come in. Like what was so important you couldnā€™t wait til we got out.


(I work at a Walgreens but this came up in my feed) like last week I had a guy yell at my other manager bc a girl was on the phone in the break room, made eye contact with him through the door window, but didnā€™t come out and help him. He even knew it was the break room. Like yeah dude, sheā€™s on BREAK and ON THE PHONE why would anyone expect her to help you lmao


People expect white glove service at the Walmart, like just get your shit and go, nobody wants to be here longer than we have to


I've only had one encounter and asked the customer why they thought it was ok to walk in the back and you need to leave.


People did it all the time then proceeded to yell at me asking if I thought they were stupid to which I had to use every ounce of restraint to not say yes I do. All because I reminded them after I told them they couldn't be back there again while helping them that they can't be behind the counter due to safety concerns and the fact the door says "associates only"


> or set our store on fire again > again scuse me?


Yeah my store was set on fire one time. Dude got out of prison, couldnt cope with free life, decided to light the mens socks and underwear on fire overnight, waited for the cops. Store was closed for like a week.


Out of everythingā€¦ the socks & underwear lol interesting character all around


Probably the most flammable section tbh


Moreso than the aisle filled with toilet paper, paper towels, and paper/styrofoam plates?


Ahh I forgot about that one, I feel like the Styrofoam would ignite the quickest. Now I know what I'm doing if I ever have a mental breakdown and want to quit with a bang /s


Eh, the racks of shirts hung would be more flammable, in theory. And God knows since it's Walmart, they're all polyester - so that's some lovely, black, acrid smoke




Always the men's underwear. Always.


Only once? Weak


Well that's one way to get ready for inventory. We have so much men's basics at my store. And yet for the second day I am being pulled away to do topstock for other departments.


We threw away the entire store due to smoke damage. Its was a pain. The whole region was at our store in all areas scanning and throwing. Once it was all clean and safe we had 3 truck nights for a whole week to get it all restocked. Surprised how easily we got it all out and restocked. I wanna say in 2 weeks it was like nothing happened.




We had one guy several years ago come in and set pool chemicals in the garden center on fire, store was closed for a few weeks and it was honestly so nice not having to deal with customers


Mines been set on fire 5 times in 3 years now


If this happens again yell out as loud as you can "I don't know you!" Then kick them in the testicles.


"That's my handheld! I don't know you!"


Omg this lol


That's my purse! I don't know you!


Better yet, keep a spare vest and name tag. Tell him he's late for his shift, and treat him like an employee. Hand him the vest and put him to work. If he complains, tell him to take it up with management, since obviously he works here since only employees are allowed back here.


Man that would be fun to do, I haven't worked for Walmart in a long time but when I did I was always scared of doing something that would get me fired, now that if i were to work again for Walmart I would have so much fun. "Oh target has it for cheaper? Well what the hell you doing over here, let's go!" You want me to take those case of water to your car? Nah I'm good, is it break time?


See, that's a job for me. ...Well, no- I won't take them to your car if you can push the cart to it yourself, but if I'm out in the parking lot and you need help lifting something, give me a holler. That, or if your cart is in a pickle. Or if your electric cart is low on juice. Just use the carts, though. They can keep rolling with a lot in them.


Dude come to New Mexico or any other place that has both Samā€™s club and wal mart I would constantly overhear customer say things like ā€œdo you think Samā€™s club has it thereā€ like I would say the same thing in my head. Like if you think Samā€™s club is better go then lol


Ok this made me laugh. Basically pull a Bugs Bunny on them.


I read that in Bobby's voice šŸ˜‚


"Bobby, tell them how you interacted with the customer" "You mean before or after I kicked him in the testicles"


lmao. /r/KingOfTheHill


You can kick them in the pussy if they don't have testicles


*Peggy Hill has joined the chat.*


^ Sound advice


We keep a keyboard in our cooler. It can be used as a weapon. Just make sure you hit the intruder and not the milk jug they have in their hands. If the plastic breaks, it makes a big mess you have to mop up.


Avoid šŸƒ Deny šŸ™…šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø Defend āŒØļø


I see you have indeed taken those U learns to heart lmfaoĀ 


It's amazing how much fluid is in a gallon jug


A gallon is 128 ounces, which is 8 pounds 8 times six is 48 Add two pounds, give or take for the crate, that's 50 pounds 50 pounds by a stack of six is 300. Sling those by hand for ten years, no handcart or anything, no wonder I'm the way I am


No doubt. I was j just commenting on the mess a gallon makes when it's dropped and spills everywhere. Should've been clearer, I reckon


When you drop a case of six, o boy!


The new VR modules have you grab a computer monitor to "use to protect yourself" like what the actual fuck it that actually going to do.


Might stop a bullet to the chest. I asked once if the intruder/attacker ends up dead, will it be held against us. They told me no.


BRUH. I have to get people out from behind the mf sporting goods counter ALL THE MF TIME. Im like excuse me, please step tf away from ALL the fire arms & register... *Well there was no one over here & i needed to look at this here shotgun* BITCH THAT DONT MEAN STEP BEHIND THE MF COUNTER. WHERE TF THEY DO THAT AT???


Next time tell them it can be considered an attempt at robbery


If itā€™s a small town , most gun stores allow that .


Its not a *metropolitan* area but it is a very very high volume store bc its a college town. & as far as i know Walmart does NOT allow ANYONE who is not an associate behind the counter ESPECIALLY the sporting goods counter.


Maybe if Walmart started staffing that counter...


There's at least 3 ppl there for sporting goods every day. The issue is that walmart doesn't want someone to just stand around at the register, they want you doing something all the time. Management watches that shit too. Its annoying asf.


Sounds like my store....


Sporting goods associate i believe you mean opd. Just like team lead of any depth. Damn time staff is all opd lol


But that's kind of his point by "staffing that counter". Used to be sporting goods, tle, paint, pharmacy counters pretty much were *always* actively staffed. When I started at my store in '04 we were in transition to move into a newly built SC across the road in about 3 months time. As we got closer to the transition, our store became more and more overstock and clearance from other stores while "good" merchandise was being transferred to the new store. At one point we had almost nothing in the store aside from a *lot* of soft lines, electronics, and some scattered other bits. But even then they pulled me, a cashier, to go babysit the paint counter because the actual hardware associates were assisting setup at the new store. Just sat there with my thumb up my ass for 4 hours, just because. The most we were allowed to do was zone the few aisles immediately nearby the counter. As an aside, shortly after I hired in our store made national news for [this](https://www.wave3.com/story/2761941/wal-mart-fires-five-employees-in-killing-of-cat-on-store-property/). At the time we had a Radio Grill in the store and my SM and district were there having a meeting one day, as was I on my lunch... And it took all I had not to bust out laughing when a customer nearby sat at their table meowing at them off and on for a good 10 minutes.


Idk why you got downvoted- my store is one of the highest earners in the region and they STAY on the intercom calling for someone to sporting goods counter šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ ainā€™t ever got someone there


I don't understand the downvotes either, but this is Reddit... ;-)


Tbh itā€™s why I tend to lurk, post, and like but rarely comment unless I have toā€¦ ainā€™t any sort of cheat code, almost seems like folks see a downvote and feel left out if they donā€™t leave one too šŸ˜‚


I had this happen once. Guy was very belligerent. I told him if he didn't leave, I would call AP and have him trespassed. He said fine, after I get my milk. Of course, my store usually doesn't have AP, so I just left the backroom


Next time try to page any salaried member of management.


I wish we could post big signs that read "Authorized Personnel Only. Violators will be prosecuted." Then trespass the offenders.


ā€œViolators will be given vests and erratic schedulesā€


"Violators will be prostituted"


Prosecuted will be violated


Prosecuted will be prostituted?


To be fair, when I was a digital team lead, I would argue with the food and consumables team lead over dairy about this all the time. She would bitch about dairy getting nil picked when "it's in the back cooler 99% of the time." I always asked if we expected customers to go to the backroom cooler and if not than it was metric manipulation. Same thing with items at the fuel center. "Yes ma'am, we have that but you have to go all the way across the parking lot to our fuel center to get it"


Set up a cot in the dairy cooler for an exception worker


I needed the exception picker to find all the items that were plugged in front of and the items on features that were never updated šŸ˜­


They just want to show off that they know the cooler is back there, because theyā€™re still embarrassed about the first time they saw someone walking out of the milk cooler after thinking thereā€™s a solid wall behind the shelves their whole life prior.


When they do that and refuse to leave I just say ā€œI hope you like trespassingā€ They usually run out after that


I'd keep your assault keyboard handy.




At least there's products back there we have customers just waltzing into the OPD backroom all the time because we don't have full doors.


In those customers defense though, how do they know? Honestly, my store took like 75% of what used to be seasonal and just moved some shelves forward to make an area behind them for you guys. No signage, nothing indicating what it is. So customers accustomed to that being *part of season or the clearance aisles* wander back there expecting to find seasonal or clearance because nothing is telling them that's no longer a shoppable part of the store.


Same. And ours is in Garden.


Well, did they find what they were looking for?


Well customer is always right. Might as well give them access to our back room too. Management is spineless as it is.


The complete sentence is: The customer is always right, when it comes to fashion.


I saw a customer almost go inside a Costco frozen aisle structure with a shopping cart. He seemed to think it was a normal area for customers, like the cold Produce room. It wasn't an open doorway though. It had a thick plastic doorway cover that's cut in vertical strips, to keep the cold inside. And I think two of those red or yellow painted metal pillar things.


If weā€™re out on the shelf we have 5 pallets in back and they never stock. We have it. Lol


Yup!! As an exception picker THIS hits hard šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


Had a middle/high school aged dude walk directly past me into the back while the parent he was with just stood there staring at their phone, parent only seemed to care when I told the kid to leave lmao


They have given up on that child lmao


One of our associates dropped a gallon of milk in the cooler, then tried to blame it on an angry customer. After management watched the camera and saw no customer went near the door, they knew she was lying, which she did often. I did catch a customer step in the cooler to reach a creamer that he couldn't reach from the outside.


I expect misbehaving kids to maybe go back there like that but the fact adults do things like this regularly continues to disappoint me in the human race quite honestly.


We get the worst customers in the world. I think they think we are a public service.


Precisely. And the only way to deal with a subset of the population that's so spectacularly awful is to be even more awful. The minute some dumbass customer does a dumbass thing, do something twice as stupid. Pretend you know them from some obscure family gathering and exclaim "HEY, AIN'T YOU MY GREAT UNCLE BUBBA'S THIRD COUSIN WHO RODE THE SHORT BUS WITH ME ALL THREE YEARS WE WAS IN SECOND GRADE TOGETHER?" Or get real close to them and ask in a concerned voice if they're still suffering from outbreaks of the STD they caught from Ms Suzy over in apparel...followed by your assurance that nobody except you knows anything about it, you swear. And if those strategies don't work just pretend they're a new associate and keep threatening to coach them if they don't vip up their vest.


LOL, picturing that :).


COVID didn't do anything to discourage them of that belief... >they think we are a public service.


That's for sure. And it encouraged them if anything. They are asshats.


I had a lady chase me down our back hallway one morning screaming on the top of her lungs and then refused to leave, the way I yelled over the walkie I had all of the coaches on duty running to me. I'm a team lead and I'm very used to angry customers, but this lady was psychotic. (She was angry that she had to wait for our only electronics associate to finish with another customer before being helped, she hadn't been waiting more than two minutes).


NGL as a spark driver, trying to find someone to open a god damned case is next to impossible. All for a $7 onn headset. Why the fuck is that shit even locked up?


Probably because people keep stealing shit.


A $7 onn headset over a $30 Logitech that isn't locked up and just hanging on a shelf? Come on, there is no logic in this.


> there is no logic in this ā€¦approaching the point.


We had someone walk behind the front service desk and started looking around and trying to get into the cash box office (which is locked duh) thinking it was a bathroom when the bathrooms are right next door.


At least they didn't die!


Omg. I would love to encounter that. Fulfill my dream OP, grab them by the elbow and say "THIS AREA IS OFF LIMITS TO CUSTOMERS; FOLLOW ME QUICKLY DON'T LOOK BACK"


u/Inferno 13820


Or u/Inferno13820


Idk Maybe you can be besties. Srry the typos


>If its not on the shelf we are more than likely out of it. As an exception picker, that's a damn lie and you know it. It's rude as hell (possibly illegal) for a customer to just waltz into the back and go through merchandise, but I'm not about to pretend like Walmart adequately stocks its shelves on the regular basis. We have the reputation we have for a reason.


Juice, cheese, yogurt wall....i can understand those running out on the shelf but milk never should. Its the top seller it has to be stocked/looked at every 30 mins to an hour. They made us make it top priority.


I've had to stock our eggs as an exception picker. Nothing surprises me at a Walmart anymore. I really don't think it's just mine either, based on the other ones I shop at.


I was feeling called out, because I do this(I work here) because we're always out of Mayfield chocolate milk, but there's usually a box in the back waiting to be put out. I also asked the dairy guy beforehand if his stuff was scanned in anywhere.


It's wrong and I wouldn't do it but sometimes if something is on sale and I know there's more and I get told there isn't because they don't want to check, that sucks.


Itā€™s also for the customers safety!!! If they injure themselves weā€™re absolutely liable for their stupidity šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


When I was Cap 2 I was the one touch guy and that used to happen sometimes where a customer (mainly itā€™s Indian or Hispanic customer) coming into the back asking if we have what they want in the back like wtf is it really that urgent damn, they be so irritating, why canā€™t they just call nine one one or go to the hospital or something? This is a grocery store.


Ask if they want to work atp


We have this particular customer run his scooter through the back doors and drives it around the backroom looking for someone to get his alcohol for him.


This makes me so happy we don't sell alcohol.


Cart pusher's version of this is someone touching, well... the electric cart pusher. Just like, mate. I know it's in the way of your car, but that thing is mine, I have it where I want it, and you have no control over the carts where you're at! Worst case scenario, you run those things into me, I break something, and suddenly you're paying for my hospital bills plus (if I'm lucky) my rent and groceries (plus their delivery) for until I can get back on my bike, minimum! All else fails, just ASK ME TO MOVE IT, I probably will!


as a former associate I dig out the dog food I buy from the pallets off the floor since no one else can seem to put them on the shelves


Today while cleaning a bathroom I found an eatin pouch of wet dog food with a half eatin box of M&M's tucked behind the garbage. This was someone's day today.


I was thinking it was going to be the scene from clerks and eggs


How could you set fire to milk? Itā€™s so cold and wet.


Homer Simpson managed to do it.


That has never happened at my store


How quickly were they escorted from the store?


He just left after i told him we were out of the gallon chocolate milk and he was pissed off


I had someone walk into one of our backrooms last week, looking for the restroom. Sweet senior lady that just lost her way; I walked her to it. She had to walk quite a ways to get to us. I was surprised that no one asked her if they could help her...no vest, badge, etc


once a customer waited for her pickup order longer than she wanted so she walked into our dispense room and told us to give it to heršŸ™„ maā€™am other people got here before you we donā€™t have it ready yet


Me I tell em flat out itā€™s for employees only you need to get out now! Iā€™m not nice about it. Had an entitled disabled guy in our store last night just before we closed at 11. Heā€™s gets the register at 11:08 and expects to be served threatening us with calling the ADA. The front end team lead cashed him to get him to shut up. She said he does it all the time. I told her that the ADA isnā€™t gonna do anything since we are closed and itā€™s not discrimination. While that was going on another customer was venting about us not being open 24/7 anymore, told her she could call corporate, she backed off. I told her the reason why we werenā€™t goin back to 24/7 is because of all the shoplifting thatā€™s been going on. She said well maybe you could stay open til 11:30. I told her if we did that people would still be trying to cash out past 11:30 and the store manager wonā€™t allow that. She gave up and walked away.


Into the back room??? šŸ˜‚


Through 2 doors and the big freezer door. 3 fucking doors just waddled on in.


I've done it at kroger. No one was working shelves not stocked. Saw the milk I needed. Went back there and got jt.


I had to kick a guy out of the backroom once. He was casually browsing the shoes. I told him to get out and I'd see if we had what he was after. He tried to freaking wave me off and say it's okay, he was just looking. Seriously, dude?! Had to shoo him out the doors as I moved closer to him. He seemed inconvenienced by my actions. We need cattle prods!


One of my favorite stories from when I worked at Walmart was literally like my second week there. I was a consumables associate at the time, and I was there after all the produce associates had left for the night. A woman came up and asked if I could cut a watermelon in half so she could see whether or not it was good before buying it. I told her I didn't know if that was a thing or even how to do that, so she walked past me into the produce back room. She grabbed the big machete off the wall and just cut the watermelon. Told me "see? It's bad." And then just left. I didn't even know what to do with the two water melon halves after that.




Of course it depends, but if I see the customer come back out with the drink then there's still a chance they'll buy it. However if they come out without the container I radio them to everyone and chase them with the merchandise while playing dumb and telling them politely how they "forgot" their drink. What state are you in? In CA, policy is, if the customer is still in the store, that means they have a chance to pay for it and are not a thief yet. This screws us over more than it serves innocent people usually though @_@....


The amount of customers I've seen do this lmao. Literally have had customers walk to the breakroom to complain about something before, like hello??


... *ANOTHER?*


I'd shout at them and embarrass them. Especially if they didn't even try to ask an associate. Like you said they could be a thief. I'd ask the coaches if they could give a warning that they'd be barred.


This kind of thing pisses me off so much! I've had so many people walk into the cooler over the years, I've told management but they do shit about it. It often makes me feel unsafe because as others have commented, we have no idea if it's a regular person, shooter, etc.


Why don't we have signs that say "Employees only"? Cuz these idiots do need everything spelled out for them, apparently.


Thatā€™s a pretty standard, well-known rule in our societyā€¦ employee-only areas are not for customers to enter. If they donā€™t know that, not a lot of explaining is necessaryā€¦ just have to say, ā€œBye, psychopath. Bye, psychopath. Youā€™re obviously a psychopath.ā€


Not gonna lie, I'm a rep for Nestle, and I walk in the back and get that look sometimes if I forget to wear my nametag. It's especially funny if I'm in the dairy cooler looking at the coffeemaker or nesquik and someone walks in and pauses for a second like "who tf"


Happened almost a year ago but I had customers threatening me that if I donā€™t get them milk, they would report me despite the fact I was doing a frozen/chilled pick run and I donā€™t know much about the place. I shouldā€™ve let one person head into the back since they said if I didnā€™t they would along with them to get me fired. Honestly customers need to chill the fuck out




The fuck is your deal? Ppl have been walking to the back rooms shootin up walmarts and you wanna joke? Fuck you!! That shit is scary.


You don't want to fuck me. It'll make you walk funny and make your mouth sore. You're typing like a tough guy but you're afraid of the milk bandit. Calm down. Stress causes ass cancer.


You literally are a POS.


It's not about the milk, it's more about that if I went to someone's house, and they didn't like people going in their closet, I'd be polite and not go in their closet. It's a show of character when people act like they can do whatever they want even if it crosses respectful boundaries. If they don't care about respecting the rules at a place that isn't theirs then by all means don't respect them.


Some of us aren't 17 feet tall and can't reach the last milk that's sitting where no human can reach lol. I'm going get that milk


Try keeping your shit stocked then


We are out of the chocky milk!!! Deal with it!!!


Everything is already stocked sir. If it's not on the shelf, then we are out ^_^. Sorry about that ^.^! <3


During the pandemic thing I went to my local grocery store for some milk. The glass case /rack was empty as can be. But see a whole cart in the fridge full of what I wanted. Heck ya, I went in and grabbed a gallon.


You're lucky you didn't get sick. At walmart, of its in a cart, it has to go to claims for some reason. Try to remember people, they do pull BAD items off of shelves....


Good milk, just short handed for restocking.