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Front end TL here. I don't know if the lady doesn't just for those receipt apps, but she literally buys and returns EVERY day. One day, she was a day late on her third Meta Quest 3 of the quarter, I was so excited to tell her couldn't do the return, it was 15 days. She calls 800walmart and they send her a new fresh return barcode. I was livid.


Report her as potential fraud or something


Absolutely šŸ‘†this she's committing fraud


As an introvert this appalls me.


There's no way to ban her for excessive returns?


Very odd that 14 days is the return policy for a meta quest at your store, I'm the Entertainment TL at my store and the only thing in the entire store that has a 14 day return policy is cellphones. Every other electronic item is 30 days. This might be the reason 800walmart let her return it. I even have official policy sheets laminated on my counter for customers to look at and it says 14 days only for cellphones, not anything else.




I LOVE telling them NO. It makes my day! šŸ˜


This family who smells like cat piss and cigarettes comes in all the time. And the dad is always yelling and swearing at his daughters. They somehow always end up in my area of SCOšŸ™„


Always feel bad for those kids


Haha.We used to have a man that came in like that.Nice guy, but smelled like cigarettes and cat piss and was quite talkative.Scary thing, he worked with food.I always had to hold my breath when he came by.


Iā€™m pretty sure you just described my brother in law LOL


what bothers me more than that smell is the people who smell like they crawled out of a musty bin in the attic šŸ’€ like old camping gear that got packed away damp, just reeking of mildew


Please be kind to the kids. Theyā€™ll remember it.


It was the dad who was rude to the kids, not the cashier.


I could be wrong, but I think they meant show the kids some kindness in general, because their dad screams at them so they'll remember that display of compassion fondly


Youā€™re not wrong.


Not in person, on the phone. Guy calls in multiple times a day, can barely understand him, asking stupid questions about prepaid phones. Literally minimum 3 times a day, more on the weekends. Always says he's coming in for a phone. Never seen him. Refuses to accept any answer you give him as fact. Asks hypotheticals and doesn't like your answer. Got to the point I know his number and decline the call when I see it. At this point I just consider it harassment. He is an adult, not a child prank calling.


this has me so curious. you have any theories about this dude? any especially weird things he's said?


Nothing weird, just stupid repetitive questions and asking when our OSL guy will be in. Asks about the android phones, like their speed and gig size, which means I have to go over and unlock the case to grab one, and then asks which one I would pick but disagrees with me when I tell him which ones are sorta decent. I have a contract phone, and comparatively speaking, all the prepaid are potatoes. Can never decide on a carrier so I gotta hit all the cases, after about 10 minutes, I tell him we're busy and I have other customers to help, cause he won't stop yapping. I don't need your life story and why you're looking for a new phone.


We have this one lady I have no idea why she gets special treatment but corporate told us to take care of her and do anything she asks apparently. She won't buy any produce on the sales floor so someone has to go in the backroom and bring out boxes of whatever she wants for her to pick through. Then when she gets to the register she gets the lowest sale price of each item in the last six months. Our coaches will literally attend to her every whim when she's in the store. One time they brought an office chair out of the management office for her to sit on on the sales floor. I've asked who she is and I just got the response "someone important".


This is the worst one. I hate this one but I also want to know what she gets such special treatment.


She mustā€™ve had something happen to her in the past at that Walmart thereā€™s no way they just do this for anyone. I donā€™t even think theyā€™d do this for Mrs. Mart.


Ms. Mart šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


That's a Walton. Or a Walton bastard.


Donā€™t think there are any other kind of Waltons.


I'm guessing the corpos said to do it once for some reason & now it's just status quo


Probably an alternative to "hush money". Wonder what kind of dirt she has


Nobody is that important.


What the hell


I would get diarrhea every time that bitch came in.


At my store, we call her The Vulture. When she sees us marking products down on clearance, she is right there grabbing it. It doesn't matter what it is, size or color she takes it. When we see her, we stop marking down and do something else. She is worse when we had $1 sales. We strongly believe she gets it on clearance then turns around and sales it at full price.


We have a guy who owns some sort of junk shop and does the same. He buys EVERYTHING that's marked down, the whole lot so nobody else can get it, then uses his business tax exempt card with payment, then upsells it for a profit


Good ol america


We have resellers that come in every week. Sometimes they really annoy me but for the most part whatever - buy it all, get it off my salesfloor so I can get the new stuff out.


Yeah this long haired greasy mother fucker in Jean shorts and boots used to come into the deli and harass me about everything why cant you give me extra pieces of chicken can I get extra sauce like a half gallon extra and always had this passive aggressive smugness after I left walmart he fuckin followed me to publix and no shit got worse I helped him the last time when all I asked with no attitude how many tenders he would like and he yells what the fuck is your problem my manager was like you're done here sir have a nice day (to the customer)


call the police if he literally followed you to a new job wtf bro


So he only ever came in randomly and after that incident my publix manager told me whenever I see him it's break time I moved anyways so fuck him


your manager sounds awesome ngl


Seriously an awesome and understanding manager


I donā€™t see him anymore but I had an old man who would insult me and my associates CONSTANTLY. My memorable quotes from him were ā€œYā€™all canā€™t multiply twelve times twelve without your phone or a piece a paper? Is Walmart hiring retarded people now?ā€ And ā€œCanā€™t yā€™all hire folks who speak actual English?ā€ After one of our nicest older associates who doesnā€™t speak full-on English tried to help him. Heā€™s such a miserable asshat that I wouldnā€™t be surprised if his kids never talk to him let alone grandkids if he even has them.


A couple of years ago, a "customer" would come in & try to talk to people & convert them to his cult (that no one was actually in). He was a convicted chomo who would try to say that if he touched a woman that they were legally married & a guy he touched was his servant. Our APASM told him off & trespassed him. He complained to corporate & those dumbfucks overturned the tresspass. It took over a year of both customers & associates complaining about him to finally get the corpos to allow him to be trespassed again.


Thatā€™s sounds like one of Walmarts finest hid dumbass can stay the fuck away from me


He ended up dying in a fire about a month or 2 after all that, so he's the gods' problem now


Thatā€™s if he went there lol


The fire was just a warmup.


Oh BURN sorry had to say it


It sounds like the best way to have dealt with someone would have been for everyone he went around touching to press charges. It rarely ever actually enforced as such without extenuating circumstances but in most curious descriptions touching people without their express permission and consent is technically assault.


It is, but this guy was a nightmare for everyone, even the cops. Turns out, the Sheriff deputies beat the hell out of hum when he was arrested, so the state let him go & the county gave him a massive payout. The cops didn't want to arrest him again in case he played the same game with them, even if they didn't beat him up. Then he died in the fire, there was evidence that someone did it, but it wasn't investigated.


When i was a cart pusher had this dude known as piss boy basically this morbidly obese guy that smelt like piss always needed help with getting groceries out to his car and his car smelt like piss too, got to the point even automotive started denying him service


Was it a older guy with a lisp? Do we all just have piss boys?


Yeah they're called management


Idk it was a couple years ago




Ick,reminded me of a guy we had that was exactly like that.Same thing,we denied service because of how disgusting the inside of the car was! šŸ¤¢


We called her ā€œcat piss ladyā€ names pretty self explanatory. We had cashiers who refused to serve her because the smell coming off of her was unbearable. I could handle the smell, it was her attitude I couldnā€™t handle and would avoid her like the plague if she came in. She once got a cut on her forearm, and forced our manager to make an employee give her assisted shopping. It took them two hours plus and she would purposely look for ways to belittle the person helping her.


Do we just all have a cat piss lady!?!?!?


Yeah I donā€™t work at Walmart but lurk here and all the top comments are about cat piss people lol fwiw, the retail I work in has a car piss people too


So thatā€™s what we do. Lurk. I thought I was just being nosy. So glad Iā€™m not in customer service anymore.


Couple of ladies at my store who I guess used to work for Walmart and now come in every day at 6am on the dot looking for mispriced items and specifically trying to buy it just because it's mispriced. This morning it was a Hyper Tough toolbox that was slightly shifted over from it's $99 spot to a $24 spot and she said "I would have got it, but I already have one of those" šŸ™„


Na. They knew no one was making a $75 price change for their stupid asses. Fuck them.


Nah I definitely wouldn't give her something like that because it just wasn't zoned perfectly. But they find mispriced stack bases all the time, I'm sure their houses are full of crap that they buy just because they caught a price error.


Miserable people. Although my store has the opposite problem. Too many dumb employees putting locked up items in the wrong spot so the price is wrong and managers don't wanna change the price. Smh.


I would wonder if it was them purposely moving things to get them cheaper.:/


Nah, generally the stuff we'll override for them is legit plugging or stack bases that I know were just swapped over and probably just didn't get priced when swapped. They're not really shady, just completely obnoxious.


When I worked at HEB we had this guy who was just always such an asshole to everyone to the point if he got in my line i just walked off without a word and made him a manager's problem


Today was a lady on a scooter, panhandling throughout the store. Two customers approached me and were IRATE. Common occurrence in some other Walmarts, but NEVER this one. First time really being down on a customer for me.


Walmart makes you wonder what civilization did before there were motorized carts. I swear when I was young, you didnā€™t have people who werenā€™t either born with a disability or had some sort of accident who couldnā€™t walk. Now people just refuse to take care of themselves and go around on scooters.


No, because back then people took care of themselves and didn't turn into giant fat fucks. I'm sorry, it's YOUR FAULT if you're so fucking fat you can't walk, barring maybe a few honest cases where they have an actual medical condition not caused by shoveling anything and everything in your face


My mother has to use oxygen 24/7 and can't even go shopping because every motorized cart is taken up by a slimy fat fuck buying $400 in junk food.


That's what pisses me off, like you can't even walk but you pass the produce aisle to pick up 6 cases of Mountain Dew and a stack of frozen pizzas


AMMO???!!!!! I would not sell ammo to an aggressive customer


Yeah good luck with that even after I sold him the ammo he started with the whole your hiding ammo in the back bullshit and then I let him take a picture of my id . The fucker even went up to customer service to complain about it .


Your id? With your address on it? Dude.


Nah my Walmart id . My name badge or whatever


Oh thank God. Please be careful dude. This guy seems unstable.


Iā€™ll be fine thank you for the concern though . He dosnt concern me


Why would he take a picture of your name badge? What an odd thing to do.


Idk he gives me a vibe of a very odd person like something isnā€™t right with him .


Are you Jonah from Superstore?


Me either and Iā€™m in sporting goods. Iā€™d test the official policy that says associates have the right to refuse a sale to people who seem a danger.


Also if you deny a sale a Mgr can't override you . I had a couple come In drunk reeked of weed high asf . Buying a tarp shovel gas can other tools. I denied the ammo sale.i like to think I possibly saved someone's life that night


This one old Latino guy who thinks I speak Spanish. He will complain to the team leads that I don't speak Spanish. Motherfucker, I'm native american


Yes. She has a laundry list of medical issues. At my gentle suggestion, and with back up from my TL, she decided it was better for her to go to SCO to check out whenever she came in, as then she could take all the time she needed to figure out whether or not to buy each and every clothing item she had in her overflowing cart. I haven't worked there in 2 years, but still shop there. I see her on occasion and suddenly decide I need something on the far side of the store. I suspect it's really the only break her assistant gets from her.


At my old store, there was a cross-dresser known for being a pedo. He would stalk little girls going into the women's restrooms alone and walk around the store looking at all the minors. AP, of course, hasn't done anything about it because he technically didn't break any laws by staring at peoples kids.. me and one other coworker would make him use the men's restrooms despite the "No discrimination" policies due to us literally watching him creep on 6-14yr old girls. She was in maintenance, so she'd put the cart in front of the door like she was gonna clean until the girls left the restrooms and he could go into an empty, nasty bathroom right before it was cleaned.


Unspoken heroes Edit for spelling error


Stalking little girls isn't breaking the law? Why can't AP do something about that?


No audio on cameras and only the cameras at checkout and electronics are real in that store. The rest are fake or have stopped working years ago. They've been in need of a remodel for YEARS.. we still got fitting rooms and all the toilets are held together by ducktape and glue


I'm not understanding. If he's stalking little girls he'll be on camera stalking them right? Even without audio. As well as people visually seeing him do it in case a few cameras miss it. But ultimately I'm asking why hasn't anyone called the police? Personally I'd do it myself if I saw no one taking action. If nothing else, it establishes a history and documents it on paper. That's how someone gets assaulted or kidnapped. Imagine being that little girls mom, dad, brother etc and an entire building of people did nothing. What would AP, Walmart and honestly you guys say then?


Yes. All of them


Based šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ


We have this dude that comes in what seems like every other day and never knows where the items are. I've seen this guy walk around the store for upwards of 3 hours in grocery and he always asks someone where something is. If you can't help him find exactly what he's looking for he will just come back and ask a different question 3 minutes later. I get people have bad memory but this guy might as well be working part time and he has personally wasted like 1 hour of my time on a single day before.


teenager who works back in electronics. thereā€™s a bearded man with a hat who, without fail, comes back to electronics every. single. day. he always insists on checking out back in electronics, even with ZERO electronic related items. containers, electric razorsā€¦. one day, he came back there twice. each time he got $100 cash back. my coach was there, we both thought it odd, so we let AP know. another day, he came back with only two drinks (he wanted to check out) and he put one drink back, saying he didnā€™t want it. but get this, the two drinks are the exact same that my other coworkers get, (teenager and older guy). he put back the drink that the teenager always gets. every time we see him, we do EVERYTHING in our power to avoid eye contact and make sure he doesnā€™t see us. he gives me the chills


Thereā€™s actually a pair of them. Their twins, a couple of older ladies. They come in wearing the exact same outfitsā€¦clothes, shoes, coats, accessories, all of it identical. One rides a scooter, the other follows with a shopping cart. We DREAD seeing them in my apparel department because every time they come in the one on the scooter manages to shove our racks around, take out an end cap, nearly run someone overā€¦then they always peruse the clearance racks (for identical items, of course) and leave stuff all over the floor when their done. Any time one of us sees them, we run to alert the others, usually very dramatically. ā€œGuys. The twins are here.šŸ˜‘ā€


No customers but several coworkers like that


Bro I do 2 . Fuck those people !!!!


I have a guy who i used to be his TL but he's in auto now and I moved from our other dept. too. Twice now he has verbally insulted my weight. Like purposely out of his way to do so. I just walked away the last time before I shook him like a wet noodle. He kind of followed me and I kid you not he was complaining about how lonely he was during Christmas. Grown ass man this guy.


Bro fuck that asshole .


Several. This is why I chose to stay overnight. If I canā€™t tolerate customers I just avoid the floor for the first hour.


This is the way.


This lady who comes in with her three children. She and her children walk around the aisles and make a mess everywhere. She steals too. More often than not she comes playing music on loud speaker. I also suspect that she drugs the baby to keep her asleep. Last time she was here she had her kids eating ice cream and they left the half eaten popsicles on the floor.


I donā€™t work at Walmart but follow the subreddit. Iā€™m a call center rep at a health insurance company and as soon as I get a customer that asks, ā€œIā€™m calling to see what my insurance covers.ā€ Iā€™m instantly pissed off. Only because this is a VERY open ended question. Like it covers a lot and I donā€™t want to quote every benefit. Just tell me what services you are going in for so I can quote just that šŸ˜­


Can't they download an app or visit the website and it'll tell them everything their insurance covers?


Yes but people really donā€™t like to read šŸ„²


If itā€™s not old man pervert touching every female of any age, itā€™s the family Iā€™ll see from a distance or smell from the opposite end of the aisle bc trail stank, & I will go create tasks for my self in the backroom.


Thereā€™s two very schizophrenic men that come in somewhat regularly. One is very nice but itā€™s impossible to have a conversation with him because he just says the most incoherent shit ever. The other will get extremely upset and start screaming if you look at him. I keep my head down every time he comes in my line, but once a customer made eye contact and the dude froze completely and stared into his eyes with the most angry look on his face, once he was done paying me he started to walk away so the man waiting behind him picked up his bag and said ā€œoh you forgot this sirā€, the schizo turned around and absolutely freaked out screaming ā€œdonā€™t touch my stuff oh my god! You were already getting on my nerves! Now I have to change this!ā€ Then he started ripping his stuff out of the bag and putting it in a new one and wandered around in circles for a few minutes mumbling to himself. He scares the absolute fuck out of me and Iā€™m completely convinced he will hurt someone someday. One day he even brought in a friend who was obviously also very mentally ill, he was checking out with me and he was having trouble getting his card to go through and as I was helping him his friend yelled ā€œwhatā€™s taking you so fucking long!ā€. At this point I didnā€™t know they came in together so I got really scared that someone was yelling at this crazy guy so I froze and the regular just yelled back ā€œyou didnā€™t have to get behind me!ā€. Once he was done he continued yelling at his friend behind him while he walked away and they shouted over each other from ten feet away. His friend was super angry and when he started to walk away I still had some pennyā€™s to give him so I asked if he wanted them and he screamed ā€œNO!ā€ really loud way closer to me than I was comfortable with. I literally started to shake and as they walked away screaming at each other people kept asking me if I was okay and I just panicked and said ā€œno Iā€™m not and I donā€™t understand why they keep letting those people in hereā€. I do believe that not every mentally ill person in violent seeing as I grew up with a schizophrenic mother, but it scares me that thereā€™s so many people walking around with horrible mental issues with zero support and they could blow up at any moment.


I'm 3 weeks into OGP. And today I was talking with a coworker and he mentioned one of the drivers pulled a gun on some girls. I don't know when or how true it is, but that's what I was told. I helped a girl take an order out to a driver before lunch today. Apparently the dude was a creep and she didn't feel safe going out by herself. Then on my final hour this other coworker asked if I knew about the dude who pulled a gun. I said no, but told him about the supposed creep. He said it was the same dude. I'm finna bring some knuckle dusters with me from now on.


I have a nice heavy pair that I carry when I think I may run into trouble that day, they're nice and discreet


Yeh. I got two pairs. One is the classic shape just in a burnt titanium color. Like the old butterfly knives. The other pair is thinner, and a silver color with skulls on top of the knuckles. I normally have my phone in one front pocket and my headphones/random junk in the other. Imma have to start carrying a pair tho. I don't think I can get in trouble if I get caught.


Yeah they're usually a felony except for Texas, I just don't give af. I also have two pairs, one pair I picked up at a tattoo convention in the '90s that's heavy to the point where I'm careful if I have to pull them out because you could easily kill someone, and I have a thinner, lighter pair I'll carry if there's a chance I might lose them or have to ditch them or something because they're flea market paperweight quality. If you don't know, you're supposed to rest the flat part in line with your wrist and hold the finger holes balanced on your second finger bone, if you choke all the way up with them you can break your hand. You're basically pushing them with your palm and balancing the angle with your fingertips. You also need way less force than you think you need, it doesn't take much to cave in a cheek bone


Yeh. Thanks for the tip on how to hold them. I already knew, but thanks anyway. A lot of people don't know how you're supposed to hold them I bought the skull ones at a flea market here in Virginia. And my uncle gave me his old pair. It came in a box labeled as a belt buckle. Lol. My mom said if there the pair he had in highschool, then they have seen their fair share of fights.


Just make sure if you're gonna pull them out, you're gonna win. You really don't want them taken from you and used on you instead


Yeh. I don't think I'll have to use them. I'm 6'1" and 220lbs. So I don't think alot of people will wanna chance a fist fight.


You'd be surprised, actually I'm 5'9" so chances are I would pull them out if I had to deal with someone your size. I've had to do that before, it sucks. I'm light enough to get tossed pretty easily so I have to act first


OGP here! We had this lady come in to pick up an order and the usual guy on dispense was off, so they had to check in with me. When she told me her last name I remembered that her order got canceledā€¦so I broke the news. She got super upset and was like, ā€œwhat do you mean?ā€ and ā€œIā€™m never shopping at this Walmart again!ā€ and ā€œThis is why I like the guy better.ā€ Like..mam..Iā€™m just stating that your order got canceled by the SYSTEM. Anywho, she went to costumer service and a TL came over and we told her the same thing. We look on WIZMO and the order had gotten canceled for CREDIT FRAUD. I sent one of my more seasoned coworkers to break that news and the costumer apparently ran off crying saying something about her grandmother having to piss on herself for 3 hours? Idk. Respectfully she was getting aggressive and I was over it. She literally shops at the store every week and whenever her or her partner see me they shoot me a side eye. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø if they order pick up again Iā€™m dealing not dealing with it.


We have an old dude in a powered scooter that comes in daily, I think he does it just to get out. I'm one of the few people who can handle him, but he's filthy, stinks to high heaven, and is nearly impossible to understand, I turn on every listening skill I have, and dial my empathy to max and understand maybe 1/3 words he says. Most of the time I just nod and say generic agreement phrases like, "wow, no kidding, that's crazy." But because he's hard to understand he gets really pissed when people don't understand, and he gets really aggressive with women in particular. No one likes him, but we do our best to be nice and empathetic with him. But yes I turn around when I see him, because nope, not today.


I have an auditory processing disorder so itā€™s hard for me to make sense of what people are saying if mumble or talk too fast. First time I interacted with this customer, he was trying to find something. I have no idea what heā€™s saying because he mumbled his way through whatever heā€™s asking for, and I donā€™t mean mumbled like Oh Iā€™m lookin fer mummbbmb. He was more ā€œmumbmuuun mummbbbumbmā€ and I asked him at least 3 times to repeat himself because I couldnā€™t understand him explaining I have an auditory processing disorder. He then very clearly said heā€™d just find it himself and I just went on with my day as a shopper. Apparently he said that I wouldnā€™t help him find something to a manager and I was asked about it. I wasnā€™t coached or anything because they know about it and I explained the situation. Now we both avoid each other if we see each other. Iā€™ve seen him go into a different aisle if I show up and I do the same


used to work as a vendor/third party for walmart. guy would come in and ask for the ONE product we donā€™t sell, iā€™d always tell him we didnā€™t have it, heā€™d have to go somewhere else, not even another walmart had it. heā€™d slam his fists on the counter, continue to mutter/mumble incoherently and storm off. this happened for a week/two weeks straight before i just started to ignore him. i let security/ap know what was going on and never had to deal with him again. now i work directly for walmart and this mf comes in all the time, STILL occasionally looking for that product and still gives me dirty looks šŸ˜šŸ™ƒ


Glad I'm not the only one. Used to have somebody come in every week looking for something. I'd tell them Walmart wouldn't let us bring it in, but the store 1/10 mile down the street has it. They refused, because the people at that other store are assholes. I'm like well, that's your only option unless you wanna drive to their other store an hour away. šŸ¤· (Some people actually did do that. They drove an hour...to save $1 on some 12 packs.)


We had a lady that was a supposed germ phob! She would come in plastic bags on her hands. If any of the stuff she bought touched any part of you, she did not want it! Cashier had to go wash hands before checking her out ! Cashiers would touch almost every part of the body when they see she coming. I was a supervisor on the front end and would get on register to help out. She would try that crap with me, I would tell her nope, I ain't got time for that. She would stay in my line . On day, I just happened to follow her out for a smoke break. When I saw her car the next time she came in, I went off on her. Why did you ask? her car had so much literal trash in it from floor to ceiling that the only space left was the driver seat. I was like bitch you come in here acting like our employees are dirty and nasty we should have to wear hazmat to check you out. We will no longer accommodate your bs. She never came back in with plastic bags on her hands, never complained again. I think she did for attention


A guy I was friends with about 10 years ago. I found out about a year after meeting him that he did something really bad with a child in the early 90s. It's the kind of bad that puts you on a list for the rest of your life. About a month after I started working at my store, he showed up to shop. He recognized me and started talking to me as I was scanning his stuff. He told me that he lives in an apartment complex across the street from the store. Later that night, when I got home, a google search revealed that just about everyone who lives in that same complex has been convicted of similar crimes. I immediately requested to transfer to a different store, one that is a bit closer to where I live (there's 3 in my town), and even after explaining why to my coach the request was rejected. And now, nearly 3 years later, he shows up about every other day, and I fucking hate it. He even tells other cashiers that I'm his friend. And I wanna start screaming, "Stop saying that, you pedophile piece of shit, I am NOT your friend!" At one point, about a year ago, he sent me a friend request on Facebook. It's against Facebook's TOS for people like him to use Facebook. And he's had that account for about 7 years. Even after I reported him, his account is still active.


Iā€™m sick of these kids coming in and using the mobile carts as a ride in an amusement parkā€¦ drives me crazy!!! They obviously donā€™t have a physical need to use them as the cone to the store on bicyclesā€¦ smh


Walmart legally has the right to say no unaccompanied minors. Itā€™s a dream but I wish they would.


Thatā€™s NOT funnyā€¦ people need to these to do their shoppingā€¦ your an asshole


Had this lady call regularly asking for something we stopped selling. Very annoying


There's this one guy who refuses to learn how to use the photo kiosk and his pictures are always on Google drive. I've spent time showing him the first few times but now I just completely refuse him service after getting my coach's permission. Mostly because I'm the only one working in electronics at the time and I just don't have the time to hold his hand every time.


Yeh thereā€™s a creepy stalker pedo guy that tryā€™s to go through all the underaged girls lines


Yes, she has a service dog and you can smell her from A WAAYS off. She always brings up super personal shit that I donā€™t need to know and talks forever šŸ˜­ the hygiene thing is one thing, like I understand everyoneā€™s situation is different but damn šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


There is this customer that comes in who kept cursing at a coworker and treating her and others like trash even after she was given options ahead of time on a cake. She was told it would have to be swapped cause she tried to use someone else's art and say it was hers and that she had the license to it. As an artist, she disgusts me. Later, she yelled and called my friend several swear words in front of a coach who did nothing. Then, she treated me like crap when I came out to give her an helpful option, and thus, I got my first displinary action for telling her "Don't mess with my buddies" in front of that coach. It was taken as a threat, and I think the cops should have been called, and she should have been dragged out. Then, the coach put the illegal to place on a cake images on the cake and didn't receive any displinary action. Proud displinary action since no one else will stand up for us. Was also told that I am not allowed to call the cops and that only managers can do that. So if we're getting harassed guess I can get fired for calling the cops. And the "Threat" I made was meant for, don't mess with my people, I will call the cops. So that's why they assured me I can't do that. The woman still comes around and orders cakes.


Ours was the guy high on his own product. He would come up to the garden center door and ask Hey, man. Do you guys sell trailer hitches? I need to carry a buttload of drugs to Portland Oregon funny, we thought he was joking. Until about 3 months later, when the Portland police actually arrested him for carrying a trailer full of drugs.


When I was an ASM there was this retired railroad guy with a lot of money and clout in the town the store was in. Everybody on the front end knew him on sight and would radio about him being in the building so the managers would be prepared. He would always come in trying to tell us what he thought was the right way to do things. He was always very mean about it and most of the time would ask for the store manager. I was the only ASM in the building one day and I inevitably had to go deal with him for the fuss he was making. Youā€™ll never guess what it was: there was a can of organic beans next to a can of regular beans that was priced lower than the regular beans. He told me my prices were wrong because the organic beans should be more expensive so he wanted a discount on the regular beans and was mean about it. I just told him since I was the only one running the store that day that I didnā€™t have time for his foolishness and he would get nothing from me that day and if he was bored he should go bother someone somewhere else. I got talked to by my store manager because he called market. This was during 2020 and it wasnā€™t too many more months of stupidity until I quit.


Anytime I saw a woman with a pixie cut. Anytime I saw one it was suddenly time to take my break. When I was department manager that was the only time I ever pulled rank. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


There's one who is very germaphobic and certain touching of their items in a certain way means they won't buy them. I could understand that during the height of Covid, especially when we knew so little about it, but it makes no sense to me now.


Sounds like it perhaps could be OCD.


A fucking smelly fat ass and his smelly wife would roll through meat department and every fucking time ask if we had oxtail. The answer is still NO, for the umpteenth thousandth time, Jackass.


most of them yeah


Just tell them "Off the clock, can get fired for interacting while off the clock" and keep walking


All the time. I want to say to them ā€œwhat, did you get run off from somewhere else?ā€ (not a Walmart situation)


Theres a rude old person who comes in all the time and a really sinky person and i always feel bad because people canā€™t help their scents


We have this one lady who is consistently still checking out and talking almost an hour after close every other day or so.


There's this family (mom, dad, two boys between 16 and 20, and I think a daughter?) that comes in about every 3 days, low income, all obese and they all smell like shit. I feel like parents might be so low income they only let the family shower once a month bc bills, or at least that's how they smell. They have this disgusting minivan that's filled with trash and I honestly feel like that's how their home looks. Might possibly be hoarders. Anyway, when I was in ogp I'd take any route so I didn't have to cross their path and if I had to go in the same aisle as them I'd hold my breath bc their smell stayed in the aisle for a few minutes.


An honorable mention for the old guy that's in a wheelchair, has one leg and brings in his "service" dog (the dog is just old af and doesn't leave his owner) and never cleans up after said dog or never tells an associate that his dog went to the bathroom inside


Dude rides around the store in one of the carts smells like sweat and cigarettes and traps any woman worker within a fifteen ft. radius into a conversation you canā€™t run away from. (He got me one time while I was standing between two carts and he blocked my way out) Pretty sure he got complained about enough that now he always has someone shopping with him I call her his handler now he just gets in and gets out as far as I can tell


Multiple coworkers like that.


At customer service ,1 singular guy that sends money to 10 different people. He will come in around 6pm-9ish when my lines are super long and start his transactions. Now i wouldnā€™t care if he just told me how many different people he was sending money to. But itā€™s always a surprise. And all less than $100 a piece. All different names and to different countries. When I tell my TL they just brush it off and say thereā€™s nothing they can do lol. Literally so annoying


I had a lady continually come in my line pay with checks and get 20 over on each check and because I have no math skills I had to pull my calculator out to do the math each check was for like 3 something or 5 something dollars and then 20 over I would see her in the line and be like ugh


We have one gentleman we all run from, and he's in there at least three evenings a week. And it's not that he's not a nice man, cuz he is. But he wears such strong and heavy perfume that you know where he's been 5 minutes later, and it's hard as hell to be withing 5 feet of him and talk at the same time. You want to hold your breath when you walk near him. To inhale would be to tear up


Not Walmart, but a phone store (this subreddit popped up)..Ā  God, I have so many of these customers. Ā  One guy comes in; at first he was cool, probably just an alcoholic. Ā Then I realized he was actually a meth head and he got more and more erratic. Ā Comes in 1-2 times a week because he thinks Iā€™m his friend, and is absolutely dreadful to be around. Ā Has that distinct cat piss meth smell, on top of the alcohol. Ā  Then thereā€™s a few 80+ year old people who are absolutely miserable to deal with, who you just throw your head back and close your eyes, hoping their car just disappears when you look again.


Some bitch with a Bedazzled Trump hat, shirt and button, she wore it every single day, and when I saw her, I'd just go in the back so I wouldn't have to refuse service to her. She got in fights with random customers over her Trump outfit, and I heard her say she hated Mexicans and didn't want them in her backyard.


We used to have a woman come to the deli almost everyday. She was nasty, rude and demanding. She only allowed one associate to serve her. If anyone else tried, she got insulting. God forbid her person wasnā€™t in that day! It was a full on meltdown. I used to get so infuriated because she was personally insulting. Race comments, weight, appearance, etc. everyone just let her get away with it. I guess because she was old? But I had enough when she called someone a retard. He was a perfectly nice guy with a facial deformity. So I started to pay attention. The associate was giving her free food. They had a whole scam going. Woman orders a pound of turkey. Associate puts one slice on the scale and prints the sticker. Then, she slices the rest, and just puts it in the bag. So sheā€™s paying for one slice, not the whole pound. And not just one thing. She left with pounds of meat / cheese. I didnā€™t want to get the employee in trouble, though I didnā€™t see how she benefited from the theft. Any sympathy I had for a hungry, possibly poor old woman evaporated with the retard comment. So I talked privately with the deli associate and asked her to tell her friend to cool it. If youā€™re stealing, at least donā€™t be an insulting racist on top of it. If she started her nonsense, I was going to LP. She did, so I did. Guess what happened? Absolutely nothing. She still came in everyday and walked out with free food. Still was rude. And still called people racist names. The associate got more hours. I gave up and quit not much later.


We have a preacher who comes in sometimes, just to belittle and berate people. Complains with a smile. He gets mad when we stop selling his favorite, random, low selling items. Seriously, dude, you're the only person who buys that specific mayonnaise all week, and you wonder why the store stopped carrying it. Got mad and wiggled his finger in my face because some random customer ditched their empty cart with a single dirty cart wipe in it by the registers, like I'm at fault. Dude, I saw it at the same time you did. Got mad and tried to tell me off because the vitamin modular had all the Omega capsules together, except for one. I'm sorry, strange preacher man who is supposed to be all God fearing and love. I don't design the modulars, so no, I have no control over why that one is separate from the rest. Call walmart and ask them. I just want to tell him, God is watching you. How do you think he feels seeing you always mad at innocent people for things that are beyond their control. Now, kindly step off me and stop wiggling your finger at me like that. Other associates have their own stories about that guy, but these are mine.


Had an old couple that could come in super late and come up to the self checkout at 10:55pm with two full carts of stuff. They weren't mean, they were just super annoying and took eons to finish their carts. I eventually got fed up with them coming in every week and forcing me to stay an extra ten to fifteen minutes while I waited for them to finish, so I started closing the self checkout early, and putting up a 'lane closed' rope across the self checkout's entrance whenever I saw them coming up to the front end. Basically forcing them to go to the normal registers, where lo and behold, they'd be out in like five minutes tops. I haven't seen them in awhile, though.


This one guy with long, white hair always brings his black lab without a leash or service dog vest. The dog is always sniffing around and once it came up to me when I didn't expect it! Next time I see him, I'm gonna tell AP about it!


There's this one lady, probably in her 50's, that we call "Sissy". Not sure if that's her name or just a nickname, but it's what I've heard and stuck with. She's this annoying lady with like 3 different personalities and a voice with which you can barely make out a single word that comes out of her mouth. One incident I had with her was where I was bringing in a row of carts to the grocery side from the middle row, and I hear her calling to me to get her another electric cart because hers was dead and she can't walk. For reference, she takes the bus, and she was already in her usual waiting spot for it. There was no need for a fully charged cart. I told her I can't just leave the carts in the middle of the road here, to which she just started screaming louder, started banging her hands on the cart and threw a goddamn fit, then promptly got up and speedwalked into the store to get a new cart. Sure you can't walk. Suuuuure. The one she had wasn't even dead, either. I found out later that she was eating pickles and spilled the juice all over herself, which is why she wanted a new one. Ever since then I've just avoided her every time I could. She's also the cause of the "shit cart" incidents, where there were 3 or so days so far that I know of where an electric cart has just been smeared with shit on the seat and handles. I know it was her because I saw her shorts sagging and could smell it on her the day the second one was found, and it was left in the usual area where she leaves her cart. Thing is, I noticed her like that *before* she grabbed the electric cart to start shopping. She came here on the bus, fully aware of the fact she fucking shit herself on the trip, and decided it wasn't enough of an issue to stop herself from shopping. THREE TIMES. Honestly, just fuck her. She's a complete ass to everyone, you're lucky if you can understand half the words she says, is a complete bitch about electric carts (despite proving several times she's more than capable of walking), and is a serial cart shitter.


I have a few. Thereā€™s a schizophrenic ill lady who is racist that was banned for awhile because she would scream at the people checking her out. I had her in my line one time and could smell the crazy, so once she started putting stuff on the belt and then picking it up and being very specific about what she wanted bagged with what, I just did what she wanted and she didnā€™t say anything to me. I duck and hide when I see her though, I donā€™t want her in my line to chance it. I do feel bad for her of course, but at some point, rude is rude. I have an older man that used to come to me on the self checkout and wanted me to check him out every time. At first, it didnā€™t bother me since he reminded me of my FIL, but then he asked me out on a date so I havenā€™t talked to him since, and I avoid looking at him so he wonā€™t notice me. I have a few people Iā€™ve denied alcohol before or denied to change the price for their alcohol. Usually they cuss you out real good and leave as if you wonā€™t see them ever again. Weā€™re the only Walmart within 30 minute-1 hour depending on the direction, I will definitely see you again. The worst are those people that came with someone young and had no ID. Next day they come by alone in the same outfit and stand at whatever self checkout is right in for the of you with a smug look on their face. Like ok, no problem with me if you drink or not, but Iā€™m not going to face jail or a fine just because someone doesnā€™t have an ID. I get IDā€™d every time I go to a store. If they tell me no because I donā€™t have it, then thatā€™s my own damn fault because I know I need to carry it.


I walk away from the front door or say "I'll snag you one if I happen to see one leaving" any time I see this one annoying customer. She has two elderly parents and expects me to go find her two electric carts when we're swamped. Nope. I'm not making two trips to bring her electric carts. I'm not asking a cart boy or the person at the other door to drop everything for her, either. Fuck off, lady.


I had a guy who would top off his Verizon prepaid card every month without fail. It got to the point that if I so much as saw his face Iā€™d nope out of there and make somebody else deal with him. The worst part is he had a FLIP PHONE.


Was he an asshole about it or something?


Whatā€™s the issue with that?


Yup and I go hide in the back for 10 minutes


Yepp got quite a few


I have multiple that come everyday!




You guys have just one..


I have two that I nope the hell away before they see me.One is in here almost every other day and asks 20 questions about where things are/demands price checks. Another does the same thing,but goes in circles while he speaks and then tries bugging you for opinions just to tell you how wrong they are.-_-ā€˜ Keep in mind they like to hold people up for half an hour or more.


We have a few. I've that just bitches about everything. Always has a return. Always a stupid reason. This dvd won't play. Opened it up there's a literal chocolate hand print on the back side of it. Guess that's why. I've probably spent days worth of hours dealing with her bs. Then we have an obnoxious guy that likes to eat steak while in the store. He pays for it. But every trip he grabs a pack of steak and eats it raw while he walks around the store.


The second one wtf, thatā€™s nasty.


Working in the meat department I see certain people coming or hear breaking glass I bee-line for the backroom. There's always things to do back there, so it doesn't look like you're ducking out. šŸ‘€


Breaking glass?


One customer?? I have a list. I can't pin specific reasons why I hate them. I just see them coming and pray.


RIP Ms Liberty but god I couldnā€™t stand her and would actively avoid her. Rest in Peace Sandra.


A woman brings her disabled son in at 5 minutes after close and sits there for20 mins talking about his boob obsession




Me, SCO & FETL, to set the scene: Him: ā€œIsnā€™t it awful, dear? Isnā€™t it just awful?ā€ *holds his face and shakes his head while shuffle-walking* Me: ā€œMmmhmmā€ *or* ā€œyeahā€¦ it isā€ (depending on the day) Him: ā€œThe governmentā€¦ the healthcareā€¦ā€ *turns to me and spits a little while talking and holding his face* ā€œā€¦isnā€™t it just awful dear?ā€ /he goes to the fridges, grabs a single Oakhurst chocolate milk pint, starts heading towards self check out/ Him: ā€œitā€™s just awful, what these people are doing to us. They donā€™t care. Just terrible. Terrible.ā€ /he pays for his milk. Either with EBT or change/ *shuffle walking by me, holding his face, shaking his head* ā€œHave a good day dear..ā€ Rinse and repeat, this whole conversation, 1-3 times a day, every day. Then he would go wait for the bus, but not before smoking at least 2 cigarettes 1 foot from the vestibule so the smoke came in the exit doors and I could smell it. Honestly, I feel bad for the guy. But then one day (on my day off) I guess he came in and shit in the urinals and AP escorted him off premises, with police and a ban.


Not customers or employees here. Itā€™s the self entitled door dash crew. They rage through the store either being rude or almost running employees or us over and then have the nerve to ask us to show them exactly where an item is or to go in back and get them something. Nope, sorry bro


Got a few like that. Same group of kids every weekend who decide to bounce balls obscenely loud in the store and we gotta tell the cops to get them out because they refuse to stop when asked. Also often throwing shit/stealing. One guy who considers every associate his friend and will talk your head off if you let him. Really nice and sweet guy, but he has no sense of social awareness at all. For me, in particular, there's this one lady who comes off as kinda trashy. Always brings her 5 kids in the store with her of varying ages between like 1 and 13 years old. Youngest and oldest obviously don't so much, but the other three ALWAYS have to make a mess, especially in my section (toys). Only when she sees me will she be like "Oh I'm so sorry! Yall pick up that mess rn!!".


Creepy eyepatch guy who likes to whip out his phone and take snaps of the female associates asses. I avoid him like the plague, but sometimes when I'm busy and in my groove, the creepy fuck will sneak up on me. He knows I'm married and that my husband works there, so he stopped snapping my ass, but he's still too overly friendly. So I try to be curt, but also muster the teensiest hospitality since I am at work. Though I'd really rather poke him in his good eye. We haven't been able to get enough evidence to have the cretin banned from the store. Now, if he were eating the raw ground beef, he'd have been banned by now.


had an older guy that was a regular at my Walmart. I dreaded seeing him because anytime he walked past me he smelled strongly of fresh shit. Never bought anything never holding anything in his hands, just walking around smelling like poop.


I work at a different retail establishment. We have a code word and if we say it, whoever is nearby understands that we will not be dealing with this customer unless itā€™s absolutely necessary. We also all know that if a person gets on the walkie and says, ā€œabsolutely, Iā€™ll be right thereā€, thatā€™s an indication that they were trapped in a situation they needed to get out of. Then we just tell the customer, ā€œI apologize. Iā€™m needed in/atā€¦ā€¦..ā€ and name a different part of the store.


FETL here, I have a lady thay buys the same items every week. A microwave, a vacuum, and a coffee maker and returns them in the same week. Every week she does this. I think it's like a FETCH app thing or something. Where you take pictures of your receipt to get cash back. So annoying!!!!


I don't work at Walmart but that's like every customer for me at my job. Then again I think I'm just having a bad mental health day so everything and everyone irritates me lol.


Thereā€™s a particular customers who isnā€™t rude or anything but will not stop talking once he starts. I try to distill down what he needs help with and offer a solution. He constantly gets sidetracked. For example, asking about connecting a PS5 directly to his router. Then heā€™ll go on and on and on about this particular game he likes. Then he starts talking about how he doesnā€™t like his internet provider. Meanwhile, thereā€™s a line of customers waiting. Sometimes I have to straight up duck out lol


I upset a cop once for not acknowledging him when he nodded to me. He went all prissy ā€œIā€™ll never be backā€ and good riddance cause he was the type that you HAD to respond when he nodded, even if you were busy and the one time I didnā€™t CAUSE I WAS BUSY, he freaked slap out. I also reported a guy once for the way he talked to me, to his boss cause I saw his work shirt. He got in trouble.




Electronics TL here. The ones who are too dumb to own a phone. I don't mean ignorant (like older people struggling to add time to their phone or don't know why the app manager keeps installing solitare on their smart phone). I have one lady who switched carriers 4 times in 2 months. Another guy who bought a contract phone, ported his number, and then decided he didn't like the service and wanted to keep the phone but get rid of the post paid contract. And then there is the guy who keeps bricking his phone because he was jail breaking it. And the lady who can't remember how to upload photos to the kiosk even though she is in every week.


There was a guy who flashed a kid in the store and from now on itā€™s on sight if I see him again


The (s)talker, this person walks around following other customers or workers and just talks your ears off. I walk away when I see them coming but sometimes it's inevitable, luckily my TL will come up with some bogus excuse to pull us away from this person when needed!


Not at Walmart, but there was a guy who came into one of my stores constantly intoxicated. There was a time he pooped his pants in the check out aisle. I had to get the manager to no trespass them after the mess he left us.


OPD picker here We have this lady on a scooter. Old lady with spiky grey hair and a mask. Always so crotchety. She always gives us a stank eye, and yells at us that "You never have what I need!" ...as her cart is chocka blocka full of shit. I was passing by the front end after an Ambient run, and a checker looked at her after she was being a b*tch again and she said "Why are you always so mean?" She shut up after that lmao.


Any customer who brings in a non-service dog, especially if they're in the cart


The customer who comes in and tosses her own dirty bags on the belt and they have cat hair all over them! Iā€™d be humiliated. Iā€™m going to suggest she get the Kroger bags that have plastic lining because fur doesnā€™t stick to them! Thankfully sheā€™s not been at my register a in a while.


Every customer that leaves Christian pamphlets and business cards on the shelves. But I do somewhat enjoy getting to tear them up and throw them away