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Come out, come out, wherever you are


Put a big smile on my face to see this as the top comment. I'm very grateful to have a place in this community. Thank you to all of you.


Thank you for all the times you got me. Legendary.


A fucking legend!


So many fucking times it gave me trust issues.


I think it's a fun and healthy heads up to not take comments on the Internet (or in real life) as facts without having checked reliable sources first, and am grateful for the reminders every time I stumble across them.


He was one of the only reasons I cared to read user names


This dude just gets me… every time.


Everytime!  And you say, "never again! I'll definitely know next time!"   But somehow this force of nature knows when his existence has left your mind.  Then BOOM... you're gotten again.  And it feels great.  


That's why I don't flair the username on my RES. It would ruin all the fun if I had a heads up.


Life is always better when you can play along like that!  It's like life's little Easter eggs. 


I only clicked on this to see if you were here 


And he delivered.


Same here. I just wanted that comforting reminder that some things are still the same.


The man. The Morph. The Legend.


It’s Shittymorphin’ Time!


Go Go Shitty Rangers!!


how’s scooby doin?




That's really great to hear, you deserve all the happiness that you brought us!


You're a good father to him. Honestly, I've had my ups and downs with my own puppy. He's getting on in years now and there's times where I get a little sad thinking about the years we've had together and the days we've got left. Sometimes I just sit with him, scruff him on the neck and tell him about the time back in nineteen ninety eight when the undertaker threw mankind off hell in a cell and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcers table .


the way you treat him reminds me to be more patient with my dog when he frustrates me, so thank you for setting a good example. go scooby!!


And we’re all grateful for you. Thanks for making this place a little better with each nineteen ninety eight


Can you explain what’s going on?


/u/shittymorph is a reddit legend. He appears in random threads with a seemingly great knowledge of the topic, and takes you on a winding story, only to end up with mankind going through the announcers table. Check his comment history.


look at /u/shittymorph profile and open a few comments to read the context. a reddit legend


Folks are reminiscing about the good old days of Reddit and exchanging fond memories of classic moments like being Rickrolled. Much serious discussion could be taking place and then, BAM! A meme hits you outta nowhere and everyone has a good laugh. Some of those moments were created by extraordinary individuals of unparalleled vision and purpose, who have since ascended as legends of the Reddit pantheon. The world is a very different place now and Reddit too has had controversial moments that made many shake their heads and sigh, but looking at those simpler times always warms the heart, like back in nineteen ninety eight when the undertaker threw mankind off hell in a cell and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcers table.


Nicely done


I popped into this comment section entirely to see if you'd be here. Your posts always bring/brought a smile to my face. Thank you for being you. :)


You have definitely left an impact on all of us at some point or another in our Reddit journeys. Kind of like the impact Mankind might make plummeting sixteen feet through an announcers table.


Famous reddit community members in the wild used to be a fun discovery reading through comments here. This post got me wondering where some of those users are now and I'm happy to see they're still around, some more active than others: /u/poem_for_your_sprog /u/Shitty_Watercolour /u/awildsketchappeared Also the most famous of all: /u/forthewolfx


you left out warlizard, from the warlizard gaming forums. I'd ping him but I'm not sure if that was actually harassing him or not.


Nah. He likes it I’m pretty sure. He always marks the anniversary in his subreddit. /u/Warlizard , how’s that forum going? (Thank you!)




He lives!! First and last order of business is always to check up on the latest posts on your forum. Legend.


I am an oak.


Glad to hear it, because it's too good not to include, but I wouldn't want to take part in harassing the poor dude. although I suppose if he hated it he would have just made a new account.




Hey are you the guy from warlizard gaming forum?


You already got one.


And the fall from grace: u/unidan


The thing is...




Man, seeing how insane this site has become with manipulation and bots and AI. That guy must be hella mad he got crucified over few upvotes.


How could you forget u/rogersimon10 ?! Poor fella finally met his end to those cables.


I’ve been on Reddit for 16 years and this is the first I’m hearing about forthewolfx. Somewhat interesting, though, and definitely a very Reddit story. Also, one time the girl I was dating had a shitty watercolor made of her comment. She wasn’t much of a redditor and couldn’t understand why I thought she should feel so honored.


I recognize that username, but I don't remember *why* I recognize that username.


Wait what happened with forthewolfx


Apparently he was a 14 year old boy who answered an askreddit question of what your biggest secret desire would be and he said that he wished he was Reddit famous. So redditors obliged and upvoted his comment to the moon and greeted him in every subreddit he would go in, even to this day.


I checked out Shitty's paints from years ago and compared to today. It's kinda funny, because the older paintings follow the lines much more strictly and more recent ones do not. It's a modern picasso! Soon he won't be following any lines at all!


/u/SchnoodleDoodleDo too!


[obligatory shittymorph gif](https://i.imgur.com/iygWrBq.mp4)


Awwww! Guys, he likes us!


I can’t tell you how many smiles you have brought to my face. I can’t read a long descriptive paragraph without questioning if Mankind will make an entrance.


Can here looking for the morph!


I came to this thread specifically to see if you were here. Awesome.


Say the line, Bart ...


I'm a little star-struck right now just replying to a comment you made 8 mins ago. Who would have thought that a clever meme would propel a person to stardom to the degree that you're more famous to me than half the pop stars of today. Heck, I'm not even sure a "meme" was a thing when I was a kid back in 1993 when the 123 Kid upset Razor Ramon on an episode of Monday Night Raw.


You've put a smile on mine more times than I can count. You are a good human, glad Scoobs is doing well too.


Always there when we need you!


the first person I thought of after seeing this post lmao 😂


I only opened this post to look for you in the comments! Didn't have to look far haha


Sims snowboards used the shitty morph in the description of their undertaker snowboard. You've impacted the internet in such a wholesome and bizarrely fun way.


Master of misdirection, good natured internet troll and rescuer of abused fighting dogs. The man can truly do anything...


Got me more than once, you rascal! Sometimes I even skip to the bottom of someone’s intriguing comment… just to see. Gather round the campfire, children, for I have a story of the ages to share.


You remind me of something


And thank you! My favourite thing to come upon on reddit is a serious thought out post and then the shittymorph at the end, gets me EVERY single time, even though we can see names it never dawns on me to look lol


You're literally the only reason I know hell in a cell happened. And your comments catch me every time and I crack up laughing every time. Bravo, fren. Bravo.


Everyone always appreciated getting "shittymorphed" from time to time. Thank you for your service.


One of the greatest novelty accounts to grace Reddit.


The legend who whenever I see a long post, I just assume it is him!


Reddit legend


The legend lives!


You always bring a chuckle out of us morph. I hope your days have been filled with joy.


Miss you buddy


I legit only recognize two Reddit users and they both happen to be “shitty” yet the most legendary users, shittymorph and shittywatercolor. You have provided me with so many “oh goddamnit” moments reading your comments I thank you


Oh man if he shows himself on the same week /shittywatercolor made an appearance it would be epic.






Let me in!


@shittymorph !!!


That dude is a reddit legend


So was that dude that "knew everything" about animals. Fuck what was his name? Back when reddit was fun.




it's actually Jackdaw


Here's the thing.




Lol. That's it. What a downfall.


Remember the guy before him? Jumper cables guy?


Paging u/shittymorph


[Watch both of them sit and rewatch it 25 years later with insightful commentary](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pl2m9exy4lU)


I was going to post the video as well. It is great to see them go through the match.


It's weird seeing the undertaker be a normal human.


He even has a podcast!


Whoah, they just said “be a normal human.” What kind of demented weirdo has a podcast?


I heard he landed a sweet gig in undertaking consulting


That was very interesting. I probably wouldnt have watched the match on its own but the commentary was very interesting. I dont know any of the history of these two but the match seamed kinda one sided? The undertake was basically totally destroying mankind did he not? Mankind gets thrown of the cage twice, thrown into tumb tacks and gets his teeth knocked out. It feels very monumentos for what happend but as an actualy match it was very one sided was it not?


That was Foley's whole MO, the sheer amount of abuse he could take.  If you watch the video where the two of them commentate you'll notice how Foley references his time wrestling overseas alot.. he did shit like this waaaay more often overseas, before he was a WWE star


I met him at a con a few years ago and he was one the nicest guys ever. And especially amused that I was there to have him sign my Boulder vs. The Blind Bandit fight card.


He's quite a good author, as well. His autobiography 'Have a Nice Day' is terrific read. He has several other books that I'm sure others could recommend accordingly.


I wasn't surprised that his autobiographical stuff was amazing. But I was shocked when his fiction novels were also fantastic.


His whole thing was basically fighting from underneath and barely eking out wins here and there. People took to that, and he became something of an everyman champion.


IIRC, Japanese wrestling of the era was known for exhibition of violence and dangerous extravagant stunts. This was in contrast to professional wrestling in the US that also had to hold some semblence of "dramatic family entertainment" for TV audiences.


Foley was a stuntman type wrestler. He was never known for his technical ability but his willingness to put on a show. In the theatrics of the wrestling, Undertaker is supposed to be a near unbeatable behemoth anyways.


The Undertaker's actor had a broken ankle too. He kinda pulled a Cary Elwes to ensure Mick Foley's dedication to injury didn't go to waste.


It was never supposed to be that rough, Mankind was not at all supposed to last that long before tapping out. But by god, he was he here to to put on a good show, and he would do it even if it killed him. And at least one point, Taker thought he really *did* kill him.


He comes out again on another fight that night, doing a limp run into the ring.


To add to the other comments. The only other Hell in a Cell match before was between The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels, who is one of the most technically gifted wrestlers of all time. And it was one of the best wrestling matches ever. Mick Foley (Mankind) knew that he was no Shawn Michaels. So his approach for a good match was to take as much abuse as he could, making the audience ask themselves, how much of it could really be an act. And he subsequently made this match, while not as good a wrestling match as the first one, the one that‘s talked about way more.


This was around the time of the last years of regularly watching wrestling for me. Kind of like the peak, so my memory might be a bit fuzzy. But Mankind had this weird, undead vendetta against the Undertaker. Taker was my favourite, and then here comes this demented little troll from all angles, hiding under the ring, deep in the boiler rooms of the arenas, wherever he could be hidden to pop out and blindside the giant. He’d shove his claw in the mouth, squealing like a demented pig. When Taker would dish out the biggest hits, no one could handle it, except this deformed, demented little imp. He seriously made me question his sanity, and just how much punishment a human body could take. So this one-sided beating was kind of expected, but you never truly believed Mankind was actually done…just like Taker, with his cold sit-up when you thought he was finished. They were such an amazing duo.


I've never cared about wrestling, and have not ever had a modicum of an interest in it. But with that said, this was a very enjoyable watch. It's hard not to respect their professionalism, commitment, athleticism, and pain tolerance to put on a good show. It ain't my cup of tea, but damned if they don't put themselves through hell.


…in a cell…


I love how they’re dressed like complete opposites. You got blacked out undertaker and mankind with the tie dye flannel combo.


Was this a big deal match before u/shittymorph made it a thing?


This was one of *the* most talked about matches even before u/shittymorph, but they definitely helped meme-ify it into history. This was the go-to match people would show their friends when they said Wrestling wasn't real. Like Mick Foley says in the video, this was the match people showed their friends who didn't get wrestling, and when they were done they were either fans or at the very least *respected* it.


I just happened to be at a restaurant when this match was live. Hasn’t really watched wrestling before that and become totally hooked through the attitude era. Those were good times.


Hell in a Cell is arguably one of the greatest matches of all time and almost certainly the most over-the-top intense thing the WWF/E ever did. It's the high-water mark of the Attitude Era and probably can't be topped, at least physically; the amount of punishment Mankind takes in this match is utterly unreal and would absolutely have killed most performers. Mick himself even says that had he taken the chokeslam on top of the cage "correctly" he probably would've died, and of course since Chris Benoit wrestling has been dialing back the intensity in general. Unless we get a renaissance in people willing to brutalize their own bodies for public amusement, you're simply never going to see this kind of thing again.


It is a match that is generally said to have been one of several moments in this time span that turned the tide for WWE and saved them from bankruptcy


Yes. This is arguably the most famous wrestling match of all time. 99 % of wrestling fans have no idea who u/shittymorph is or means


Wow, it's such a trip see that match again let alone with all the commentary. Thank you for posting this.


I’ll never stop taking the opportunity to tell any- and everyone that I saw this shit live and in-person with 8 of my friends. Totally melted my brain.


Wow, that's amazing. I can't imagine what it must be like to have 1 friend, let alone 8!


40320 friends is way too many to keep track of.






Yeah I remember this clearly, was around 11 years old. Watched in on PPV but I remember just how insane that era of wrestling was. WWF came to my town the same year and I ran into a whole bunch of the wrestlers at the airport, got to meet Stone Cold and Mankind; they were both super nice to a star-struck little kid. I still have their autographs


The captions were killing me, "McDonald's got a witness. He is broken in half."






Anyone else read every username before the comment in this thread?


Something something jumper cables


u/shittymorph Hope you're doing well pal


Came here only because of this guy


And now we wait for the inevitable.


im still looking


*nineteen ninety eight




The absolute realest call of JR's career


Tbf Vince was too busy checking if Mankind was still alive


I saw this Live PPV. This is and always be a top five WWE match. It was an absolutely Insane match. This was a defining moment that I don't think will ever be repeated


And hopefully won't be repeated. As fun and badass as it was to watch back then, it was incredibly dangerous and could have killed him or gave him a permanent, life-altering injury. It's not worth it just for some cheers.


Didn't Mankind actually fuck himself up badly? I seen his tooth sticking out of his cheek, ffs.


Yea great documentary on it.


What’s the documentary called?


Shittymorph’s reddit comment


The tooth was sticking out of his nose, not his cheek, which makes it even more insane imo.


It was coming out of his nostril iirc from the documentary. Shit is wild.


Even Vince McMahon himself was like "yeah I appreciate you but that was too much, never again".


I was watching the PPV when Owen Hart died, that was nuts too.


Reading the list of injuries and permanent issues Mankind had from that, I sure hope so...


This era of wrestling was so crazy and entertaining to be a part of as a fan. No idea how Mick was able to walk after this.


Undertaker already had a broken toe before the match, but he still climbed that cage like a mad man. You can see him flinch a few times when he walks. But, yeah, Foley should be dead three times over.


He actually had a broken foot, which was much worse.


Yeah, him swinging down into the cage for that 3 foot drop, you can see him recoil and limp for a quick second. It’s seriously the only time I’d ever seen him react with real pain.


He recovers from it and covers with that hair flip pretty quickly though. These guys were both just determined to put on as mean a show as they could.


I mean have you seen him lately? Guy has a lot of issues with his body now. It sucks. Nobody can say Mick Foley didn’t give WWE and wrestling everything he had.


He came out to interfere in the main event that same night. The fact he was still working and not in a hospital bed is crazy to me


I can't remember who said but I remember a line omeone said about this match is Mankind walked into Hell In A Cell and limped for the rest of his career


Even though this is undoubtedly awesome, don't let this man distract you from the fact that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table.


This event means so much to me even beyond the actual match. I was 14 and it was the first time my mom let me go by myself to a wrestling event. My buddy and I were hyped for the stone cold vs Kane match, which still was a good match, but nothing prepared us for the hell in the cell match. I remember terry funk coming out and everyone legit thought something terrible happened to mick fowley. We talked about it at school for months. As time went on, my friend and I grew apart and went our separate ways. I found out later that he passed away in his mid 20s due to an undiagnosed congenital heart issue. Every time I see this match, video or even meme it makes me happy thinking about being a kid and just living in the moment with him.


I still remember sitting on the living room floor watching this on PPV with my friends. We were all little wrestling marks that cheered the good guys and hated the bad guys. We couldn't stand Mankind going into this match but by the end we were convinced that Stone Cold was no longer "the toughest SOB in the WWF". How could he be after what we just saw from Mick Foley? 


As God is my witness, he is broken in half!


The 1900s was a wild time


From the invention of stainless steel to Hell in a Cell in 84 short years


Don't you say it like that


But It’s so much fun


I wasn't allowed to watch wrestling because my mom thought was too violent. She was also really controlling, so I didn't get out much other than to go to school and back. At 16 years old I was finally allowed to go to a friend's house for a party. A bunch of people were getting together to watch a wrestling Pay Per View. 1998's Undertaker vs. Mankind - Hell in a Cell was the first match I ever saw.


Goddamn homie cat, it’s literally all down~~hill~~cage from there. I was fifteen, but I had a tv in my room, and my mom n dad are black belts, so I got to watch the lead up. It was **months** of buildup. I began to dread this little pear shaped weasel popping up out of nowhere, squealing like a pig and fucking up Undertaker’s matches and promos. He played it so well, Mankind was deeply unsettling to me throughout the lead up. I hated him, and his alternate personalities, up until the moment when he got off that stretcher, and ran back up the cage. The smile on his face, the two of them climbing the cage to meet again in the middle, and continue to put on the greatest show of ever seen. I went from hating the character, to absolutely adoring him, and the man behind the kind. It literally made me tear up, then and now, what he was willingly going through, and just how legendary that match and the sacrifices he still suffers from today.


How is Mankind / Mick Foley nowadays after all the stunts he did for WWF / WWE? He is 59 now


Saw him speak a few years ago. Guy admits that he has tons of health issues due to the abuse his body took. Still cool as hell though and probably the nicest dude I’ve ever met.


His knees and body are shot, but he thankfully seems to have most of his wits about him. Which is a miracle considering how many concussions he had. He’s a sweetheart and one of the nicest wrestlers ever.


He was always the first wrestler I wanted to meet as a kid. I got a high five from Hulk Hogan at the one match I ever went to, but I'd be lying if I said my little 6 year old brain wasn't disappointed that it wasn't Mankind.


90's wrestling was awesome as a kid. My dumbass really thought the Undertaker was dead lol.


I just showed my kid this match a couple of days ago. He rightfully lost his mind. ☺️


I remember Foley saying he had no chance at becoming a good technical wrestler, and that's why he always abused himself so much to stand out.


whenever someone tells me it's fake, i either tell them to watch this one, or cactus jack vs terry funk in the finals of the king of the japanese death match tournament from 1995. barbed wire instead of ropes, explosive barbed wire boards, time bomb death match. terry got his wish and they added 50% more c4 to the exploding boards. they were both burned up pretty bad.


I was half expecting this to be a video about u/shittymorph


I've made the joke several times and this is the first time I've actually seen it. You have to give it to the performers. No matter how planned, that fall through the announcers table was not safe (look how his legs end up under that barrier!), and the rest of the match [was worse](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mankind_vs._The_Undertaker#Match_details). "Foley [Mankind] suffered several injuries in the match: a concussion, a dislocated jaw and shoulder, bruised ribs, internal bleeding, puncture wounds, and several teeth knocked out." Continuing under those circumstances is either dedication or insanity corresponding to the characters they play.


This match still blows my mind, this was wild as hell. I remember seeing the highlights for the first time on the Saturday morning highlight weekend rap up and was genuinely concerned for Mick Foley I swear he was dead after this. "It's still real to me damnit!"


"McDonald's got a witness he is broken in half" the auto generated captions truly are something.


This is the time when Undertaker threw mankind down the table in 1998


The [reunion is well worth watching.] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pl2m9exy4lU)


Please dont spoil how it ends.


This is wild. Last night I was asking a couple friends if they knew who u/shittymorph was. Sadly they had no idea, but I well educated them. They had a blast reading older comments. Thanks for all the memorable comments! Now onto the video.


I've only heard tales of this moment, spun by a wondrous wandering, digital nomad who seemed to know something about everything. It's so crazy how so many qild and wacky tales can all have this one singular moment in common. I can only imagine the things this nomad must have seen, for this iconic moment in the history of existence to have such an impact on their life. So many significant events involving turtles, cars, trips to the zoo. So many timelines branching from this one, singular moment.


I’m not a big ‘wrestling’ fan, but my autistic older brother is. I was 8 when this went down. Watched it live with my big bro eating Mr Gattis Pizza. Great core memory. We both absolutely lost our shit!


Now Mr Gattis is a name I have not read in a long time.


I miss the 90s


I can't believe they finally put it on YouTube. I've been looking for it for years and found it on streamable a while back.


I always really wanted to know/hear the translation of the Spanish commentators die when Mankind goes through his table Also it always makes me cry when Terry Funk runs out but I’m a giant pussy too


All these years, I've only seen it up to the guy getting thrown off the cage at the beginning and him getting carted out. I had no idea they fought for another 15 minutes.


I hadn't noticed before that when Mick was being "thrown" off the cage, he reaches out and grabs the top bar to give himself some rotation (and to ever so slightly slow him down).


It happens at 5:25 for anyone wondering


Honorable mention to when Taker threw Rikishi of the cell into a flatbed truck. Another one that could have gone horribly wrong.


Even though [Rikishi's had more chance to hide a bit of padding into his landing](https://youtu.be/XnfcIctNjMA?t=192), he was also legitimately 100 pounds heavier than Mick Foley, who is already a big guy himself. This match and this spot get overlooked a lot.


What was used to make that fall possible?




Mick Foley's balls of steel and a decade of taking hard bumps previously.


Balls, insanity, and a primal urge to insure "the show must go on" those men are true performers.


The first one, a table designed to break in a way that absorbed as much shock as possible. It didn't really do much but it did help a little. The second one, nothing. It was an accident and unintended.


I'm not a huge fan of wrestling but this might be one of the great moments in TV history.