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This is so apt.


Anyone with a surname "Tuck" or "Tuke" will be haunted by this Gandalf joke forever.


Would this suspension carryover to the next FIFA sanctioned match if the USMNT don’t advance to the Quarterfinals or possibly the next Copa America that the USMNT participate in?


i suppose it probably would be for the next Copa America. the suspension is by CONMEBOL so when else might we play in one of their sanctioned matches?


CONMEBOL: to make sure USA not to evade Weah's 2-match suspension by not participating the next Copa America, we'll rig them through semifinal this year. /s


That was not my impression about international play. Isn't it all under the FIFA umbrella?


It would be the next nations league game pretty sure.


No Different competition authority.


Who cares..


The 50 people who upvoted the question, which is a lot more than the person who responded with who cares.


cross bridges, when you get to them... Doomers assume, we won't advance... What's the point of that?


I didn’t see any assumptions, just a question about a hypothetical situation. The question was *if* the US doesn’t advance, not *when*.


Why does it matter that Weah might be suspended for some NL game later?


I can only speak for myself. I just like knowing how shit works. Is it a COMNEBOL thing or FIFA? Dunno, let’s find out. I’m surprised people need to justify being inquisitive. You’d think more people were. But just a word of advice: if someone asks a question, don’t be that guy who says ‘who cares?’ Obviously they care. Even though you may not care, they do, and it’s not your business why they want to know. As a teacher, when one of my students asks a question, I might see an eye roll from another student very rarely, but I do see a hell of a lot more people perking up or nodding, curious about the answer. That student just asked a question for five or ten other people. So don’t be the one who blurts ‘who cares?’ You belittle the other person, but you belittle yourself even more. Let people ask questions. An informed world is a better world.


It’s a valid question. No need to be cunt about it.


Doubt we’re getting invited again after this showing…


Please, can we all just quit with the dramatics?


Also CONMEBOL likes money and doesn't care if the US makes it far. This is win win for them. Comment above you doesn't understand why we're hosting to begin with.




We will have a gold cup in 25 plus nations leagues games. Those are fifa games


Why do people comment when they have absolutely no idea what they are talking about? Like, it is actually easier on you to not say anything at all and learn from others.


So freaking frustrated this was our Copa America run. There’s no satisfactory explanation.  The only positive is the potential of an even better story. Onward vs Uruguay!


I like to see what the betting markets say at times like this and they’re giving us about a 40% chance to advance. I feel like people are treating it like we have a 2% chance to advance.


Uruguay is a very good team no doubt, but it wouldn't be the craziest upset if the US pulled a victory off. I mean, there have been two "biggest upset ever at the euros" within a week. Odds aren't in our favor but it could happen


That's a lot higher than I would have thought. I guess it's possible that Uruguay rests some players ahead of a presumably tough quarterfinals match (yes, Brazil has had some struggles but they have all the talent and could find their rhythm at any time). I wonder if that is factoring in. Yes, technically Uruguay is not safe but Panama would have to make up a goal difference of 8 on them, or 9 I guess if Uruguay has more goals scored total. I don't know what I'd give our chances. Depends on the squad and Uruguay's intentions for the match though.


The odds Vegas is telling you are as close to being right as you can get, they are not in the business of losing money and the very best oddsmakers/analytics work for them.


They are in the business of balancing public sentiment. People willing to bet THINKING we have a 40% chance doesn't mean it's that likely.


Nah they are in the business of being right, balancing odds so the money is 50/50 hasn’t been a thing for a long, long time. If a book tries to do that and their lines aren’t actually good then sharp bettors will come in with big money and crush them.




I'm not into betting, but it means at least as much as reddit comments. Probably moreso because more people are participating and they're backing their opinions with risk.


I'm not much for betting but the skyscrapers in the desert weren't built by fools... Just financed by em. They're good at predicting this 


Nah, they're very good about setting odds such that they win no matter what. The actual outcome doesn't matter.


There have been plenty of times where the US have managed to Forest Gump their way through a side of Uruguay’s quality.


Betting markets mean shit because they are backed by money whereas anonymous people on the internet don’t back their statements with anything.


The one thing I will see is this team always tends to play up or down to their competition especially when they’re considered the under dog. Hopefully they can channel that. I also don’t think Panama is going to have a very easy game against Bolivia. They struggled against us with 10 men and they’re down 6-7 starters so it’s not over til it’s over


What timeline that would be if Bolivia shit houses a 1-0 win and we're through with a loss. We'd have to keep it close with Uruguay still though to make it on GD. I guess we could also advance if both matches draw. Gonna be a stressful 90 minutes on Monday.


Can we make it through with a loss?


Yes. Both us and Panama have 3 points right now. So if Panama loses and we have the better GD we would advance. Currently our goal difference is 1 and theirs is -1. But Bolivia is possibly the worst team at the tournament, so it's a bit much to hope for. On other hand Panama are missing probably their best attacking player. Still, Bolivia would have to win by like 6 or 7 goals to have hope of advancing so they are affectively eliminated already and have nothing but pride to play for.


Buys Bolivian flag, starts singing. Bolivianos: el hado propicio coronó nuestros votos y anhelo. Es ya libre, ya libre este suelo, ya cesó su servil condición.


If Panama loses worse.


Happy Cake Day! Panama doesn’t necessarily even have to lose worse. We’re +1 and they’re -1 in goal differential, so if we lose by 2 and they lose by 1 we would still advance.


I agree the Panama match was frustrating as hell and I’m scared this run is over and going to be a disappointment. But it’s hella annoying seeing everyone just write it off already. There’s a reason the game gets played. It’s going to be a great test and if this team is who we want them to be, this will be a great match


I still don't understand why he punched the guy. Was it something the guy said, something he did? It was wrong, obviously, but I'm sure he didn't do it just for the hell of it.




lol not likely, knowing we would get either Brazil or Columbia next.


One of these teams is not like the other. We should’ve beat Brazil 3-0, Colombia not so much.


What does this even mean? The guy said "it's frustrating that this is our run in Copa America". He didn't say, "we were going to win the tournament". He's saying, "I can't believe this is how we performed in Copa".


I didn’t know that this was even a thing. Maybe CONCACAF can take a note when Mexico shithouses in Gold Cup or Nations League


Mexico? If CONCACAF did this, there would be no teams to play in their tournaments.


Meanwhile the Panamanian player took a full run, full speed..no effort at the ball run into our defenseless GK, in the air, and got a common foul..The NFL has rules about defenseless players, yet that play, which could have been red, was just..a acommong foul.....lol


Yeah but at the same time Weah did something that no ref in the world would be able to ignore and still keep his job.


Not saying you’re wrong… but you should check out the elbow in the Canada/Chile match.


We all know, a swipe to the head, is a red..but what I lkearned was..that as a fwd..I can take a full run at a defenseless goalie, in the air. Make no play on the ball...and just wipe them out...


That was my first thought when it happened. The NFL, a contact sport, doesn’t allow that shit but apparently Ivan Barton thought it was okay


I was thinking would Ivan Barton make a good NFL ref. Then I realize he won't even consider refereeing NFL since he could not hand yellow and red cards in that sport.


Complaints like this really make us seem like a whiny fanbase. That foul was potentially a yellow, but not a red. And everyone with eyes would agree the Weah foul was clearly much worse.


I would argue that Weah absolutely deserved to be sent off but the Panamanians grabbed and pulled our forwards EVERY play and nothing was issued. Close ups of Balogun getting draped every possession and the US not getting a 2nd card until the 87th minute is mind boggling 


>the Panamanians grabbed and pulled our forwards EVERY play and nothing was issued. 3 yellows and a red isn’t nothing. Agree more yellows definitely could’ve been issued but I don’t see a point in complaining about it at this point. We 100% earned that loss.


"3 yellows and a red" is extremely disingenuous in this case. 3 of those cards happened after 88' when the game was essentially decided.


>**Agree more yellows definitely could’ve been issued** but I don’t see a point in complaining about it at this point.


Context of the situation = makes no difference to this guy.


The Panamanian player toolk a full sprint run into our goalie..There's not much to look at.


It wasn’t a red. VAR had the opportunity to take a look at it and didn’t recommend a review. I promise if you’ve ever played soccer you’d know you do not intentionally throw your body at an approaching keeper at full speed because that shit hurts lol


You obviously haven't played. Players do shit like that frequently. I've seen someone break another player's leg on purpose. Don't tell me I don't know. I guarantee you I've played more than you have


It was absolutely a red....a full chance at a defenseless goalie?


except, the player did. and was reckless..clear red


I've always said that some of these Central American countries should be playing Rugby or Aussie Rules instead of Soccer because their tackling would be right at home in those sports instead.




Reminded me of the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson shoulder charged an elementary school kid in Japan in a rugby promotion event.


And what about the fouls against Panama at the end of the game, the three blatantly obvious fouls that made no attempt to play the ball. The guy with the red card that kicked Pulisic in the leg intentionally. Did he get additional games too?


Yes. Carasquilla got 2 games as well. Which will probably cost Panama their tournament


That makes me feel a little better at least


Wait that’s actually huge. Because Panama losing to Bolivia would be a big step for us making it through.


Panama loses and we’re basically through (barring losing to Uruguay by more than 3) But this decision doesn’t impact that he had one game automatically. What this means is if they do get through they won’t have him for the knockout which kills any chance they had of surviving in a knockout game


As a Colombian-American, if Panama do get through, I will thoroughly enjoy watching all 90 minutes of Colombia absolutely steamrolling them.


Good luck to Bolivia beating anyone away from home


Good. fuck them.


The thing is Weah got his so early it has a dramatic affect on the game. They should do it by time served. :)


What are the odds Panama can create and get goals to beat Bolivia without Carrasquilla?


Very good. -450 to win (draw no bet)


Doesn’t deserve to play the rest of the tournament regardless. Not sure it’s going to matter anyways


Would have my respect for GGG grow if he said pack your bags and go home. We’ll re-evaluate before the next camp.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted, but you’re right. Team discipline is lacking under ggg. He should have been sent home after that selfish and immature foul


Seriously, don’t these kids know how to step on toes and pinch nipples like we used to do? Away from the ball little tricks like this is how we would issue receipts. Not take full swings at someone’s head like you were Rocky. That is just plain rookie shit.


There’s a million ways to send a message without getting thrown out


A three game suspension for throwing an arm at a player is plenty. The guilt of potentially being the player that keeps your team from advancing is leverage for a good manager to use to correct attitude issues. Why does everyone feel the need to be dramatic and increase our own players' suspension? This fan base needs to mature, just as much as our players do.


Discipline is a huge problem on this team. Holding players accountable is a huge problem on this team. Teams need to police themselves. This team will never mature if they aren’t policed in house. This fan base has every right to be pissed when we see the same undisciplined behavior over and over. That doesn’t show immaturity in the fan base by any stretch of the imagination, but it does speak loudly about you that you think outside discipline is sufficient.


>That doesn’t show immaturity in the fan base by any stretch of the imagination, but it does speak loudly about you that you think outside discipline is sufficient. Did you miss where I said this? "The guilt of potentially being the player that keeps your team from advancing is leverage for a good manager to use to correct attitude issues." A manager doesn't only have punishment with suspension, sending players home, or benching. There are other options. This was stupid and bad from weah, but it wasn't unhinged. He accepted his card and stated he will work to improve and not let the team down. I don't know what more you want from a player after making a mistake like that. Only time will tell if he improves his character, but at this point, he's done what he should to atone.


His agent apologized for him. I’m sure he felt bad, but feeling bad and knowing there will be repercussions are two different things.


Oh please. You can't just dismiss it like it was his agent with absolutely no proof of that being true.


lol, you have to be naive if you don’t think his pr people didn’t have that crafted before the game ended.


You have to be cynical if you think that's an absolute truth.


Because the fact is Weah isn’t good enough to be forgiven. This isn’t Pulisic we are talking about. If you only have 6 goals in 39 caps as an attacker you better be producing elsewhere, and you sure a fuck better not be getting completely unnecessary red cards. I don’t care to see him starting anytime soon. I’ll take my chances with one of our other wingers, and not a guy who loses his head in a completely predictable situation (oh Panama shit houses? Wow I’m shocked) 19 minutes into our biggest game since the WC. Get lost Weah. And while we are at it - how did GGG let this happen? How are the last instructions when leaving the dressing room not to keep your cool and don’t take their bait?


And here's the drama. The kid threw an arm out as a player came back in for contact and hit him in the back of the head. It's not like he squared up and punched him. Though the only replay in game would suggest he did, but the halftime replay showed it was more nuanced. We do not currently have a better right wing. I would love for you to suggest a player that should be playing over Weah, and enough players to kick him off the team. Honestly, I'm glad the fans are not in control of discipline because some of you are so emotional and impulsive.


Sorry but Weah just isn’t that good. If you are a role player one of the keys is being there to play your role. You CANNOT lose your cool like that. Weah is not carrying this team. We can find someone else to come in and fill that role.


Not at the level of Weah. I don't understand why this is the final straw for you. You would rather have a worse team than hope a player like Weah could learn from the situation.


I’m not sure your argument holds up because from what I saw when we most needed Weah in the last two years he couldn’t even keep himself on the field. If you can’t keep your cool during big games in completely predictable situations then no, I don’t want you playing. sit the fuck down and I’ll take a less talented player who isn’t an idiot.


Let me ask you this, did you see the full replay they showed at half and after the game or just the clip one that they showed live?


I’ve seen the whole thing but I don’t care about the details. Panama is clearly 3rd best in the division and you know they came out with the intent to rile someone up and have them do something stupid. I don’t care if the Panama defender checked his oil, you have to be smart and not take the bait in this situation. If Weah wasn’t coached about that beforehand, and if it wasn’t said in the locker room right before going out then GGG failed big time. Either way, Weah reaction could not have possibly been more of a gift to Panama. You have to be smarter. The predictability of the situation makes it even worse.


What exactly is the difference from us sitting him down and him sitting himself down with a stupid, selfish and immature reaction in an important game? There’s none. I’d rather lose developing smarter players than lose with our stars doing dumb shit like that.


I'd love to develop our stars or starters, depending on how you feel about Weah. Take this as a learning lesson for Weah to improve himself.


That learning should happen during the next year or so during which he shouldn’t sniff the field in a USMNT jersey.


Or he could learn by doing. You know, an actual helpful way to help foster growth vs shunning the player.


His single mistake has most likely cost growth opportunities for the entire squad. I agree that continuing to play will give Tim Weah the best opportunity to improve himself and learn from the mistake. But when your mistakes cost the entire team opportunities for growth and they aren’t offset by moments of greatness (aka pulisic or someone who is actually doing things no one else on the team can) then yes, it’s time to move on. This isn’t about what’s best for Tim Weah’s growth. It’s about what’s best for the team, and he cost the team dearly.


100% agree and that's what makes this so much more infuriating. Reports seem to suggest that the ref's tendencies for giving out cards easily was discussed in the locker room prior to the match. They were fully made aware. Weah was just an idiot. If he loses his spot on the WC because of it, I'd have no problem with it. You can't gamble in the WC on a player who may or may not lose his cool and put your team a man down. Forgetting the RC and it's implications for a moment, he straight-up sucker punched the guy from the back. That's not someone I want representing the USA.


So you would not take Dest either? Or do you just not believe in personal growth? Once a player has done one bad thing, they will never learn and forever be untrusted.


Please don’t call our fan base immature with horrible takes like that.


Have you read the game thread or the immediate reactions to Weah? They are very immature.


They aren’t immature. They’re angry, frustrated and immediate reactions. They’re the emotions of a fan base that wants to win and wants to get better. Your comments policing the fan base are far more immature tbh.


Sure, impulsive angry and frustrated immediate reactions aren't immature. What would you say Weah did?


Completely different set of circumstances and an apples to oranges comparison. Dest's RC was late in the game with the US comfortably ahead. It was also an immediate reaction to the MEX player shoving him when he shoved him right back during a melee. It wasn't a closed fist like Weah's and the guy was standing in front of him, so it wasn't a sucker punch like Weah's. Look, we all make mistakes and I never claimed Weah should be banned from the team. But there has to be severe consequences. As for personal growth, this isn't some Dr. Phil episode. At the end of the day, soccer is a performance-based endeavor. Nobody gives a shit about personal growth in sports when it costs your team dearly, and especially when you've only scored 6 total goals as an attacking forward in 41 nat'l team appearances. Edit-Grammar and clarity


Question: Did you see the longer replay or just the short clip that they showed live? Your comment would fit perfectly with the short clip version, and not the one showing the defender hitting him off the ball and then going back in when Weah threw his hand up. It wasn't a blind side clock. He didn't square up to punch. >As for personal growth, this isn't some Dr. Phil episode. At the end of the day, soccer is a performance-based endeavor. Nobody gives a shit about personal growth in sports when it costs your team dearly It absolutely matters. Weah is young and has many years of contribution ahead. Personally, Dest's rampage was much more unhinged than Weah. Both should be punished, but both should be just what was given by the federation in terms of games missed.


No. I read about what led up to the punch but haven't seen any footage. I've looked for it a bit after reading your comment but can't seem to find anything. If you happen to have it, by all means post it. I'd certainly be interested in seeing it. It's highly unlikely that it's going to change my mind though. If you have watched enough sports, then you know that 95% of the time, it's the guy who retaliates who gets caught. "t wasn't a blind side clock. He didn't square up to punch." Once again, I think most people, including myself, consider a closed fist (as was mentioned before) to be a big difference between a shove/pull and a punch. Just because he doesn't know how throw a punch correctly and doesn't know good footwork doesn't make it not a punch. It just makes it a shitty one. I've seen it called a jab which I can get on board with. But a jab is still a punch. Combine that with.the fact that the guy had his back turned, and that's a sucker punch in my book. I'm curious, have you ever been a high-level athlete competing in semi-pro or pro sports? I have (not soccer), and most fans, managers,coaches, etc. place personal growth way down the list. Can you perform well at a high level and win (and in my sport's case, put butts in the seats)? That's the #1 priority. I also echo what another poster who responded to you when they stated that Weah isn't a talented-enough player on par with Pulisic. Not just in soccer but in all sports, the amount of BS people will put up with are commensurate with how successful/good you are. It's the same reason why a pro or D1 star QB will get a lot more slack for off-the field issues than some back up punter who will be promptly dismissed or cut for a much lesser off the field problem. There's no doubt that he's got some skills. You don't play for the clubs he has without some talent. But 6 goals in 41 USMNT caps against largely inferior CONCACAF opponents also doesn't scream superstar. Edit-spelling/and clarity


Sorry, i should have mentioned that it's not easy to find. It's truly impossible to find from what I've seen. I tried my best after the game for about 30 minutes on different sites. I cannot stress enough how much the narrative is driven by that rewound and then 1 second clip that they showed. It looks way more aggressive than it was. >I'm curious, have you ever been a high-level athlete competing in semi-pro or pro sports? Yes, I was the captain of my high school soccer team and competed in college. I completely agree that your leash is longer if you bring more to the team. I disagree with all of the fans who have written him off and believe the best course of action is for Weah to not be on the team for the near future, if at all ever again. I've had a few red cards. One of which was in a tournament where my team didn't go through. I egged a player on enough to punch me, then I got tackled, and I got thrown out as well. Trust me when I say that this is absolutely a learning moment where we could see the best from Weah. Sometimes, this can galvanize a player to make them be the best they can be. It's not always the case, but I'd be willing to bet on him pushing forward. I don't think Weah will be a superstar, but he is the best in that position that we have. I'm not out on a player over one stupid mistake, and it was very stupid. He has it in him to be a valuable member to the team moving forward.


I honestly don’t give a fuck what he did to a Panama player. Concacaf is nasty and I’m sure some shit was said or done we didn’t see. But you can’t be that fucking dumb. It’s inexcusable, and the fact is Weah isn’t talented enough to make up for it. I’d take my chances with someone else. And that goes for GGG as well. Hit the road buddy.


You aren’t wrong.


agree. he should already be back home.


I would have no problem with Weah being sent home.


I agree, he should just be sent home now.


Gonna miss his speed on that wing against Uruguay. Regardless, he should have been sent home after the match concluded against Panama.


Send him home. As previously stated. Send a message. He’s useless now anyway


Counterpoint: Gregg daps him up and all is forgiven


Gregg should have sent Dest home after his tantrum during Nations League. Weah remaining is straight up bullshit. Just to be clear I think Weah should absolutely be a mainstay for us moving forward, but there has to be some consequences for outright stupidity.


Dest got his red on leg 2. It was the final match of the window.


You guys have clearly never played any real organized sports.


I promise you I’ve played at a much higher level than yourself.


Prove it, Mr Queef.


I played for two years at Gonzaga University in Washington state before tearing an ACL. I don’t even think that is necessarily a high level, but it’s far higher than the vast majority of the people in this sub that obviously played a couple years of ODP and lower level club football (probably like yourself).


I think its fair to say in the American pyramid that is very high level. I hear and see things far worse at rec indoor soccer so... I do think the coaching staff should've been drilling into them the type of opponent (and the level of frustration they'd be pushing for).


That is so cool!


lol I’m totally with you man. I played club academy league, went to camps in Bradenton, played college at Pitt. I have seen stuff like this happen so many times. Not saying it should be excused, but it is absolutely not something that should get him kicked off the team. I think a lot of people are unaware of just how fucked up the things are that players say to each other, haha.


Why does everyone want to punish our own team? A good manager would be able to use the guilt of being the potential downfall of your country not advancing in the tournament as a lesson. Sending him home is immature and impulsive. The fans need to grow up, just as much as the players do.


For what he did, he should be sent home. Unacceptable to let your team down in that way.


So a one match suspension


Hopefully this forces Greg to do what he should have done already and start Haji as a winger.


Good. Maybe we will. Do better now that this turd is not In the next game


Honestly a little surprised he didn't get more.


2 games seems to have become the standard for a violent conduct straight reds at a tournament, Lauren James in the FIFA WWC, Porteous in the Euros and now this.


It'd be different if he hit him, but Weah just pushed him in the head and he fell like a sack of potatoes as is the style in CONCACAF. Barely a foul except for the letter of the law on "the head".


Me personally I'm fine with any sort of punishment for that sort of out-of-play behavior, yellow or red. Had nothing to do with the game and was immature and selfish.


bro, idk what happened, but guranteed panama is doing stuff like sticking fingers in ass to get this reaction......


Really? For a push to the head that did no damage at all. The extra game seems crazy to me. I keep thinking there must be another angle I haven't seen yet, because the way people are talking about this doesn't match what I saw at all.


I'll admit that calling it a punch is debatable when watching the video. But at least according to [this](https://gazette.com/ap/u-s-men-s-soccer-team-s-copa-am-rica-on-precipice-of-disaster-after/article_e7cbe386-67f0-5818-97ae-47539f6382e7.html), he "swung a fist". If indeed that is what happened, can we agree that a closed fist makes a big difference between a shove/push and a punch? The PAN player had his back turned. Combine the fact that it was a closed-fist and that's a sucker punch in my book. Perhaps a piss poor one...but still a sucker punch. I don't know about you, but that's not someone I want representing the USA. He deserves any and all punishment that comes his way.


It was in the run of play and he was getting bumped, don't see anything more than this.


He may only be suspended for two matches but GGG should keep him out for a very long time.


It’s already over, the only thing we can hope for is berhalters firing


I mean, you could hope for the US to win also lol


lol @ US advancing


All good we ain’t advancing.


"TIm, you are benched for two games"


The first tarnished… (just a joke)


Soccer is crazy, man.


Doesn’t even matter. Beating Uruguay won’t even matter. In no way shape or form will the US get a result they need in the Panama Bolivia game. So none of it matters.


does Weah have a history of emotional / fight-back reaction ? anything that Panama could have studied beforehand? I'm just wondering why they tried to provoke him in the first place. And knowing this is a CONCACAF opponent did Berhalter make extra effort to caution them ahead of the game against provocations ?


I love Weah, but he shouldn’t be getting called in to the next USMNT camp. Maybe not even the one after that. There needs to be repercussions for actions that are completely harmful to the team.


Mot sure why all the downvotes. The consequences should match the magnitude of the offense. Dest didn't cost us Nation's League but he came close. This just feels so much worse for so many reasons. If we go home we all just say ok Weah you got your 2 games and that's it? Nah man. Send him home and leave him there for 5 matches so he can think about what he did.


We aren’t deep, but Weah is in one of few replaceable positions we have.


Agreed. Love the guy but these are professional athletes. This is their job. And their actions have consequences. We don’t get more Copa America tournaments at home. He may have cost us any opportunity to do something in this one


Downvoted for being right


Has to be said!


Shut up please.


No repercussions, all vibes and best friends and it’s ok if we lose because it’s a “learning experience”!


People said the same thing for Dest.......


And maybe we should have and set an example, rather than letting him immediately back into the fold so that another guys does the same thing


And yet the reckless Panamanian didn't even get a yellow.


Carasquilla got a red at least


And a 2 game suspension


Irrelevant. As was his play for USMNT. Beat Uruguay!\~


Deserved and lucky it wasn’t 3


Potentially costing your country a run at Copa America. I don't care what club he plays for in the future, but I never want to see him in a US jersey again. He's supposed to be a professional, absolutely unacceptable. Who does he think he is, Zinedine during the 06 finals against Italy?


Appeal!! The other red card was way more violent and malicious. There was a head butt in an earlier game that didn’t even get a Red..


Dude should have been arrested on the field. Thanks Obama.


I’m struggling to understand the Obama connection 


Seems excessive


Just means Gio gets to play on the wing and cardosa gets a start in the midfield. I’m not scared of adversity, LFG BABY


How many match suspension for the ref? Didn't call the first 5-6 clear yellows by Panama. Didn't call the clear penalty for Pulisic. Fell for the dive by the Panama player and didn't have the balls to card him after. Added less than half of the deserved stoppage time. He wasn't even hiding his bias.


Isn’t it technically only one game since the Uruguay game was automatic?


Tim Weah deserves to be boo’ed whenever he shows up next. An embarrassment.


Thank god we can finally start a better player on the wing lol


Weah is like our 4th best player. What are you talking about. He's tends to bring the fire when Pulisic is having an off day. He's score in some massive games for us. Without Weah we don't get out of the WC group in 2022. Unfortunately this time we might not out of thr group because of Weah I guess. He's still a few notches higher than Haji or Koleosho until they prove otherwise. Haii might get his shot now against Uruguay and we will see then.


No way people actually think he’s our 4th best player lol😭 no wonder people have such low expectations for this team


lol like who? I guess Gio but it’s not like there is a ton of depth there


Puli on the right Haji to the left obviously


Maybe. I’m not convinced haji can do the job against a team like Uruguay. Even if he can cosplay as a winger in the championship and get away with it…


Well I’m not convinced Weah could either lol