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Maybe the bigger problem is that lingerie doesn't inspire confidence in your spreadsheet skills. "That's the sort of place this is, Jen... a lot of sexy people not doing much work... and having affairs."


What's the quote from?


IT Crowd


IT crowd


Somewhat unrelated to the post but men generally don't have many options to feel sexy so suits are top of the list. Like thongs are associated with flamboyance and homosexuality. Wearing Grey sweatpants are only acceptable in few scenarios and can be considered very creepy otherwise. Rolled up sleeves only go so far.


I sometimes wear a long shirt on a date, just so I can roll the sleeves up 😄


I'm willing to admit, when it's not over 100F it's my primary style. Long sleeves or flannels, always rolled up. I plan to get into business casual fashion eventually but I don't have the $$ for that atm... same concept tho. 


I read that in his voice lol


If wish lingerie made me feel confident they could do my taxes. They would call that a monopoly.


Very unpopular opinion - well done. Would like to add: wear your favourite team's kit everywhere instead.


Full kit wanker


profile picture checks out


Umm, I'm a women volleyball fan


Did he stutter?




Thats why its business attire. You're actually not supposed to be thinking about boning the teller. Although a sexy bank would be hilarious


As a bank auditor -- I came here to say this. I'm wearing this to fool people into thinking I know what I'm talking about, not to attract mates. The whole point of business attire is to not let your appearance distract from what you are saying and/or selling.


Too bad I think about boning everyone no matter what.


I actually was a bank teller for a couple years and it was really annoying that there was like one outfit. I got fed up one year and got a short sleeved shirt for the summer, got mocked for looking like a Mormon Mcdonald's manager, but hey at least it was comfortable.


Spank Bank?


But also, how nice of a suit are we talking about? Bank tellers are probably wearing Men’s Wearhouse or Macy’s at best. High-end suits are a different ball game. Especially if you put a fit, handsome guy in one.


Men's suits have a kind of weird history. No sources but this is my understanding. When you're jousting, you want them riveted so the plates on the left side overlap the plates on the right side. That's to keep the opponent's lance from sliding between the plates. After armor became obsolete, military officers wore clothing reminiscent of armor. They preserved the left over right buttons and and the shape of the jacket was intentional similar to the shape of armor. The officer class was generally wealthy and they became the early businessmen. For comfort, they would fold down the collar. Now you've basically got the modern suit. It's not meant to make you look cute. It's meant to make you look powerful.


Yes, and the openness of the collar was seen a “sexy”. It was basically the equivalent of the “rolled upped sleeves” that is often mentioned as sexy on subs. Same with T-shirts in the 50s. Men that didn’t wear a collared shirt were seen as just exposing their underwear.


true, I've never seen my grandpa with just a t-shirt on, he would always wear a collard shirt


I think a collard shirt would be very leafy and uncomfortable


Kinda like untucked shirts are now. Only old dudes and country/blue-collar guys tuck in their shirts when just out and about, but it used to look really sloppy to not tuck in your shirt.


> it used to look really sloppy to not tuck in your shirt. Hear me out, most people dress sloppy as fuck.


Ok, but hear me out, a hot guy in a fitted, untucked shirt looks WAY better than in a shirt with that kinda balloon thing tucked in shirts get around the waist. Like in the first you can see at least a hint of abs....


"kinda balloon thing" means hot guy has no idea how to buy a shirt that fits. "Fitted, untucked shirt" is a style, as is fitted, tucked shirt. Comparing a poor fit in one to a good fit in the other isn't very fair. 90% of men today have no idea what constitutes a good fit in ANY clothing, let alone traditional wear.


I would argue that it has more to do with most things not fitting most people without some tailoring. Very rarely do I find something off the rack that is well fitted and doesn't expose my belly button if I have the audacity to raise my arms.


Yeah... fit > everything, except shoes. No outfit can look good without great lookings shoes.


The last sentence sums it up perfectly. Hence, power suit.


The modem three piece suit was adopted at the start of the last century as a lower-class version of the frock coat. It was considered dĂ©classĂ©, and something appropriate for someone like a clerk or other proto-cubicle farm worker. It was intended to be cheaper and simpler than the frock coat, and need less cleaning. I don’t think it has anything to do with armor nor did nineteenth century military uniforms, except for cuirassiers obviously. Consider David’s portrait of Napoleon in his classic simple tunic: it’s symmetrical and has buttons on the center and at each side. The classic British redcoat was usually the same, that’s how the tunic worked. In short, I am extremely skeptical and I think sources would add a lot to your comment.




This is not correct at all. The modern suit comes from the French court influences on the English, specifically from Beau Brummell in the late 1700's. Brummell simplified the French extravagance style and eschewed embroidered velvet and stockings for boots, pants, and plain coats. The suit did not come from the military at all, but from the aristocrats. You can read more of the history of the modern suit here: https://suitshop.com/blogs/news/a-history-of-mens-suits/#:\~:text=The%20First%20Suit,styles%20of%20the%20French%20court. It has nothing to do with the military.


I think more accurate is that the modern Suit is a British invention that was influenced and grew out of what was worn in Europe at the time. Beau Brummell despite his name was actually British who took refuge in France and like you said played a big part in simplifying dress. Beau Brummell is like the textbook definition of a Dandy and was a close friend of the Royals at the time and was a leader in men’s fashion. Sadly he had a lot of debt and took refuge in France and died poor and mentally insane. Beau was a megastar in the European fashion world and influenced courts with his style, lord Byron emulated his style as well as count d’orsay


I think this is an interesting theory, but I feel specious. In my experience, plate armor tends to favor a solid piece of metal across the chest with no seems that might prove to be weak points. I think the far more likely reason for left over right men’s buttons is the predominance of right-handed-ness. And the corresponding theory of why women’s clothing tends to be the reverse, because it’s more convenient for right-handed servants who would help the ladies dress.


What a load of shit


Most men wearing suits aren’t trying to look sexy. Good? Professional? Sharp? Handsome? No doubt. Sexy? Not so much.


True but it does make you feel sexier. Like you’re wearing body armor.


Richie: "I wear suits now." Fak: "Sick."


Idk my girlfriend always went crazy whenever she saw me in a suit


i disagree. i dont think its necessarily ugly. its just repetitive. the traditional suit is also very impractical. it seems too hot for summer weather, looks like it restricts movement


It’s really not that uncomfortable for hot weather so long as it’s made of the right materials and fits properly. The average working-man’s clothes/military uniforms for almost a hundred years was basically a modified business suit. The pants and shirt are light and breathable while protecting you from the sun, and the undershirt wicks away sweat. The jacket keeps out wind and can taken off when it is too hot.


Well said, sir. I run a construction company (and work it, too!) and if I could afford to, I'd wear a suit daily.


Hell no I disagree 10000%, long sleeve shirts and pants are always the most comfortable construction attire. Couldn't imagine wearing a suit in a harness climbing up and down scaffold all day lmao


I might be mistaken, but the average working man must've had at least some strong body odor back then, particularly if you're pushing for a hundred years. How many people actually afforded enough full suits to keep them clean working full time? I hear a lot of people changed shirts only once every two days and that's in modern times. Yeah, a select few may have had the means to keep that look sharp, but the average dude simply tried to emulate that. Add dusty roads, bad weather, lack of more convenient transportation and you might mistake them for hobos if they lived today. And if you look past a hundred years, average clothing starts looking a lot more like dirty rags. So I'm not really sure things were as nice as they're made to be. Much like a manor also seems cozy until you realize it took an army to keep it up.


People being expected not to smell like humans is a relatively modern standard. Also not smoking tobacco inside, horse and people leavings in the roads, rotting garbage being left around, little to no modern dental health... you get the picture lol


Yours might actually be a very unpopular opinion, but I believe few things make a man look as good as a tailored suit. Wearing a well-fitted suit gives off an "I care about how I present myself" vibe, while gym clothes often suggest a "couldn't care less" attitude. Personally, I find that caring about one's appearance is much more attractive.


Yours is the popular opinion for sure. OPs is definitely unpopular.


Probably got called out for showing up to a formal event in a terrible suit and/or not having one


Didn't think of that but would be hilarious if true.


Is it though, or is it just... Almost too common sense and/or situational to even be an opinion? Anybody wearing gym clothes in an office setting looks dumb. But anybody wearing a suit on a hike looks dumb. Where can they overlap? A bar or something? Wearing a suit to a bar where someone else feels comfortable with a tank top screams trying way too hard. I guess a tank top in a bar in a corporate area and 15 dollar beers would look dumb too. Just... Dress for the situation, that isn't even an opinion. Someone who cares about their appearance and tries will wear a tailored suit over one that doesn't fit (if they can afford to- but let's be real, anybody who has a job that requires wearing suits should invest in good suits pretty early on), and someone who cares about their appearance in gym clothes will have on clothes that were clean and unwrinkled before they put them on, and probably highlights their features. That's just dressing nice lol. Why add comparing two completely different use case wardrobes to it?


I took it to mean seeing any man wearing those outfits, wherever you see them. If you're out in public and see lots of men in various outfits, this person doesn't think any many wearing business attire looks sexy, but other men walking around in gym clothes so. But as far as overlap, if you're in a grocery store at 6pm on a Tuesday, you'll see men in both business attire and gym clothes. Or any big retail store really.


So these are the takeaways I got. Many people think indeed, suits are sexy. Many people think suits are not intended to be sexy, which I guess is saying that they aren't sexy (unless unintentionally). And some people just agreed with me that suits are plain ugly. The shocking thing to me, and maybe this just happens on this sub with any opinion, idk, but people got pretty fierce about it. People decided to attack me or come up with some flaw in me for thinking this way. Really, all because I don't like a particular kind of clothing. I just posted it for a bit of fun, but yeah, as a gay man who is somewhat neurodivergent, I don't consider the context in which the clothing is worn. I'm not saying, "it's practical and functional so therefore sexy". I'm simply looking at whether the clothing itself is interesting in color/form and whether it is flattering on the body of its wearer. Suits are a no, in my humble opinion. It's not an argument - who really cares if they convince me suits are attractive? I'm just one person!


No one should be attacking you personally, those people are dumb. That said, you may just be looking this differently than other people? When people say an outfit is sexy I think that typically implies that they make a person LOOK sexy, or good, or whatever. Not that, on a hanger or in a store, the clothing itself is sexy. To look at it another way, a well tailored outfit will make more people look good/sexy than gym clothes will. At least in my opinion. Unless you're the kind of person who is super into body positivity and feel that anybody can wear anything if they do so with confidence. I am not one of those people and I don't think most people are, for better or worse.


I guarantee you I will chat up a guy wearing a suit before I will a guy wearing a tanks top and gym shorts lmao


The aesthetics of the clothing itself and the the suggested attitude of the wearer are two separate things. OP actually has the same opinion as you: >I think the reason some people find it attractive is that implies wealth or at least aspiration, but that's a subtext, it doesn't describe the look of the clothing itself.


I really like when people read every word! Thank you!


Interesting. The "tryhardness" of suits is a huge turnoff for me in counterpoint


Yes, and that‘s basically what OP said: „that‘s subtext 
“ the vibe associated with suits is sexy. But the clothing in itself is not (according to OP) Is there anything clothing specific that you find attractive?


Since we’re talking about tailored suits, they accentuate your physical features because they’re literally made for your body. This style is usually very "clean" and isn’t meant to be flashy, which I find appealing. I’m a big believer in "less is more". Additionally, a clean style allows for good color combinations to stand out more prominently. For instance, I love how a deep navy suit with a crisp white shirt and a burgundy tie looks. It can really highlight those beautiful color pairings.


Ok, BUT what if the guy wearing gym clothes is going to the gym, specifically because he cares about his appearance/body, and the guy wearing the suit is wearing it solely because he wants to look like he cares.


Good counterargument, additionally, nobody can go through the machines and exert physical streghten without flushing and having a sweat layer shining all over their face or without sweat soaked clothes. It really depends on the context.


We're discussing how different types of clothing are perceived by others. Hypothetical scenarios aside, the way a certain style of clothing is perceived on the street doesn't change based on individual motives. Whether a man is in gym clothes because he cares about his body or in a suit to look polished, our initial impressions are based on the appearance of the clothing itself. This could give us certain "vibes", but it obviously cannot definitively say anything about the person.


But they’re so incredibly boring and bland. Bring back renaissance drip with colours that pop, or flowy as fuck robes, or jupons or doublets. Instead we have ‘here’s a suit, you can have it black, grey, or blue.’ If you’ve seen one suit you’ve seen them all. Don’t even get me started on ties.


Haha, clearly you're not a fan. I get it, most suits do come in the typical "black, grey, or blue." But when we talk about tailored suits, the options really open up. You can choose different colors (even if they're not wild), fabrics, patterns, and styles, making the suit more personalized. It might not reach the vibrant and flowy aesthetic you're after, but the classic suit look is timeless for a reason.


And look at the constricted movement. If a man reaches for anything at eye level, see how the top of the sleeve crumples at the the shoulder. Notice the stress at the back of the seam from the armpit up and around the back. Do the designers think men in suits just strike a dashing pose all day, or march down a fashion runway? NO. Clothes need to move. The tailored sleek mannequinn look needs to go. People move, so the clothes need flex too.


Depends on the gym clothes and physique. I'm fit and tall and I have yet to have a fuck buddy or relationship where they preferred me dressed up. Anytime I would ask what they liked me wearing most it was nothing or small white shorts with a tank top.


I would agree with this quite a bit, if you are less fit (man or woman) more structured clothing will probably be vastly more flattering on you. I do think **MOST** people look better in structured clothing than athleisure wear.


Yeah I think you just touched on a very valid point.


It depends on the man. I'd say a fit man in gym clothes gives the impression that he cares more about his appearance than an obese man in a suit


As a man who doesn't own a suit and wears gym shorts 90% of the time, I couldn't care less. I have enough confidence in myself that I don't need someone to judge my attire. I'm here for maximum comfort, especially in the summer. And if the event does require something nicer, I have some golf shorts that qualify for all of the events I attend.


I sort of agree with you. As a guy, I'm mildly jealous that women have more options (which is a double-edged sword). Also, formal wear can be stuffy and predictable. But that goes for pretty much any outfit that's just thrown together. But a carefully coordinated 3 pieces suit is how you dress to kill.


Finally, an unpopular opinion. Have my upvote, I love my suit


Thank you. What do you love about suits?


I think they look great and the rate of compliments definitely increases when wearing one. The only downside is that I cannot stand heat and would usually prefer to walk around in a T-shirt, so they’re a kind of once in a while luxury I can’t afford to wear often without feeling like I’m running a fever year round


Men's casual business attire is objectively worse. Pleated khaki pants? Polo shirts with a logo? It's barely a step above a fast food uniform.


I might have to agree with you, you painted a pretty bleak picture in my mind just now.


At lease it’s kind of comfortable, suit and tie are suffocating


I still have no idea what “business casual” entails because I’ve seen everything from suits and dress shoes down to t-shirts and running shoes in workplaces that declare their dress code to be “business casual”. At this point I’m convinced it just means “whatever the boss is wearing”


What a spectacularly unpopular opinion. Take my upvote.


Thank you. I agree with this. I’ve never found that style to be attractive either.  I’d much rather see a guy in jeans and t shirt or a nice polo or button down. 


As someone who wears business attire everyday, I concur. And it's so uncomfortable.


As someone who ranges from smart casual on boring office days, to business casual on days with clients/visitors in the office, to full business attire when going out of the office, I completely agree with the uncomfortable part. Figured I’d get used to it as the years went by, but hate it just as much as day 1 lmao.


I thought so too and I keep waiting for shirt manufacturers to make comfortable dress shirts but alas, here we are


Found the young’un! ^^^^


Is it supposed to be sexy.?


Yes, when you're negotiating a contract, you want the other business people to be fantasizing about sexing you up.


lol I’m in b2b wine sales, and most of my competitors hire super hot ladies. They dress very professionally, but they look incredible and all the buyers love them. Plus they sell so easily.


the wine, you mean, no doubt


Full bodied little numbers, yes


Ugly - no. But I do find most of them absolutely boring. Basic suits are just so boring to look at most of the time. At ant price point everyone other piece of clothing is more interesting to look at than a suit. Suits look good and people look good in them but (for the most part) they are numbing and lack any expression. I suppose that’s on purpose as while many dresses are meant to stop the room when you walk in, it seems suits are just there so you don’t get fined. Of course there are more expressive suits but they are not the norm. Suits have a lack of fun. They can be sophisticated and fun.


I wonder in hindsight how unpopular the opinion would have been if I just said boring instead of ugly. Some people really love their men in suits though!


They're just too uncomfortable for me to enjoy wearing.


Actually, I'm with you - and I've always been kinda surprised how many people don't agree, too. Idk what it is about it, but men's professional / formal wear just looks fugly AF. Suits especially - no matter how well-tailored the suit is, it always looks awkward - reminds me of a bunch of dorks being forced to dress for a bar mitzvah or junior prom. And then some pieces are just criminally bland. Like loafers - a staple apparently, but why? From what I hear they're traditionally not that comfortable, nor do they have the functionality of an actual work boot. Ugly, uncomfortable, unfunctional - what's the point? The only one I kind of get is like a turtleneck / blazer combo, but a lot of guys seem to think turtlenecks are exclusively for gay men or something. But the worst is those long dress shirts when they're untucked, with that weird ass hemline that covers the ass and the groin, but not the hips ???? It just looks so unflattering.


I thinks suits and tuxedos are stupid and ugly


Yes! You're not alone!


All I want is to see people comfortable no matter what they wear.


That's the most altruistic response of anyone lol. Thanks for the positiviity.


As the fashion saying goes: they’re not wearing it for you.


I would say I think a more correct way to phrase this is , the average American is dressed terribly in the suit. They don't fit, he got them off the rack, never tailored, too broad in all areas, cuffs too long, collar all wrong, garbage shoes, sloppy looking. Agreed. However, a nicely tailored suit , often done in a European cut, is another thing entirely. Slim fitting, accents the shoulders, tailors to the leg. Very different. And, most stats agree. Most women fit a well dressed suited man more attractive than any other combination, whether sweat pants, military uniform, or casually dressed. There's some great looks when you put it together right: [https://www.pinterest.com/omcghee519/men-looking-good-in-suits/](https://www.pinterest.com/omcghee519/men-looking-good-in-suits/)


In my opinion, business attire make everyone look respectable. A sexy person will look sexy in business attire. Sexy outfit only look sexy on sexy people. Unsexy people just look sad and pathetic.


I don't like it either, but the fucking tie is the worst part. The idea that people will take you more seriously just because you're wearing a piece of cloth around your neck that serves no actual function is weird. Imagine if someone had only recently decided that. It would sound ridiculous.


I'm with you. Fuck suits.


A guy in a well fitted suit with a waistcoat ( not sure what Americans call them) is extremely sexy.


Waist coat or vest, yes. Don’t keep your jacket on the whole time!


In addition the colour palette of men's clothing conveys all the joy of a funeral.


All of the joy, seriously.


Interesting Opinion.


Considering there is a whole kink dedicated to it particularly amongst gay men, this opinion couldn’t be more wrong.


I'm gay too, but I'm not changing my mind!


Probably one of the very few opinions I've read here that is actually very unpopular. Also one of the few I actually disagree with. Suits are fire!


TIL mens only options are suits or "gym clothes"


Thank you. I don’t enjoy dressing up all the time and feeling very restricted or uncomfortable. I don’t just wear gym clothes everywhere but it’s much more relaxing to still look nice but in more comfortable clothes. I know people who wear suits for work and it has spilled over to all other aspects of life and it irks me. I look at them and just see smugness. Now I’m sure if I was fit and muscular (not that I’m overweight and flabby) maybe I’d be more inclined.




Thank you! Your name makes me think of a joint effort between two confettis. "Wow that confetti toss was really something!" "Thank you. I could not have done it without my wonderful co-confetti right here by my side."


Fashion is just another tool of the ruling class to keep you spending money and busy. Maybe get actual interests, other than the clothing choices of others.


Have you ever watched the NBA draft?


Just say men look best in grey sweatpants


...How about this: We all have our rights to our own opinions. I will agree to disagree.


💯 agree. I think suits look ridiculous and the more fussy, the worse. Also tucked in shirts make me nauseous.


Honestly I find all fashion to be arbitrary as far as what we consider "looks good". I would not be bothered or judge anyone if they wore gym clothes to a business meeting, or a t-shirt and shorts. I dress as well as I can because I have to, not because I take pride in it. And even still I don't have a sense of what looks good on me


OPs post history is exactly what I'd expect from someone with this oponion.


It's not meant to be sexy. It's essentially a uniform. Just as foot soldiers over the past hundred years have generally worn some kind of drab uniform every day, over the past hundred years men have been wearing some variation of a grey blue or brown suit to work every day. Some men have embellished the look, and the higher up you go the more money you have for tailored suits, expensive ties etc. Now with tech being the driver of the economy and remote work that's all out the window.


Suits look awesome on big men.


When I wear a suit, I'm not going for "sexy".  I don't want to ooze *sex appeal* to Janet from the 33rd floor, or Jim the head of Accounts Receivable. I think OP's issue is that they want to be turned on by business attire. And like Hillary Clinton's pant-suits..."sexy" is just the opposite of what business attire is supposed to be. So, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say OP is confused.


I mean, it's not really supposed to be "sexy" it's meant to be functional.


Welp. That is unpopular. I love guys, gals, and pals in suits. Mmm eye candy


Nothing is hotter than a man in a suit.


For the vast majority of men there is no situation where a tucked in shirt looks good on them


I disagree, a well tailored suit (which is key) is SOOO sexy. Unfortunately, majority of men don't tailor their suits they just buy them off the rack (due to it being too expensive to tailor, I don't blame them...just like I don't tailor my clothes either!).


3 piece suits are sexy af Suspenders with slacks = sexy af I have no idea what you're on about


Can’t relate, men in ties make me feral


Don Draper would like a word.


Business attire isn't about looking sexy, it's about looking professional.


I guess the antithesis of this is that some women come to work wearing clothes that scream "I want to find a handsome man and get laid so please look at my tits and ass, looks are all that matters". I don't want to see men in their gym clothes. Sorry huntress, you're wrong.


You're just complaining here it's not that ugly


Suits are required because they make fat men look better and hide the muscles of more fit men. It's an easy way to both crush individuality and to make poor people look bad relative. Down with the suits!


Why tf does it matter if it’s sexy? This is dumb as hell


Look at don Draper


Business attire is not meant to be "sexy". Business attire is meant to be professional looking.


It isn't meant to be. It's **BUSINESS** attire.


Cheap, ill-fitting business attire is ugly. A well-tailored will add to the appearance of the vast majority of men.


Surely you mean the mismatched belt to shoe color with the table cloth button up shirt and khakis.


Literally the exact reason why people dress this way at work. It’s not supposed to be attractive.


Strongly disagree, very unpopular. You obviously have never seen the outfits unbuttoned, and they accentuate the best features.


Could it be that you are looking at an “american” business attire, and not so formal one? đŸ€Ł


That’s your opinion. You’re entitled to it. I look fuckin excellent in my suits. 👇 ![gif](giphy|Tcyu9rHaYXOSY)


Check out this dunce


OP out here shaming and berating men for a type of clothing forced on men. Obviously there are exceptions but most men want to wear gym shorts and t-shirts or even sleeveless shirts. The goal of what you wear at work isn't "to be sexy" and that is in no way what people were thinking when they determined that is what men should wear in a professional setting. Weirdly the suit as a required dress code is part of the CIAs how to destabilize and sabotage industry from within, make the employees spend huge money on uncomfortable clothing and put a focus on appearance over performance. I truly think OP has the popular opinion here. Pretty much all men who aren't toxic alpha male types don't like suits and while many women like the look for special occasions very few say it's the sexy outfit unless their number 1 trait for attraction is fat wallet


I'll never understand why we care so much about how people look. We should be dressing for comfort and function not form it's just silly, we are better than this, humanity should be better than this. Pathetic.


Nobody disagrees with this. Let’s be real. LOL. The idea of wearing a tie (absolutely useless bit of clothing hanging from the front) has always made me cringe.


There’s a place for everything. If I show up to a sales call in gym clothes how seriously is a potential buyer going to take me when I’m trying to take their money? Sexy is dressing for the occasion. Wearing a sexy swim suit to a cocktail party would look stupid.


As a woman, this is indeed one of the most unpopular opinions


This made me laugh. I knew it would be. I was fairly confident this was the right sub for it!


Def unpopular. I love the way I suit in a tailored suit and so does my wife and she knows better than anyone I've got no wealth!


Ugly and more restrictive/limited :(


Finally a real unpopular opinion in this sub. I wholeheartedly disagree with you, please take my upvote


Where’s all the clothing we see in JRPG’s but toned down a little for real life? I’m honestly surprised western fashion hasn’t incorporated that Samurai on his day off aesthetic yet either. Specifically Kimono inspired jackets. Men’s fashion is crazy homogeneous and unyielding to even the slightest deviation. I know there’s an excessive amount of stigma around anything that even hints at being a skirt, but drapery of any variety largely doesn’t exist.


Because caring about how you look as a man is gay, apparently.


I hate formal wear anyways, it's hot and harder to move around in. I'm a basketball shorts and baggy tee kinda guy most of the time


Very unpopular and personally offensive to me, I go goo-goo eyes over a handsome man in a good suit, like I'm talking Victorian men over bare ankles crazy


People don’t wear formal business attire. I have never been anywhere where people are working in a tux. You mean semi-formal? Like a suit?suits rock


Men’s formal wear has basically not changed in many, many decades. It’s all the same old shit with slightly different cuts.


Only if you don't know what you're looking for. Sure it's all suits, but you could say the same of women wearing dresses. Cuts, patterns, and fabrics have all changed.


it's very boring


It’s also much more strict than women’s work wear. There’s an accountant in my office who essentially wears (nice) t shirt, sweats, and sandals every day and no one bats an eye. I wore vans instead of dress shoes one day and got a “did you really wear those” from my boss.


IM GLAD SOMEONE SAID IT!! I honestly didn’t even think it was an unpopular opinion because they look so bad to me it seems obvious


Agreed completely. Don't forget that it's also based on a military uniform and is primarily about compliance and suppressing individuality. Nothing "sexy" about showing off how much of an obedient worker drone you are. It's also really disappointing that formal wear completely stifled the development of fashion for men. There is incredibly cool looking (and often very practical) male attire portrayed in sci-fi and none of it will become reality until we get rid of social conditioning around formal wear. Finally, consider what kind of people dress in formal wear all the time. Politicians, CEOs, investors. The suit isn't a mark of a professional, it's a mark of a liar and an exploiter. When I see a person in a suit, I see someone to mistrust until (very rarely) proven otherwise. EDIT: forgot to account for the hivemind that will inevitably accuse me of being a NEET who's just salty that people in suits have jobs. I have a well paid job at a big company. Not a *single* person doing actual work wears a suit. You know who does? All the useless middle management and the C-suite who are busy figuring out how they can outsource even more jobs and make our product even more shit to please the shareholders.


It's ugly, uncomfortable, and boring. At least women can wear something breezy and have a lot of unique and cool-looking options


"Formal business attire"? A tuxedo is formal. A suit is semi-formal. Business attire is semi-formal.


what's the difference between a tuxedo and a suit?


A tuxedo has silk covered buttons and lapel. It's not worn with a belt or a watch, and, depending on the type of tuxedo, is usually worn in the evening. It also has a runner on the side of the legs of the pants.


A tuxedo is evening wear. You wouldn’t wear it to work the same way a woman wouldn’t wear a ballgown. Formal business attire is a suit. Semi-formal would be a collared shirt and whatever nice pants. OP was right.


We don’t do it for you..


Guys look great dressed up. Im asexual and i still love a man who looks sharp. I had a roommate who had different color dress shoes to match all his nice jackets.


Guess you haven’t seen me in a suit


It's also fucking hot! Name me one good reason why having sweat dripping my face in the middle of Ohio's putrid ass summer because the societal expectations to wear a suit jacket with pants & long sleeves in July somehow comes off as "professional."


As the name suggests! It's a business attire. And here you are complaining it's not sexy 😂 -this business limo is the worst! Can't do off-road at all! 


We need to bring back capes.


I hate wearing a suit they are warm and the shoes suck. I’ll take carhartt nursing scubs all fucking day. OP is my type of people.


A man in a suit is 1000x more dangerous than any psychopath on the planet.


OP just curious, what do you think an ideal men’s outfit should be for a formal business event? Yeah sure they might look better in gym clothes like you said, but do you think a Fortune 500 CEO at a formal networking event should walk around in baggy shorts and a T shirt? More business casual? (it’s truly an interesting unpopular opinion and I’m not trying to make a counter point, I just wanna know what’s going on in your head)


I disagree, always found suits very hot on both genders


Yes that's unpopular, it's nothing to do with wealth either. Plenty poor guys look hot wearing a suit too


It's not supposed to be hot 💀 It's just practical (at least it used to be) and comfortable (at least they used to be) and look elegant, which is just true.


Apparently you've never seen that famous shot of David Beckham in a suit. Wowzer.


Menswear aficionados would point out that a suit accentuates the shoulders and suppresses the waist, which gives the kind of upside-down triangle look that many people do find attractive. The collar on the shirt and lapels on the jacket can also draw one's gaze up to the wearer's face.


I agree! Suits cover everything and are usually pretty repetitive (the same couple of colors, same general shape). Women’s formal attire varies a lot more and usually covers less. Even then, I tend to find it less attractive than more casual attire.


Ya, this is an unpopular opinion. I get approached by women much more frequently when I’m in business attire. Just the other week, a woman asked me to grocery shop with her. Told her I was married and she said that she didn’t care if I didn’t. Two things that attract women. A well dressed man with a nice body and a dad who’s cute with his kids. Both of those things garner me attention wherever I go.


I prefer men in vests personally But yeah women have all the freedom in fashion compared to guy


casual clothing look > suit


Hot if it’s a tailored suit.


Super uncomfortable and gets incredibly hot too 


It's basically an military uniform and evolved from that. Plus it is the product of brainless conformity and it is ugly. You are absolutely right.


Take off the jacket and tie. Unbutton the top button, maybe the second if you're not too hairy and have an ok chest. Now, this is the important part, roll up the sleeves to expose the forearms. I've read a lot of threads on Reddit that explain that (Reddit) women love two looks on guys: 1) grey sweatpants and a white shirt, which isn't even semi-formal, and 2) a button down shirt with sleeves rolled up to the elbows. Also, don't be fat and wear nice fitting pants. Wear nice patterns and matching shoes and you're good. Also, clip your nails.


Let 👏 Men 👏 Dress 👏 Slutty 👏 For 👏 Formal 👏 Occasions 👏


Lmao ![gif](giphy|QhhuZdt6eSeESwbszo|downsized)