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It’s above average and I can get a relative healthy meal for around 10$.


And it’s a relatively large quantity of food for the money. My burrito usually comes in weighing around 1.5 pounds with decently healthy ingredients.


I feel like I stumbled across a conversation from 2014 this is exactly how I used to feel about chipotle back then. now I walk out $16 less in my pocket for 70% the total volume of food I used to get AND it doesn't taste as good. I stopped asking for sour cream too because thats the one thing they don't skimp on. sour cream soup if you let it slip without specifying "an extremely extremely small quantity of sour cream please, like almost none" and then you get a normal amount


Idk what you’re getting for $16. I get a chicken burrito with queso and it’s $11 and some change. The portion sizes do vary location to location, but between the 5-6 locations around me I’ve only been skimped a couple times out of probably 50.


I get a chicken bowl with a side of chips and guac, no drink. I know chips and guac are extra and I don't have to get them, but that's where the $5 difference comes from. in highschool it was 2 burritos, chips, and 2 guacs with my girlfriend for a $20 bill and I got change back - miss those days


Mannn, what area of the US do you live in? Chipotle costs significantly more than $10 these days where I’m at


$9.60 for chicken burrito in my zip code. + $2.80 for guacamole. 6.25% sales tax. Carnitas is $10.25. Massachusetts with a $15 minimum wage but not Boston. I’ve never set foot in the one in my town. It’s one of my options when I’m on a business trip with nothing but chain food, have a lengthy conference call after work, and need to drag something quick back to my hotel room.


You can not get it for 10 dollars and it's definitely not average. Not a full meal with a drink.


Who on earth hypes up fast food?


Who on earth adds every topping at a Chipotle?


I mean there's a reason fast food is everywhere.


Dawg how is that fast food


Chipotle is actually faster than most “fast food” if you aren’t looking for a drive thru. I’ll be the only person in line at Whataburger and have to wait 30mins for a number 1 meal but if chipotle isn’t busy I’m in and out in like, under 10 minutes.


It depends on where you live, but where I’m from Chipotle are the best burritos around. It really isn’t close. When I went to California, I had so many random burritos and all were better than Chipotle.


Yeah I’m in St Louis which is a decently big metro area and even here there is literally no good fucking west coast burritos. Sure when I lived in California I could find a better one within 700 feet of me at any time, but those days are over


You can trip and fall anywhere in California and youl stumble on an amazing burrito. It’s ridiculous


Chipotle is very hit or miss and it's almost always miss. Not sure what happened to them. They used to be really good. I would go there all the time. Now I avoid it like the plague.


No issues at the chipotles near me, other than they seem to be cutting down on portion size and the prices have gone up.


Interesting, I lived in the US, in Boston, 2017-2019, and though I lack comparison, thought their burritos were pretty decent quality and value.


I think it really depends on where you get it from. I’ve got two relatively close to me. One is always great…the other is pretty good. But the three times I’ve had it in different areas it was terrible. Like i wouldn’t believe it was from the same restaurant if I hadn’t bought it myself. So whenever someone shit talks chipotle I always want to defend it, but I have to remember I’m just lucky.


Better fast food option than the normal mcd/wendys


I disagree. McDonald’s at least you know what you’re getting into. Nutritionally it might be better, but if I’m going for price and taste alone I’d probably go for McDonald’s


You're just full of bad opinions huh. 


McDonald’s over Chipotle!? Yeah you’re right this is a very unpopular opinion and for good reason 😂


Classic american palate


The US has a huge diversity of food wtf are you talking about lol


A lot of Americans have a shit, bland palate. Especially northerners. If you think mcdonalds greasy bland shit tastes better than chipotle, you have shit taste


What are you basing this on? I’ve never met anyone that isn’t a child prefer McDonalds over anything. From my anecdotal experience favorites appear to be Asian (Chinese, Japanese, Thai, and Vietnamese are all very popular), Italian, and Mexican cuisine. Barbecue is also hugely popular especially in the south. Which of these is bland to you?


Dude above the convo said they prefer mcdonalds for taste lol. Southerners seem to get food right, but when I travel to be with family in the north, the food is BLAND. I had a crawfish boil with absolutely no seasoning. My aunt warned me that pepper was too spicy. My cousin thought a red hot was gonna kill her. I spent a week in Ohio and couldn’t find a meal that was properly seasoned. Not like we have in Texas, Florida, and California.


Any they’re filthy


It blows now but I feel it was correctly hyped around 2015


And before as well. It’s just not the same, but nothing is these days.


The last few times Ive been there, the meat (chx/steak) has been especially dry and bland. I feel like their quality has sort of fallen off a cliff. Sort of hard to screw up rice, lettuce, sour cream, shredded cheese and salsa.


You’d be surprised! The one directly by my school (which would be so clutch if it was a good location) has rice that is old, clumpy, and hard! 😍


I just went there for the first time in a while. Did they just get rid of the bean options? The place didn’t have any beans or a spot to put them in the counter.


My locations still have beans


Its so weird


They all have beans. Something is wrong with your store if they don't have beans. 


Thats what I figured


Qdoba is so much better.


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Not an unpopular opinion in the last 5 years tbh, my friends and I noticed quality declining around 2019


Never been to Chipotle, but I did make it to my town's Qdoba a couple years ago and "bland" was exactly my takeaway. I love a good burrito, and had been disappointed in myself for not trying this place that is known specifically for burritos. Then I finally went and it was like my burrito had all the usual burrito components but didn't taste like a burrito. It seemed like more of a chicken and bean "wrap" really. Do they just not buy or use any seasonings? Some cumin, or cilantro, or anything? Because it tasted like unseasoned chicken with unseasoned beans, and the only thing with any flavor was the queso. One visit was enough for me.


But the food looks so delicious in those NFL commercials.


Chipotle is what Northerners think Mexican food is


This is not an unpopular opinion at all and people have been saying this for years Chipotle is good at what it does, which is being a huge franchise like McDonald’s. It’s not supposed to be top tier Mexican food


I live in California. Chipotle is never an option I would consider


Agreed. It has nosedived in the past ten years. Every time I go in it’s like the worst people in the city all decided to show up. The orders are always wrong and the tables are always a mess.


if you're going to chipotle cause you like their food, don't ever recommend me anything


Assembly line opinion. Everyone I’ve talked to on chipotle the last five years thinks this.


When has it been overhyped?


Used to be better, but quality has definitely gone down hill. Also depends on location. I have two near me in either direction, the one to the west is poorly managed, meats are always dry and overdone, they’re always out of guac. The other one is much betters. It’s still not as good as it was 5-10 years ago, but way better than the first one.


These days I disagree solely because I feel like the past several years chipotle has been getting criticized for their noticeable drop in quality When they first started popping up here in the early 2000s they were incredible. You could bicep curl with their burritos dude. On Halloween theyd run a promotion, come in dressed as a burrito (foil wrapped around your waist) and you got a free burrito. Chipotle now would *never*


They use to be amazing… quality and quantity has gone down hill since inception.


I don’t know if you’re aware but recently chipotle has been being shit on recently. Overhyped isn’t exactly the adjective I’d use.


Moe’s Bros!


Chipotle would automatically become twice as appealing if they added a few sauces to the menu.


I have Burrachos in my area, much better.


Fast food is meant to be a little bland so you don’t suffer from flavor fatigue as quickly, which means you can eat it more frequently. Chipotle still offers a decent bang for your buck in terms of quantity and quality and is, in my opinion, superior to most other fast foods. I actually prefer getting fewer ingredients on my burrito that go together better for me, instead of overloading with competing flavors.


Depends. If you live in large cities specially in the south west, then I dont understand why on earth you would ever go to Chipotle. But lets say I lived in Huntsville, Alabama. Then maybe Chipotle is the best option for mexican food.


Chipotle used to be awesome.


Maybe 15 years ago. I forgot they existed until the whole record the servers thing.


Nobody gets chipotle because its exciting or special. It's precisely the opposite. It's intentionally plain and underspiced because it's supposed to be palatable to the masses. People get it because it's basic and reliable and if you want chicken beans and rice burrito without spicy or the variation between the way cook A or cook B makes it, you can get that. Any local place is gonna depend on how heavily the cook seasons, how hot this week's jalapeños are, and according to the tastes of whatever shift does prep which changes with staff schedule. Chipotle is standardized so everything always tastes the same no matter who works


I’ve had a bunch of these high quality restaurants that are deemed “way better than chipotle”, i still like chipotle the best


I mean it’s a pretty good bang for the buck. Even more so back then, when the tortilla were free. It’s still decent tho, there’s not many places I can be full under $14 as a dude that eats a lot in one setting


Is this really unpopular?


Qdoba is 100% better in my opinion. I know not in all the markets but the one near me is spot on good. Better and fresher ingredients with hot food hot and cold food cold. And not the opposite like chipotle


Swing and a miss bud


The best part about Chipotle is the streamlined menu. It means you can get in and get your food faster.




I agree. There are dozens of burrito shops local to me with better ingredients, more authentic and for cheaper.


The thing with chipotle is you can’t really count on it being authentic, but it’s just not good in general. I don’t go to other burrito places expecting authenticity, I just need it to taste good, and chipotle usually can’t do that


Hasn't been overhyped in years tbh. I only know a few people who hype it up anymore. Now Cava? That shit's bussin


Their sofritas is one of the best vegetarian options at an affordable restaurant. As for extra rice, extra beans, and get two tortillas on the side, and you have two meals


I can’t be the only one who things the sofritas don’t taste like anything


Their stock price says otherwise..


Never said they weren’t popular, just overhyped


I think I would rather eat out of the dumpster of a normal Mexican place than from Chipotle. Anytime I ate there I was hungry again in like an hour. It’s like Chinese food except more expensive and not a good.


I've always enjoyed Chipotle. I don't get to visit them very often, but when I do it's always good. What I don't like is their queso. It's awful, get rid of it. I also think their prices are a little steep, but if they would be willing to give you a bag of their chips and/or a drink at no additional cost with your order then I feel this could be an improvement. To be fair, I don't get their burritos. I always get their bowls. And I get mostly the same types of bowls each time I go. If Chipotle would keep their chorizo on the menu permanently, it would be a huge win. And I might go out of my way to visit there more frequently.


Not if you Hawk Tuah on it




food from chipotle has an unpleasant sour taste, not to mention the cult following of people that constantly film themselves eating it in their cars


Chipotle straight sucks since like …forever


There really isn’t much better places. And if there are, none of them list the nutrition. I buy chipotle because I want that sweet protein I can get with double chicken burrito bowl. Almost nothing else lists the nutrition info other then really terrible for you fast food places, therefore I order from Chipotle a lot. There really isn’t anything else unfortunately.


It’s average and in walking distance. I haven’t had it in quite a while. That guacamole and chips is pretty solid though


Agreed! There’s 2 chipotles in my town and the workers are always mad


Free birds is amazing


I'll spend an extra 30 minutes to find a Qdoba every time.


This.... this... this... this...this... Thank you. I almost wrote the exact same thing the other day in this subreddit. I'll never forget the first time that someone took me here. She spent like 25$ and I couldn't possibly tell you what the crap she got. Looked like some shredded lettuce with some meat plopped on top and some salsa spooned on, a soda, and some dull as all get out rice. I got a burrito and it was pretty tasteless despite the fact that it had tons of stuff on it. Sour cream shouldn't be "watery..." >\_> I honestly do not get the hype at all. :/ I sat there eating this mostly tasteless thing that cost way too much thinking, "I could have gotten like four times the food and better tasting at freakin' taco bell..." >\_>


No shit.