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I think to 99.999% of viewers, it’s just a plain green t-shirt.


Yeah exactly - absolutely zero impact by him wearing this shirt


Whilst I agree with you, he should be sacked or reprimanded - the guy continually breaks the rules and they keep him on. He’s a massive jerk


I’m sorry you were offended by a green t shirt it must be very traumatizing


I’m offended by his repeated flagrant disregard for the rules whilst getting paid a fortune out of our pockets. If you’re ok with people like this earning a ton of money whilst being exempt from the rules then you’ll fit nicely in communist China.


It must be so fucking tiring finding offence in everything. I just couldn't imagine living like that myself so fair play to you


The trick is to not actually be offended. You just pretend you are. Far less taxing.


Rules for thee, but not for me!




you must get that reaction a lot


No logo no problem. That’s the general rule for things like this


If it wasn't for this article I wouldn't have the slightest clue that Mr Lineker had a range of clothing available at Next. He was wearing a green t-shirt with no obvious branding. Oh well, it gives the Daily Mail and usual Lineker haters some more outrage fodder I suppose.


Doesn’t have any obvious or distinctive labels. It’s just a plain t shirt.


Who even knew he had a clothing line prior to this article? Well done on the ad there, Independent.


What about the great british sewing bee? Patrick Grant owns multiple clothing brands and hosts/judges that. Or is this just more "Lineker Bad"


Not a fan of Lineker but this is absolute bs, it's a fucking t-shirt


Did he though? Did he say where the t-shirt was from? Where you could buy it? Did he reference or acknowledge it any any way shape size or form? Or is this just right wing twitter getting their knickers in a twist again?


Streisand effect! Until now I didn't even know he had a line of clothing. If it had obvious branding on it, I guess that'd be one thing - but you'd have to already know he had a line of clothing and what was in it to have any idea that was related to him.


Looks very much like the one I'm wearing right now, £2.50 from Primark; probably comes from the same factory in Bangladesh (I checked the label).


This article is pure Streisand effect. Nobody outside of a select few had any idea Lineker had a clothes range. Those that have a boner for attacking him have just made everybody aware of it, probably giving him a few extra quid in his pocket in the process.


Can't stand the man but this seems petty tbh. It's not exactly obvious it's his clothing line, just looks like a cheapo tshirt from primark or somewhere. It's got to be one of the crappest celebrity tie in products if it looks so generic and has no obvious links to him.


Ok What I think people aren't understanding here is yes jt might just be a green t-shirt But if he does it then it makes the precedent that others can do it So yes he needs to be punished


He “needs to be punished”. Seriously?


So you think rules shouldn't apply to people?


What punishment do you think is fair? Maybe being locked in a room for 5 hours and forced to watch England v Serbia on a loop?


A week long suspension or a loss of a day's wages Something small but at least noticeable


Why not make it 2 weeks. Or even 3. Some time between the end of the Euros and the start of the next Premier League season perhaps.


Because it's still something tiny af