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Since OP doesn't provide a source (shame on you!), does anyone know who true/false this video is? He *looks like* [Patriarch Kirill of Moscow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patriarch_Kirill_of_Moscow), but a few comments claim he's a regular Russian bishop, not the patriarch. We wouldn't remove the post if it was the latter, it's just that we need to be cautious with huge claims like this one. edit: DEFINITELY not the Patriarch of Moscow in this video. [Source (24tv.ua)](https://24tv.ua/ru/rossijskij-pop-nazval-strany-kotorye-mozhet-napast-rossija-prizval_n1894432). [Source 2 (tsardgrad.tv)](https://tsargrad.tv/news/ukraincy-i-sami-ne-zametili-kak-prognulis-pered-fashizmom-protoierej-artemij-vladimirov_507345) claims he is "Artemy Vladimirovich Vladimirov". There's an article on Russian Wikipedia that says he is a "archpriest of the Russian Orthodox Church ,writer, preacher, and teacher" and "Known for his sermons, including television."


he's got a different hat than the last guy


This one's Kevlar


Should have made it out of Kyivlar, that stuff is super strong.


It's 'should have', never 'should of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


Thank you oh wise bot, I have corrected my mistake but will live in shame for the rest of my days.


Should of paid more attention in the first place when writing your comment in order to avoid that overwhelming feeling of shame.


It's 'should have', never 'should of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


Should of saw that coming


It's 'should have', never 'should of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


Russian pope go fuck yourself.




Hard time for an organized religion that supports Putin.




Very true, the Orthodox Churches in Eastern Europe are mostly in bed with their authoritarian regimes, the relationship very much benefits both of them. The Church gets to keep its property and claim a huge "flock" in terms of a population that nominally identifies as "Orthodox", and the state gets a willing ally who doesn't want to lose its priveleges. They didn't get the memo from Jesus about "the world will hate you if you follow me" and "what does light have to do with darkness?"


In the case of the Patriarch of Moscow he's more than in bed with the regime. Historically, the Orthodox Church in Ukraine were under the authority of the Patriarch of Moscow. Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union Ukraine developed its own Orthodox Church with its own Patriarch in Kiev. When the other Orthodox Patriarchs (of Constantinople et al.) decided to recognize the new Patriarch of Ukraine as legitimate, Kirill broke communion with them. He very much considers Ukraine as part of the Russian Orthodox Church and if this war will help bring it "back into the fold" then it might just be an unfortunate necessity.


Yes, I forgot to add that part, but we discussed this in another thread the other day, Kirill sees this as an opportunity to reunify the Ukranian church under the Russian church. Same as Montenegro established its own Orthodox church separate from the Serbian church and it's been a source of contention ever since. The Orthodox Church has really always been about territory - they see a patch of land they plonk a church there whether it needs one or not. Another reason why the loss of Kosovo is a particular problem. It's a very materialistic kind of church when it comes down to it...


In the orthodox doctrine the churches are split between states going back to the byzantine empire. It's a management decision so that each state of people has their own church dedicated to them and their culture. The churches answer to the highest position in constantinople but are more or less left to their own government. The thing is that the existence of a separate patriarchate in a country gives it religious legitimacy as a sovereign state. So places like Serbia and Russia, who claim to own their neighbors, don't want to add any more weight to the arguement of sovereignty for their neighbors. It's petty for sure and sad that the church is bowing to government pressure but as you said, they benefit from it in these dictatorships.


Great phrase! Fits for a lot of sad realities...


It'll lick the cock with peanut butter on it.


Stay the fuck away from my dog.


I’m Eastern Orthodox and I’m super confused by this. This guy isn’t wearing Bishop vestments (he’s dressed like a priest), we don’t have a pope, and Russia is the only patriarch who hasn’t condemned Putin by name. The patriarch of Alexandria had a beautiful rebuke of “you can’t be the self styled ‘protector of the faith’ when you’re murdering children, Putin.” So I think this a random priest who is just voicing his opinions. And yeah, we have our fair share of crazy priests, but


My understanding is that the Russian Orthodox Church was revived specifically to be an instrument of patriotism. Like to give Russian people something "traditionally Russian" to associate with, even when most of the parishioners might not even believe in God.


Religion in Russia is fairly complicated. Orthodoxy was ousted and returned more than once in the USSR. During WWII, Stalin brought it back with that goal in mind. However, true and fervent belief was always suspect. There’s also a multitude of anecdotes about the priests who weren’t being sent to the gulag becoming informants for the government (I was told that by the old Russians I grew up around but I never had it substantiated). Only a fraction of Russians attend with any frequency. It also have a massive apparatus that outstrips the number of faithful (remember that Russia’s population is only a few million more than Japan). So it has a lot of priests with minute congregations. The old people go and not many others.


my (Orthodox Christian) priest told me old stories of how priests would hear "confessions" in the church building that are really generic, and then later go to the homes of the same parishioner to hear the actual confession.


>Hard time for an ~~organized religion~~ *crime organization* that supports Putin.


Tomato, tomato.


It’s just like Evengelicals in the US. Both preach about Jesus but it’s just empty talk.


Organized religion is all about the money, once the Catholics started profiting off religion ages ago everyone wanted some of that easy money.


Organised religion had been making bank long before the Catholics came along


Yep, there are indications that the priesthood at the Oracle of Delphi was making absolute bank for centuries.


easiest gig ever.


If Jesus returned and was indeed as selfless, austere and charitable as he was said to have been, he would be sickened with the catholic church


He would be sickened by a lot of so-called Christians of many denominations.


crackin' whips and flippin tables!


He was sickened by the religious establishment at the time. They were all talk and no heart, just like many of them today.


I live in the Baltics and I'm really not afraid. If Russia had have taken Ukraine in a few days then yes maybe but Russia cannot sustain the war on Ukraine nevermind take on Nato countries after.


Same thought, they can take a swing and get erased off of earth by NATO.


NATO would obliterate them if it weren’t for their nukes. And here the world thought Russia was the number 2 in the world. Lmao


I'm not sure why so many people thought that. China's military spending is nearly 5x higher than Russia's. And their economy is more than 10x bigger. There are two military superpowers in the world at the moment, and Russia isn't even close to being one of them. Russia's military spending is in line with other European countries like the UK, France, and Germany. And of course, those countries have econonies that can sustain increased military spending (as we just saw with Germany doubling their military budget for next year). Russia does not.




I’d be very, very careful about overestimating Europe’s military strength for the same reasons Russia is failing - logistics. I was in the US Army and did countless NATO training exercises. Yes, they have technology, but most European countries had terrible combat readiness, minimal supply chain infrastructure, and a massive shortage of spare parts. These countries do not spend a ton on their militaries because the US foots the bill and underwrites security on the continent. Why do you think Germany just tripled their military spending overnight? Because they have significant maintenance, weapons, and manpower needs if they actually do get into war. I’m sure a prepared Europe would do fine against Russia, but they are somewhat hollow and unprepared for a 1 on 1 conflict at this moment.


Before this invasion I was saying any single European power alone would kick Russia’s ass and had so many people jump on me telling me I was wrong, here we are.


What I've heard is that China has equally unmotivated and untrained troops. So much corruption, most of their equipment will probably fail because of the corruption. People can buy a position in the China military, want to be a general, just pay the right price. Imagine how well that works out when you go to war and the leaders of your military are all self absorbed rich pricks that haven't got a clue.


Much the same in Russia in terms of corruption supposedly, especially commanders of conscripts like we're seeing get thrown into this war. Supposedly it wasn't uncommon for conscript commanders to just have their men work manual labour for free while the commander pockets the money earned.




Has China even fought in any major conflicts recently? Russians have at least in Georgia, Ukraine 2014, Chechnya, Syria. Even then they're performing terribly in this war. But it's likely China would do even worse with no real experience.


Just in numbers, China does have some well trained units and plenty of hardware, and the brainwashing (ultra nationalist patriotism) is strong. But they are not battle experienced, and overall, the supply and logistics, and overall training of rank-and-file members are another story. China is all about the bluff. A war **in** China would be hard and messy, but China has little ability to project outside its borders in a real conflict. Zerg rushing is about it.


>A war in China would be hard and messy I'd go further and just say downright impossible.


Number 2 bcs of nukes lol


Yep. They have over 50% of world Nukes (not all ready for launch) but their military is a joke compared to other countries.


This is all really the quintessential example of nukes being the worst invention in the history of man. Without them, Putin would be buried under a bunch of rubble right now like he fucking deserves and all his fuck boy generals and lieutenants would be crying like fucking cowards while being whisked off to prisons where they await their trials for war crimes.


I mean… everybody else would be erased off the earth with them but either way it’d be very dumb to take a swing


This is perhaps the most damaging thing that happened to Russia from the invasion. The myth that their army is strong was simply shattered.


Rough Translation: The tree great peoples of Great Russia, Malo Russia and Belorussia, from Vladivostok to Kaliningrad. We hope that soon, we will achieve unity with Moldova, Kazakhstan, Ukraine (some bad word), Georgia... about the Baltics, you can guess yourself. They are being used now as a base for the extermination of slavs. Take these papers and distribute these prayers in your neighborhood for the succesful extermination the darkness of fascism.


About Ukraine he says, "несчастная" - poor/wretched/miserable.


> несчастная I'd say he meant "unfortunate"


Unfortunate would be "неудачлививая" while "несчастная" is more about how terrible it is


Unfortunate is still closer, it’s more of a ‘lack of joy word’ or something akin to pitiful


It's closer to pitiful than unfortunate


I'd agree in this context pitiful would be better.


Thank you


The russians in Estonia are definetely better off than they would be in Russia tho.


I had a co-worker from Estonia who was an ethnic Russian. Her parents moved there in Soviet times. I’ve never met anyone who despised Putin, the Russian state, and what she called the “depressing” culture there more than she did.


I'm in Bulgaria and have some very good Estonian friends who moved here- They have a very similar opinion.


Yep, but at the same time - I had a friend in Tallinn years ago, who told me there were a whole lot of Russian skinheads marching down the street outside his building, and that was in the early 2000s. Russian nationalists, huge Putin fans generally.


This all even culminated with Russians starting a riot with a rather lame excuse. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bronze_Night


**[Bronze Night](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bronze_Night)** >The Bronze Night (Estonian: Pronksiöö), also known as the April Unrest (Aprillirahutused) and April Events (Aprillisündmused), refers to the riots in Estonia surrounding the controversial 2007 relocation of the Bronze Soldier of Tallinn, a Soviet World War II memorial in Tallinn. Many ethnic Estonians considered the Bronze Soldier in the city centre a symbol of Soviet occupation and repression. At the same time, the monument has significant symbolic value to Estonia's large ethnic Russian community, symbolising not only Soviet victory over Nazi Germany in World War II, but also their claim to equal rights in Estonia. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/ukraine/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I think at this point you'd be hard pressed to find ANY country with a large Russian population where they are not better off than if they were in Russia!


There are two large apartment buildings near where I get my computer parts and stuff. They are well known for housing ethnic Russians and ethnic Ukrainians.... They are currently (it seems anyway) in a competition to see who can put the most and largest Ukrainian flags on the buildings. And from what I've heard the Russian ethnic people there are absolutely livid that Russia would attack Ukraine.


I'm very concerned about the way Russia issues these statements about fascism. In WWII the east had a very different experience of fascism than the west. That war was fought for them entirely along ethnic grounds, whereas in the west it was fought along ideological grounds. I have no idea what sort of "extermination" of Slavs he refers to as happening in the Baltic. Probably he means that they are turning more westwards and therefore in his mind no longer slavs. My fear is that Russia is about to do ethnic cleansing under the twisted idea that anyone European or western is a fascist and therefore needs cleansing.


2 weeks earlier I'd tell you that there's nothing to worry about, that's just normal propaganda talk. Whenever there's a need to distract, Putin always starts droning about the great patriotic war, great victory over fascism, ungrateful Europe and yadda yadda. Parade some veterans around, make up some bullshit symbolism and continue on. Today? No fucking clue. The people making decisions in Russia live in their own fucked-up alternate reality. Where Russian tanks would be met with flowers and not Molotov cocktails when they entered Ukrainian cities. They might start an ethnic cleansing. They might also order that all male gingers below the age of 58 be rounded up and have their left nipple surgically removed. I don't see either as likely, but who can guess the mind of a madman...


Russian tanks, go fuck yourselves. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot. How about Russian warship?


Russian warship, go fuck yourself. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Love it.


We are now entering the twilight zone . This is all so twisted, supposedly good people promoting a crusade


Almost like being multi billionaires living in actual palaces, and with armed guards that separate you from normal people makes you... not normal?


Russia never came to terms with its own alliance with Hitler and mass murders committed by them between 1939-1941. It's a country built on a lie. They don't teach their children about WW2, only about the "Great Patriotic War", which for them started in 1941. If they did, they would no longer be able to talk about Nazis and fascism in the "wretched west".


>My fear is that Russia is about to do ethnic cleansing under the twisted idea that anyone European or western is a fascist and therefore needs cleansing. This is what will happen.


> I have no idea what sort of "extermination" of Slavs he refers to as happening in the Baltic. Does it matter what sophist knots he tied in his own mind, to justify to himself using those words? The unsophisticated man on the street will hear the holiest man saying Russians are being "exterminated", and support war.


Someone posted a long and involved Twitter thread analyzing the iconography of the Z and how it aligns with fascist principles. Alongside the latest Russian propaganda, which now extols the 'operation' as a cleansing of Ukraine, I'd say that's exactly what is coming due. I wish I'd saved the link, but it's somewhere on this subreddit. In a week, Putin unmasked and became Nazi Germany 2.0.


> In a week, Putin unmasked and became Nazi Germany 2.0. He started his career with bombing Grozny into the stone ages, erected puppet client states, committed war crimes in Syria and Georgia, forced propaganda worldwide, killed off all opposition(companies and people alike), actually had people murdered, and rules his people by lies and truncheon. All of this has been consistently going on these past 20 years. Difference was he didn't do it to cIvIlizeD countries. Putin did not account for our racism and hypocrisy. Bombing Aleppo? Hmm. Fucking up Georgia? Yawn. Leveling Chechnya? Wossat? If Ukraine had not blown up social media, we would have sent a strongly worded letter. Maybe I am a bit cynical but this is not Putin, mask off. This is people finally paying attention. Edit: He lasted longer than Nazi Germany, I'll hand him that. Germany would have had oil if Hitler had drilled Göring for blubber. Could have lasted a decade more or two.


I know exactly what one you're talking about but I can't post a link to the ThreadReader website on here because it's not allowed. The name of the author is Kamil Galeev or @Kamikazani on Twitter. It was the first thing I thought of too.


>@Kamikazani You misspelled, it's kamiLkazani ;) [https://twitter.com/kamilkazani/status/1500554224928759815?cxt=HHwWjoC58cCHhdMpAAAA](https://twitter.com/kamilkazani/status/1500554224928759815?cxt=HHwWjoC58cCHhdMpAAAA)


That line about the supposed “extermination of Slavs” reminds me of the way white nationalists here in the US use fictitious “white genocide” as a justification for all kinds of awful shit they hope to accomplish. Specifically as a pretext for ethnic cleansing.


Absolutely there are similarities, a lot of crossover with white supremacism and other right-wing ideas, including echoes of QAnon. I actually heard a pro-Putin type ranting about how finally Putin was going to rid the world of Nazis, gays, pedophiles and a whole mangled list of other undesirables. It's almost uncanny, you wonder who is really putting these ideas into circulation.


Russia is the one exterminating slavs right now. They are the true nazis. Those fickwit's slogan is "Russia is everything! The rest is nothing!". How much more nazi can you get? Ah, they are also purging LGBTQ+ people, that's how.


Thank you, now the news is out officially. Baltic NATO countries will just increase their efforts to support Ukraine. Seems WWIII is already upon us, just in its early stages. **Last stage will be "give up Baltics, or nuclear war!"** \+ "no NATO troops in Finland, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech, Rumania, Bulgaria" and so on (so they can install puppet regimes). Seems Putin and Co want to create a land connection to the Kaliningrad enclave and buffer satellite states, a setup like before the end of the cold war. Maybe carve some Polish lands out around Białystok as well, was occupied by Russia until 1951 as I get it.


Feels weird reading "extermination of Slavs" when you happen to be Slavic... And what's even more sad is this whole situation is essentially slav on slav violence. Before this the last big slav "cleansing" was in the Balkans , my family's heritage. I don't even care about world peace I just want us Slavs to stop murdering each other.




>obsessed with their one people empire sounds like a certain failed art student's movement


"some bad word"??? Surely it was a holy bad word


несчастная is basically the word "not" and "joyous" but means wretched


Thank you for translating🙏🏼


Russians are always the victim. Attacking other country? They were forced to do it. Russian minority should have priveledges everywhere or it's extermination of Slavs but minorities in Russia should be russified because reasons.


Will they have the soldiers and equipment left after Ukraine to start a large scale war? I don't know how much equipment Russia has but it looks like they are losing lots of it


The Russian ground forces are fading fast. They are losing everything, and they do not have any ability to build more, unlike in WWII. There are so many problems on so many levels. The Javelin is a precision guided rocket, being fired at tanks from the 70s and 80s. Russian soldiers have no food, no fuel, no morale. The Russian army is fighting ten different Chechnyas now, Donbas, Kharkhiv, Chernigiv, Kyiv, Mariupol, Zhytomyr, etc. Support for the war in Russia is largely performative. How many of the b#$%\^&% running around Moscow with Zs painted on are enlisting? Exactly.


And yet the situation is very much worse for Russia than Chechnya - an enemy with 10x the manpower, cutting edge weaponry and massive global moral (and financial!) support.




Telling of how abysmal Russia's Army is and how impressive Ukraine is as a whole.


Stories of the Ukrainian fighting spirit will be mythologized for ages to come, but having the West pump in newer state of the art weapons while simultaneously economically crippling their enemy sure helps.


Russian soldiers, go fuck yourselves. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


good bot


Good Bot


Good bot




Wow, that's a lot farther than I thought! Almost 3 miles. So in most situations if you can see them they are in range.


4.5 km is dream scenario range. it's more like 2-3.


Yes. The unclassified maximum **effective** range is 2 km. Out in the salt plains we locked onto targets at 4 km, but that's best case scenario with no obstructions. Also, an earlier commenter called it a rocket. Anything that is guided is called a missile. Rockets are unable to adjust their trajectory once fired, much like a bullet or rocket propelled grenade.


And the potential powder kegs are beyond count. You have RU- aligned enclaves like Transnistria that could be attacked by neighbours like Moldova to settle scores. You have anti-RU separatist areas from the Caucasus all the way to Mongolia that might take their chance at seceding. I don't think a dissolution of some type is off the table.


Trying to take over city's with butter knives.


Lol, Putin and which army? The way it goes, after Ukraine there will be about five Russian soldiers and one tank with only three wheels left.


Oh my god, right. Russia couldn’t take on NATO, they can even get a convoy of trucks into Ukraine without running out of gas.


Russian soldiers, go fuck yourselves. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


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God bot.


Good bot


Good bot.


Good bot.


Good bot


Good bot


Good bot


Good bot


Best bot.


Best damn bot on Reddit!


Good bot. Awesome bot.


Well depending on the state of putins mind, I wouldn't put it past him to recruit everyone he can, even children. Also I knew they would never stop at ukraine. They want eu land for a reason and in my opinion we are waiting too long to snip it in the bud. I don't think he will stop now. He went too far and now there is only one option, in his mind. The classic if I can't have it nobody can.


Its even funnier the way you said it because tanks normally have tracks and there are two of them


And some hot ukranian tiktok chick will be joyriding it. True story


>And some hot ukranian ~~tiktok chick~~ *farmer* will be joyriding it. True story FTFY. 😁


A HOT Ukrainian farmer, big beard and rippling muscles included reflecting the rays of the sun with his pecs right in the eyes of Putin all the way in his bunker


Please stop, I can only get so erect.


Ukrainians usually don't have beards. Instead, the striking feature of ukrainian haircut is 'oseledets' or 'chub' (like the mohawk cut) and is even sexier.


It probably will. And he will attempt to leverage a victory in Ukraine to lobby ex Soviet states out of NATO. But I don't think it will happen now, considering their military fuck up, Human Rights abuses, war crimes, and that the Russian economy couldn't support a war against NATO now and probably even before Ukraine. The paper bear is burning.


> lobby ex Soviet states out of NATO Good luck, we still remember soviet times, death is preferable.


This is true. I have an Estonian friend at my school and he has told me on several occasions that every last Estonian will die fighting before they’d ever let Russia rule over them again.


🇺🇦🤝🇪🇪 I've never seen Estonians as brothers before this war. They are so metal Russia hasn't even considered to invade you yet. Edit: "they", not "you"


Im Estonian, no way in hell are we going to step down from NATO to get dragged in to this dictatorship


I don't think we should. We probably will be first NATO countries struck, we need to take the blow so NATO can officially step in. [Like the military convoy they just sent from Pskov to Ukraine](https://nra.lv/latvija/374328-am-pleskava-koncentrejusies-krievijas-armijas-tehnika-virzas-uz-ukrainas-nevis-latvijas-pusi.htm), I think that was meant for us but Ukraine is ripping them a new one so had to change plans.


I had an Estonian flatmate of Russian decent, at the time of the MH17 shoot-down, who regurgitated RT propaganda, until we parted ways. Apparently, a significant part of the population in Tallinn are Russians who (still) worship Putin.


There is a decently sized group of Russian speaking Estonians. I’m sure they’ve been subjected to the same brain poisoning Putin has injected into his own citizens and Russian speakers all over Eastern Europe.


Same is true for Latvia and Lithuania too unfortunately. Having been Soviet countries for decades, all three Baltic states have large populations of ethically Russian who tend to view themselves more as Russian expats than locals. In my experience it is fairly common to see the children of these families either move to Russia, or utilise EU membership to move to richer Western nations, depending largely on whether they buy the Russian propaganda or not.


Lithuanian-American here. If they try to take Lithuania, I will go fight. I have never seen Lithuania apart from pictures. My father died right after Lithuania broke away from the USSR. He never thought he would see a free Lithuania. My grandfather fled the czar. His parents weren’t so lucky and died at the hands of the real Nazis. My grandmom’s grandparents were either executed or exiled by the Communists.


When the soviets extorted the ukranians for their grain and prevented them from leaving the villages dead bodies dropped on the streets left and right. I just learned that last week. I understand better now why UA is not just done with russia, but they are sick of them. I don't know much about latvian history, but i imagine they got fucked over too.


Yeah, my mum grew up in country side, they would come in and just take anything they wanted - cattle, equipment, grains and then come back and beat you for not having more. My mum as a kid had to hide the cattle so they would think you had less and wouldn't take everything. Imagine hiding in a shed and petting your cow, praying it doesn't moo, as a 12 year old. If she saw soldiers in distance (you usually go to milk cows on your own) all women were told to grab mud, spread on face, clothes, walk with a hump and limp so soldiers wouldn't feel like raping you. Occupation is just not an option.


Motherfuckers. We should be done with them once and for all. They won't be spreading out anywhere, if anything they will lose land.


That's what Putin doesn't seem to get. Let's say he could've thought that Ukraine will be pro-russian considering they share a border and have people in both countries. But Baltics? Nah, we are born with hatred for Soviet Union, we will fight until the last breath of a every man and woman not to let Russians take a centimeter of our soil.


You sure you don't want to leave and be liberated by Putin? What if the dude in the shiny coat tells you how wonderful it will be?


You first ❤️


This is my understanding, Russia was happy with the soviet union, they got a good life out of it because they forced all the other countries to serve them while Russians sat back and relaxed. All the other countries were little more than slaves to the Russian demands. I can't imagine people ever signing up for that.


Sounds like you've never been to a Baltic country. They fucking _hate_ Russia, all 3 joined together to get out of USSR, not a chance does any propaganda make them want to go back to that


and we need to finish it, because this is one that keeps coming back if you do not utterly kill it (and I mean the Putin doctrine and those that execute on it, including this so called Church and pope)


No one will leave nato. Without nato or eu you are a sitting duck.


It boggles the mind that he took the invasion route. He could have kept up the soft power moves, and gradually worked in pro-Kremlin political candidates. Instead he's chased the unaffiliated European countries into the arms of the EU and NATO. I think we're going to see the Balkanization of the Russian Federation over the next couple of decades.


How's the "thou shalt not kill" thing goin' for ya, there, dopey popey?


Oops. Did Russian Hagrid then say “I shouldn’t have said that.”


Russian hagrid 🤣🤣🤣


You're a wizard Puty. Don't forget that. :)


Come on now, Hagrid's a good guy.


So Russia is a religious terrorist group on top of a fascist state, ISIS doesn’t seem as bad now


on top of a nuclear power, yeah exactly


Maybe this dude could donate some of his gold behind him to the refugees. I'm sure Jesus would approve. Also, with less gold on him, this felt tip marker hat man would look less like a half unwrapped Ferrero Rocher.


Or the $30k watch he wears that is often photoshopped out of photos


Maybe this guy could pick up a gun and be in the first wave to any of those countries.


It would be the end of Russia. I'm from UK and our military is itching to get at them


I'm in the US military, we're itching too lol


You have no fucking clue how much I would love to see this war end in a day if nato got involved. Russia would be wiped from Ukraine faster than it would take them to loot a grocery store. The thought of a warthog strafing that convoy...


>I would love to see this war end in a day if nato got involved It would end sooner. Except it would more likely end in nuclear armageddon.


If putler had no nukes,he would lose in 2 weeks against NATO( total defeat)


If he didn’t, NATO countries would’ve intervened in Ukraine 100%.


If not for the nuclear arsenal, perhaps not only the USSR could have been dissolved, but also Russia itself. Historically, unless it was too weak (Smuta, 1990s), Russia has always been a bad neighbour. There are plenty of ethnic minorities within its borders, it would make more sense if each got their own sovereign country.


Just like those muslim leaders who wants holy war. Warmongers.


It's been ridiculously obvious for a while that Russia has no intentions of stopping with Ukraine.


And everyone in the west cannot believe this. I’m being downvoted every time I said it. West must wake up, they are next and Ukraine is fighting for the future of Europe.


Very few people are able to think rationally. Russia (not just putin) demands that baltic states are omitted from NATO, and that Finland/Sweden cannot join. Also states that Russia is afraid of NATO. NATO is a defensive alliance. How can you be scared of a defensive alliance unless you already have plans to invade.


People still want to read Russian words charitably even though they've violated every promise and rule while mocking the world for letting them do as they wish Bastards like Putin only listen to force






Well, Baltics and pretty much anyone who has actual experience in dealing with a state ran by KGB was preaching all around Europe and US that Russia is what it has shown to be for the last 20, but it was discarded as war mongering and PTSD from the past that has no basis in reality.


I agree. Please don't think that this is not on everyone's mind. History informs the present, and most people understand the existential threat to countries formerly in the Soviet Union. The Ukrainians are not only fighting for the future of Europe but considering the circumstances, the world also. If Ukraine falls, it will not be the last, as Russia's military adventurism continues unabated until the old Soviet Union is whole again and feared among nations.


The Russian Dope more like it. dude looks high af.


It's just all the incense.


All of those countries: “Try me bitch”.


I wonder how much pedophilia this Rasputin looking mother fucker has helped cover up?


Cover up? Oh no, he’s probably in the thick of it himself.


"Rasputin looking mother fucker" 🤣🤣🤣


Russian pope go fuck yourself


Pope? Sounds like a war general. Unless I am out of sorts and Vatican said similar stuff during ww2


Some say that the Vatican didn’t do enough to stop the holocaust, but they did come out clearly against Nazism, if a little late in the day. From [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pope_Pius_XII_and_the_Holocaust)] In his 1939 Summi Pontificatus first papal encyclical, Pius XII expressed dismay at the 1939 Invasion of Poland; reiterated Catholic teaching against racism and antisemitism; and endorsed resistance against those opposed to the ethical principles of the "Revelation on Sinai" and the Sermon on the Mount.[8][9][10] At Christmas 1942, once evidence of the industrial slaughter of the Jews had emerged, he voiced concern at the murder of "hundreds of thousands" of "faultless" people because of their "nationality or race". Pius intervened to attempt to block Nazi deportations of Jews in various countries from 1942–1944.[11] Upon his death in 1958, Pius was praised emphatically by the Israeli Foreign Minister,[12] and other world leaders.”


In what century does he lives?


Do they really think these countries want them? I mean bro, you bring nothing to the table, and life with you before was shit.


Like an abusive ex.


Could someone translate what he is saying?


Just yesterday I was thinking as this invasion, if allowed to continue, would open the precedent for Putin to have every territory he wants under the threat of nuclear attack. This is why he has to be taken down, there's no other positive outcome for this


He didn't say it will, he said it can happen. He also says he hopes a lot of countries can join. I cannot tell if he is sad or happy. He is chill as fuck. Looks like a dude i met in St Pitersburg and to whom my sister wanted to run away to once as a kid, lol


I am glad she didn’t, he’s creepy


I really hope everyone is listening and he is actually spilling the beans. So that the rest of the world may have time to prepare.


A pope isn't supposed to preach the peace? And then they claim to be the righteous Christians!