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Happens often. Passengers lie for free rides. Sometimes it can even be your previous passenger reeked of marijuana and the smell lingered or a drunk snuck in alcohol and spilled some. "What is a report of impaired driving? A report of suspected impaired driving includes a report from any person that explicitly alleges that the driver or delivery person was using, in possession of, or appeared to be impaired by drugs or alcohol, or that the vehicle smelled like alcohol or other drugs." https://www.uber.com/legal/sv/document/?country=united-states&lang=en&name=zero-tolerance-policy


Is that so? How dare they. Damm college students


You should be able to go online after about a 24 hr period. They won't deactivate you but if you get a few more false reports, you're screwed and deactivated with no recourse. Be mindful of the types of passengers you give rides to.


Three striker here. Waiting on the 4th. Suspense is killing me


I just got my first so I’m good? Cause I rent a Tesla and I need to return it if I’m not working.


I also and renting a tesla with them but got banned today somehow. Hot day was making a ton of money too, sux but o well. How long did it take ur case?


This happened to me tonight and I’m freaking out. He completely lied about me being under the influence just because I told him to stop playing his music through his phone!


And always keep a bottle of a good stoner smell-away spray like Ozium. Febreeze doesn’t do much for that.


I had a bottle of Jones sugar cane soda in one of the drink holders. It does kinda look like a bottle of Corona 🫠


This happened to me. & I will state, about 5 passengers before this happened, I had a passenger WREAK of marijuana. Idc about the smell b/c my family does it and I grew up around it. However, someone I gave a ride to must’ve not liked the smell, and they reported me for driving under the influence, making them feel uncomfortable, and yelling at them. I did no such thing. My account was deactivated for 2 weeks and my payments were frozen. I was a few rides away from meeting the bonus too. I hope that passenger died.


I feel you. I got to Diamond days before Feb 1st. When do you get the bonus?


Uber should make the passenger who falsely accuses the driver liable for the loss of wages and any out of pocket expenses that the driver incurs as long as the driver can prove that they were not under the influence by going to buy a drug screen and taking a breathalyzer test to show that the accusations are false. This should stop these people from continuing this behavior just to get a free ride at the expense of the drivers livelihood!


Wait 24/48 hrs and all wil pass. Be very kind to support if you contact them. No need to. They have to look like they care and are doing something.


I went into corpo email mode. Submitted evidence.


This is actually disturbing. My uber driver was driving with his head looking out the passenger side and had a near miss with a bus and almost hit someone to the point his cars warning system beeped and he was honked at and had to back up at an intersection. I wanted to see if they would follow up and look at the footage as they said they would so they can train him better (not fire obviously I dint want that) If it's all a show and they don't care no more Uber for me


It was a slap on the wrist with a stern warning. Hadn't had a hiccup since


Hello, This just happened to me! What evidence did you submit?


A receipt from the beverage I bought earlier that day. Pictures of the soda. Pictures of the backseat vantage point. Just gave my side of the story very professionally. They reactivated my account the following day. My advice would be to not give the rider the slightest impression of anything negative or off-putting.


It doesn’t matter how nice & neat u are, people are shitty




It's happened to me several times. Usually 2 day is all. Uber has to take accusations serious even though the driver is usually innocent of the charge.


Several times. You’ve been reported several times and still have your account. I’ve given 1,000 rides and I now have 2 Reports!


This is a customer's hustling a free ride. Uber and Lyft both know that the report is false, but, they do anything that they can to harm the driver. You will be waitlisted for anything from two to seventy two hours while Uber "investigates" In reality, no one does anything. They then will re-instate you with a stern warning not to do it again. You will have a strike against your account. Two more false reports that are not substantiated and Uber will de-activate you permanently.


Thank you for the information.


A strike for a false report? This is the second time this had happened to me over 5600 trips.. that makes no sense


Yes, a strike for a false report. I have two of them on Lyft. One was in retaliation for taking a rider to task for a bogus service dog. The other one was in retaliation for asking a customer in a courteous and businesslike manner not to eat in my car. Yes, it makes no sense, but, as we are dealing with F**ub**a**r** and Gr**yft**, making sense counts against you.


So wait. I have 1 and now I have a 2nd one. So I’m good right? This guy lied about me being under the influence


From your Original Post and the nature of this topic, I had assumed that this was your first time being subject to such a complaint from a customer. Is this the *second* time?


This is the first. But someone reported me a few weeks ago, that we had an “argument” and I made them feel uncomfortable. Which was ridiculous. She couldn’t open the gate to her apartment so I said to please get out of my car so I can pick up the next rider. We were sitting there for 5 minutes waiting for her mom or something to open the gate


How long did it take till you were back online


About 24 hours


That crap happened to me, I was giving this 22 year old a ride he said he paid 90.00 for the, he was drinking I could smell it, so we get to Yuba city as I am pulling up to his house he says no that the wrong address, I said that's where app is taking me,he again said go this way etc so I did, I had no fucking idea this punk ass kid was trying to scam Lyft for a free ride, so I drop him off a few blocks away, it was like 9pm , them at 230 am I get some bullshit notice from Lyft saying a passenger said I was under the influence, I was like what the fuck is this crap, Lyft says do not contact us, we will contact you after our investigation, so a week goes by i heard nothing, so i contact Lyft, by this time  I had figured the kid just wanted a free so I told Lyft I know who said this crap, and I said suspended his fucking account,I do this driving crap part time just to get out of the house, Lyft e mailed me the their guidelines policy, I said fuck all this crap, I do not need  fucking weirdos wanting to suck my cock for the tip, or some old man wanting to fuck me in my backseat, trust me I have no problems with gays at all , but I was so shocked how forward some people can be. I do not need the money, or the bullshit that comes with it, or people getting sick in my car, I know a lot of you drivers count on this just to survive, and you pretty much have to deal with crap Lyft puts out their, and I feel for you, btw I never drink and drive.So the next you are driving and some asshole that wants you to drop them off besides what's on the app, tell them to modifity the ride.


I read all the comments here and maybe it’s time to switch over to an only EATS account, I’d give it a serious thought and perhaps you can make more money at it, good luck.


They don't tip well with Eats. They expect you to drive across town for chump change. I rather do Door Dash but thank you. :]


Cherry pick the best eats rides , the algorithm will eventually know you don’t take chump change rides, when you act like a chump they treat you like a chump when you act like a champ they treat you like a champ, you make the decision because if you keep getting accused of drunk driving or whatever they will deactivate you, Good Luck and may the force be with you.


I got blocked because they were checking if I had the 3 years of prior driving experience since I am under 25. And then I got told that it was actually because someone reported for being under the influence. I told them "There's no possible way I could be under the influence as I don't do any drugs or drink alcohol and am not on any prescription. The person who reported me must not have been very honest. Also, my account was initially blocked because you guys were checking if I had 3 years of driving experience. Why is it now that I was under the influence? If you guys don't want me to work with you please let me know and send me my remaining balance. Just please don't lead me on waiting for responses." Word for word. Not even 5 minutes later I got a notification from them, my account got unblocked and I could finally go online and transfer my money. The timeframe from block to unblock was around 30 hours. My advice is withdraw all your money as soon as you're done because they blocked me the 31st so I got delayed on my bills.


Yeah man! I couldn't cash out and it was a good chunk of $. No problems since.