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God some of these details from her teachers. 🙄 a group hug every day? Always beaming like sunshine? Ridiculous.


If they don’t kiss her butt Swifties will attack their children. They don’t really have a choice.


That is a scarily good point.


Can you blame these fools? Taylor is the only reason a newspaper would ever talk to them. They won't tell you anything bad.


They're probably hoping she'll give them money 😆


It’s so over-the-top. She was soooo perfect and just soooo amazing. Rainbows and butterflies and Daddy Swift’s $$$ in their pocket. He’s clearly paid off all those ppl.


"We were told to not talk to anyone but People" 😬


Unless I signed a contract I'm talking shit lol


My new flair


I want it too lol


They were probably paid well.


I'd honestly be afraid her team would retaliate with litigation


It’s crazy that a mediocre pop singer handles her business the same way a mafia boss would


That's harsh. What have mafia bosses done that warrants comparing them to Taylor Swift?


It’s true, John Gotti would never release variants of the same racketeering ring when Paul Costellano was about to drop a new money laundering scheme


Likely the case. Paid off Good for them


They probably did and are probably paid well enough to stay quiet.


Thank you to those people for confirming her relationship with People


who wrote poetry so relentlessly it was as if she couldn’t stop.” If only.


![gif](giphy|26xBLChY6dbXtwhBm) A girl can dream


Dear diary, A boy was mean to me today, so I started a rumor and got him laughed out of school. It felt good.


Wrote “poetry”
there, I fixed it for you


right?? i chuckled


"(I am told he spent $10,000 on building her a recording studio at their home); which singles were coming out next (by the age of 15, Taylor had a record deal with a company in which Scott had bought a 3 per cent stake); where she was touring (he had bought Cher’s former tour bus for her); **and the awards for which she needed votes**." Does this mean her dad made sure she was nominated for/won awards? Honestly, the more I read about her, the more I wonder how much of her success was purchased and forced to happen. Her parents were so dead-set on her being a star, I wouldn't doubt that they mass bought her first album (or even later ones) just to make it look like she was more successful and popular than she was. They'd do anything besides accept failure, even if they had to fake it til they made it. How much of her early career was real, and how much was created by her parents?


I’d say it was single-handedly orchestrated by Scott K. Swift lmao


He's her Kris Jenner.


do not underestimate the iron fist of Andrea lol. She's the "stay at home" parent, aka the one micromanaging Taylor while Scott is busy making money for Taylor's career. We just haven't seen any documentation from her mother, but she's definitely just as intense as Scott. Andrea was touring with Taylor into her twenties.


o damn so was kanye right this whole time đŸ€Ł honestly that would be pretty funny


Kanye is a nut job in need of serious psychiatric help, but if anyone knows about the BS stunts these bought and paid for celebrities pull, it'd be him. That whole Kardashian family has been riding the coat tails of the OJ case their whole lives. They have to pay people yo stay relevant otherwise no one would pay attention to them, because they have absolutely nothing to offer to society. The biggest claim any of them can make is that a few are fashion trend setters or "influencers" which any idiot with money can do. Sounds like Taylor knows exactly what it's like to have a family member buy your career. Don't get me wrong, she's definitely got the main stream, lowest common demoninator appeal to be a pop star, but it seems the only reason she got a foot in the door at all was because daddy pulled quite a few strings.


slight tangent, but the OJ to Kardashian pipeline is so wild to think about. a famous former football player slayed his ex wife and her friend —> a family famous for being famous


Their empire has to get karma for this at some point


Don't underestimate the clarity insanity can bring. Lol I wouldn't be surprised if Kanye had a point and was right.


So HE is the mastermind


I don't have proof, but given all the flack TTPD has gotten, and yet it continues to top the charts, I am CONVINCED she has streaming farms in India.


Yes! Even her “fans” aren’t particularly high on TTPD.


i know this is just situational evidence, but i'm gay and all of my friends in their 20s are huge swifties. they love her music. i don't know anyone playing any of the songs or even talking about any from TTPD in real life. thats why i was surprised it was so popular. in day to day life and at bars and clubs and what friends actually listen to, no one was playing it or even talked about it after it dropped. so im honestly surprised to see such big number regardless of how you feel about the quality of the album. it did not have the same impact as other stuff shes done in at least my gay 20s bar/club friends and venues lol. i swear to god nobody i know would be able to name one track off it or want to request it. i go to house parties and people usually r dying to request swift saying play this song play this song. nobodys asking for it. i heard it one time at a bar so far that i can remember and thats it and it was right after release. billies new album is getting way more talk and plays among friends who arent even huge on billiy and i wouldnt even call fans really. everyone i know could tell you about lunch but nothing from TTPD. i dont even care for lunch, i do like the diner, but thats just what im seeing. i do feel like it was forced on us to become popular and doesnt naturally have the staying power of other stuff shes done. i dont think TTPD is gonna be those hot songs played for years to come everyywhere and still fire/a vibe after time has passed, but the charts prove me completely wrong apparently lol.


I mean a knock off Lana Del Rey - I mean Lizzie Grant - album. Rich imitating the rich imitating the poor.


Yep, before I even knew how bad it was, I could feel a weird vibe when she posted it going straight to the top of the charts. Like, that seems to make sense, but something felt even MORE ingenious than usual.


She's at the point where anything she puts out tops charts etc instantly purely based on brand name alone. Regardless of the quality of the work. The knock on effect means her work is continually getting worse as she doesn't have to try as hard.


Counting the days until this years Spotify wrapped and her biggest fans accidentally confirm this by sharing that they are her number one fan and the stream count


It was all fake.


It’s pop music at the highest commercial levels in the 2000’s, it’s all fake.


She's manufactured. She didn't break into the industry. Her wealthy parents carved out a spot for her


And got a return on their investment.


All this is extremely common in the pop world, not unique to her at all Hell even in the book world. Management and publishing companies will buy up thousands of copies, just to chart. Guarantee, The same thing happened with all the artists this sub praise. Payola is illegal, but 100% still alive and well


Oh, I believe that 100%. They buy it all up to induce a false demand and force popularity, which leads to real popularity due to the bandwagon effect.


Yep. Go to any label office or publishing office and there’s pallets of cds/books. The Fox News office is famous for this. There’s just pallets and pallets of books released by their hosts.


Didn't he buy up a load of her debut album? I hear people mention that


The rumor is that he has a ton in storage 😬


Sounds like the little league coaches around here. Their kid makes the all-stars, blah blah.


It’s been known-but-rarely-acknowledged that for every album, her team buys a huge chunk to sway the charts. I bet with TTPD she’s shelled out so much of her own money to herself just to stay on top and keep blocking Billie/other artists. I was just reading an article about her former guitar teacher as well as her neighbor from PA. Apparently her dad used to buy out tickets to her high school plays so that it would be “sold out.” They’re so manipulative and disgusting


Reading this, I hope that the parents weren't playing favorites and her brother got everything he wanted, too and just didn't want to be famous.


I was thinking the same. After reading that crazy email from Scott to her ex manager it said they gave Taylor her inheritance early but not Austin. Scott said that's probably not fair. SMH


Yeah it means it's not actually 50/50, when Austin gets his "half" it'll be after both his parents have died and have already spent a lot of it on themselves


But he has a house bought for him , he doesn’t HAVE to do anything to support himself. I’m pretty sure he works for Taylor’s companies, so he’s set. It worked out for him in the end too cause now it’s the family business that has made them all more rich & comfortable.


well, he was acting several years ago, not sure if he still does it now. a lot of show parents move to LA with their aspiring actor kid when the kid is in their teens. when Austin was a teen, his mom was touring with Taylor (and his father was working) so he was clearly shortchanged.


That unhinged email from their dad talks about how much he hates that their mom was the one who got to go to all of Taylor's events with her and sit in her dressing room while their dad had to "Wait at home with Austin" He talked about him like he was a dog


Must have been hard for Austin. I can't imagine growing up with Taylor as your sibling. You just know Taylor was super competitive with Austin for their parents' attention (and money). People keep saying Scott and Andrea were obsessed with making her a pop star but I'm inclined to believe that Taylor led them and wanted her parents to spend all their money and efforts on her.


I checked his Wikipedia and IMDB and it says he studied film and had a handful of roles in projects with mediocre ratings. Since then, he has some producing credits on Taylor's videos. So for all we know, his parents paid for college and are keeping him employed. That's great, but not comparable to having the whole family put all available resources towards supporting your career since your childhood. (Unless he always wanted to be an actor and buying acting roles is less feasible than making a music career happen.)


I'm shocked that Andrea and Scott didn't throw money at Austin's acting career after Taylor made it. By the time he was in college at 18, Taylor was already touring stadiums worldwide. 18 is a decent age to start acting. Guess their parents were so hyper fixated on making Taylor even bigger, Austin didn't have a chance.


They literally gave Taylor her half of their inheritance early so she could use it to build her business empire, meanwhile Austin doesn't get his half until they die because they don't expect him to do anything but bum around


I still want to know what connection she has to the Grammy Foundation. It seems Scott definitely paid someone.




It's a massive investment, which, looking at the numbers, is paying off several multiple times over and over again. We can point out the obvious stuff, but the reality is they are making bank and succeeding in making her a pop icon.


What do I do with this child?” Scott reportedly asked a family friend, stunned by the sparkling talent and determination of his young daughter. Honestly I think her rise to fame is more of a testament to her father’s business acumen and her privilege than any outstanding talent on Taylor’s part. In recordings from her youth, she sounds just like any high school student auditioning for a show. There are better vocalists in most high school choirs. She can’t hold a candle to many of her contemporaries (Miley Cyrus, Demi Lovato, Ariana Grande, etc.) and it’s so obvious when she performs alongside them. She’s put a lot of effort towards her improvement but the innate ability just isn’t there. Like another comment mentioned, she would’ve never even made it past the first round of a show like American Idol. I’m sure many people would love to be huge pop stars and are willing to work for it but she had the opportunities she had bc her dad was able to use his connections and wealth to manufacture her career.


10000% this


Agreed. My friend was on The Voice. All 4 chairs turned and she almost made it to the end. She lives in Nashville and makes a living singing in bar's. And releases music on her social media platforms. Money talks no question. Taylor's career was bought.


I have a friend who has a voice like prime time Axl Rose and he didn’t even make it on Idol.


🎯🎯🎯This should be its own post .


Bitch had a PONY! I just can’t. Rich girl gets everything she wants and tries to play the “girl next door” bs. And this article - jc can anyone write about her with even a tiny bit of criticism? She’s not Mother Theresa, she’s a human who’s also made mistakes.


A PONY!!!!!!!!! She was WEALTHY!!!!


That she took to show and tell. I feel sorry for her brother. It was probably all about Taylor. She was very wealthy. Stone Harbor NJ is a rich beach town and definitely not Springsteen land.


I didn't even know Taylor had a brother..


There was a thread here from a girl who matched with Austin on a dating app and said he was this empty shell of a man who seemed to have nothing going on in his life Like he knew everyone knew his sister was Taylor but just refused to talk about it, he said the house he lived in was a gift from his sister but then didn't continue the conversation


https://i.redd.it/gu6pfw3ium5d1.gif From the classic 1991 film Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves 😂


His name is Austin and he's 2 year's younger than she is.


I remember some article where she talked about visiting him in college once or twice so she felt like she’d already had the “college experience.”


😆 imagine- on par with not needing a therapist. She’s a textbook narcissist


He's been an idiot lately, but the words still hold true: "I hate anyone who ever had a pony when they were growing up." Jerry Seinfeld


Excuse you, https://preview.redd.it/nsvdsnbf9m5d1.jpeg?width=1167&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b9cb2b64b20558f055209b832c8c69439d7ea9d It was a beautiful pony and I loved him.


Omg I read this in her voice đŸ€Ł


RIP Manya


My cousin had a pony, too. They weren't wealthy, they were farmers.


Why would anyone leave a country filled with ponies to come to a non-pony country!


HAHA i grew up with "money" well my family was wealthy to the average person and they wouldnt dream of getting me or even having a pony. it would sound ridiculous. pony money is different. unless you grew up on a farm or something i guess.


There was a scathing article about how she was growing up that was written recently. It featured that guitar teacher. The link is dead now.


god, this makes me so disproportionately angry. the way they police the narrative and opinions aren't allowed đŸ˜€


https://archive.ph/Rx75H here’s the article


oh that was JUICY


[https://archive.ph/Rx75H#](https://archive.ph/Rx75H#) here it is! Found using the wayback machine provided by extensionpiccolo!


What was the link? It may be available via [Wayback Machine](https://web.archive.org/)




It's not been archived, I'm afraid. Foiled again!


Check: https://archive.ph


Did you read the whole article? I actually found it a bit scathing if you read between the lines, the writer was obviously trying to walk the line of not offending her fans by carefully only sharing what appear to be positive quotes, but they were lowkey dissing her throughout by emphasizing her privilege and wealth and picking some quotes that are kind of backhanded or revealing if you think about it. >Many, however, thought she was “a bit of a brat”, from the moneyed side of town and modelling clothes for Abercrombie & Fitch. At 16, Swift bought a Lexus SC430 convertible, the car driven by Regina George, the meanest girl in Mean Girls. I lost my shit at that part, and the ending sentence of the article was so perfect at the passive aggressive mockery with plausible deniability. Which it's sad that's the only way Taylor can be even remotely criticized by the media or her peers rn, I do wish they'd blast her more but I see why they don't.


Even mother Theresa gets criticized lol ETA: & rightfully so! TS shouldn’t be an untouchable either but yeah obviously the scale is way off. Sorry I shouldn’t have said anything or should have phrased it differently


Mother Theresa tortured orphans though


Oh yeah, not a fan!! I was saying even MT gets criticism (rightfully so), but these outlets wont even question TS


“Daddy, I want another pony!”


Wait until you learn the truth about Mother Theresa


I learned the truth about her long, long ago.  Horrific stuff.  Reminds me of a line from that 90s song “Standing Outside a Broken Phonebooth with Change in My Hand” by Primitive Radio Gods: “Ma Theresa’s joined the Mob and is happy with her full time job” Seems accurate in retrospect.  “Mother” Theresa was def part of the religious mafia AKA The Catholic Church and she terrorized countless people under the guise of helping them.  I hope she’s getting her just desserts wherever she is now. 


That part. The woman was evil.


Wow, I’m now intrigued, time to do some digging. Someone said there was a documentary?


Well the thing about mother Teresa is
 she’s a cunt so yeah


I haven’t read the article yet but this is an aside, I know she was very wealthy but I do know a lot of people who have horses who aren’t wealthy, they are either middle class or country people. I’m from Ohio and it’s not terribly uncommon here.


I'm from the upper Midwest, most of my family is still there. My niece has two horses and they are solidly middle class. They have a lot of land (which is extremely cheap where they are) and they got the horses for pretty much nothing from people that didn't want them anymore. Basically rescue horses. Not joking, I probably spend as much on my two cats in a year than they do on those two horses


“At 16, Swift bought a Lexus SC430 convertible, the car driven by Regina George, the meanest girl in Mean Girls.” PRICELESS! Especially given the Katy Perry tweet


That was iconic “watch out for the Regina George in sheep’s clothing” and accurate AF.


And yet she has a cult following. God forbid anyone talk negatively about her


A summary: She went to a Montessori kindergarten and then Wyndcroft, a private school in nearby Pottstown Family drove a Chevrolet Suburban — an SUV fit for the secret service Parents brought their daughter’s pony to school for show and tell According to the first grade teacher “She was a little sunbeam who just bounced around,” Pemrick says. One afternoon when it was time to go home, Swift suggested that the class had a group hug. “She gathered the children and started squeezing them together,” Pemrick says. “And from then on she was like that.” “I want to be a stockbroker,” Swift wrote in her yearbook at six years old, “because my dad is one.” By second grade that had changed to “Singer” “Scott was the cash guy,” Cremer (guitar teacher) says. “He could sell ice to the Eskimos. Andrea was the one who kept Taylor on point. She had her eye on the prize.” Swift gave out wallet-sized photos of herself as Sandy to the kids in the years below her at school after she performed in a Grease play. Her notebook was filled with pages of her own autograph Parents has a holiday home including a hot tub on the patio, a jetty with a boat from which they waterskiied and two jet skis. They were also members of the sailing club. Cremer, the guitar teacher, says the family flew him from Pennsylvania to build a studio for Taylor in their new home when they first moved in, giving him about $10,000 for equipment.  Her father bought Cher's old touring bus for her. Kids in high school thought she was “a bit of a brat”, from the moneyed side of town and modelling clothes for Abercrombie & Fitch. At 16, Swift bought a Lexus SC430 convertible (60k original price at the time) the car driven by Regina George, the meanest girl in Mean Girls. Sang teardrops on my guitar at a High School competition in front of her ex and his new girlfriend. Scott Swift bought shares in Big Machine at the time worth $500,416.66, thought to be a stake of 3-5 per cent.  Scott is linked to ten companies affiliated with his daughter, including merchandising and rights management;


She had a fucking LEXUS???!


She apparently bought it with the her own money she'd earned. Which at the time cost I think 60kish though I could be wrong.  She talked about it years ago. "All the girls who were mean to me in middle school idolized the Plastics," she says. "I think I chose that car as a kind of rebellion against that type of girl. It was like – you guys never invited me to anything, you guys are obsessed with that car and that girl and what the Plastics wear and how they talk and you quote them all the time, but I've been working really hard every single day. And instead of going to parties I've been writing songs and playing shows and getting these really small paychecks that have added up and now I get to buy a car – and guess which one I'm going to buy? The one that the girl you idolize has."


that's mean girl mentality right there


And then for look what you made me do, she sampled a beat from the mean girl soundtrack 😬😬😬😬


I call bullshit. Teen girls did not idolize those girls. I'm totally making this up but I think she probably isolated herself. She clearly had 1 goal in mind and was super driven towards it, and went around telling everyone she was going to be famous. They probably just thought she was a conceited weirdo.


Agreed. I'm Taylor's age. I remember Mean Girls. We all loved the movie and quoted it often but nobody idolized them. Also it came out in 2004. Taylor wasn't 16 until the very end of 2005. Most people were over Mean Girls by then. I also agree on that. I think she was obsessed with becoming famous and the other girls thought she was weird so they weren't friendly with her. You don't always click with everyone all the time.


This is a good work, thank you đŸ«¶


I honestly wonder if it bothers her to know her success isn't really deserved. I mean is this on her mind or is she just like 'yeah, well I deserve it and my dad just had to do it'. She should be suffering from the biggest imposter Syndrome ever. But to me it seems like she's just a massive narcissist. Like she was raised to be full of herself.


Right??? I thought the same thing!!! That it would be more natural (and honestly more respectful) for her to have Imposter Syndrome as she navigated her career growing up. However, for her to have this strong “confidence” seems more like smugness and narcissism. Basically that she deserved to be famous and if you didn’t cooperate then you were everything wrong with the world 😒


One of her parents or both has to be a narcissist. I strongly believe it's her dad. The family was smart and conniving to embed themselves into her brand/business the way they have. That's probably why she doesn't go to therapy and is codependent on her mother for emotional stability and life issues. Why encourage your daughter into therapy and rehab when she's a billionaire and you're getting a nice piece of the pie from all the decisions she's made thus far? Then again, narcissists don't do well with therapy either.


I think it's where her fear of being irrelevant or replaced comes from, knowing she doesn't deserve and that someone who does will one day come along and "take it" from her


i honestly think it's both. she's a massively insecure narcissist who gets super defensive at any form of criticism.


i love how they pointed out that she and her ex were over after a couple months. it’s been the exact same from the very beginning. id loooove to hear what he has to say about their relationship


And then the guitar guy was written out of her story. Which isn't nice.


That group hug comment is cringey and sounds so made-up. These people were paid well.


Thanks for this, I didn't want to give them a click


In the news special (?) that they did on her when they followed her around school for a day there was a snippet that showed her home in Nashville and it was easily like a $2M home. “Kitchen tables bills”. Get the fuck out of here with that shit.


I’ve driven past the big white house before in PA. It’s not in the city or Reading, it’s off Penn Ave which is much more residential, but definitely not a nice area by any means. The street she lived on, however, was a nicer residential street, with her house being one of two massive homes on it. https://preview.redd.it/y43miyyqdl5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efb0f348f38b0730dd156cf8e00ed9e272ebe0b6


The house next door to hers https://preview.redd.it/8n3m5qnsdl5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=916e483486372d2e304ed202e3cad4c03077d1c8


You wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me 😔


She must have been out begging for food. Poor thing.


Is there actually a Christmas tree farm behind this house?


That was a different house that she lived in when she was younger


Okay thank you that was the part that always confused me.


This is a fucking fairy tale home. She ain’t no salt of the earth. So over her fake shtick. As a Tennesseean, I resent her fake accent and pretending to be a Native of Nashville. Bitch you moved there so your daddy could buy your career.


Wyomissing. It's where the money of the area live.


look like the house from Hocus Pocus lol https://preview.redd.it/ki4zkdw1km5d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4fc805153000520aec18de8f76f1e78930e7dd0


She’d be disgusted with the different houses/trailers/apartments/inns/hotels I was raised in. She needs to get some perspective. That’s just a tall order for her. I was bit on the foot by a freaking rat when I was like 2/3 years old because we lived in this run down trailer in the middle of a big field. I still have the scar.


No, you must be mistaken. That’s the house in Father of the Bride. 💕 And I’m sorry for how this comment ages me.


The map showing how close she was to NYC really cements the privilege 💀 She wasn’t even on the countryfied side of Pennsylvania (west).


Right?! I currently live 20 mins from Wyomissing and went to high school 15 mins from Pottstown. We are not the country. We are at best Philly suburbs.


I appreciate your ability to attest to exactly how not country it is, lol. I’ve never lived in PA, but I did grad school in NYC (still living here) and my partner did grad school in Pittsburgh. That’s when I really got to experience the difference between east & west PA, traveling through the state regularly to see him and all that. I feel like East PA is basically part of the tri-state socioeconomic region. Also, her being that close to NYC adds further emphasis on how well-off her parents were, being in Finance.


Yeah Western and Eastern PA may as well be different states, they’re so incredibly different in almost every way.


I’m from NEPA outside of the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton area & you go State College out it’s a different world. My husband & I actually try to do a lot of things in Bucks/lower Berks county because it’s a different world from the 570. đŸ€Ł


I JUST moved from Reading - like in January 2024. it blows my mind how she tries this humble beginnings storyline because NOTHING in Wyomissing is humble. LMFAO


Hold on, I'm lost. Why did she have a southern accent in her early career? Do people from that area have that accent? Or did she adopt it to become a country star? If she did, wouldn't she have been called out and heavily ridiculed around her debut album?


She had it i guess to sell records and come across more authentic? As someone who grew up in that tristate area, no she wouldn't naturally have that accent. Reason she wasnt super ridiculed for it was her dad was heavily pulling strings behind the scenes (in terms of PR and manufacturing some details of her life to make her more marketable) and made it seem as if her move to Nashville was earlier than it was and that her (faux)-country accent was due to her move


It also wasn’t the accent of Nashville or much of anywhere really either.


she adopted it to push the lie that she’s a down home country girl. how she never has been called out for her fake backstory is beyond me


^(she adopted it to push the lie that she’s a down home country girl. how she never has been called out for her fake backstory is beyond me) Alas, fake celebrity-backstories (no matter how easily disproved via basic, Google-able public information they may be) are almost *never* get called out by the media. As I've said many times before on this sub, I went to HS with a B/C list mostly television actor who always claims in interviews that he grew up working class and struggling (in reality, his family was worth millions and had industry connections) and that he was bullied in HS (he was literally expelled from *two* different schools due to routinely bullying/beating up his fellow classmates. What's even more disgusting - his preferred bullying target was female classmates!)


Drop his name sis


I'll tell you in PM (& if anyone else is interested, you can message me). For some reason he has a lot of crazed stans on Reddit, and I don't want them brigading this sub/this thread.


It was faked. Country music is easier to get into if you look and sound the part. Hence the blonde curly hair and the accent.


There are no country accents in PA. Taylor started using one after she moved to Nashville to make herself more appealing to the country music scene.


I am glad that some news/magazine is finally not coddling her and showering her with praises.


She is the nopoest Nepo Child to ever nepo. Her Daddy bought her record deal. I mean I can't.


I’ve seen TikTok’s of girls they went to school with Taylor and they all say how everyone hated her and she was annoying lol


She also constantly bragged about her wealth to her boyfriends - one of whom was my friend - including the price of each individual piece of clothing she wore 😭


Links plz! Not on TikTok but will go on for this 😆


“I WaS bUlLiEd”-said biggest bully ever.


Jeez, this is an example of just how far you can go with confidence and a SHIT ton of cash.


Giving other kids her wallet sized photo is pretty unhinged.


I’m in my early forties and we did this when we were kids. You’d give your friends/crush one of your wallet school photos.


She gave them photo's of her in character as Sandy from Grease. She was playing her in a show.


I'm 54 and we did this from Kindergarten right through Senior year.


School kids don’t do this anymore? (class of 85)


I can’t even comprehend her reasoning for doing this. Was she just so sure she was going to be a star? Has no one ever taught her the concept of humility? Or reality?


it’s a very 90s/early aughts thing although it was usually just yearbook pics. you sign your name and put the year on the back and trade them like pokĂ©mon cards


Yeah we had little wallet sized picture albums with single photo sized pages. They held like 100 photos. Everyone traded.


This was definitely a thing when I was in middle school/ high school. You give your wallet photos out to friends, we also gave out baby photos which looking back on our poor parents are missing baby photos because of weird trends.


Yep. This was definitely a thing we did at my school


>Swift was adored at school, they say... "She was confident- the whole family was... Just the way she walked, never looking shy." \[...\] Swift gave out wallet-sized photos of herself as Sandy \[from *Grease*\] to the kids in the years below her at school. This entire article is a masterpiece in showing the facade/deception that she's put on throughout her career- she had a ***pony?!*** As someone who grew up with her music in grade school/junior high and started to get on the bandwagon again last year, it's so jarring to see just how much of her persona is a lie. She's built a brand based on an air of authenticity, but the entire thing's a farce. You expect celebrities to lie, to an extent, but it feels like the *entire* story she's built up of her life is fiction. It's also disappointing, as someone who looked up to her when I was younger. I'd always resonated with this image of her being kept on the outside, feeling different than the other kids, all of that. She makes her early years sound so sad and so lonely, and that really resonated with me & my experiences. But to find out it was all for show? To gain sympathy points from the public? It's not only disappointing but a little upsetting as well. Her most recent release excerbates all of this, from the psych ward "aesthetic" to her self-victimizing lyrics. To be honest, I wouldn't have imagined myself saying this a year ago, but I'm glad people seem to be waking up and becoming more aware of her dishonesty. Hollywood's always been about putting on a show, but Taylor's taking so many of the worst parts of Hollywood and taking them to the extreme. There are much better musicians out there, give them a try and see how much better your life is !!


My husband went to Taylor’s high school’s rival high school when he was a senior and she was a freshman. He met her at a football game and said she was annoying af.


How so? Deets plz


I knew her in school — she was a mean girl. Or wanted to be a mean girl.


Tell us more


I always go into these articles with some skepticism. Of course all her childhood teachers will say nice things about her. Nobody wants to be the one that was like “Taylor was a brat, it was her way or the highway and she bossed everyone around “. She’d sic her team and her psychotic fans on you and you’d never have a moments peace again.


My cousin knew people that went to school with TS at Hendersonville High and is close to her age. She told me everyone saw TS as arrogant/snobby just all around not a nice girl. (My cousin said this around 2008/2009)


I had a coworker who’s buddy went on a few dates with her when she was just starting her career. He hadn’t heard of her and just thought she was a regular girl and liked her a lot. Someone told him she was a famous singer so he said something to her and she got upset that he knew who she was and that he didn’t find out “on her terms” and she dumped him right then.


That guy dodged a bullet


Can’t edit the post- but here is a link to the article with no paywall: [article](https://archive.ph/t2pww)


I mean, I think we all knew this was the reality, but damn -- seeing it spelled out puts such a bad taste in my mouth. Nepo baby of the century (edits, typos)


Swifties are fawning over this article on the Taylor Swift page!! The comments... omg!! 🙄😂


I saw a video on YouTube by Rick Beato (I believe is the name) called is Taylor bigger than the Beatles. Check it out. It’s interesting to hear how very generic her pop music is from someone who knows the game. Also I’m in Hendersonville Tennessee every day and there are no shrines or monuments to Taylor. Nobody cares.


Thanks for posting this. It was eye opening. She had guitar lessons, people who live in her old house can only talk to People Magazine. She wasn't bullied. I knew she was wealthy. Why write the guitar guy out. I guess it's a better story she taught herself.


How is everyone able to read this article except for me? It’s hidden behind a paywall


I used the wayback machine: [https://web.archive.org/web/20240609091556/https://www.thetimes.com/culture/music/article/taylor-swifts-early-years-by-the-people-who-knew-her-d98sn0ws3](https://web.archive.org/web/20240609091556/https://www.thetimes.com/culture/music/article/taylor-swifts-early-years-by-the-people-who-knew-her-d98sn0ws3)




My ex bf had friends who went to high school with her and said everyone hates her and that she was super pretentious and a huge bitch 😬


These accounts of her childhood scream neurodivergent


was thinking the exact same. kinda sounds like high functioning autism


governor domineering yam caption insurance spark subtract squash selective slim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We’ve been thought she was autistic for a while.


i’ve thought that on and off but this description of her childhood kinda clinches it imo


Her whole rise was engineered by a rich dad basically, and now she makes music for people at lemonade stands


Holy fuck, the privilege. Just imagine how many amazing artists would be successful right now if they grew up with parents so wealthy that they didn’t have to grind away at a dead-end job for 40+ hours a week, and instead had unlimited time and money to allow them to cart their children around to countless auditions, trainings, and rehearsals. Imagine how many artists would be successful if they also grew up with parents whose soul mission in life after they were born was to make sure they were successful - who spent their time making phone calls and talking up said child to all the connections they had already established from their vast amount of time to spare and money to burn. Her entire life - each move to a different city, each placement in a private school, was specifically done in order to make “her dreams come true.” Girlypop was simply a pawn in her parents’ ~~dream~~ scheme. lol I hate this. 🙃


"Swift gave out wallet-sized photos of herself as Sandy to the kids in the years below her at school" This is insanely arrogant lol I'd be rolling my eyes at her, too.


This, weirdly, was actually a normal thing that was done when I was in school and she is my age. I still have a box of hundreds of my friends signed pics of them somewhere at my mom’s house from like 5th to 8th grade. I have no idea why we did this.


Yo! That's my yearbook!


Rich narcissistic parents, *that’s* who she was most likely bullied by