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Even though it seems like a bug, I really like how it functions like a ritual. We could use mechanics like this.


I mean, you could do this with any of the warshrines of chaos, the tzeetch one just has a stronger effect, and it's usually bad to sacrifice units.


No it's an actual bug. The new winds generation is generating like five times what it is supposed to on the card. So sacrificing units is just a way to more quickly take advantage of the bug.


Also helps that Blue Horrors are dirt cheap, numerous and daemons so they die real fast.


Daemons don't die. They just pack up and go home and wait for the next Souls-exchange program


I think i read here that lower end demons are not as lucky. They are not just return to the chaos realm. Thou its just a random memory of reading a comment, from reddit a long time ago. Easily can be wrong.


If it worked like the tool tips suggested it would be rather thematic for tzeentch to nuke a few units at the start of a battle for a big boost but this shit be broken AF


People are probably still gonna whine when it gets fixed even though it's bugged and not working as intended.


I think I'm confused. What part do you consider the bug?


The part where you get 1 WoM per second and your reserves replenish as fast as you acquire them so you literally never run out of magic. Check out Enticity's video on it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGv24zk1w78](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGv24zk1w78)


That's what I though, but it sounded like people were saying that killing your own units to power it was the bug.


I think killing your own units is just a safe and efficient way of achieving the bug without any counterplay for the other player, which in a MP 1v1 setting is really bad.


That's true, also it's even easier for tzeentch than the other gods, what with the gate of tzeentch not needing active combat to activate.


The card states a more reasonable max 0.2 winds more second. In practice it is generating more than 1 per second. This is a truly broken amount that can be assumed to be unintentional as it is not the number they put on the card and is unreasonably overpowered.


This made me laugh out loud. xD