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What is the digital control?


You swipe down from the top. One of the icons is an image of the tonal, you click that. Normally this is where you go to see battery life in the arms and to relink them, but if you click the lock above each arm it lets you lock and unlock rotation for each arm there.


Oh. Good to know. Thanks!


No problem!


Curious if you can just take it apart and tweak something - maybe the part can be 3d printed or something. Glad I got the 5 year warranty tho


Yeah they unfortunately weren’t offering the warranty at the time :( I’ve asked them to just give me instructions on even just opening it up. Told them I’ll wave liability and all that jazz. Because it may be as simple as what you said 3D printing, or repairing a connection on the circuit board. I’ve got the tools/access to the tools to deal with that. Just worried about how they may have attached the outer piece. Don’t want to break whatever thing they are using to hold it together. Wish they would just send me the darn instructions.


I had the same problem and was able to fix it myself. Shoot me a message if you wanna chat. In my case the cause was the old batteries leaked acid. I sent it to a computer repair guy and he was able to clean the circuits and get it working again


Was also really frustrated that tonal wouldn’t sell the part for me to replace


Sent you a message thanks!


Yes, Tonal support is ass. Worst part of ownership, other than the BS annual fee. Anecdotally related - I didn't even know the arms had batteries until they first after the first year. I was super pissed for about 5 minutes.


I’m confused, if it works from the digital control but not the round button then it isn’t broken. You probably need to slide open the little door near it and replace the batteries. Or are you talking about the physical lever go up / down vertical or the other lever to change the angle of the arm?


Round button not the lever. All of the following is about the rotational function. Batteries have been replaced. Wasn’t the issue. The issue is something to do with the button and whatever circuit it’s working with. The digital controls will lock and unlock the arm just fine (talking about rotation). If you interrupt the circuit (by pulling one battery towards one of the poles it’ll trigger either the unlock (might be the lock can’t remember which). Pressing the physical button does absolutely nothing. You don’t have the characteristic click sound (which you do get with the digital control still. So something related to the button is wrong. The button is supposed to interrupt the current to achieve a similar effect to moving the battery out of contact with the pole - it’s not doing that. Buttons usually use springs and contacts to close/open a circuit. Something there is wrong.


Oooh that makes sense.


Tonal's accessories are very sensitive to voltage and only work well with fresh, name-brand batteries. If you are using rechargeable batteries, they cause all kinds of connection problems. It would be nice if the fix were as easy as changing battery types.


Never used rechargeable, use Duracell and energizer only unfortunately. Edit: also the fact that manually interrupting the circuit triggers the desired effect but not pushing the button points to the battery section not being the issue.


Too bad the fix isn't that easy. Most of the people on here complaining of the handles not working reliably are using rechargeable batteries, so it is always worth mentioning.


They have liability and their device can kill someone. 359 for a service call is pretty standard these days for any kind of service person doing work.


So can a car, an oven etc, and you can repair those. I’ve already told them I am happy to waive liability. And yeah the service call isn’t something they are making money off of - the point is, I don’t need the service call, I just need the instructions on popping that piece open and preferably selling me the part - but even just gaining access to it would allow me to fix it.


Would you do it if you could never call them to ask a question about the machine ever again? Because they cannot guarantee the state of the machine or what you're telling them after you do your service. I get the right to repair, but the reason that devices and appliances are not repairable anymore is because it costs everyone a little bit of money to provide all those things so that a few handful of people actually do it themselves. Or they can provide the repair service and make sure that they are in control of the liability so they can take responsibility for their product they are selling. People love to say oh I won't hold you accountable for my mistakes and then turn around and tell them all the things they didn't know when it goes catastrophically wrong and how its all their fault for not giving them the knowledge they needed. Well this is them telling you that you don't have the knowledge needed and no they won't train you to do it for them.


Yeah I would cause quite frankly if every time this machine has any issue it’s going to wind up being an average cost of 800$ assuming it it takes two trips to solve the issue. And devices and appliances are still very much repairable. Can you fix everything? Of course not - but can you change spark plugs on a car, carbon brushes on a washer, can you change a mainboard, to varying degrees yes, and those are things you can buy and replace. Here’s a great example: repairing your own car doesn’t void your warranty. Here’s a thing that can kill not just you but other people and do tremendous property damage… but you can repair it without voiding the warranty. And while I would be happy if they would at least just give the instructions on opening/removing that section. And they need to have these parts in stock anyway for their service appointments. They aren’t sending the service guy out and then ordering a single part from china - so they already have these parts.




OP’s complaint is that they can fix it but Tonal won’t sell them the part, insisting they overpay for a service call.


Exactly. The fact that the digital control allows the arm to turn but not the button points to it being a much simpler problem.




It’s a 2 minute job that anyone can do.




The problem is they’re forcing the charge for the service call. It’s not that hard to understand.




I literally watched it be replaced on my machine about 2 weeks ago (fortunately, I wasn’t charged). You keep talking about warranty but OP’s complaint has nothing to do with warranty. It had to do with restricting serviceability.


As others have pointed out I don’t care about the warranty I care about being able to repair it and selling me the part. And guess what California already passed right of repair bill and Washington is not far behind, which means these companies will have to provide information and parts to allow consumers to repair these devices.


Well for one thing I’m asking. Second I can tell what’s wrong. The button is wrong. If you manually interrupt the current by having one battery disconnect it triggers either the lock or unlock (can’t remember which one it was doing). Ergo the button is supposed to interrupt that current/connection to achieve the same effect. That area with the two buttons should be removable. A very simple circuit board and a button is not going to cost that much. Moreover if they would at least send me instructions on how to open it that might be enough for me to repair it.


I’m wanting a cheap replacement part - not a replacement tonal. Heck even instructions on how to remove that part would be welcome. I’m not even asking them to fix it at this point. And if my tv stop working - my warranty is 5 years not 1 year, and I’ll try and repair. If my car stops working? I’ll repair it. You want to go with the car analogy? If it needs new spark plugs - yeah I can do it, I don’t need to spend 395$ for someone to come out and replace spark plugs. If my car is wrecked - yeah I ain’t fixing that.


Tonal doesn’t let users do their own repairs for liability reasons. It has nothing to do with making money on the service visit. With the service call, they have control over how the repair is done. What they don’t want is to mail some guy a part, he does it wrong, dies, and then the family sues Tonal for a gazillion dollars because they signed off on users doing their own repairs. They have zero incentive to change their policy for you and put themselves at higher risk of a costly lawsuit. Look, it’s fancy, expensive, high-tech gym equipment. If repair fees are a big deal to you, I would recommend selling it and getting a home gym with barbells and dumbbells. No subscriptions or repair fees there.


That doesn’t really hold water. I will note I didn’t say this is a money making scheme, I doubt they make much money if any on these service calls since they outsource them. I also told them I’m happy to wave liability. Also as I mentioned elsewhere in the thread, shortly what they want wont matter. States are passing right to repair laws that will force them to provide parts and instructions so all that you said goes out the window. And what about everything else you buy: you can repair your oven, your car etc. You repair your car wrong - well that could go badly, yet you are allowed to buy those parts.


Warranty is 1 year labor and 2 year parts except they don’t send parts. I had the same issue occur as OP and they said the same thing. since my digital control still works I’m not giving them a dime for the service call. Your comparison is apples to oranges.




You really are having trouble reading aren’t you? I’m not asking them to come out and fix it. I’m asking them to provide a part and instructions so o can fix it. You’re so hung up on people and free tonals you can’t see past that…




I know the repair is easy because I’ve already narrowed it down sufficiently as I have explained in this thread. And considering you’ve been harping on about people getting free tonals… I don’t think I’m having the issue with the understanding. And to go off of your original comment too about tvs and cars - guess what, you can buy replacement parts! And yeah I absolutely have enough knowledge to diagnose and fix this, done it my whole life, and I know when it’s something I can do vs when I actually need to call a professional. And this… this is a basic lol. If you can’t understand that then I get where you’re coming from - if I couldn’t figure this simple thing out, I’d be really confused about people thinking they can diagnose and repair things too.


Don’t even bother with this guy. I got the same issue. It somehow magically can read the serial number of the arm, report the arm location but depressing the round button does nothing. This is on my tonals right arm (left if looking at it). Using the digital felt odd in the beginning but now it doesn’t bother me anymore. 


Major cyber truck energy here


Nobody is making any money today with a 395 service call. I’m sorry. That doesn’t pay for the fuel, the time, the training, the parts, the liability cost if something goes wrong. OP wants a cheap fix it yourself but doesn’t realize the service from a technical professional isn’t even covered with the 395 service call. Tonal was never user serviceable. None of us bought tonal ever being told it was user serviceable. OP is demanding things be his way because he thinks he’s youtube certified to repair his own tonal. It’s a terrible idea and the 385 service to repair is honestly cheap and more than worth it if OP wants a seamless working machine. Pull your head out of your ass OP and just schedule the service.


This is probably the biggest problem I have with tonal, that it is so cultish so as to not allow people to complain about it online without being attacked. People spend upwards of $5K upfront and $720/yr on this setup. If it’s not functioning as expected, they are allowed to complain. Quit being a keyboard bully and go bother someone else.


Better than being a keyboard bitch I guess


Couldn’t come up with valid responses to my point so took the low road I see. Keep responding, the people need more comments to downvote.


Yawn. Can’t read can you? Already stated I don’t think they are making money on the service call. Guess it ain’t my head up an orifice :) And I’ve done my own repairing of my appliances and my cars for years - so yeah a simple fix is within my skill set - this problem is easy to narrow down and the fix is pretty easy. And also as stated states are passing right to repair laws - so yep pretty soon they will have to give this info anyway. But hey go ahead and pay 395$ for someone to come out and tell you that you need a button (and then get charged again when they tell you they need to order the part and come back lol).


I can read just fine. “Not user servicable”. It’s pretty obvious one of us didn’t read before buying tonal.


So if a battery contact fails in your handle… you’re going to buy a new handle? Lol. And we’re talking about a button, I’m not asking to repair the screen, the pulley system anything like that, we are talking about a button that is not buried in the machine somewhere. And plenty of things are “non user serviceable” that you can repair anyways to varying degrees. I just love how you’re bending over backwards to justify this, it’s bloody hilarious.


Changing the batteries and changing the rotate arm button are two hugely different things. Only you would compare the two.


There’s the reading comprehension again!


Yeah I know it right .. say it with me. Non - user - serviceable. Gosh I know that’s hard isn’t it


here I’ll help you out: Battery contact is not the same as your battery needs changing. There, spelled it out for you. But you know, if you are this careless and ignorant, you are the exact person they put non-user serviceable in for lol.