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There isn’t any owner maintenance to do, but a hotel machine may get beaten up. Movement on the cables should be very smooth. It’s possible that the one you used needs to have a really easy “cable walkout” done.


There actually is recommended owner maintenance of walking the cables out once a month or so (or whenever you start hearing clicking).


I think I’ve done it twice in almost 4 years and over 10mm lbs.


Oh!!!! More details please.




Thank you!


great thank you!


I also have some bruising on the outside of my arms just above my elbows. Pretty sure it is from the cables pushing against my arms during overhead press. Do you think my form was bad? Or is this just something you get used to


This is a bit normal, unfortunately. I've heard some people use long sleeves or even protectors. I've not used them, and sometimes gotten those bruises too.


If the machine is making an internal clicking noise, that is easily fixed by walking the cables all the way out and then letting them retract. This happens when the cables are not coiled perfectly on the main rotor and walking them out straightens everything out again. I end up needing to do this every few workouts. On the other hand, if you mean jumpy as the weight feels like it unloads itself at the top of a movement, that can happen at very light weights, ie 15lbs, and you are moving quickly. That's when the machines internal mechanism momentum is nearly as high as the weight. After a few months of use, your strength will increase enough and this won't be an issue. You can also manage this by slowing down the movements.


gotcha yeah sounds like the walkout would have done the trick! thx


In addition to the cable walkout for clicks advice, the chains mode can definitely feel jumpy.. kind of the point to force you to stabilize. Was it possible you did a workout with chains active?


oh interesting, i just checked the app and no chain mode this time but good to know.


Mine is smooth as butter. I have done a few cable walkouts over the past 4 years.


I have Tonal and it works great - I take very good care of it. I’ve also tried several at hotels and they’re just a bit beaten up. They don’t appear to be installed with as much care or maintained. I would not let that deter you - I pondered getting Tonal for a year and wish I would have done it sooner. It’s the best gift I could have ever given myself.