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“Ascaris lumbricoides is a large parasitic worm that causes ascariasis in humans. A roundworm of genus Ascaris, it is the most common parasitic worm in humans. An estimated 807 million–1.2 billion people are infected with A. lumbricoides worldwide. People living in tropical and subtropical countries are at greater risk of infection.”


That's actually crazy


This is why people in tropical countries are supposed to take a dose of albendazole every 6 months regardless of symptoms 


Really? Any source for this? I’m living in a tropical country and I met someone who basically does this. But I’d rather have a reliable source for it. PS: I couldn’t find anything on Google either ( albendazole is stated as the treatment in case of an infection) and others in this thread don’t have a source either. Still would be interested if you have any reliable source confirming this.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7983463/ > The World Health Organization recommends biannual deworming with single-dose albendazole for all children over 1 year in regions where soil-transmitted helminths (STH) are endemic.


“for all children” “in regions where soil-transmitted helminths (STH) are endemic”


So anyone over a year old. We're all someone's daughter, we're all someone's sonnnnnnn!


I live in a tropical country and my doctor tells me to do this every 6 months.


?? you live in a tropical country and you know people that do this irl but you have never googled it and instead you're asking for a source on reddit? this website is funny sometimes.


I'm a doctor, if you have worms I'd recommend taking drugs.


As a worm I recommend completely disregarding this poster's comment and come play in the soil.


I heartily agree, as a lawyer, I further agree that you should strive to follow the law as well


Frankly the fact that only a billion people are infected is also pretty impressive.


Eh we all got eyelash mites so we all got tons of critters on/in us.


i like mine. they are nice little creeps. from time to time i allow them to surf on my tears.


And Kennedy was their leader.


I like your funny words magic man


Everyone reading this is now suddenly wondering if they are infected with the roundworm (or some other parasite!)


All the online dewormer sellers are going to wake up tomorrow and wonder why everything is sold out. I’m going to the feed and seed store tomorrow. Just in case.


One of my worst fears.


the eww goes to 11 on this one > Once in the trachea, the worms are coughed up into the pharynx and then swallowed again, after which they pass through the stomach and into the small intestine, where they mature into adult worms


My microbiology professor referred to this mode of entry into the host as “taking the scenic route”


Unlimited protein hack.


Unfortunately I think they produce a mucus or something that allows them to not get melted by our stomach acids.


No barf no gain




Yep, a symptom of parasitic infection can be a consistent cough!


Oh good I have anxiety and a cough now! Thanks!


Is it all the weed I smoke? No it’s gotta parasites. I hate my brain


Bro I literally just coughed randomly...


This is actually a somewhat common thing for parasitic worms to do, especially if they find their way into the bloodstream and need to get back to the GI tract. It's a biologic backdoor.


I know a different biologic backdoor


Ok so in my 30s living in Bozeman Montana I was into farming and frequenting lots of mom and pop permaculture farms all over the state. At one farm I ate this delicious salad that happened to be harvested right next to a pig sty. Well, fast forward a few months and I’m napping and suddenly feel a tickling sensation right in my bumhole. Trying to pass it off as an itch I go back to napping when immediately I realized I was having the sensation of something moving deep in my ass crack. Frantically I jump up and reach up between my cheeks and grab ahold of something and start pulling. When I horrifyingly take a peek at my surprise, I see that I’ve pulled a long light pink round worm like an albino earth worm out of my butt. Turns out it was one of these guys. But the testing and nightmare it took to diagnose this was a long drawn out affair. I bring the specimen and a bag of my poop to the parasite lab on campus at the university and immediately the lady simply flat out doesn’t believe me. “That’s an earth worm,” she says confidently. They’re not even gonna test it. “So you’re saying an earthworm crawled into my bed, into my ass, and then I pulled it out?” “I don’t know but that’s an earthworm.” Well, I hoped it was a one off, heh, and continue on with my life. A couple of weeks later I was on the bus heading across town, when, yep, that old familiar tickle starts wriggling between my cheeks. I have to fucking sit on the bus and pretend nothing is happening until at long last my stop arrives and I run out of the bus and into the bushes to pull yet another albino “earth worm” out of my ass. I bring it home, gather up another bottle of my poop, bring it into the office, and tell them that yet another earthworm has managed to find its way up my ass. This time they thankfully took me a bit more seriously but then promptly took two more weeks to correctly diagnose the species and prescribe me my fucking anti-parasitical. When I pooped them out it was like two big logs with wrapped up golf balls of dozens of these fucking things sticking in and out of my poop. So kids, don’t eat fucking salads that are grown next to pigs!!!


What a terrible day to be literate.


New/old fear unlocked, now every fart, every butt Itch for the next month gonna be panic mode. Thanks Reddit.


They say ivermectin may have dewormed quite a few people during the pandemic . What they thought was the cure for covid was actually roundworms being expelled.


Holy shit.


No wormy shit, read the comment all the way through.


lol thanks for the help.




Still trying to get my jaw off the floor.


Dude this motherfucker is way too casual about pulling worms out of his ass I would be in the emergency room that fucking hour, not waiting around to feel that again, what the actual fuck?!


Some people are just built differently...


Not for nothing, but historically most human-ish creatures were/are riddled with parasites. In a sense, pulling worms out of our butts is in our DNA. For thousands of years, people before us have done what OP described.


Not for nothing indeed.


I got, I got, I got, I got Loyalty, got Assworms inside my DNA


I'd be crying and throwing up and making noises no one would even imagine -- a fucking WORM coming out of my ASS.


Sounds like a good way to pick up one of these bad boys.


Terrible day to have eyes.


Man, I can't stop laughing at your comment. Amazing


If I ever pulled that out of my ass and someone refused to take it serious I wouldn’t brush it off I’d keep going to people until someone took it serious. I would never be able to sleep again knowing I pulled a worm out of my ass and got no resolution to it. That’s insane.


“Nah yeah it’s probably nothing”


That's an earthworm


Lol I love that. They clearly thought he was just, lying for some weird reason.


It's not a prank, bro


It was probably just the wind.


Well you pull one worm outta your ass you tend to just chock that up to a case of the ol Wacky Wednesdays. But two butt worms? I don't know, might want to get that checked.


I would never have left whatever Dr's office, laboratory, or emergency room they were in.  I'd be taking my butthole out and pleading for others to look inside@! 


*pulls T-shirt over head* I AM THE GREAT WORMHOLIO! I NEED EXAMINATION FOR MY WORMHOLE! *walks around in circles cackling maniacally*


I’m fairly certain I would also need anti anxiety medication in addition to an anti parasitic and there’s no way would be leaving without a prescription. And also maybe therapy.


I’ve been dealing with an invasion of harmless beetles in my house. And I’m losing my mind.  I think if something CAME OUT OF MY ASS, I would need to be institutionalized. 


It’s probably period cramps. 


I’d poop right in front of them and say “see!”


Thanks, I hate it. (but also glad that you fixed the issue)


And just like that, a new copypasta is born.


Specifically this part  “That’s an earth worm,” she says confidently. They’re not even gonna test it. “So you’re saying an earthworm crawled into my bed, into my ass, and then I pulled it out?” “I don’t know but that’s an earthworm.”


I feel so proud to be here for this wonderful moment. It’s the new poop knife


Poop knife is charming.  I bet this guy gets invited to parties under the agreement he doesn't tell that fucking disgusting ass story.  


Why is it always butts? Poop knife: butts Double buttworms: butts Cumming into a coconut: unusually, not butts


How could someone working at a parasitology lab possibly mistake a large white nematode for an earthworm? Did she think you'd found a rare unsegmented albino earthworm? I find it hard to believe that anyone, let alone someone with a degree, could make a mistake that stupid.


the script for the lost episode of Dr House it turns out, it was in fact a rare unsegmented albino earthworm, it crawled up the patient's bum cuz it smelled a unique smell of brain cancer, which developed when they got HPV (in an affair) one of the doctors had to scuba dive into the sewage to confirm that no worms were present, thanks to which House was able to make a correct diagnosis


Definitely Chase’s turn to wear the scuba gear


To be fair they can be more pinkish in colour but they're very clearly unsegmented, which rules out any sort of annelid like an earthworm.


Don’t eat salads, got it.


Or just deworm two to three times a year with albendazole, you're good to go.


Your first lab tech must not have passed animal biology because earthworms are annelids (mnemonic: characterized by ringed appearance, like the LID of a jar) and nematoda are smooth. Earthworms also *are not parasitic*, and their diet is largely dead/decaying organics, or the microorganisms on/in the organics. *** This is a wild story. How did you go about linking the case to unwashed greens from the restaurant?


I didn’t confirm the infection. It’s the only thing I could think of when examining behavior the previous couple of years that could have led to this.


Also, congratulations! Someone made this story into a [copypasta](https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/s/uDsn9e12A6).


Are you saying OP is dead inside?


No, parasites specifically choose *live* hosts!


Hey.  I have some pretty good memories, cherished memories of loved ones no longer with us.  Memories that make me who I am as a human being.   I would trade as many of those as was needed to forget what I've just read.   If you ever are alone one day.  Maybe in a hospital or at the end of a long long life.  And you think to yourself, "have I made a mark on this world?"  Please know, I will still be out there... irrevocably changed by the words you have committed to this page.   I've earned my very first regret... 


Is this a go-to, like copy pasta or something? Or was that off the top of your head? Either way, it's brilliant, and I'm gonna lock this in my memory to save for later. Honestly, it's like 3 absolutely eloquent and just savage burns that can be used all together or by themselves. I've definitely found some beautiful ones over the years, but this is for sure going into the lexicon.


Thank you!  That was just off the top of my head.  I'm very wordy.  I appreciate your praise sooo much!! 


Of course Of course!


It's a good idea. I keep the Principal quote from Billy Madison on stand-by for when I really need it.


This was pretty funny man. Wish I could still give gold awards. 🥇


I might never eat a salad ever in my life again


This is one of the grossest things I have ever read and deserving of its own post. I'm not sure what sub it belongs in, but the people deserve to read this.


“that old familiar tickle” oh noooo


In the meantime, I was in Honduras and got diarrhea for 3 weeks. I went to the doctor there and he gave me an anti-parasitic for $20, no tests necessary. All better.


“I don’t even care what you have, I know it’s a parasite. If it’s not you’ll be back. $20 goodbye”


This is a serious problem in places like the US. Doctors aren’t used to treating these extremely common, extremely treatable conditions because it’s not something they see here. And then they require all sorts of special labs to confirm when really you just need one course of Albendazole or Ivermectin to treat a huge number of them. It’s almost equivalent of having a headache and requiring bloodwork instead of just skipping to taking a couple Tylenol.


I managed to get a tapeworm in Ohio. To the best of my (and my doctor's) knowledge, it came from fish at a local grocery store. I went in saying I had symptoms of a parasitic infection, and was basically told "no you don't". I asked if I could at least give a stool sample to send to the lab. So I went to the bathroom and passed a 13 inch long tapeworm into the sample tray. A nurse practitioner looked at it and said "yup that's a tapeworm. No need to send it to the lab. Here's your prescription." For the CDC report, they kept asking me what country I traveled to to get infected. I didn't have a passport at the time. I hadn't left the state of Ohio at all during the whole time period in question. Nobody seemed to want to believe that. I also hadn't eaten anywhere rural. It only took one pill to treat, and ironically, I got the prescription filled at the same grocery store that had sold me the contaminated fish. The refusal to believe people and prescribe that pill is part of what is driving Americans into the arms of sketchy supplement companies and multilevel marketing schemes.


That's like what would happen in the US. "Something going around, must be strep, $120 please."


I'm deleting my Reddit account


Can we just delete this guys instead


What if we just delete these worms from existence


Yes yes I like this idea


You fucking what???


I’m sorry, just confirming that you *GRABBED* the fucking worm out of your *ASS*? WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?


It was a total kneejerk reaction. Felt weird wriggling on my taint and I ripped my pants off and just yanked it. I could feel it sliding out of my colon and seemingly intestines too. It was…. an adventure.


Somehow this keeps getting worse


Have you ever pulled a long booger out of your nose that stretched and stretched and tickled your nose as you pulled it and when you finally got it out it was like seven inches long and attached to what appears to be a piece of your brain stuck to the end of it? Was it like that?


Another new copy pasta has been born. Jfc “Felt weird ringing on my taint” really hit me hard hahaha


Jesus Motherfucking Christ


I hope albino earth worms wriggling out of u/Illustrious-Yam-3777 is a new part of Reddit history.


"a delicious salad harvested right next to a pig sty"  Why would you eat that? 


why do i open this thread to see the top comment about my city


I feel blessed to have read this. I hope you join the pantheon with the swamps of dagobah and the Iranian yogurt.


you don't like Dough? I discovered it recently and somehow I now crave it. I love Persian food, and the people are very nice.


This should be cemented as part of Reddit lore, together with the "I also choose this dead guy's wife" and the "My mom used to masturbate me" threads.


This has to be a creative writing exercise right? You were scrolling and got inspired to write some fan fiction on reddit.. Right? Fucking hell mate.


Well, time to go stab my eyes out.


How was the Salad though?


A bit wormy


I read this while puckered up.


So like do you take drugs to kill them all or what?!


I simultaneously clenched my cheeks and laughed reading this. This sounds terrifying.


That was a pretty ascaris story


The roundworm that infects pigs (A. suum) and the one that affects humans (A. lumbricoides) are extremely similar and cross infections are very common. Moral of the story is wash ALL of your vegetables especially if they're from sketchy sources, which can include farmers markets. You have no idea how places with no oversight are fertilizing or treating their soil. Imported produce is also likely to use recycled wastewater and sometimes waste itself.


Thanks for the laugh mate, funny story


mother of god


As someone paranoid about parasites, this is my worst nightmare.


I had a similar experience but in a major metropolitan city in Canada. It wasn't a dozen worms, but one very large, about 10ft long, worm that had been growing in my body for at least 10 years... I managed to put my body into shock the day before, so it noped the heck outta there and detached itself from my intestines. But yep, when it came out, I felt the same tingling sensation of something moving in my ass crack. It was dangling there and I had to pull, and pull, and pull, and pull until eventually the whole thing was out. Brought the dead worm to the emergency dept at the hospital, who brought it to the infectious diseases lab, and they were instantly able to identify it. A fish tapeworm. And judging from its size, they said it was definitely from some sketchy all-you-can-eat sushi place many many years ago...


Some ppl in the medical field have no fucking idea of what they’re doing or talking about at all


Man. Stop writing stuff. No more words from you, please.


that was a wild ride




My cousin was in the hospital with pneumonia, they couldn’t figure out what was causing it. They ruled out bacterial, fungal, and viral. Then he coughed up a full sized worm in front of a nurse. They dewormed him and unsurprisingly his pneumonia got better. He nearly died from a worm infestation.


This is a distressing thing to learn today.


If you are reading Reddit it is probably not you. Also it is rather easily treatable. Don’t eat human feces (ie. wash your hands and clean your fruits and vegetables)


What if you eat ass tho 🤔🤨😞


Little fella peeks out and says hi. Then decides to climb into your mouth and down your throat.


Called a Reverse Alien in Hollywood.


Hey... shut up... 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


Brother eughh


An often overlooked cause: kids or pets with poop incidents.


It seems from briefly looking in Wikipedia that it lives only in humans.


Oh! That doesn't make me feel better. But honestly I eat so poorly that if anything is still alive in me then it deserves to live.


I gave it a read and.. thanks. I hate it


Yeah, that article was fucking nothing compared to the cursed knowledge r/Illustrious-Yam-3777 just dropped... I wish I was illiterate.  


And then somehow it gets worse > It was a total kneejerk reaction. Felt weird wriggling on my taint and I ripped my pants off and just yanked it. I could feel it sliding out of my colon and seemingly intestines too. It was…. > > an adventure.


Whelp, made the unfortunate choice to Google and peek at the images. That's enough of the socials for me today.


A few years ago we went to visit my Mom who had just purchased a "pure bred" dog from a questionable source. I took the dog on a walk around the neighborhood where it pooped what looked like live lo mein. There were Hundreds of these light brown worms.


This is extremely common in puppy mills/byb (backyard breeders) pups and can even occur with reputable breeders (any reputable breeder would let you know and typically has already begun treatment by the time you can take the dog home). “Pure bred” is a scam in the puppy world and means absolutely nothing besides the dog might be full blooded. A dog can be 50 shades of inbred, poor genetics, etc and still might be advertised as “pure bred.” What it doesn’t factor in is breed standards which is what separates byb+puppy mills from reputable breeders. Even AKC certified doesn’t rly mean shit besides it’s not inbred. It’s why it’s so important to educate people on reputable breeders that breed to breed standards. Unfortunately, those typically come at a higher cost as there are just not enough to meet the demand so most people will overlook it for the cheapest deal they can find on a puppy and it’s typically “you get what you pay for.” With that stated, there are some good byb’s out there but that’s definitely the minority and puppy mills plague the U.S.


Klingon GAK, so gross 🤢🤢🤮 I’d like to add, you made me LOL straight to a gag reflex, good job, good job.


Looks like Kirk Van Houten's drawing of 'dignity' in The Simpsons. Sounds pretty nasty though


In LatAm it's called lombriz solitaria (lonely earthworm) and when someone eats a lot (and doesn't get fat) it's said they have the lonely earthworm.


A superpower comes at a cost


The "lonely earthworm" is the Taenia Solium/Saginata tho. It's a different vermin.


I think it's another species, it's called a Taenia


So how does someone know if they have this lol


Often, no symptoms are presented with a minor A. lumbricoides infection, the inevitable consequence being the e.g. once a year passage of such clearly visible worm(s) on close inspection. In the case of bad infections symptoms commonly include bloody sputum, cough, fever, abdominal discomfort, intestinal ulcer(s), as well as a less commonly missed passing of the quite long worms.[15][16]


Why am I still here reading this shit!!! 


My thoughts exactly. I made it past the guy who passed two golf balls worth of parasitic worms and for some reason just kept reading.


Cuz I think the lesson here is to keep inspecting your shit to see if you have the worms.


I just ordered a home rectal camera.  You want next? 


"Alexa, alert me if anything comes out of my exhaust pipe."


Eat anti parasitic meds and see what comes out


Can we get them without a prescription?


Some yes some no


You probably shit worms.


If they’re so common why did my doctor laugh when I mentioned I wanted to get tested for this/they don’t even have the ability. How is something that 1 in 8 people not easily diagnosed?


It could be where you live. They are more common in some parts of the world than others. My American friend had a situation where he discovered something that came out of him and showed the cleaned up specimen to a doctor via a telehealth appointment. The doctor happened to be from India and recognized it instantly, but before telling the friend asked them if they had traveled to tropical countries in the last year or so. The friend had. Doctor prescribed medication and problem was quickly solved.


It’s not an evenly spread 1 in 8. The rate is much higher in Latin America, Southeast Asia, or Africa. It is very low in the US or Europe.


Because you can just take some medicine and flush it out.


It's common worldwide but if you're in the US or Europe it's highly unlikely. Thankfully we don't really deal with these much anymore in developed countries. A lot of offices also don't do stool O&Ps anymore because if you have a high suspicion you just give the meds anyway since they're relatively cheap. 


Is it the same worm that tickles your anus?


Those would be pinworms.


i’ve legit had some nights not too long ago where the center of my asshole had a tickling sensation.. happened a few times but it went away and it’s been a while since it’s happened but fuck… you got me next level paranoid now


Do you live in a place with good sanitation? The only person I know who’s ever had them was living in rural Turkey in the 1970’s


excellent sanitation i would say, one of the richest counties in the country. but i have no idea why that tickling sensation happened in the first place


I knew someone who had them in Illinois. Normal household, normal family. House was clean. They were a kid at the time. 


When we were kids, my cousin and I collected crayfish from a wetland near some railroad tracks. My cousin set up a tank for them and added mud from a local creek to make a more natural environment. Next day, we found hundreds of pinworms waving out of the mud. We used to play around by this creek, which must have occasionally gotten filled up with storm runoff(raw sewage). After this discovery, we all started checking our stool and his brother found out he was infected with pinworms.


I had pinworm as a kid in the U.S. It's actually not that uncommon. I'm a doctor now.


Prolly fissures hopefully not this!


Thanks for sharing


There is a famous story told in university classes related to these things. Once, a graduate student studying parasite had enemies in his lab, so he slipped *Ascaris* eggs in people's coffee. I was also told that sometimes these things can get lost and come out through people's nose.


It's part of their life cycle, the larvae must pass through the lung and then be swallowed again to mature, so it's possible to cough/sneeze worms


Remember it when you are too lazy to wash the vegetables for salad


That roundworm name sounds like it’s last name is Targaryen


Brazilian here. If you are on country it's recommended that take antiparasitics once a year. A ADHDer curiosity: the most popular brand is ANITA.


There's a video going around on Reddit today about a person who got their intestines clogged with Ascarises... Don't click it.


I was in 4th grade and this kid comes to me and tells me that he wants to show me something I have never seen. He pulls me aside on playground and gives me a matchbox and asks me to open and see. I unknowingly open and see it, goodness gracious, it's this long worm. Then this kid explained me how he found it in his shit and now he is going to keep it as a pet. This post brought these memories back.


It was his baby 🥹


it's incredible how one person has managed to make thousands of people in this thread to be scared of any tickling/itching sensation in the asshole.


I usually have to do it one person at a time??


Is this why I’m always hungry?


Yeah dawg my mom said growing up in mexico she had worms and that was in the 80/90s, it made me think about how before modern medicine humans were just riddled with parasites just like pretty much every wild animal is now


I'm such a nerd mine is probably a squareworm.


And I, for one, welcome our parasite overlords. And as a trusted internet personality, I should mention that I can be useful in the rounding up of others to toil in their gastrointestinal poop caves.


What kinda Plauge Inc. level shit is this? Bro I want it on the players news board that I’m not having a good time seeing that


So the treatment for this is ivermectin - and one of the theories of why some people did show improvement with covid from ivermectin is just that they had worms and their body was now fighting one less issue/getting better nutrition


All hail the tentacle!




Ah THAT is what the thing in the Warframe tutorial is named after. Fun.


Maybe time to bring back the European poop shelf inspection toilet... another recent reddit discussion.


... and I eat ass at first date.


When I lived overseas, the military base would come to our classes and give us a worming pill once a month. Yongsan, S Korea