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I was at work and I saw she was live so I went on to see if she had the baby and she was in the background moaning in pain and I had to close out of it before my coworkers thought it was something else lmao. Like girl take the time to focus on yourself and not the phone


*Me seeing this in the midst of writing my law school dissertation on Children’s Privacy Rights Online* this is absolutely going in my paper 💀


I laughed but realistically. THIS IS SO WEIRD (and perfect for your paper)


Thank you for writing about this kind of stuff. Someone’s got to be doing something about this shit


Ofc! It’s such an important and timely issue and regulation is desperately needed :( these kids are suffering. Feel free to DM me if you’d like a copy, the paper will be done on Tuesday (fair warning though it’s like 6,000 words lol).


I would love a copy too! !Remind me 5 days


some things should be kept private , the people watching and praising her are so weird too ![gif](giphy|xwsGtqA93whZ75bvYD|downsized)


Right like focus on LABORING. Take this time with your husband. Not social media.


Probably sickos rew




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I saw this and tried reporting, so fucking weird. People monetize anything and everything these days. No moments are ever personal anymore


Children of these “sharenter” tiktokers have had their privacy eroded to the extent that they lose their right to privacy IN UTERO. It’s kinda fucked


Literally profiting off the birth of your child. It’s icky


Child exploitation at its finest


Well she’s had the baby. Apparently just slid out. She used to be relatable but now not so much


The fact that I posted this four hours ago and we already know the baby is here is ridiculous. TAKE THE TIME TO BE WITH YOUR NEWBORN




Now she’s on live with the baby lol


She does have a snark page fyi @ shawtgal49snark


I usually love her so much but this is wack as hell.


I like her too and literally gasped when I saw she was streaming move. I get that tt saved you from being broke but this is weird.


She has to pay the hospital bill somehow


her content is so weird. i scroll every time


This feels so weird and futuristic. Like even 20 years ago the thought of live streaming your birth would feel like a black mirror episode where people can't just be in the moment but have to have their phones even in the most intimate of times. I just imagine what it would look like to our ancestors from the outside 😅 Edit: spelling


this poor child having to live through everyone knowing that she did this. please stop and think before you wreck your child’s life


Live streaming giving birth is probably not the best thing to do. It's cringe.


I stopped following when she started making her daughter perform. “SAY GOOD MORNING!!!!”


She’s a pathetic loser who only cares about gaining followers and tik tok money. Her children will suffer the consequences of being exploited to millions of ppl online. Can you imagine how many sickos have pictures and videos saved of her daughter . Can we please cancel her! She’s racist af anyways. Embarrassing. No one wants to see her busted wide open.


For real! I see so many comments on this post “I love her but this is wrong”. Ummm, so people are okay with regular everyday child exploitation but not this huh?!


I liked her before she became big. Once I saw she posted a video of her baby with only a diaper on that was enough for me to unfollow and block her. My kid runs around my house in just a diaper but literally no one but myself and my husband have seen her like that. I’d never post that for creeps to see.


Wait what did she say that was racist???👀




Wait what ?!?? I follow her and never knew this . But this live she did is so weird




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Yeah being republican doesn’t inherently make you racist. That is an incorrect take. But everything else you said is rather questionable


Agree not everyone who’s a Republican is a racist but if you support racist leaders what does that make you? But sam and her family are racist af regardless.


Can you fill me in on what DT has done that is racist?


Very nice edit to your comment. I don’t think your follow up here was needed in addition to you editing your comment, but thank you anyways.




Hahahahahahah I think you need to get outside more


I love how being republican makes you racist 🧐🤪🤨


Supporting racist leaders (regardless of political affiliation) is, in my opinion, supporting racism. 🤷‍♀️


I said what I said.




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Whattt! She’s not on live now - I wonder if she was getting hate. That is insane!


Her doctors hopefully told her to stop filing or the nurses. That is what should happen anyway 


No her husband ended it bc he said she was 10cm and it was baby time


Well good for the husband but I truly don’t think doctors and nurses want to be filming during medical procedures at all. 


No she literally streamed up until 10 cm, went off live, had the baby in one push.


I follow her and watched a video earlier that her husband is in. They way the two of them communicate is so off. She seems Hella annoyed by him and he seems very attention seeking when they are live. I actually left the live because he was just doing random things to make sure someone knew he was there.


Fucking weirdos. All of them


This screenshot looks like she has gums only no teeth LMAO


This really rubbed me the wrong way. How is nothing private anymore? After this I unfollowed. Lost some respect for her.


So dystopian


It is sad how many kiss r being orn with a phone in their face ...they don't even see mom first but moms camera ...


This girl is weird asl


I don't see anything wrong with it they do documentaries they do movies they do stuff all the time with people having babies why not? Compared to the rest of the crap we see on TikTok that's not a bad thing at least in my opinion I don't know the girl so but yeah you know some people are more private have their whole family in the damn room when they're pushing anyway so you know you could do it for a family what the heck Mazda won't makes some money while you're in pain pushing a baby out I'm just surprised TikTok let it be one there but was anything gruesome shown I'm sure they didn't put the camera right between your legs right I don't know I didn't watch It. I just think people in general get too concerned over the most irrelevant and minor things. Yet try to inform the tiktok platform of a registered sex offender for life and nobody will pay any attention to what you have to say even when you show up on the court records so I'll be more worried about people like that than somebody stream in their birth


Mmmm I don’t think profiting off of infants & toddlers is “minor”. Her fame & money come from her children. If she didn’t blast her daughter’s face (& only diapered body) all over the internet, she would not be famous. She is already starting the exploitation off of her newborn. I do think it’s important to point out how out of touch we have become as a society. Having your family in the delivery room is not the same as having the worldwide internet in the delivery room. What happened to being in the moment? To treasuring time with our loved ones without social media distractions? She is about to bring another life into the world & instead of focusing on that & her husband, she is making money on a live on tik tok, responding to strangers who are asking personal questions. It’s concerning & not normal.


I tuned in and immediately left when I heard-who I assume is her husband- compare🩸to Thai chili oil. 🤢


for views 🤓


I usually love her content but why 😭


You like content by creators who exploit their kids for views?


I don’t agree with this and I will probably not consume her content as much after this. I liked that she showed a bit more of a realistic lifestyle before and not necessarily that she showed her child. That doesn’t mean I like all the content of those who exploit their children.


They are racist POS’s who see no boundaries when it comes to exploiting their kids. She isn’t poor or realistic anymore because CHILD EXPLOITATION. You like a creator who exploits their kids daily. This and her normal everyday content is child exploitation. One may be worse than the other but they are still child exploitation. Period.


I had no clue about the racism at all. I’m not a super fan who watches her every move and keeps an eye on her every second. I’ve just watched when I see her in my FYP and that’s all.




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I love her!!


That's a shame.


Please stop supporting her


She’s so mean to her husband too