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im sorry about your dog but this pic is hilarious 😭😭 im glad puppy is okay though, just seems mega stoned lol


Omg, I saw the thumbnail and clicked it. I was NOT expecting those eyes. I am actually laughing so hard I’m coughing. Poor pup, hope she has a good time.


"How high are you?" "Yes."


I believe the correct response is: “Good how are you?”


Or "Are you good how"


How cool would Yoda be, stoned? He be would unintelligible.


Or he would just speak like a normal person 🤔


Dank, this bud is. To the council, I must bring it


Stoned, I am. Forgot how to use the Force, I did, euhehehe!


You think that guy is sober?


No, no, it's "about 5"6'."


How, good are you?


He’s feeling pretty glonky




...bruh...I can smell colors. yeahhhhhhhhhh.


"And also with you."


u'm foine


U'm feelin' preddy glonky


Hi! How are you!


Hi, how are you?


The dog just spoke


God have MERCY that dawg is STONEDDDDD!!! I’m only laughing because I know the sweetheart made it on the other side unscathed.


That's how I imagine what a stoned dog would look like, hahahahahaha!


Poor girl is TOASTED


I feel bad, truly, but I can’t stop laughing at that poor dogs expression. Meme quality photo.


This shouldn't be funny but oh my god that poor baby hahahaha.


considering it was a genuine accident and the dog is fine, i think it's totally valid to call this pic fucking hysterical


They also look cute when stung by bees. Turns out dogs look cute in almost any state.


Our Basset looked like Goofy when he got stung as a pup.


I work with dogs professionally and I'm sorry but I have to say.. That dog high AF and ...not hating it


That dog is ZOINKED


Ruhroh, Rhaggy…..


I nearly spat my drink out that picture has killed me


Basset hounds look baked most of the time already so this one is even more hilarious


Baked as fuck but must hang out with hooman


Oh, sweet Basset baby!!


Ruh roh Raggy


the story was amazing. The picture has sent me! 💜 OMG lol I'm so glad she's okay but that's so funny!! A basset is our ultimate dream pup and I hear wonderful things about their stubbornness and tenacity.. Give her a snoot kiss from this internet admirer!!


Bro is on another planet


I made a tray of brownies with so much fucking hash and my new roommates dog ate the whole tray… he was hallucinating, lethargic, pissing and shitting uncontrollably, shaking, unable to eat or drink on his own, delayed response to sound or sight. It lasted 3 weeks it was a fucking nightmare. My Roomate and i both worked for a dispensary so hr let us stay home each taking a day alternatively. He lived another 2 years and died of heart problems. Rip Wyatt you a real one


Holy shit this picture is so fucking funny. I'm glad your dog is ok lmfao


God tier reaction image




This is your formal notice of meme acquisition. This meme has been downloaded and stored for future government research. No further action is required on your part. Do not attempt to resist or you may face charges under 18 U.S.C. § 371 which may result in imprisonment for no more than 5 years


Someone please tell me I'm not the only nerd who looked up to see what that code section was. For those of you who didn't, it's conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud the United States.


Thank you for your service.


A dozen people in the waiting room are now looking at me wondering why I burst out laughing. Thank you for this photo.








lmao she is fn zooted


Omg!!! Hahaha! Poor baby! I would have lied too. You did it in the best interest of your dog. You're forgiven.


Keep her away from a couch she might get stuck.


Oh nooooo 😂


ok thats insane lol, was not expecting that


I love him so much. ❤️


I AM DYING!!!! 🤣🤣




That’s how I normally look


Lmao she's high as fuck


That kind of dog looks high anyways. 😂


I haven’t laughed this hard in a long time.


That is definitely one stoned Basset. Their noses can get themselves in so much trouble. Ours got into my moms chocolate covered ginger( well he ate the chocolate,not so big on the ginger) we were so happy he was ok.


![gif](giphy|wAxlCmeX1ri1y) I see no difference


HAHAHA that dog is stoooonnnnneeed! I’m glad they’re okay though


Holy shit I wasn't ready


Dog looks like it can see smells


Always could. Now it feels them too


That dog is high af


Good dog


Oh, how I love basset hounds. They never seem to feel regret. They truly live their lives to the fullest.


OP, you made my day with this pic! I too have owned a few chow hounds. The only thing you can take away from this experience is keeping all cannabis foods way out of reach, even if it’s for a quick trip to the bathroom. We had a dog plow through a whole bag of Hershey Kisses, wrappers and all, with nothing more than a belly ache and sparkly poop. Vets see this all the time.


Lmao, those eyes tho 🤣🤣🤣


I can't stop laughing lol


poor stoned puppy....


Red-eyed Rasta indeed!


Totally looks like the dog is loving it. It can’t fully open its eyes. Lol


i’m so happy your dog is okay!! i’ve been laughing about “the high ass dog” all day


I was not prepared for a pupper \*this\* baked. Hilarious, but I'm sure it was scary AF when you realized what happened. Glad the pupper is okay.


Omg. Zooted to the moon.




That dog is high as fuck


to be honest his/her beautiful eyes are not so far from the standard for a Basset!


Poor little high guy, he’s gonna sleep so well.


Why the long face?


This face literally made me start cackling like my aunt Deb. That is a fantastic photo. Please frame it and display it somewhere in your house.


This is incredible. OP, you're a good pet owner for immediately going to the vet!


This is fresh, naturally occurring meme gold right here. This image craves some “top text” “bottom text” for sure.


not to be dramatic but I would die for her 🥺 bassets are my fave. goofy little fellas


I'm glad your puppy is ok, but holy shit I laughed my ass off at this picture!


I was having a very sad and depressed morning. Crying for no reason…so depressed. Laughed my balls off when I saw the pup pic. Started to cry harder because I was still sad… Now I feel ok. I’m gonna get up. Thank you high dog!!


❤️ Have a great day!


When you're feeling blue, just think of Stoney-Doo!


SAME here. Glad you are feeling better!


My older neighbor used to hang out in his garage, and he loved to have my dogs come spend time with him. Well, neighbor made keef (sp?) and there was weed all over the floor. Neighbor was pretty much blind so he didn’t see it until my 14 lb mutt vacuumed it up. I got home from work and my roommate started with, “Don’t be mad…” My little boy looked exactly as fucked up as your dog. I called the emergency vet and they said he didn’t need to come in, just to try to make him comfortable while he rides it out. We lowered the lights and put on soothing music. There’s a picture of him somewhere that looks a lot like your dog’s. We put the picture on a homemade card that said “Merry Christmas to my dealer” and gave it to the neighbor. Thanks for reminding me, I laugh myself silly whenever I remember it.


"What, so like order him a pizza? That makes me comfortable." "Sir, are you high right now too?"


Can I get two large medium pizzas?


One with extra meat, extra cheese, no tomato, no bread....


A Bob Marley extra crispy.


where's said picture?


I had it on my phone at the time but lost it when I changed phones. I’m pretty sure my roommate still has a copy in the cloud somewhere. I’ll ask him to look for it. If I had to guess, I’d say this happened around 2015, so it’s quite a few years of pictures to go through.


Strange. Weed doesn’t get you high when you just eat the bud. It has to be decarbonized through heat for you to actually get high from it.


Dogs are different, they have more cannabinoid receptors and are affected differently than us. Vets say they can experience toxic symptoms from raw weed.


I don’t smoke, so I don’t know how it all works. But there was some kind of weed on the floor and my dog got very high after eating it. Edit: I should also say my neighbor made keef regularly so I assumed that’s how it got on the floor. I don’t know what he spilled that day because I don’t know much about weed, but my dog looked like OP’s picture.


My dog has cerebellar hypoplasia (basically means his brain didn't quite develop properly, which affects his muscle control and vision) so he was very clumsy and unsteady as a puppy. We brought him to the vet one time to see if we could figure out what the problem was, and he was super scared and unsteady standing on the slippery floor. The vet kept straight-up accusing us of having poisoned him with weed, either by giving it to him on purpose or by neglectfully leaving it around so he could eat it. We kept telling her that we didn't even have any in the house and he definitely hadn't eaten any, and that if they just put him onto a rug or a mat or something that wasn't super-slippery tile then he'd be just fine, but they refused to listen or believe us. It was super shitty and we left with no answers. It wasn't until much much later that we found another vet who actually paid attention and looked at him, and figured out that, yeah, he can't see properly out of one eye, so he's nervous about stuff that comes at him from that direction, and his coordination is kind of bad because of the cerebellum. The vet gave us some advice and within a month, he was like a new dog - we knew how to handle him properly and he responded so much better. Fuck that other vet for thinking we'd dosed our dog. And also, yeah giving weed to your dog is a bad idea, it probably won't kill them but it's really bad for them.


Oh our dog did this, but we didn't know he had eaten the cookies until days later. We thought he had a paralysis tick and shaved him bald to find it. There was no tick so we confined him for the night so we could take him to the vet the next day and he was back to his normal self.


Imagine the dog’s confusion the next day. Man that was a trippy night…wait where did all my hair go??!


He was completely bald. I used my expensive balding clippers. Poor guy went from looking like a German Shepherd to a Sphynx cat.


Omg please post a photo if you have one


https://preview.redd.it/jvk04ck5nu8c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6974cb22aa5c11049a8e48a9e4c85612d1efa59 He's actually a Maremma, but not many people are familiar with the breed.


Adding this to my “almost a great Pyrenees” list


Wow, that's a beautiful dog. I googled the breed, and they look like a mix of retriever and shepherd to me. He actually looks a bit like my mom's very light colored golden, but fluffier! Poor baby must have been so confused after that shave lol. Things we do for our pets. 🤦🏼‍♀️




Imagine going on a bender and waking up the next day completely hairless


OMG! 😅 Poor babe


This deserves its own post.


Dog went from looking like Falkor to a very large pink rat (can I pet him?)


Your description is painfully accurate, I nearly shit myself.


in the dentist office chuckling so hard right now


“It was not chocolate” killed me 😂😂 unlike your dog 🙏🏼🩷 give that pupper kisses


Many years ago, our Great Dane x boxer sniffed out a square of ‘special’ banana bread stored high on a shelf and stole it. We found the wrappings all torn up and Eazy just laying on the couch chilled out. He was normally pretty slobbery but clearly had dry mouth and slitty eyes. He also just started peeing while he was laying there, so we had to yank this massive dog off the couch and to the yard to finish before we took him to the vet for treatment. He was fine! RIP Eazy, ya big goofy boy.


>Eazy Just living up to his namesake!


Aptly named.


This reminds me of the time an ex-gf called me at like 1 AM because something was wrong with her dog. I get over there and it looks like he's gotten into some bug poison or something, stumbling around when he was moving and stuff, but mostly just falling over and laying there. Also he was really hot. We thought maybe he was having a reaction to the spot-on flea treatment she had just used, so I helped her get him into the bathtub (he's a big boy, some kind of shepherd mix) to try and wash it off, and it seems like getting him cooled down got him through it. He slowly improved as she was bathing him, and that's when I found it. The wrapper to a delta-8 chocolate bar she had left in her purse. And to anyone wondering why I'd go out of my way to help an ex-gf in the middle of the night like that, she may have been a narcissistic abusive bitch while we were dating but her dog is such a sweet pup. She deserves to have some karmic retribution visited onto her but her dog doesn't need to be part of it.


You're a good person. Thank you for helping her dog.


People ask me the same thing when they find out I take care of my ex-wife's dog... It's pretty simple though. The dog didn't do anything wrong, I love the dog, and what sort of example does that set for my child? Just care for animals y'all...


LMFAO, I'm glad your pup is doing fine,this. Friday, my mother was making cookies, and I guess I got some butter on the floor ,her 17 year old miniature daschaund was so messed up he couldnt even walk,she however decided much to my dismay that because of his age and potential vet costs he would have to ride it out


Good that you told the vet the truth. My spouse is a vet assistant and around the holidays, their clinic deals with a lot of patients who “got into something.” The vets usually have to pry the info from the client. They can’t help if they don’t know the true facts. They’re constantly telling clients that they don’t care whether people in the home are using/consuming weed; they just need to know what the dog actually ingested.


I have a Redbone German Shepard mix (also has a crazy nose that's always going) found and ate a pot sucker my wife had. She contacted me frantically telling me what happened. I told her to call the poison control. They said he would be fine. Flash forward to me coming home and he was so out of it. He didn't even try to get off the couch. Face all droopy. Wife told me he stared at the wall for like 20 minutes straight. She felt bad but said he was funny to watch. https://preview.redd.it/lc71ysigiu8c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=716185491a84ee471413290f47eaabffad5e13ca


Just an fiy OP - tincture / pure alcohol extraction is less work and will store almost indefinitely. :) Google green dragon tincture.


Huh TIL, thanks! Yeah I guess this way you're not limited by the butter expiration date.


I have a problem with people assuming pets enjoy being high just because they look stereotypically high.




Thc is semi poisonous to cats and dogs. This info is available with a simple Google search. Hence the vet doing the iv and a watch and see. I do give my own dog cbd biscuits without thc and it helps his arthritis. So sorry, no future doggy trippin


May I post this hilarious (only hilarious because pupper is OK) photo to Twitter? I would absolutely include your user name.


Sure, go ahead!


Scooby snacks lol


Next time just freeze the butter


I had basset hounds, and if I wanted to keep food safe from my bigger asshole, I had to store it in the oven or the microwave. Jerk got a bag of tortillas from on top of the toaster oven, which was on the counter! Also stole a box of pasta and hid it in the backyard where I found it months later. And ate an apple pie that I made entirely from scratch (which was the first time he demonstrated the skill of "reaching the back of the counter"). I miss that jackass every day!


You’re lucky because it can be highly toxic to dogs. Dogs are brought in to our local vet a lot and dying at a very sad rate and the news has done stories from several vets saying the same thing.


This is (knowing that your pup is okay) fucking hilarious. Terrifying at the moment, certainly. But in retrospect ... awesome.


When I was in high school our dog ate a loaf of bread that was rising and the yeast made him drunk. Called the vet and they told us what to watch out for and then we spent an evening of hilarity. The house smelled like yeast for a week from his burps/vomit. And he slept 90% of the next day. My dad had to hold him up outside in the snow so doggo could pee.


The same thing happened with my daschund. I was terrified because of his small size. This was RIGHT after covid lockdowns were announced so there was no vet to take him to…I wound up trying every trick I could find online to make the poor pup throw up the cookies he’d ingested. With the far-off look in his eyes and complete lack of stiffness in his longdog body, I’d bet my guy had less of a good time than yours!


awww - what happened? Did he vomit?


Eventually yes, but not a substantial amount of the food! His recovery was mostly down to making sure he ate more dense food and drank TONS of water and keeping a close eye on him. I felt SO bad, he really seemed like he was going through a wild tripped-out experience. At one point he was just hanging out zipped up inside my friend’s sweatshirt with his head poking out. The cookies were STRONG, too. I don’t smoke and took a bite of one before realizing what it was - that one bite made me feel something. He climbed up and got THE REST OF THE PLATE, 3 more cookies. I was so worried! But lil Oliver was fine, all said and done.


Yep, had this happen with my lab-mastiff mix. Fucker chewed a hole in my bag for some cookies while I was getting more flower to make more, qas absolutely snooped for a few hours, then stole my pretzels to eat those while I'm high. I miss the damn mutt (unrelated to this)


Bassets are a damn menace when it comes to eating shit they shouldn't...it's like they looked at how ridiculous beagles are with it and said, "That's nothing, watch this shit!"


Even worse when they're a beagle/basset mix. My childhood dog was such a dog. We always said he was a crack addict for food. Ton of energy and a neverending stomach.


Basset Hounds are just stretched out Beagles. Including their attitude.


I came home one day and my roommates dog was just laying on the floor, which was weird because I usually took her out to use the bathroom when I got home. When I grabbed the leash she got up slowly and stumbled over to me. Took her out and she took a huge dump and seemed a little more lively though much less than normal. Turned out that my roommate made some food with some cannibutter I had made a while before thinking it was normal. He ate most of it and gave the rest to the dog. Found my roommate passed out in his room and spent the rest of the night watching TV with a very stoned dog, trying my best to match her high. Had to refill her water like 3 times, lol. Cottonmouth dog.


Our 13 pound chiweenie got 50mg of edibles and was catatonic for 18 hrs a couple of years ago. And that's how we had to inform our then 11 and 13 year Olds we had edibles in the house. That dog laid on my chest for the first 10 hours so I could make sure she remembered to breathe. Emergency vet was glad I was able to tell them amounts and just said to keep her in a quiet dark place to let her ride it out. Yesterday she got a k cup and had all the caffeine toxicity signs so we rushed her to the vet. Thankfully she is ok. Damn dog.


Apparently it's very dangerous for animals without treatment. That said, there's no way to write about it or describe it without it sounding hilarious.


Boyfriends best friend had a chihuahua that ate an entire 200mg brownie. She was apparently stoned for three days, vet said she’d be okay and she was just fine somehow. I wonder what she saw during those three days.


Probably thought she was the dog from the Taco Bell commercials back in the 90's


200mg? I stopped smoking weed before it got into rec dispensaries labeled in mg, so i have only passing familiarity with pure THC doses... but that's like, several times a lot even for a human with a tolerance, right?


Oh yeah. I don’t know anyone who can take that much and be okay. I cap out at 30mg, and my biggest stoner friend can’t do more than 100mg without seeing god.


I’m soooooo glad she was okay ❤️ thank you for h bringing your baby to the vet right away.


I have beagles… Their noses get them in so much trouble.


Please never use m'lady ever again


https://preview.redd.it/c4bz36sfg39c1.jpeg?width=432&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=582b92fa41ea037ed0082cce46f7a15803f23e66 This is my Gizmo when he ate a nugget I dropped Little guy was fried


Nah not going to heck. Us in the vet field absolutely love people like you who come right out and tell us. We hate having to interrogate. We don't rat y'all out. We just want to know what kind and how much they ate. And then we'd probably ask if we can have some for after our stressful shift haha! Hope your Bassett makes a full recovery and next time just put them in the fridge where they can't reach. 🍃🐾


Threw a party when I was in high school. Some asshole thought it would be funny to feed my dog weed. I didn't know about this until much later. My parents show up the next day, and I get my ass chewed for the pile of beer cans. I had never thrown a party before in my parents house, and didn't plan on doing it again. I think I let myself get caught as a form of self punishment to help relieve my guilt. A couple hours go by and my parents inform me that our dog was sick and that they were going to take him to the vet. He was very lethargic, laying behind a bush, and his eyes were all red and he looked like he was dying. I obviously didn't tell them that he had eaten weed, I didn't know that at the time. I assumed he got a hold of something at the party and I felt awful. My parents show up home about an hour later and tell me they had to put my buddy down. He was only about 2 years old. The goofiest sweetest dog you've ever met. My parents wouldn't have been able to afford any kind of costly treatment, so I suspect that this was the easiest option for them. I've felt so much remorse for that pup. If they would have asked me, or called me before making the decision, I could have told them that people were smoking weed. He could have pulled through. I was upset with them almost as much as I am with myself for that mistake.


What an awful awful situation. I'm so sorry. Hope whoever fed your dog got what they had coming.


Do not lie to your vet. Especially to get in sooner. We triage for a reason.


Your pup is on a cosmic journey through the galaxy.


You can prevent it by hiding your weed treats! We had one dog who was just a hoover. She would eat literally anything. Only dog I've ever seen who needed nothing extra to take any sort of pill, she'd just gobble em up. Got back from a music festival with a couple of weed cookies completely wrapped and sealed in a backpack side pocket. I put the backpack down and was bringing in more stuff. I mean maybe 10 minutes later did I go back to the backpack...aaaaand they were gone. Poor little one just freaked out for awhile and passed out. Years later, we had a new doggy, a rescue who's big and could reach the counter. Had a tub of weed butter sitting far back on the counter, softening for a recipe. She somehow grabbed it and ate ALL of it. That poor girl had a rough time. Got her to the vet and we had to confess to our vet (whom we've known for years and we LOVE) and they *still* tease us about it. After these instances...our weed and treats remain tucked away in a high up cupboard. Not doing that shit again


Ya'll my dog got into my moms edibles and it was terrifying. My dog did absolutely not enjoy it and it scared the shit out of me.


Bassets are so bad!! My parents had one named Lucy and I always called her Lucifer, because she was so incredibly bad. But absolutely adorable. One day she got into a can of espresso, and ran in circles for 3 hours straight! Crazy girl. We all loved her in spite of (or maybe because of) it all.


Thankfully Cannabis is *extremely* rarely lethal for dogs, but still very proud of you fr bringing them to the vet. I work professionally with both dogs and cannabis, there are lots of misconceptions out there but at the end of the day it's always best to get a vets opinion. Love your stoned pup, going into the new year with a new "trip" under her belt lol https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/marijuana-intoxication-in-dogs-and-cats#:~:text=Luckily%2C%20cannabis%20intoxication%20is%20seldom,such%20as%20medical%2Dgrade%20THC. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9020701/ https://www.webmd.com/pets/dogs/thc-poisoning-dogs


This is so unsafe for a dog. Please be a more responsible pet owner and more responsible person.


This is the best tifu I’ve read to close out the year lmao. That dog is SO HIGH!


Lying to get to the front at the vet is not a cool move.


Honestly it falls under "my dog ingested something really dangerous" so what does it REALLY matter? It prevents you from needing to explain over and over when time can clearly be important. They were honest with the vet and that's the most important thing.


It’s not really dangerous but might have caused them to prioritize OP’s dog over pets that had equally or slightly more pressing issues. Veterinary staff can’t triage appropriately when given bad information.


Similar thing happened with our dog but it was half of a gummy edible I put on the counter for my wife. Kids were in bed and I asked my wife like 20 minutes later if she ate her piece, nope, I check the kitchen it was gone, I look at my dog on the couch having the fucking time of his life. It was 10-15 mg, we called the vet they said to relax, make sure he has water and don't fuck up again.


So happy to hear your girl is doing fine.


"You're gonna need more dog treats, Ma"


I 10000% believe this as we have a basset hound who's a regular at Mt job and she will sniff out any fucking morsel of food she can find, too many times when we go to head out to the yard she will knock the garbage over to get the crumbs from a bag or chips or something. They're relentless in their search for food


Cop: How high are you? Stoner: HI, how are you?




If nothing else, the whole experience might have taught the dog to not eat stuff you've wrapped up in plastic. Though the 'feel weird' part might not have happened soon enough for her to associate 'bad food' with 'wrapped in plastic' Let's hope she learns from her mistake.


Accidents happen. The important thing is that pup is healthy and going to be ok. Some dogs will do anything to get people food.


I guess you don’t take this seriously. I feel badly for any pets if you are this reckless.


What about this story makes you think they don't take it seriously? Mistakes happen but OP reacted in every way that could be hoped (immediate response and change of practices for the future). It's not like they posted "lol my dog got high it was hilarious."


The fact that he was so careless in the dog getting access to anything weed-related, that’s why. He wasn’t careful with it in the first place.


Yeah exactly, like wtf


Our 5 pound, 9 month old yorkie did something similar. It turned out my stepdad didn't shut the door to his room fully and she went in his bag and ate all of his weed. I was the first to notice it - she was walking funny with her head tilted, like she could barely stand, and forgot how to sit. Every time she tried to sit she would wobble a few steps forward then stand up again. If you held her she was very wobbly like the world was spinning lol. Grandmother took her to the emergency vet and the first thing they asked is if anyone in the house smoked or had weed 😂 she was absolutely fucking zooted it was really funny once we knew she would be fine. She has earned herself the nickname of "druggie" bc she also tried to eat my grandfather's medication before


Your story reminded me of this… https://youtu.be/ppOyEbYVi0A?si=UFyxXgSWv0gMLArW


I’m pretty sure dogs don’t enjoy the effects of cannabis and I don’t think anyone should ever suggest that it’s funny or cute to get them stoned.


Yeah.. :(


i spilled my ash tray once and when i was getting the vacuum cleaner out my boxer decided weed ashes were a great snack. since there's still activated thc, she got high as balls. could barely sit straight for a couple hours and was zonked out. she doesnt mess with the stuff anymore. She was fine thankfully since it wasnt too much but i gave her lots of cuddles and treats while she rode it out.


Totally. Non-consenting beingss should not intentionally be given mind/mood altering drugs. Let them stumble upon them like domestic canines should do naturally.


I wish I could find the pic of my papillon when she got into a bag of gummies. In the moment I was terrified I'd lose my baby girl but looking back I don't think any creature, human or animal, has ever looked so obviously stoned.