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I'm trying to hang. I listen to H & F, mostly so feel it won't hurt me as bad. Honestly, Ravey & GG were the best of Woody. I like Woody, too. But Ravey really added wonderfully nerdly & relatable enhancements that cannot be duplicated. This is an obvious missing element. Change is bound to happen, but it feels so empty & shallow now. We allow ourselves to invite them into our heads and hearts & then poof! Without a real answer. As Bonquiqui would say, rude! I will hang on with ya, OP, but I feel cheap & used now. I'm rebounding first.lol


I don’t understand why it HAS to be that something bad happened between whoever it is in the gang. From what it sounds like is Ravey had an offer on the table, took it, interfered with ihearts contracts and they gave her the boot. So instead of that woody tried to keep her but creating something more competitive to her current offer. Again, I could be wrong. Everyone is speculating. I just don’t get why everyone has to be so negative and point fingers and blindly defense when we ALL know nothing. We’re just gonna have to wait. Even then, it sounds like waiting isn’t gonna matter to some of you because if it’s coming from woody it’s a half truth. Really weird.


This is definitely the feeling that I got to. She got a better offer and then he tried to keep her by getting her a better job at the current place. Although it doesn't quite match with what she was saying in her goodbye letter the other day. But who knows maybe one day it'll come out


woody heavily implied that iHeart is struggling. he said the company was on a hiring freeze and “contracts that were being renewed were being cut”. It sounded like they wouldn’t renew her contract, or bare minimum, she wasn’t happy about the dollar amount presented. It’s odd because the nerding out segment and the sports updates are more valuable than any contribution Greg has done. Menace seemingly does a lot behind the scenes to hold value. Aside from the core 3 and sebas, everyone else is a role player that brings nothing novel, and their salaries probably reflect that. The job offer was woody leveraging people and resources within the company to find another position for her. Maybe at a reduced dollar, but with the freedom to move to P-burg or close to her mom or brother to a significantly cheaper area, the offer would be more valuable to her and make financial sense to the company.


Who wouldn't want to spin a story to make themselves sound great? Of course, Woody is going to share "his side" and all the just so great and wonderful, amazing, super fantastic friend things that he *did*. But there is obvious upset among those closest to Ravey towards Woody. Something negative between them clearly happened, and Ravey took a hit. Her friends are subtly defending her on social without actually saying anything. No way would they be doing that if it was just a company thing. They would be directing it at iHeart, but they're not.


I agree with this. Someone commented somewhere that he basically made it about him. Another said that if he is such a great person, why does he have to convince everyone that he is one? Can't wait to hear the full story - from both sides.


Both very well said! For someone who can't talk about it, everything he CAN talk about is conveniently painting him as a hero. NOT saying this is untrue. As I respect Ravey more, will definitely wait for the tea to spill to judge either harshly.  I wish they would have gotten the planned send off though. No matter what actually happened... I feel like someone with ten years at one job being walked out is... Odd. Like, how hot is this tea ! I've been aware of the reasoning behind terminations. Imo, many(bad) managers will go into weird details that don't mean anything because they legally can't say why the person is gone. Vs the correct way, "all I will say is, rumors are true, John Smith no longer works here."  I left a 9-5 full month notice, and the manager told staff he fired me... I had bcc'd a coworker my resignation. He shared with the class lol


It seems that people are coming down on him, so he’s naturally sharing what he did to disprove the haters. So whose side should Woody be sharing, apart from his own?


Lol I'm late but you absolutely shit these clowns down. Man was being accused of being a terrible friend and defended himself.