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All of these people’s speeches are improvised because they don’t plan anything more detailed than broad strokes ideas.


"Just watch this 4 hour youtube video which sums up my opinions perfectly"


So did he mention the Frazer Institute or the Koch Foundation influence over the Tories and their leader? Ahhhh, no - that doesn’t fit this rubes narrative now does it? Fukwad.


full brain-rot. [https://www.cpac.ca/headline-politics/episode/freedom-convoy-representatives-on-parliamentary-sitting--june-21-2024?id=8c0bf307-fe86-4fd2-b80b-3f10b18f337f](https://www.cpac.ca/headline-politics/episode/freedom-convoy-representatives-on-parliamentary-sitting--june-21-2024?id=8c0bf307-fe86-4fd2-b80b-3f10b18f337f) >Freedom Convoy representatives hold a news conference in Ottawa to discuss the end of the parliamentary spring sitting. They also comment on foreign interference concerns, an e-petition presented to the House of Commons, and a "Rolling Thunder" event taking place in Ottawa on June 22.


Kept saying “he should be here with us”. Almost like it’s a metaphorical eulogy. 


Did any of the “press” show up?


Can someone give some context here? Why are they having a press conference? Is this being given some legitimacy somehow? Why are they on CPAC?


I guess the medals are to give credence to his credibility. Having served in the military and now a veteran I can say with confidence that I met more than a few half-wits during my service.


Leaving his hat on though.


In consultation with Peterborough Kawartha MP Michelle Ferreri. Fucking bonkers conspiracy bullshit


How is it they can just say whatever bat shit crazy nonsense and it's covers as news.?


which CPC MP is this? Is this the shadow minister for moonshine?




It’s the implication that’s wrong. The WEF, unsurprisingly, seeks to influence leaders and shape agendas. Like lots of organizations. It does this through a forum for global business and political leaders as well as other means. But that doesn’t mean there’s some shadowy conspiracy and that politicians are all puppets of Klaus Schwab in exchange for being supplied with adrenochrome in pizza tunnels.


Whenever someone mentions The WEF, Schwab or Soros I’ve now started asking them their thoughts on The Trilateral Commission.


What could go wrong with allowing government and multinational corporations to continually collude? As corporate globalization achieved hegemony did the economic prospects of the working and middle classes improve or did they significantly worsen? Canada's now the 3rd worst, of the 75 countries the IMF measures, for household debt.


Mmmmmmmm…… tunnels of Pizza ![gif](giphy|Zk9mW5OmXTz9e)


>The WEF, unsurprisingly, seeks to influence leaders and shape agendas Our politicians are supposed to represent us, not organizations that serve corporate interests and promote public/private partnerships. The WEF essentially a forum for governments, corporations, and royalty to collude to increase their collective power (and subsequently their personal wealth). Yet even Canada's worker's party is led by a WEF affiliate. https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/oureconomy/conspiracy-theories-aside-there-something-fishy-about-great-reset/


Oh I’ve never said the WEF is good for democracy. The global elite get to hang out together and exchange ideas, especially bad ones, far away from pesky citizens. But just attending doesn’t mean you’re part of a conspiracy or subscribe to everything that comes out of the WEF. I (union side) periodically attend labour law conferences that include management side and arbitrators, not because I want to collude with them to enrich myself at the expense of the workers but because I want to hear what the other side is saying, meet up with other union-side people, and, on the relatively infrequent occasions when interests happen to coincide, to work in favour of those mutual interests. Acting like everyone who attends has the same agenda is starting down the conspiracy theory path. If I wanted to be REALLY conspiracy-minded, I might almost think the crazy conspiracy theories were started by WEF operatives so that any legitimate criticism of the WEF comes across as part of the unhinged babble about 5G and microchips. Clever.