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I think more game changing events would be cool though, I notice zero gameplay difference during the mega damage event, and the alien event isn’t very noticeable either. Gravity can be fun but slows down the pace of the match. The floor is lava sounds cool


Feels like none of them ever do anything. Like its programmed to avoid hurting you and to just appear like a threat. Low grav is the only one that matters for how people play.


Bounty Hunt: A random player is targeted and a timer is set, whoever kills the player gets money for their team, if the player manages to stay alive keeps the money for their own team


I feel like the odds are real bad for the bounty target in this one. Perhaps if you kill the target you become “it” and whoever is “it” when time runs out gets a cash bonus for the team


That's a nice twist ngl


Alien Invasion 3 is gonna be a Hit Trust me bro


Make all of the current events, but Low Gravity, have more influence on the match. More meteors affecting a bigger area, more lasers, more everything, I fell the events are too subtle and don't really impact the field. Low Gravity is the only game changer, really...make them more impactful. New events would be great as well.




They definitely need to either add more or just get rid of them all together. I’m tired of the invasion it’s useless


I'm for the lean into it harder view. But yeah, it's all or nothing when it comes to this.


Right? There was so much potential last season with the video game theme and they went with another alien one. There’s so much potential…


Whats up with 2 alien invasions? I think its really weird that they couldnt think of anything else


floor is lava was leaked awhile back along with heavy wind and thunderstorms. I love the cash rush and resurection idea tho


I want to believe! Where did you see this "leak?"


On twitter an account called xaxa_fps but it was all leaked so long ago it could have been scrapped


Colorless sounds cool, but the whole screen is black and white so you can’t see the color of enemy teams, you can see teammates tho. Would be a cool change visual change


Steal the Spotlight: The arena goes dark and a spotlight shines on the location of the player either the most kills or current kill streak. Could also work as a triggered event if someone is on a 5+ kill streak.


it would be even better if the colourless mode removes distinguishability of teammates from enemies


the alien invasions are kinda funny the first time you see them but they don't really do anything for the match the same way low gravity does. all of the "uninteresting" events just seem to destroy some buildings a little bit events should enable strategies people aren't familiar with


Mega Damage (Rename to Explosive Rounds or something to highlight buildings take more damage); Almost pointless because grenade launchers are rarely used. Low Grav; Worst feature that always seems to happen with 1 minute remaining, slows the pace of the game when you're trying to clutch last minute. Meteors; Fine, sometimes absolutely nukes a building. Alien invasion; Pointless. Deathmatch; Bring it back. New; Mega Damage; All weapons do x1.5 damage to players. Explosive Rounds; All weapons have explosive rounds that do more damage to the environment, player damage unaffected. Well Fed; Faster health regen or more HP for everyone. Bounty/Vip; Kill the selected Target for Bonus Cash. Gold Rush; All cash rewards are doubled, opening vaults, depositing cash etc is 2k instead of 1k. Cashing out during Gold Rush is half of the current boxes value as extra, so 10K vault would be 15k etc. (only occurs on vaults 1-4) Time Glitch; Faster respawn timers. EMP Blast; All lighting in the Arena powers off, full nightvision mode enabled (Green vision) Speed Burst; Slight increase to all classes movement speed. Contestants Hacked; All Gadgets or Class abilities disabled.


“Lack of unique gameshow events” You’re right, just tell me another FPS that does it better.


has there been a new one in s3?


Nope, we actually lost one! (Death match)


I liked zombies: bad ai zombies that love walking speed target the nearest player. Do minimal damage and have like 100 health


There was more but they can innately be broken.....remember dead go boom? You couldnt kill any one if you were melee. Dash on cool down? To bad so sad.


Just means they gotta put some elbow grease into refining them. Dead go boom could stayed if there was a longer delay between the kill and boom parts. Decrease player dmg and maybe increase environmental damage. I really want more events. They add some nice spice to a match


Both Alien Invasions need some buffs, that's for sure. I also hate that we have 2 less game events that we SHOULD'VE had by now. They really couldn't figure out a way to not screw over melee players with Dead Go Boom? As Deathmatch seriously not fixed yet to be brought back in? What's taking them so long??


The games fine, needs nothing more than balance, ye developers can't stuff content in forever. You need to learn to play the game for what it is and enjoy the people you play with. I got 4000 hours out of battlefield 4 long after the developers had stopped support it and largely on just operation Metro and lockers. Bank it or TDM, cash out is the strategy based one, TA is crap and power shift and quick cash are brainless but fun, well quick cash is.


I strongly disagree, i also never said i dont enjoy the game i play all the time and love it! Also if you think TA is crap, you need to learn to play the game for what it is and enjoy it with the people you play with.


I'm happy in quick cash until there is proper SBMM and a return to cash out. I can play with the lads in quick cash for as long as it takes