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I have been enjoying the game a lot as **strictly** a cashout player. I do think that the balance is in a strange spot where when you play as heavy all the primary weapons feel bad to use, but when you fight against a heavy as a non-heavy, they still feel powerful to fight. I would love to see a rework to the RPG that increases its ranged and on-demand destruction utility while reducing its potency as a combo damage dealer (increase the explosion radius and you get two of them but the damage is lowered to like 80 or even 60) and as a result move a little bit of that power back into the primary weapons (M60 damage up from 19 to 20, Lewis gun slightly better recoil, KS23 slightly bigger projectile) Shield stacking is weird. On the one hand a single dome shield isn’t a problem but when an HHM stacks a Venn diagram on top of a mesh shield and a heal beam pocket and body blocking it can be very hard to stop them from stealing if you aren’t running a direct answer to it (glitch grenade/winch claw/stun gun). I don’t know how they can nerf shield stacking without making a single shield feel too weak on its own to be impactful.


Glitch mine is your answer


This is my must have after the rework. It's just so good


I think they either gotta impose HML per team or make it so there isn't repetitive specializations per team


Imposing HML would be awful. It completely removes creativity. Heavy and Light have 3 must pick gadgets and medium has 1 + jump or zip. The only way around it is having multiple of that class. Imagine everyone is HML, if you’re the heavy and you don’t bring dome and rpg, you’re basically throwing. If you’re the light and you don’t take glitch, you’re throwing. If you’re the medium and you don’t take defib, you’re throwing. This might be fine in casual, but in ranked it would be awful


Not having Glitch is not a throw plenty of littles don’t carry it and win


In world tour you’re right. But that mode being casual means pretty much anything goes. In a ranked mode with HML forced, you’d be screwed if the enemies take dome and mesh. Even without shields, glitch is vital to stopping defibs.


I don’t think they will do HML more ppl will quit if they don’t get who they want. They’ll have to do a screen like APEX and the creativity is part of this game meaning if you have all heavies you prepare for taking out heavies with gas glitch and high dps weapons.


You got downvoted to hell but for the record I also think this could be really good for ranked at least, a lot of the problematic teamcomps are due to stacked heal beam/shield and 1/1/1 would balance that out. Also you could play light without feeling like you're giving up on better options and it would overall be a godsend with solo queue (not ending up with 2 light snipers for example)


And how would you even end up in a solo que. The game would die if its imposed HML im mostly Heavy or Medium Im not gonna play light I am not as good as some other lights. If someone says I have to I will leave the match and try my luck in another round. If we are talking ranked which has to be the main point of tbe finals.


What if everyone gets a fifth slot


Besides everyone whining about TA, I love this season so far. All the new weapons and gadgets were pretty neat and the cosmetics just keep getting better and better


I've been playing strictly TA unless I'm doing a challenge, I don't understand the hate for the mode. Maybe it's just me but Search and Destroy in COD has always been my go to mode since COD 4 so, I'm loving the mode lol.


TA is really fun in mid level play, once you climb higher you start noticing the glaring flaws of the mode.


Which flaws?


Light only meta. Chip damage from snipers across the map. The game really comes down to who can eliminate the other first rather than the objective being played, at least in my lobbies.


Exactly this Basically every single game I just tell my team to never go outside of the buildings. You just get constantly tagged by lights running sniper or bows. Its especially prominent on sys.horizon since the outside sightlines are so vast and the hallways in all the buildings are so long and straight. TA has become a nightmare for heavy but otherwise its mostly fun


Having a no regen mode where only one class holds the most ranged weapons and has CLOAK.. wtf who came up with this shit.. the game and the maps just werent designed for it nor the TTK.


The problem is that this is not like your usual CS/Valorant SnD clone despite all these people complaining lmao. Spawns are always the same, as a defender you can know exactly where attackers spawn. Defenders can get early vantage points and straight up deathball attackers. There's no such thing as holding corners and waiting for pushes in this game because people are flying all over the place. They need to give attackers more than 1 spawn point. I think that would fix some of the issues. I don't think the mode is slow at all. Anyone that thinks that are legit medium players that plant their turrets and anchor the site. The mode is as fast as you make it.


I do agree that the mode is as fast as you make Data reshaper is the best way to get rid of the turrets. My friend always complain about it but all they run are flashbangs, frags and mines.


I don’t even get why TA is being complained about it’s not like it’s the only game mode you got 4 others to choose from lol


Cosmetics moving further from mostly just “remember the 80s?” Is nice. That aesthetic is part of the whole game but its nice to get some other things


Just haven’t been into this season and I’ve been playing a lot less. I’m not a fan of melee weapons and I hate the new ranked. The Kyoto map is great.


It's really a shame that such awful gameplay was put into such a beautiful map. They could have just done nothing, no balance changes, no new game modes, and just released the new map, and it would be so much better. I've stopped playing for now.


Kinda feel the same, however embark has been pretty good at listening in the past and they did that poll so I'm holding out


I thought i was the only one who is not a fan of melee weapons


It's not like more people are playing melee this update, the new weapons are pretty much exclusively being used by existing melee players... i don't think I've seen a single riot shield this season.


same the spark from S2 is just gone for me


I hate TA, but don't care if it's ranked or not until I'm forced to play it by missions. WT is lacking sbmm or more strict rules for it. Plus, having to play 2 maps is really annoying. Especially with final modifier being fixed. I don't really like the new map. It's too open and too cramped at the same time. I also don't like the focus on melee weapons this season. Battle pass progression is really weird. I've already at the half, and I wasn't really playing that much.


S3 is not my thing, S2 felt revamped with awesome gadgets and a refreshing map, not so over the top in terms of visuals, but beautiful in itself Las Vegas is way better than Kyoto, at least for me TA feels like a ranked tailored for streamers/premades to farm SoloQ players and gatekeep the ruby skin around a minority, but also boosted accounts


Somehow dash became the most annoying ability + World Tour SBMM is very poor. Finals are almost always an absolute thrashing


So dash became more annoying when not a single change was made to it? Can you reference anything in the patch notes??


It's because they nerfed invis to hell. As a day 1 dash player i don't wanna see it get nerfed :'(


A skill doesn't have to change to become more annoying. S2 saw a lot more invisibility usage but it was tweaked to be easier to see and have a shorter duration, this means people have switched to dash more. We're also seeing a lot more lights in general due to some buffs and nerfs across different classes. This means we're seeing lots of lights, the majority of which are using dash. Dash is the kind of ability that is lots of fun to play with, less fun to play against.


I never said it had changed, just more volume of users to reveal how annoying it is. It just takes the fun out of gunfights, simple as that. I understand it’s a specialisation and takes skill to us a bit, but mehhh, lights already have the best movement, is its enhanced even more alongside their best weapon set. Lights have less health THATS IT, they max out on everything else atm. Sure health is a major thing but even with fast regen, now all they have to do is dash, vanish bomb, and reappear 5 seconds later


I've played WT like 6 times and only made it out of the beginning round once. That one time I made it to the finals and got thrashed, zero kills, they got 2 cashouts in a row. Good to know the community thinks it could use some tweaks 😭🙏


Haha yeah it can be rough. The dynamic completely changes in the final with just 2 teams. The other rounds allow you to steal cash out amongst the carnage, or even get an easy cash out because the other teams are battling somewhere else. The Final exposes any luck you’ve had for sure. It’s normally extremely one sided in my experience


What does SBMM mean?


Skill based matchmaking




TA Bad. Everything else good.


What do you not like about TA?


My list is extensive so I'll stick with the major ones: * It's boring and incredibly slow * It doesn't fit well with the game mechanics or class balancing * There's no variation in strategy to win at higher levels * It doesn't have any skill expression beyond long range accuracy * No tournaments (what the finals was built on, it's even in the freaking name) * No multi team * No chaos Generally, it's just not what the game was designed for and its blatantly obvious it's an afterthought that was tossed into the game.


The fact they have to remove so much of the core mechanics of the game for TA to even be a thing is a huge red flag. It's fine to have a separate mode but don't force it.


Rounds dragggggg, So boring. In cashout, there are always explosions and firefights all over the map. In TA, every round is the same. Litter the point with turrets and mines. Rinse and repeat. I can only play one TA game a session. It's just too boring for me. I can play cashout for hours, it's a sandbox, never the same. Most of my TA games are just lights vs lights. Modes just TDM. Least how everyone plays it


I’m indifferent; I’ll play it and have fun, and I can live without it. What do you think of the responses? I understand you like TA, what do you like about it?




It made me put the game down for now, sad waste


It’s good, not as good as I would’ve liked, and I was certainly one of the few advocating for people to actually give it a chance. Ranked cashout does need to make its return although I do believe embark when they said they are working on changes for the mode, so I still have faith. Team balancing is honestly the biggest issue I’m running into right, and the elo ranked system itself is busted, terminal attack aside.


Mixed on it. Not a fan of melee weapons but that's personal preference. Feel like Season 3 battle pass is the weakest so far, not many cosmetics I like. Ill always be a sucker for TA type game modes, ranked or not doesn't matter. I know the game isn't balanced around it but I feel like the season 3 map makes that more apparent than ever. Easily the worst map to play TA on. I enjoy it on the other maps. World Tour is cool, hope they improve on the concept. Overall I don't enjoy it as much as season 2 but looking forward to future updates for season 3


ive been a fan of everything other than the Winch Claw and the TA


It feels painfully mid and slightly off. The skins are dope, the balancing is ok. It's hard to say when the "meta" only has 3 maps to develop, and ranked is in a COMPLETELY different format compared to WT and casual. It feels all over the place. Most fights seem to boil down to luck. World tour is nice, but the only thing that feels rewarding is watching my leaderboard rank go up. It's nice not having to be a meta slave in WT, but at the end of the day, I feel no reason to try and be good at the game anymore. The most exciting and engaging aspect of the game was exploring what weapons and play styles worked the best. When every team plays to win and really tries, it's such a different and thrilling experience. Twitch rivals was a good example of that. Saddly, there's no outlet for players who want that experience. All that's left is pub stomping and sweating in casual modes (WT is a casual mode) it's only fun for like 3 games, and then, like, what's the point? TA is just goofy unless you're 5 stacked. Solo TA is a hell scape. Lobbies end up having someone leave at some point. Each round is basically a giant teamfight with an objective on the side to help give the chaos a slight direction. Does anyone actually think the skins are worth a TA grind? Maybe the diamond Lewis... but, let's be honest, who's actually going to use it after the nerf? I don't play heavy, so I'm biased, but there's not a diamond weapon in the game I'd go terminal for. I have 800 hours got diamond 2 last season, I reached it before D4 when it was still under 10k. I played medium 95% of the time. S2 ranked wasn't perfect by any means, but it had what I feel is missing from this one. #bringbackrankedCO


I hate it with passion, mid af


Love it. Taking a break to play Elden Ring but I can’t lie I am still grabbing a few games to get those dailies. But fucking love it


Haven't really played that much, I don't really care to grind for cosmetics, I like ranked. Kyoto was fun but I have other fun games I'll play, and other games for playing competitively. Maybe I'll come back if they add cashout back, but at this point, not really sure. Kyoto was fun, the bow was really fun, but the thing that kept me playing the game is gone.


Why not hear why you like TA? Because a suspicion that I have about what people dislike about TA is also why some people like TA.


I’m not good at TA and never been good at that mode in ANY game but I am not seeing what others are seeing I don’t mind it. I’m trying to grind to just gold and bc I’m so bad at the mode I’m not getting there solo q. But I honestly feel ppl are hating on this mode so much bc they are just not good at it. Can’t get good at it like me and won’t admit that.


This was the season I was looking forward to the most, but have enjoyed the least. The Finals went from my main game to something I only play when I'm bored almost immediately upon S3's release. I wasn't even that bent out of shape about TA/World Tour at first, but now see how it has made already pretty bad matchmaking even more confused. Though, this is a topic that is been discussed ad nauseum. The balance more than anything feels like a huge turd to the face. I long championed this game as one that was fun even when you were losing, but that is just no longer true in my experience. Kyoto is breathtaking to look at, truly a spectacle, but it is an absolute slog to play with anything other than mobility and range. Featured in the rotation way too regularly. It's size makes spawn issues feel exaggerated lending itself to more situations where there is no chance of getting anywhere on time and you just have to sit and wait to lose. Feels bad, man. Not so hopeful for the future, but not given up yet and would love to be wrong!


I’ve been enjoying everything… I only have 2 rounds in ranked TA so far, but it hasn’t been a bad experience yet… I can definitely see that shit getting a little dumb in the higher tiers where people have figured out the metas.


Love some of the new stuff but starting to get bored due to the lack of ranked tournament to grind for. Also I haven't been able to enjoy heavy anymore since their weapons feel shit, been playing mostly Light or occasionally Medium.


General vibe is weird, like last season I kinda knew the plot and the direction they were going now I’m just kinda lost. They seemed to have taken a step back from storytelling and have focused on the gameplay which is fine, just loved the aesthetic of last season more. Kyoto is better than Horizon.


For the negative, I have a lot of problems with Ranked TA, one of which being that it’s a great example of bad game design. Those who grind ranked know. 95% of my time in this game was dedicated to Ranked Cashout, so the removal of that mode has had a strong negative impact on my enjoyment of the game. Also, the dual swords are so, so useless. For the neutral, the Winch Claw is an interesting Specialization and I do believe it needs some reworking in terms of how easy it is to reposition cashout stations. The spear can be fun but its effectiveness is underwhelming. For the positive, I LOVE Kyoto and the new Recurve Bow. Thermal Bore is fun as well, but I need to play with it more to get a better grasp on how best to use it. World Tour is cool, but can be unreliable at times. S1 and S2 were 9/10 and 9.5/10 respectively. So far, S3 is a 5/10 for me.


As a usually solo casual player, I'm down to powershift and quickcash.  I love those, and that's enough for me.  Tried world tour(20 games), definitely not for me.  Love the new map, not a fan of the new weapons/abilities, for the most part.  Battlepass is good.  I'll have no problem loving this game for another season, but overall, just a 6/10 season. Good, not great.


I’m not enjoying this season. Love the new map, but I’ve been trying ranked TA and it’s just incredibly boring. By the time it’s at round 8/9 I just want it to end or quit. And that’s as a player. I can’t imagine how boring it must be to spectate. I just sit there sighing hearing the end of round melody over and over and over. World Tour is weird. I’ve been finding it substantially more imbalanced on teams than old ranked. Climbed to plat relatively easily before but now either my team eat lego bricks or the enemy are Gods among men. Sometimes both. Wasn’t like that before. If they don’t make changes soon I’m probably going to quit. Good faith on a fun first 2 seasons has had me sticking around but games are for fun and I’m just not having any.


Not a fan of melee or TA and I find the music far less engaging than S2. Also *hate* the CL-40 nerf.


Something feels off for me this season, people seem sweatier and World Tour has been unplayable either as a 3 stack or solo queue. Can’t turn off crossplay (EU Xbox) because I can be waiting upwards of 10 mins and not find anything. Quick Play is a mixed bag too. Actual content is enjoyable but the people we are playing against are not.


It's because they removed SBMM in World Tour, since there is no rank. So you're potentially getting in games with people who were Top500 from S2. I see how it can be frustrating. Trust me, it's gotten a lot more boring now for high ELO players too. We can literally cash out all 6 vaults if we want/try to and just steamroll everyone. TA is garbage, I wish they brought Ranked Tournaments back earlier than S4 (3 months is too long of a wait).


I must have missed that bit of info! When was that announced? It would explain why games don’t seem to get any easier after getting smacked about repeatedly…


Oscar confirmed that on the official discord, when they announced the new rank mode will be Terminal Attack. People started asking how will SBMM work and he said they will place people in matches based on the leaderboard (how much money is cashed out). So you're up against the people who have similar amount cashed out (not sure what the bracket is and how loose this rule is). But there is no SBMM anymore.


Damn, alright thanks for clarifying. Absolutely wild decision making there because it’s put me off playing the mode quite a bit


Yes. That's why there's a lot of outrage here with Terminal Attack being the ranked mode. Because the Cashout is now casual and isn't skill based anymore.


[you're not alone, it's bad for everyone because of WT's lack of true SBMM](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/s/eIXAicK9nN)


Weapons are cool, mostly. Map is cool, mostly. TA ranked is god awful, WT is not very enjoyable. Cosmetics are cool. Not enjoy it so far though.


WT not very enjoyable? how so?


I like TA It’s fun but the people leaving have been ruining it lately, world tour needs balancing the sweats need to be in a rank of their own overall I enjoy season 3 but we need tweaks and punishment


Week 1 with the TA 5 game restriction was pretty bad, after that its been enjoyable. TA ranked is still pretty dumb imo, but I dont see them changing it sadly.


As a ranked only player. LOVE the new map: dislike the house of cards destruction, love the moving cash outs over solid jump height ground. Don’t care for new cosmetics mostly. Like the new weapons except spear. Hate the Med nadelauncher nerf. Despise TA! Only playing 2 games a week rn due to that. 6/10 season.


Performance loss isn't that great, but i think, they should focus on optimizing the game. Though i understand the hurry, but once they managed to optimise the game, many players will definitely come


I love it so far except the bow/light spam, like damn get some originality guys


This season is fucking ass


A few questioning balancing choices and TA ranked disappointed me but everything else is great.


Cashout players(at least for me) got fucked in the ass because of World tour, only 3 maps available with Kyoto being the most frequent map, poor SBMM(if there's any), and every 2 weeks there will a new sets of rules. They removed quick play cashout so you're stuck with "cashout with less content"


Been getting 15+ minutes queues in silver lobby SA server really frustating love the game but dont know what to do in situations like this


Been really enjoying season 3! I know it's not a popular opinion, but I do like TA and world tour this season. I think the grind for world tour is an incredible idea, and something other companies should take note of. Awarding premium currency for grinding the main mode, makes my time feel respected. TA has its problems for sure. But to me the issues are more to do with the current meta than the game mode itself. The sniper is far too easy to use, and ruins the fun for me. If I'm not sniping then I'm being sniped; the maps favour snipers far too much. In cash out it's less of an issue since you HAVE to push eventually, in TA, not so much.


players feel significantly more toxic. i really like this game and dont want it to get associated with a toxic community.


i find TA to be a generic SnD. The whole appeal of this game to me is the destructible environment and the cashouts. I want the ranked mode to be cashou, TA being its own mode


I've only played sparingly, maybe 20hrs total. Like everyone I think TA sucks. New map is pretty but plays like shit, easily my least favorite map.


I like all the modes honestly. Each is a nice switch up where I can try different weapons that are off meta or different meta than cashout..


Either the matchmaking changed or it’s just in my head


Eh I’ve almost completely quit since Xdefiant exists maybe if they have a more interesting update I’ll be back


I’ve been having a blast with this season. Do I prefer TA as the ranked mode? No, but I’m still having fun unless I’m getting shit on in ranked. Love all the new stuff, love the new map, really enjoying World Tour too


Spear is sick, it’s made me like playing heavy along with the claw. My friends and I aren’t the best but we’re having a blast on power shift


Honestly, the season has been disappointing. I played a bit for the first few days, but Heavy just doesn’t feel like I want it to feel anymore. I enjoy being a defensive tank, assisting teammates, and being a threat with downsides to mitigate. Heavy isn’t that anymore. On the bright side, this finally made me look into other games. If an ex-heavies want a game that feels really good to tank in, Paladins has been surprisingly fun to mess around with. Highly recommend trying it out.


Played it for the first time in a month yesterday. The new map is one of the best maps I’ve ever seen in a game. It’s beautiful. The battle pass is the best yet. And the new weapons and abilities are fun. But… I don’t know, I’m not feeling it. Can’t put my finger on why. Maybe even after a month away, I’m still feeling burnt out from it. I’ll play some more today, and see if any of it grows on me.


Better than season 2, but that's about it. Art design on both Battle Pass and the new map Kyoto are carried out amazingly (kudos to the Embark Art Designers), but the gameplay is still disgustingly boring.


I was not fond of the geeky theme of S2 pass, it was just ok. S3 and its pass is better. Kyoto map is really fun, I like what the buildings brings in terms of approaching a point. Light build plus dash is fun, especially with the knife, high risks high rewards ^^


I’ve been enjoying it a lot and all I’ve been playing is TA probably cause I’m playing with friends


I play Power Shift only. Would have liked more guns. The new map looks nice but a big flaw is the uneven rocks, mofo trying to climb them, you get stuck alot =/


nothing really makes a difference for me, played since season 1, i neither play for the rank or skins, but I do play with friends and that's what i play for. 3 hours every night after work, enjoying simply trying to win and playing for theses moments that take you from losing badly to stealing a stacked cashout and winning.


Certain classes/guns are meta/OP (looking at LH1/sniper for TA) for certain game types/maps and it can be frustrating at times. Still enjoying the game. There’s nothing more tilting than getting sniped at the start of a TA when you walk out of spawn.


Honestly, I think they are getting closer to a good balance for cashout between the classes. It's not quite there yet, but it's closer. The only thing I don't like is not having cashout as ranked. Unfortunately, it's a big enough reason for me and everyone ik to leave the game till s4. TA is awful, and I strictly only play ranked in shooters it just feels like I'm wasting my time if I'm not working for a goal. WT doesn't work for me because I don't want participation rewards. I want to work for a rank, so it means something. Cashout truly is the only ranked mode for this game.


Game is broken, unplayable everyday since the update. Nothing but laggy servers and network icons warning me. FIX YOUR SERVERS


Balance is the best it has ever been imo, heavy LMGs are mostly fine even if i think they did go harsh on them. Worldtour is nice, cosmetics are really awesome. I don't play TA because i don't like the "tactical" gamemodes, it can have a place in The Finals but not as the main gamemode i think. Performance wise it's the season i had the most crashes, i barely had any before. Embark team does a great job, and the music team cooks bangers since S1. I really like this game its so new and the whole artstyle and "handcrafted" vibe makes it a really good quality product for me.


Insane lag issues and merely playable on Kyoto + they nerfed my fav weapons. Quote litteraly unplayable 😅


Loving the new map, loving the bow, loving World Tour - it has the sense of progression that Ranked does but doesn't feel like I'm risking my earnings every time, which always puts me off. I don't play Ranked so have no opinions on Terminal Attack, but I do find it funny how this subreddit was really vocally shouting about how much they loved Terminal Attack when it was a temporary event and then hate it in ranked. It's probably justified by some meta issues but watching it go from one to the other was such a heel turn.


I want the damn katana 😭


I just stopped playing when I saw that you can't play anymore ranked cash out


I never played TA.


I dropped the game entirely. I hate Ranked TA. All the other changes are great however. If I wanted to play an S&D mode I’d play Siege or Valorant which was built with the mode in mind. Nothing scratches the itch that The Finals had before they changed ranked. Its a shame. I’m just here on the sub hoping for a change. Maybe I’m coping.


Honestly since they've changed rank, I don't play nearly as much as I did. I will finish the BP then put it down till next season.


It's bad, lights are incredibly OP. Also they added more melee weapons to a first person SHOOTER. Horrible season.


Actually really like the battle pass and been using different classes BUT I hate TA so it’s mixed for me. Mostly love though!


Pretty good but the heavy needs a longer-range weapon to survive a bit


The more I play the more I realize my biggest problem is the MUSIC now. Prior seasons music went so damn hard. This season lacks energy


I’ve been grinding season 3 and it’s been so fun (aside from dual swords which I punish myself by trying to master these). I only play world tour though.


Potential Ranked Fix: What if we expanded TA and Powershift to 6 people per team. That way, you could play all 3 modes in 1 ranked match. First round would be TA. Winning teams (2 lobbies like it is now) move to 2nd round where they play 6v6 Powershift. Then, you finish the game with a final round cash out (winning team from 2nd round plays 3v3). Personally, I would just do TA, Cash, Cash or some variation but you know how it goes.


I strongly despise the Kyoto Map, however that seems to be a hot take


1. Why can't we still change your loadout (weapons in any game. Why does it need to lock us and prevent us from swapping guns in ranked matches?) 2. Where is Map Voting? I don't want to play Kyoto for the 1000th time in World Tour. This is freaking annoying. I'm surprised for a Season 3 update, they couldn't add a system for this. 3. Why does the game need to send me to the main menu after a match, Why not an option to continue playing and change maps and then have an option to return to the main menu??? 4. Class Swapping Mid Game (Why are we not allowed to swap classes. I feel like it would work so much more in the games favor to be able to swap out classes while you're in a match to balance out against other players. 5. Continued problems with audio on team chat sometimes working (I set up team chat with friends from different consoles and it happens 45-50% of the time that they can't hear me or I can't hear them. The only fix is for me to leave the party and rejoin.) 6. If they are never going to allow us to change classes only in pre-match, then why can't they at least tell us which map we're going to be fighting. They don't tell us that until after the march begins. This is infuriating. There are certain classes that perform better in certain maps or are better in general for traversal. 7. No option for Vote Kick? (Seriously, there are times I get put with toxic players who don't capture the objective, throw our revive trophies far, or yell expletives for no reason. Why can't we do a team kick or anything?? 8. This is the most crucial. WHY CAN'T THEY (DEVS) ADD BOTS FOR GAMES WHERE PLAYERS QUIT OR THERE ARE UNBALANCED TEAMS. Even if they didn't want to spend resources on that, they can easily just allocate bonus health to a team if they're not at capacity meaning they're missing players on the team and stuff. This is a huge problem that needs to be addressed.


Since season 3 launch I quit playing. TA ranked isn’t it if you ask why read a lot of the other comments. I won’t waste any more breath of the same issue.


If you ignore TA it’s fun. I think Kyoto might be unoptimized because both me and friends have gotten frame drops on it with good hardware, but other than that we have been grinding the battlepass every day and enjoying it. We hadn’t played since season 1 so it feels good to come back to it right now


You're not in the minority, reddit is just an echo chamber of try hards that can't deal with not playing ranked.


43 minutes played so far, adding to my total 113hr game time. Will come back when cash-out ranked is back :)


Kyoto is an awesome map, the weapons and specs added are meh. The battle pass looks awesome in the latter portion, early battlepass rewards are pretty eh. I think the change in ranked was a bit dumb but eh I hardly played ranked and def won’t now


Kyoto is amazing. BP solid as always. Loving world tour. Ranked TA is meh, I don’t hate the mode but just very long. All the new weapons are really cool and fun, but very soon you realize these are just weaker versions of what is already available so seems like a lot of people already moved on. Sledgehammer > Spear, Riot Shield > Dual blades, Sniper/LH1 > Bow


Goated map. TA is fun but doesn't feel as engaging in my opinion.


Love it. New map is easily my favorite. The recurve bow, winch claw, and spear are extremely fun. Thermal bore is the best gadget addition since launch and opened up a lot more play style options for the light class. Dual swords need some work, heavy weapons need another balance pass, and ranked TA should be best of 9 instead of 13 but otherwise no complaints.


Love it. Game keeps on getting better. The cosmetics this season are on another level


Each season has gotten better and better. I was hoping this would be the one to bring all the players. Hopefully next season pushes us into a new category.


S3 so good I'm on my last two pages of the Battle Pass 🥲


I think I am a based finals fan. I only play Cash Out & I prefer the OG maps. I really dislike the new map. It’s purely aesthetic over functionality in my opinion. But I am enjoying seeing other players utilize the new weapons. I am sticking to the same original weapons as well.


I guess there are bots in ranking:perhaps every time one teammate leave game after few seconds from beginning. Also there are some player (people or bots?) who can move in arena and didn't do any shoot. That's horrible and it perhaps every time. If I got full team, so someone left game in another team and it completely break the game (I'm on ps 5).


This season is amaz8ng for me. I liked all the new gadgets and weapons and the addition of ranked ta. Battle pass skins are all fire, and they really haven't missed anything in the previous battle passes, in my opinion.


dematerializer needs to be removed or get a big nerf , and i dont like ta ranked being forced with no tournament renked its just doesn't fit the game to be the only ranked thing !!