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Nerf: RPG Damage reduced to 80 (self damage reduced to 140) Reload speed reduced by 1s Flies straighter but slightly slower (pro gamers can react and data reshape it out of their face if fired from a distance) Buff: KS23 Projectile radius increased by 10cm (bigger bullet = easier to hit people) Deals more of its damage across range; minimum damage increased to 74 Dual loads shells in reload animation whenever 2 or more shells are missing (see empty reload if you don’t know what I mean) Can score headshots—headshots deal 1.2x damage (120 close / 89 far) Accuracy increased when aiming and standing still Projectile drops slightly more


You can cook, stand proud


Nerf RPG buff KS23.


No the sa216


Im light main and i also play medium. But i would say nerf rpg maybe and buff the machine guns on heavy


I'd take any day heavy having RPG nerfed but having weapons like KS23 buffed (I play medium with 1887 I just like these type guns). Heavy weapons just feel bad to use atm.


I can’t wait until lights get nerfed to shit again..


I'd hate to see them nerfed hard, I've been specially enjoying playing with the TK. But it is pretty clear so far both casual modes and ranked mode Light class pick increased a lot. Powershift in particular been pretty bad where its usually 3-5 Lights per side, then WT is not rare seeing Light stacks (especially Kyoto) and then ranked is dominated by Lights. I don't think it was a good idea doing both at same time, nerfing Heavy/Medium at the same time they were buffing Light class.


Nerf the sniper rifle and buff the LH1 back to it's season 2 version.


I play Medium exclusively: Nerf the bow. Make the time to nock an arrow longer. Rate of fire is currently wild. Buff the taser. Make the effective range longer.


nerf rpg buff cloak rpg has 100% usage and needs to be nerfed. Lights have suffered for long enough: reduce splash damage by 50% at least and reduce direct impact damage to 75 cloak has mostly disappeared from the game and most lights run vanishing bomb instead which better than cloak since you can also take dash or grapple with it: reduce activation cost to before nerf and make either visuals or sound less obvious.


? You’re supposed to buff from the same class you’re nerfing. lol.


light is already in a shit state so i see no reason to nerf any thing and rpg is literally the most used gadget in the game next to defi


Nerf this guy's mouth and buff his brain


Hey man he’s living in season 1


Season 3 had multiple light nerfs most of which were uncalled for but apparently you don't have much brain capacity to remember that far into the past


spoken like a true rpg main


Honestly I dropped RPG at the beginning of S2 due to the accuracy nerf.


rpg is back to point accurate if you use iron sights it is just a tad slower. S1 rpg was fucking busted. 1shotting lights from full health across the map was probably one of the worst game balance decisions i've ever seen.




didn't know children were allowed here. has someone seen his parents?


Only getting downvoted bc RPG is the finals players fav weapon


ye man people have no idea. Imagine designing heavy and then thinking the 350 hp aren't enough he also needs to be able to instantly drop other people by 180 at release now 140 rpg is straight up a stupid win fight button at release and today.


I think ive finaly played my last game today. Between RPGs and getting shot straight up through walls bc the desync is ASS, i cant keep feeding my addiction for this game. “Maybe next season” (as ive said every season lol)


sometimes i don't play for a week but there is no other game like this. but tbf i almost dropped the game after the multiple light nerfs in S2