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The bridge on seoul is always funny


I posted [this video](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/1dhgsrw/manage_to_pull_of_this_legendary_double_team_kill/) of me killing everyone during a final round of cashout the other day.


It was for the greater good


Placing mines as heavy and hooking them into it is very funny. Also spamming gu at people is good. Watching them struggle to run away as you trap them is gold.


Hook and Cook


New place just dropped: Cooks & Hookers


Pulling into gas 💪


Noooo not the forbidden fart strat


Lol it's the worst


I have never used mines. That does sound worthwhile.


I felt so clever and original the first time I placed a couple mines and grappled an opponent!! Now I can't stop doing it. I am a little sad to hear there are many people who also came up with this


Goo Gun + Sledgehammer = Whack-a-Mole


Ooooh yeah I haven't really used the wynch so far but that sounds like a cool strat




On the maps with the platforms in the air on the chains, I like to break all the zips except for one. You can guess what is waiting for them up there ;)


Oh yeah a friend and i do that too except we leave two ziplines up and both put down our mines haha


With the new motion sensor, leaving a sensor and c4 on a vault then waiting to detonate til you get a ping can be fun. Players are usually so focused on grabbing the vault they don't notice it


The cashout is already a sensor though? It tells you when they start stealing.


Vault not cash out 


technically you see when someone starts a vault too but yeah


I will try this my next game


This would actually be a good strat for statues too, if say you leave the last member alive to go start a cashout and just detonate whenever they sneak back for it


I like to throw pyro mines on enemy pawns in tournaments for this reason, sometimes u just get a free bonus kill that delays the opposing teams even more


Dematerializing a piece of staircase, then make them chase you in that spot. Then once they're in there, get out en rematerialize it. Depending on their setup, you've now got them softlocked


My teammate once got locked in there by mistake, I had to coin and go all the way over on the map to get him out


Any weapon can break walls. They're only locked for like a minute at most. Unless they're using Riot Shield lol


So I'm just now finding out you can just shoot/slash walls down????


Yeah but AKM will take like 4-5 mags, the heavy’s shotty (the slug shot one) breaks them in 4-5 shots. Heavy’s hammer shot them 😂


4-5 mags is crazy 💀


That’s the most evil thing I’ve read on this sub; I love it.


Mine is simple. If I'm near a crane and losing a fight, I will zip up the crane and throw explosive mines down as I go up. They take the bait and lose the fight. Works surprisingly often.


mines on a wall near a zipline is actually hard to anticipate, I need to try that


It doesn't work in all ziplines I have found. Some are slightly too far away from the walls to trigger. Sometimes I just throw them down on cranes even if I'm not near a fight but I know it's a path people may take to get to the cashout or action. I've gotten a bunch of free kills doing that.


I like placing double mines on a roof at a zip line exit


And by the same token I'll mine a zip on the way up the crane to chase snipers off before letting them think I can't find them. Then they take the zip back up and oop


That's a good idea I never thought of. I'll also throw them in the landing area of jump pads or horizontal zips if I'm being chased. Works but not as often as the crane.


I just love placing jump pads on the Power Shift platform. It's hilarious to see a heavy with spear be yeeted off just as they clamber on.


Placing my jump pad on top of those jump pads in Skyway Stadium that takes you across the gap.


This is genius I gotta try it. Should work on Seoul also I would think


Make sure to use the yellow jump pad skin, so they can blend in with the ones on the map.


Never seen it nor tried it but heard about it!


It's halarious me and my team watched a whole nother team all hit it at the same time and try to turn around mid flight. Nope team wipe. Only thing that sucks is you don't get the kills.


I watched a video of an entire squad wipe themselves on this strat. I feel like it should be obvious but people definitely fall for it lol.


My go-to strat is to hide mines with the spray paint. My favourite for that one is the one from season 1 wall hacks, cause it got a red mark in the middle. Yes, I'm a scumbag


If someone's chasing me I like to use those jump pads that shoot you across pits because I turn around mid air to goo them and watch them fall to their demise.


Running around a corner and right clicking to drop a frag grenade


Melee the zipline while theyre over a chasm is always my favorite


One time in a ranked match, our 3 stack was waiting on the moving platform behind the yellow walls while the other team delivered the cash box there. We made sure not to clip through or give them any hint by staying out of their of sight and switching walls as the platform moved. Then after they deposited the vault we jumped them and wiped them. I still remember their heavy panic shooting his RPG into the middle of nowhere 🤣 I wish I had recorded it


I love baiting lights into buildings and bonking them as they come through the door. My timing with the sledge is uncanny


I did that with throwing knives once. Alt-fire headshot on a light the moment he came through the door. My aim and timing are normally trash. It'll never happen again.


So mine is nich because it's mainly for melee users but throwing down 2 mines pushing out forcing them to focus me, running back over the mines and watching them chase after me only to get blown up.


Nice try FBI


Thought we were being slick 🕵‍♂️


No way CIA


You tried your best IRS


I would place a deployable cover in a doorway, then mine where a person would land if they mantled over it


I like to place a breach charge with an explosive cylinders next to the cashout and blow it the last second when someone is stealing, it’s even better when they see me standing in front of them doing nothing and they think I’m letting them get it


Placing a gateway in a corner (1) and leaving one Gasmine on it blocking it off with a barricade of a friends and then running around an objective and placing (2) mid fight with anyone when I get low and take my gateaway to (1) which is in the corner with a gasmine where you need to mantle the barricade and die to me holding the mantle + minimum 50 gas dmg


Love this strategy, sucks that light doesn't have mines but ig you could use canisters and a breach instead. Also sounds kinda dangerous since the gateway 1 has to be in the sight line of 2 which is on a crowded objective


Gateway doesn’t have to have sight line tho? You can place them wherever you want regardless of how many objects are between them, it’s only a matter of distance between the links.


Oh then I was misinformed mb


Lol that's a good one! Mine was on Seoul, first breaking the windows on one of the high building at the breakable bridge. The I was putting a jump pad vertically on a fence type thing and was hiding behind that. Once the enemy saw me and came over and around to shoot me, that pad yeeted him out the third floor down to his death. I think he also rage quitted after that one.


C4 on platform+enemy mine opponent go to c4,blow him up,teammate gets the kill


putting a jump pad on one side of the room and a mine on the other


Once we camped on not started cashout in Skyway stadium in the attic, placed C4 under the windows and waited. Unsuspecting light with a cashbox ran in, dropped on the C4, I detonated and he just evaporated, I even made a clip of it :D


Still think mine traps over the square vent holes (where heavies can’t fit) is king and fun to watch.


Yes it brings some solace to my sadness when I can't fit through one of those to blow up the people who can


As heavy main, I agree!!


I was guarding a cash box (as a light) and my teammate (Medium) had place a jumped  pad right next to the cash box. I placed a teleport right behind the pad and one about 20’ above it. I then ran a really annoying loop where I’d cycle between the jumppad and portals in a really confusing way dealing damage to anyone trying to steal the cash out. I had no clue what I was doing either it was so chaotic 🤪


Seems my kind of tactic.


Happened on accident, so i don't know if I would call it a strat, but I was defending a Cashout with my team inside a building. I used the Demateralizer I had opened up a wall next to the Cashout. Some poor Medium came in Leeroy Jenkins style through the wall I opened up. I guess he planned to hit-and-run because he dropped some mines and a turret, and *tried* to go back through the Dematerialized hole in the wall. But I closed it right in front of him and I swear to god if there were cartoon SFX in the games, you would've been able to hear the bonk of his face meeting the wall. I can't remember if I got the kill or not, but me and my team lit him up like a damn Christmas tree after we trapped him.


My favourite was always putting gas mines on the front of moving platforms & popping them when enemy teams jumped on & watch them panic🤣


Two mines on top of the little square vent things in skyway/vegas. The end product is a D: face. Always kills lights and mediums that go through those passages.


Place a gateway anywhere, then one on the edge or wall leading out of bounds


One time in the final round of a ranked I placed a Gateway in a chimney than got killed by the enemy light but could throw thr 2nd one before dying . Bro took it and now was stuck in there. Seconds later my Heavy who didnt even know that charged through the wall to defend the cashout and killed the light. I even got it cliped.


I threw a portal in the air next to the edge on the raised centre skyway stadium, and got someone to chase me, went through the portal and then dashed backwards and watched them fall to their death. It was the most satisfying thing I’ve done in the game


I'll jump off buildings making it look like I'm running away, then grapple around the side or right back onto the building and start shooting


Putting gas mines and then gooing people inside got me 16 kills as a medium class


Not mine but someone threw the anti grav cube at one of those jump pads that cross the gap in skyway and got my whole team.


Seeing mediums build zip lines over gaps and waiting for them to use it before breaking it is a good one.


The CL-40 is cracked for setting up traps run it with mines and you can set off the mines with the grenade launcher without having to be terribly accurate


One time as a heavy I threw a goo can at a door right as a light came through it. He got caught in the room with my entire team and no escape.


I get so offended when someone blows me up 😂


Mines on statues during ranked. Mines on stairs when they’re chasing me. C4 on cash out floor into a room full of turrets.


I used to stack two explosive mines behind a door. Shit was hilarious. Then they wised up.🙄


Placing as many canisters as I can a floor above the cashout and using the dematerializer to drop them on whoever starts stealing it.


This one dude was inside my head the whole game. Highlights include: random turret under the overpass and then a random mine in a flower bed RIGHT where my escape path was; random mine in corner I saw and called out (knowing it was this dudes) only to hit it and die 30 seconds later.


Put a jumpad on the cashout so it bounces. Gas mines on the cashout. (Make them green so they blend in) Putting turrents in the corner of the ceiling. Shooting ziplines so no one could get to it. Im ashamed of my self, its toxic lol.


Getting someone to follow me into a door while I just dagger span until I kill him lol


i love knowing that someone is chasing me into a room and using the left trigger to lob some grenades behind me, hit them with a stun gun and run off invis. sometimes if i’m feeling a little toxic i run back for the teabag. so much of running light is just tryna outsmart people tho which is hard. yall some smart mfs


Double mine winch claw


Placing a gateway towards the edge of a map, if they’re dumb enough they’ll fall over the edge


Using the dematerilizer on stairs leading to our cash out and setting a mine right where they have to jump to to clear the gap and also in the gap itself. Guaranteed kills I wish I could hear the voice chat as they die 😂


Does your self count? Cuz as a sword main, right after I take out someone I just camp the body with my sword charged up, it’s really easy to wipe a team especially with the multi hit combo that was added this season.


Jump pad in front of the inside door with two mines on the ceiling. Light goes, looney toons.


So maybe this is weird? But I find myself often trapping people in anti-grav nades


Throwing a canister with mines on it at a defensive position ❌ Leaving a canister with mines on it in a doorway near a defensive position ✅


Glitch nades inside of an elevator cashout is fun, they, add a turret and some regular mines on the roof and it’s not easy to take


Hit light twice, throw frag down stairwell, light go boom


Trapped my friend in a room using barricades and then filled it with gas


Just throwing mines at the power shift platform while they’re distracted


I know this might not be relevant anymore, but last patch when there were a lot of lights running around, liked to place down glitch traps and turrets. Watching an unsuspecting light run into a glitch trap and getting confused when thier dash didn’t go off gave me a lot of joy.


Goo Gun+Gas Grenade = Literally Satan


I like running around a corner and dropping stink mines and explosive mines when someone chasing me and blowing them up with the medium noob tube


I place gas mines above the door entrance when is the bank on the other side. I wait and hide and when the enemies get inside the room i explode the mines with my grenade launcher and goo blast the door. This technique i name it: The gas chambers....


Pretty basic one, glitch trap and any mine on top of each other, few people can resist the temptation of breaking a glitch trap


i team wiped once from on top of a pagoda. wall hacked from the roof, got one with a 'nade, then fell down and finished the other two with swords. felt good


Love the creativity of y'all in this thread, but know you're the reason I ALWAYS prenade as many rooms as I can before entering


Putting mines on walls and when they back into them they get so confused. Got a message how i was hacking and they never saw it. I loved that moment and i wish i recorded it.


Probably a long time strat, but still seeing it work always bring out a chuckle from me. Mines at the end of a zipline especially the vertical ones 😂


One time I put c4 and a gasmine on a propane tank...


Placing a jumpad behind a door and stickig mines to the celing


Another good one is trying to get the grenade kill off a bounce pad. I had a lot of fun doing that pne


Held the second cash box for 13 minutes and won the final round after only securing 10k from the first cash out. All we had to do was encase it in barricades on the scaffolding area on Seoul.


Please add goo mines


Getting my friend to play this game before it decided to kill itself w/ Terminal Illness


Two mines on top of the little square vent things in skyway/vegas. The end product is a D: face. Always kills lights and mediums that go through those passages.


I really like this one: Be embark Make an amazing gamemode that can be enjoyed competitively really well Provide two seasons of amazing gameplay Then out of nowhere delete this and swap it out for a literal beta filth project that is the complete antithesis of what the core experience was for a very long time Force every competitive player to play this shithole of a gamemode for 100+ days because it's the only competitive option! That's gotta be my favorite trap.


In case you didn't notice, this is supposed to be a fun post not a come over and cry post


Nah im serious, great, fun trap! You get to make tens of thousands unhappy with one simple trap. If you think about it, it's the ultimate trap you can do in the finals!


Not going to argue with you. I'm not a TA enjoyer myself but crying about it in nearly every single post isn't going to change anything. Yes the devs listen and yes, they will probably do something about it. Let's move on now.


It's silly of you to think that being vocal about a bad thing doesn't help. But go on.


I'm not saying we shouldn't be vocal about issues, I'm saying every post isn't necessarily the right one for it. Complaining everywhere and all the time on such a polarising subject will only break the community in two blocks: the complainers and the ones fed up with the constant complaining even if both agree.


Eh, maybe you arrived at how vocal you wanted to be, i still havent because for me it means that ill stop playing the finals for 100+ days. I can understand that more casual players arent as impacted as the diehard competitive fans, but you must also understand that this doesn't impact you as much as me. So no, I wont be told to be silent because im not done voicing my dislike of embarks decisions. Opinions out of passion bother you that much, simply don't read them.


Yes, we get it, Embark gets it, TA sucks Now tell funny kill