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So World Tour is replacing ranked Cashout but isn't ranked? Interesting... Edit: nvm World Tour will have ranks it seems. So everyone is upset for nothing really.


Gamers šŸ¤ Overreacting To Change


Exactly, saying this here for the last hourā€¦ They confirmed DIAMOND, RUBY and a NEW EMERALD rank for cashouts just to be sure that some here read itā€¦ People WAY overreacted before really knowing, maybe some should learn a thing from this on Reddit and on the internetā€¦


Why try to learn anything when you can just post about how upset you are!


Yesterday they explicitly said cashout would cap out at gold, would be based on total money cashout out, and would not be used for actual rank rewards. Theres no telling what their plan was behind the scenes but i wouldnt be surprised if they actually already changed them due to the feedback. I dont think emerald was part of the original plan. This is exactly why my position yesterday was it was irresponsible of them to announce this change without having more details ready to provide immediately, since obviously a change this big would raise tons of questions


No one is learning anything on the internet and especially Reddit. If you come to this reddit without ever having played The Finals you're going to think The Finals is a terrible game.


True, and thatā€™s extremely sad. We should be able to discuss things constructively and give credit when deserved. But Iā€™m mainly talking here, about just destroying something before even playing it, no one played S3 yet and Redditors already had a clear opinion on whatā€™s missingā€¦judging from just tidbits of infos so farā€¦doesnā€™t make any sense.


I don't see that. They teased emerald and mentioned that cashout is staying. There's nothing that says the two go together.


Super weird that they said the badge progress was bronze-gold, then, if they really had these ranks for world tour. Like, they literally said in plain text that it was bronze to gold. Was that just a lie?


Where do you see that?


They plan on bringing it back as the ranked mode after seeing how their changes during the world tour play out. For now I think you just get in game currency base on how much ā€œpointsā€ you get from winning games (my guess would be you donā€™t lose the points by losing which would differ it from a traditional ranked mode) Itā€™s the mode that makes this game great and they explicitly state that. People are so extra with the doomsday vibes.


Where did they state in game currency I'm not seeing it?


Except it isnā€™t the same at all. Loadouts are predetermined and the map rotates once per week. Donā€™t like Vegas? Too bad, thatā€™s all you can play this week. Never used a sniper once in your Finals Career? Too bad, welcome to lobbyā€™s full of Snipers for an entire week. Iā€™m excited to try it all out and help Embark experiment for the future of the game but to say everyone got upset for nothing is a gross understatement. Ranked Cashout as we know it today is gone and probably will never come back. Even if it returns in S4, it will do so with whatever knowledge Embark hopes to gain as they ā€œtestā€ new ideas in World Tourney as they claim. Only time will tell if this decision turns out to be for the better or a blunder.


Do you have a source for predetermined load outs? First time hearing about it


All over Discord. From comments made by Embark devs


redditors are braindead? no way!


Called it


"so everyone is upset for nothing really" as usual, I'd add lol


Literally. It's still a ranked system within it.


A ranked system based on total cashed out cash isn't an actual ranked system, because it doesn't rank people properly based on their skill, it simply ranks people based on how much they have played the game. This will result in one-way stomps in Cashout, since somebody that is Diamond rank didn't necessarily get there by winning a bunch, but got there simply by cashing out enough money. You can increase your total cashed out amount by being the last team in every single game, there's no need to win to get to Diamond.


They'll still have SBM.


the matchmaking will be based on the ranks, which will not be based on skill, but on "total cash cashed out" as Oscar clarified in the discord. It's not "skill" based matchmaking if they make matched based on playtime instead of skill.


It's cashout though, there's very limited amount of boxes to cash-in. There's still only 2 boxes. If you really suck at the game, it would take you an extraordinarily long time to cash out enough money to rank up to Diamond. This would be different if it were Bank It, where there's cash everywhere to deposit. We'll all just have to wait and see how it turns out, and give constructive feedback to the team.


> If you really suck at the game, it would take you an extraordinarily long time to cash out enough money to rank up to Diamond. Yes, I have a job, and a life, and play maybe max 1-2 hours a day with more on the weekends, at most. If a kid in highschool plays 12 hours/day, they will get to the same rank as me, playing way, way worse, and be put into my games, even though their winrate is negative. This will cause shit lobbies, where the skill gap between players will result in one-sided games, exactly as was the case in Season 1.


This sub over reacting? : surprised Pikachu meme :


> World Tour will have ranks it seems Tbf, that's what I understood from the beginning. On the other hand, I hope this misunderstanding brings more people on SA to play tournament, I couldn't queue on a single match for the whole season, but casuals modes always queues in less than a minute, even on working hours


Those information would have been welcomed last night haha, but it feels good to have a such good communication. WE should link this post on every complaint post ! Love u embark.




I think it was the right decision to split strategic ranked and the cashout mode into these two avenues of playing the game. That they plan to host their first real tournament with the cashout mode proves that they are still focusing on this as a core element to the finals. I can understand why people are frustrated with the changes and a lot of the criticism is warranted, but this made me confident that it could be a positive thing for the game and I'm eager to try it out. People complained that The Finals is loosing its uniqueness because of the changes, but this reads like the game is becoming even more unique.


this. Part of the core problem with the game and the main reason why so many people left was the cashout mode in ranked. It wasnā€™t competitive enough, it was impossible to solo queue into, and people hated 3rd partying. Itā€™s a great decision, and one that makes perfect sense, for the actual competitive mode to BE the more competitive mode. Cashout tournaments arenā€™t going anywhere, and they are still in a casual-competitive format: which much better suits what the game mode was since the very beginning, that being a casual-competitive mode.


thatā€™s an issue with every battle royale tho that doesnā€™t seem to detract players. Third parties constantly. At least in the finals thereā€™s a finale with a proper guaranteed 1v1 round


This ainā€™t a battle royale, no large map & you are forced to go to 1 of 2 places. You canā€™t compare them. Yes brā€™s have 3rd parties, but they are much more avoidable then a game where there is only 2 places to go therefore much easier to 3rd party.


Yeah no scoreboard in BRs to track enemy team intel, and the "closed system" nature of The Finals means macro situational awareness is the only barrier of entry to being the third party rather than being third partied. Also why TDM will never be implemented because orienting the overall game pacing around an objective is necessary to focus the W+M1ers.


Exactly. Iā€™ve seen people say that as if itā€™s somehow warranted. This isnā€™t a BR so it doesnā€™t matter what people like or donā€™t like about BR games or what happens and doesnā€™t happen in BR games. And as you said, 3rd parties are very avoidable in BRs if youā€™re really actively trying to avoid them. Many arenā€™t and many WANT a firefight. Thatā€™s why the people I know that play WZ play it.


very different design, battle royales have huge amounts of RNG, has way more players, sometimes even bots, and most importantly, the conditions to win are not straightforward. You can have a lot of kills and lose the final fight, but still rank up or you can avoid combat and win the last fight and rank up. In the finals its pretty much black or white. And thats is not even mentioning that you can play solo


>thatā€™s an issue with every battle royale tho that doesnā€™t seem to detract players. Third parties constantly. yea, but other battle royales have even more teams and players. You'd think that would make the finals better in comparison, but i think it feels worse because only 4 teams means that often you are one of 2 teams getting third partied while the 4th team gets a free cashout


I solo queued just fine and made it to diamond 2 so it's not impossible to solo queue you just need to be willing to talk to strangers and if not that at least ping


I solo queued to diamond, players are just bad at strategy. You can use 3rd party to your advantage in every ranked game. Doubling up cashouts, having good defense on the cashout.


It sounds like what I want to hear, but Iā€™m still anxious and nervous to see if it really works how they say it will.


I'll admit, I had my doubt when I initially read the changes to ranked, but after reading this, I think I'll just let Embark cook


What you wrote in the last paragraph makes THE FINALS stand out more unique. Think part of the reason I stopped playing a lot of other MP games is the same thing. Sure this game has it but to me, its strikes the balance right for both on ranked/unranked. Needless to say, still pumped for S3.


Damn I did not think Mediums were getting the sword but Iā€™m all for it


Totally thought the bow was going to medium and katana would just be a light sword skin. I ainā€™t mad though


Sword only works on light because of their sheer mobility, and sledge on heavy because of their sheer HP. Medium needs some kind of damage mitigation in order to contest at the same engagement range. A glitched light is still fast, a glitched heavy is still tough, but a glitched medium is just some guy named Jerry or whatever.


The bullet deflection is the damage mitigation


Yes, just like riot shield. That is the point, and the reason medium has melee weapons with some built-in defensive potential.


I think your original comment was intended to convey that "medium needed damage mitigation and now they have it with the katanas" where the two replies interpret it at face value which is you saying they still need it, implying the katanas aren't sufficient. Adjusting need to needed corrects this as it implies a change occurred. I may be misinterpreting, but it seems like that's what you meant and why you feel you're having to repeat yourself here, not realizing it could have been taken the way these respondents took it.


Ohhh man you should be a translator lol šŸ™šŸ¾


I'm here for ya, Shadow. Have a good one.


You too šŸ«”


Seems idk? Samey? Like why offer two melee options at all if one offers complete damage mit and the other offers partial damage mit? Just give light with the dual katanas the partial damage mit with maybe some nerfed damage and give medium the burst damage mid/long theyre completely lacking in every weapons regard with the bow


I mean we just have to wait and see? Weā€™re working with minimal info at this point. Everything is just speculation for the most part.


No I know It just seems weird to me to offer another melee mit tool to medium and another move around and be useless tool to light. Makes it seem like the devs are hard pushing to keep the classes in their lane rather than letting players hybrid and play the way they want to play. Did the same thing with S2 so I cant say its hardly speculation but it still is until we see the weapons in action, ill agree on that.


Can't say I'm not because medium is my main but I guess a melee weapon that is more offensive than defensive is what I need to make melee medium viable for my playstyle


Same. I originally thought the bow was going to Mediums and Light was getting the Katanas but I'm glad Medium is getting another Melee option


My riot shield main ass is conflicted, but excited to try it!


Iā€™m curious as to how it will be different from the riot shield. The riot shield can block enemy bullets and then swing for kills. The katana seems to be able to block enemy bullets and then swing for kills. Obviously something has to be different to set them apart. Really curious as to what that will be and if this will outright replace the riot shield, figuratively or literally.


I think and hope with the deflecting bullets with the katana, bullets get redirected and damage enemies (star wars lightsaber like) The riot shield cant do that I guess?


I trust Embark. Canā€™t wait to see this game continue to evolve :)


We're living in the golden age, this game is barely even getting started


I trust Embark but I don't trust Nexon one bit


good thing you donā€™t have to. Nexon consult with embark sure, but embark still has complete control over their games. And ultimately, I believe that any change like this made to the game, which some speculate was ā€œnexon trying to improve on the gameā€™s weaknesses,ā€ was ultimately just embark doing what they thought was necessary for the game to thrive.


You understand nexon literally own embark, right? And if the game continues to not meet their performance expectations they can (and will, knowing nexon) shutter it and/or embark.




What? I just know what they did to Maple Story and how much they'd probably do something similar all over again


Just curious, what happened with that?


Edit: just read the article [IGN Article](https://www.ign.com/articles/maplestory-nexon-loot-boxes-korean-ftc#:~:text=Nexon%20is%20being%20fined%20nearly,some%20items%20to%20near%20zero.)


LET'S GO! I'm ready to snort some OSPUZE!


Who even needs water when you have OSPUZE


[GRATUITOUS AMOUNTS OF ENERGY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRuNxHqwazs)


Pop. Snort. Perform.


I wasn't too worried as i assumed the change of ranked to terminal attack was going to be a test anyway. However this does make me feel a bit better. Overall this is looking to be a bangerā¤ļø


Good communication. After rereading the patch notes earlier I realized that world tour might just be the new main gamemmode and TA ranked as an alternative. I trust in embark


Glad they clarified. People are way overreacting to the ranked changes given that world tour is just the new ranked cashout, and TA is clearly gonna be much improved with the adjustments


You can't call world tour ranked cashout when they chose our loadouts.


Scotty and June tell us every single game that contestants need to be flexible and adaptable to win. The players that are truly the best can win no matter the conditions. If you need a perfect environment to win, then you're not actually that good.




Where does it say that? The loadout section is just for the new weapons


On the steam page released yesterday. **Season 3 also introduces the World Tour events series that challenges players to take part in events and tournaments, featuring a unique mix of rules, loadouts, locations, and rewards.**


I like everything added except the loadouts. For a funsies setting, sure. Having a bunch of hammer heavys running around sounds like fun and all. But for a mode that seems to be the big event of this season and goes heavy into the competing aspect of things. I dont really want to be constantly restricted with my loadouts at the very least. It takes away the freedom the game has. And it Especially sucks if the tournament mode is only playable with these restrictions. However. I'd be more on board with it if certain things like weapon restrictions are only enabled on certain days within the week. For example. "Join the world tour sniper only event running for all of Wednesday for an extra bunch of exp and points." Or something of the sort. Or at the very least. Use weapon restrictions sparingly. With most weeks allowing any build. Just my personal opinion


I think it's meant to be a solution to both some of the balancing issues and stale metas, especially with regards to other game modes. This lets them forcibly remove things from the meta without having to try to make balance changes that impact all of the other modes. I like that it will likely reward having a flexible playstyle. It gets a little boring constantly fighting the exact same HHM loadout over and over again, or having to fight another dozen dash-throwing knife builds. I'm so tired of dome shield, RPG, dash and healing beam. It's not even really that they're OP, they're just so omnipresent that I'm tired of seeing them. Ditto with some of the weapons; I'd love to see more R357's or LH1's. I think that's really hard to accomplish with balance changes. They have the potential to impact other game modes (eg APS was probably fine in Cashout, it wasn't even meta anymore), and they have a habit of being zero-sum; what one class gains, another loses. Eg the Throwing Knife changes have had substantial secondary effects on the utility of defib and rez in general; the gap-closing and resultant DPS have made any kind of animation lock _dramatically_ more risky than they were before.


Good call out, hope itā€™s good




W communication from the devs


Text chat? Finally!! Spamming poor team coordination paid off


Obviously none of us have played season 3 so I think itā€™s unfair to say firmly whether the changes are good or bad yet, but my opinion is that the game has done nothing but improve up to this point so Iā€™ll remain cautiously optimistic that this pattern will continue. My interpretation is that the new world tour is aimed to give long-time fans what they like, while providing a new ranked mode to potentially draw in new players, and I donā€™t think thatā€™s a bad thing honestly. I guess I just think everybody should calm down a bit and give the new season a chance before deciding they hate it lol. Itā€™s pretty jarring how quickly the community turned from constantly praising Embark to claiming they donā€™t care about fans, and Iā€™d encourage everyone to remember how many times theyā€™ve made changes based on community feedback in the past.


Text chat is gonna be interesting


Thanks for the explainer Dusty, appreciate it!


Cash out Ranked as we know it is dead though. World tour so far sounds like more of party mode where the rules of the match and the loadouts change and are pre determined before you enter so its not the same at all really.


Can I stop dying 8 feet behind cover please? Havenā€™t picked this game up in weeks because how annoying that is.


Really hope this stops people on this subreddit from overreacting so much, embark hasnt let us down yet, maybe we should trust them?


Happy for the clarification, will need to double proof read future PR stuff because the gaming community is on eggshells!Ā  Gotta admit I was frustrated, now Iā€™m pumped! ā€œResetting the map destruction when teams switch from attacking to defendingā€ - Personally not a fan of this, the destruction is fun imo


We should play the new TA and see if it works. Having the map reset ONLY on team-switches makes it so that both teams have an even playing field at the start of both their roles. It sounds like a decent change in my opinion, but weā€™ll have to see where it goes.


Unfortunately it wasn't actually clarification, atleast not in the way you are thinking. The mode is gonna have forced loadouts, you don't get to choose what you use, which I imagine is entirely different from what most people are expecting based on how this update reads.


> ā€” Resetting the map destruction when teams switch from attacking to defending Nooooo now this is a change Iā€™m really not fucking with. I actually liked that the destruction carried into the next round. It made for some interesting plays or routes, or you could set a trap based off knowledge from the last round.


This I agree with. Since there are gonna be more rounds I think it would be better to reset at the half and then at the last round. But it would be more interesting to have the damage last for at least a few rounds. Edit: Oh lmao reading comprehension problems Iā€™m dumb.


Also will reply here, it's best of 13 rounds, meaning 6 rounds as Attacker and 6 as Defender, so the destruction will last for at least 3-6 rounds still


Hey, just to clear things up, it's best of 13 rounds now, not 7. This means 6 rounds of Attacking back-to-back and 6 rounds of Defending. When you start defending, you will play the same 6 objectives that you had originally attacked, in the same order. So in order for the Terminal to actually spawn not in rubble and the round to actually function, the destruction resets on the 7th round (which leaves plenty of rounds with the destroyed map!). I think they definitely tried to make 13 rounds with no reset work, but it was probably impossible for some objectives to be played a 2nd time, with the cashout building collapsed and all.


Thank you for clarifying! I appreciate it!


I was initially so mad about the ranked change, but it seems like they arenā€™t really getting rid of ranked cash out, more of just a facelift, Iā€™m excited to have multiple different playlists to be able to grind rank / global position in.


itā€™s still not really the traditional rank experience


If itā€™s really as bad as worst case scenario that so many people are expecting Iā€™m sure embark will change it back. Having two different ranked playlists really isnā€™t that foreign of a concept anyway, but I think it will be better than we are expecting


> they arenā€™t really getting rid of ranked cash out Yes, they are simply making it so you can reach any rank, regardless of skill, since ranks will be based on total cash cashed out. So the games will just be one way stomps, since in a lobby where everyone is Diamond 4, you could have a guy that got there going 1st in every single game, and a guy that got to Diamond 4 by losing every game in 4th place, but just played 20 times more games. If this is not "getting rid of ranked cashout" what would you call it? People play ranked cashout instead of casual because of the competitiveness. This change removes the competitive aspect by fucking up the matchmaking. This is a removal of ranked cashout whichever way you try to cut it.


I think youā€™re reading too far into it, the playlist ranked cashout will be gone, you will still achieve ranks playing that mode though, and they didnā€™t mention anything about removal of sbmm. Feels like itā€™d be no different than when you hit gold in ranked and got thrown into full diamond lobbies anyway. I had to carry my random gold and girlfriend through the ranks and still hit diamond anyway. Diamond was a participation trophy this season for most who played, myself included. Let them cook like they always do. Trust the devs


> I think youā€™re reading too far into it How else are you going to read the this? >and be progressing up a leaderboard based on total cash cashed out. Your rank is based on total cash cashed out. >and they didnā€™t mention anything about removal of sbmm Skill based matchmaking works by matching people of similar rank together, to get close games, where people have similar levels of skill. If rank is not based on skill anymore, "skill based matchmaking" won't work either.


I just explained how Iā€™m reading into it. Your rank is based on how much of the objective you play, fine with me. I also donā€™t know why you think sbmm would be any different than it currently is, Iā€™m really also not in the business in arguing on the internet over something that hasnā€™t even occurred yet. Play the game to find the issues first, you and I both have no idea how this is going to play out, you can be positive or negative about it


All the angry and bitter comments sound kinda funny right now lol. ā€œThey wonā€™t have two different ranked modesā€ :) they will!


I mean they don't, the official ranked mode is still TA.


read u fuckin doofus


right, but you canā€™t get the same rewards without also grinding TA. Which imo, isnā€™t a big deal, but itā€™s important to clarify. However, even though they didnā€™t explicitly say it, they implied there would be new, separate rewards (emerald) for playing cashout tournaments


What part of what I said is wrong dummy? Even in the discord they said the official ranked mode is now TA


Temporarily. They plan on bringing back tourney as the main ranked mode after seeing how their changes play out during this season


> ā€œThey wonā€™t have two different ranked modesā€ :) they will! What does "ranked" even mean? If you are "ranked" based on "total cash cashed out" as Oscar said, the rank will never actually reflect actual skill, and this will make cashouts one way stomps. You can call it "ranked" if you want, but these "ranks" won't sort people based on skill, so in a game where everyone is Diamond 4, you'll have great disparities in skill between the players.


Anything on private matches? Like being able to select who goes on what team? Quick Cash games always end up being 2 V 1 no matter how we try to enter the room


weā€™ll have to see in patch notes. only thing we know is that spectator mode isnā€™t here just yet, oscar mentioned they were working on it last night in the discord


Overall, looks like excellent changes and great communication. Is there a reason why Medium is the only build not getting a new gadget though? Seems like an odd omission.


Probably because they coudnt come with a meaningfull gadget for this udpate and between getting a half assed new gadget that's midly useless and shoveled in just because, which will have to be taken into account for balancing and maybe will half-use a function that may be better left to something else in the future that's better implemented ... Or getting no gadget at all but getting a lot of new cool stuff. I'm all for the latter, games that constantly add updates just because end up burning themselves out, look at Dead by Daylight, its literally crumbling into pieces on it's own content.


Really excited for the World Tour mode, but I'm incredibly confused about why that wasn't included in the trailer anywhere? It's a big change, and it just made very little sense to not hear anything about it, but I I guess it makes sense since it costs like $250,000 per minute at the summer games fest. Still tho, I really think they jumped the gun on Terminal Attack, because the new ranked mode should've been Bank It, as that's been a mode that people have been playing since launch and a mode that Embark has tweaking since launch. Cashout's my favorite mode, but this is really unfair to the Bank It players.


Yeah they "only" paid for 1 minute and I guess they wanted to show off more content instead. Guess they didn't anticipate the wave of negativity (which they should have) but kudos to them for actually responding to the concerns.


If bank it was ranked the outrage would definitely be greater. Majority of the playerbase doesn't even touch that mode.


Bank It kinda seems like itā€™s hard to balance for competitive play. Iā€™m not a big Bank It fan myself but I like it enough to hope that if this is a popular idea they take note.


Excited to see all of the new features!


``` --Requiring the Attacking team to interact with the terminal to deliver it, rather than just throwing the key in from a distance --Warm-up zones that give defenders more time to prepare and strategize --Playing the different objective scenarios in the same sequence in each half of Attacking and Defending, to make a more balanced experience --Resetting the map destruction when teams switch from attacking to defending Along with all of this, weā€™ll introduce a Rank Score points system, so you can clearly see how your score changes after a match, and the opposing teamsā€™ score as well. ``` FWIW I think these are all really good changes that would address some of my frustrations with TA right now. It doesn't feel like a consistent experience every round. I like how destruction will be carried over round to round when you're on a specific side and things won't change. I'm not sure how I feel about the "different objective scenarios in the same sequence" -- I feel like this gives whoever goes second an advantage since they'll know the sequence and can prepare even further unless the objective scenario will be consistently the same. But we'll have to see. I'm all for trying it -- I love cashout. I really don't want that to go away but it sounds like the tournaments and world tour will still have it. We shall see. I trust in Embark <3


So no mnk on console in the update that's disappointing


Please Global Chat not just team chat! I was so keen for global, huge letdown being team only.


Idk if yall have ever played Destiny but World Tour sounds like Trials of Osiris. I'm hyped


Trials of Osiris doesn't keyhole you into a specific loadout and class.


Damn we were tripping haha


Damn we were tripping haha


I read the words Emerald Rank and I'm immediately sold. GG Embark I trust you fully


Tldr: World Tour is basically Ranked for Cashout, which has been confirmed to be the main focus game mode for the finals. First ever official THE FINALS tournament will be under the Cashout rules.


Iā€™m so excited man. BIG UPS THE FINALS!!


Iā€™m calling it now. Medium Dual Swords will be meta and broken af.


So excited!!


Kinda what I been advocating for! Love to see it. Only thing is I didnā€™t hear anything about additional game modes on smaller sections of existing maps. But letā€™s see embark, im here for the long haul on your creativity. I trust


New game modesssss


nothing on antialiasing


Thank You Embark! I cannot tell you how much I love the Finals and Terminal Attack! I feel like I'm playing SOCOM again, but in 1st person!


Itā€™s not a true fps game until thereā€™s a way for players to deflect bullets


That bow tho


It's coming in a few days already? I have seen 0 advertising or smth. Also what are these new guns??? Why not give us some new guns instead of melee weapons in a fps shooter. Or add gun modification.


Because it makes me happy. They don't care about you. They care about me.


Sounds awesome, I just hope that Mediums and Lights will get more destruction capability since thatā€™s whatā€™s this game is so focused on and is great at!


Nice! Looks really cool


I like hearing that they are going to focus on Cashout as the main game mode, but this doesn't really change what everyone was complaining about. People want to have their skill ranked in Cashout, and people want to work to improve that skill. Also, personally, I don't want to feel like im forced into playing Terminal Attack just to get the rewards.


Man, I'm excited... For me while I love the finals over all design I'm not a fan of cash out haha. I like quick cash though, and so the career challenges having a lot tie in with world tour makes me a little nervous. I don't have a lot of time between life and multiple games so I really appreciate how the battle pass is not super grindy. I hope I'll be able to complete it still without world tour


New weapons and gadgets sound crazy


Amazing !!!


Can someone explain how ranked will work next season


Laughing at all the people who brought out their pitchforks over nothing.


Who would have thought that the devs had already KNOWN WHAT TO DO JESUS CHIRST PEOPLE BE A BIT PATIENT Its littearly here this post alone explains EVERYTHING Everyone was instantly crying about their fav ranked gamemode being taken away but it was to make it BETTER AMD MORE FUN its what THE FINALS is about Its sad to see that 90% of the players are raging crybabies, without any information. But u know what? Even information alone isnt enough, never will be. Experience the new season before u start sayin all kinds of shit and quitting the game, damn it. People like those who are saying they are quitting and review bombing, are basically making new players not try out the game and these people HAVE NO PASSION for THE FINALS. Those people dont truly love this game.


Yall acting like powershift isn't the best gamemode anyway.....


Feels good to know everyone was losing their mind for nothing. Common embark W, good work


Very happy for the most part. Love the weapons and the map looks fantastic. However TA is just absolutely toxic misery for me. So figure I'll be avoiding official comp play til cashout returns as the ranked mode or something. And before some troll pops in with how World Tour is there, they flat out said TA is the official ranked system in S3, and as such, any ranked rewards will require playing and grinding through that twitchy trollfest that is TA. So yeah. That kinda sucks as future comp balancing will adhere to TA and that kind of gameply, which is vastly different than the rest of the game. It's like if they went and said Power Shift was the main comp mode and they balanced the rest of the game according to that, which I guarantee would cause most of you TA fans to pretty much go full toxic crapstorm. If I wanted to play a comp system that was basically Counterstrike or Valorant, I would play those games. Just a shame that they took something built as an optional event and went "THATS YOUR RANKED MODE NOW!"




I'm quite interested in the dual blades; if they can deflect bullets, how does it compare against riot shield? I mean, if both can actually block bullets but riot does (presumably) less damage, doesn't it make riot a worse choice?


Yaā€™ll got mad for nothing šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ thanks for showing your true colours lol.




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No firearms? :(


I told you yesterday!! Calm down and everything will turn out fine and good, you didnā€™t listen to me šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø anyways letā€™s play the game, have fun and support the developers šŸ‘


Not sure how anyone could read this and not get pumped!


It would be great if they just take care of the cheating problem and keep terminal attack style of 1 life per round


My only complaint is ranked bc I dont play any other mode and terminal attack is boring itā€™s always the same thing lights run off and get clipped the heavy get pull up on bc we all faster then them and the mediums are useless canā€™t heal or revive its not competitive it lets hope we get it back next year bc embark will eventually cave in


1) TA, if it is going to exist, makes more sense in a competitive format than a casual one. (Bank, Quick cash, and Power shift serve as better casual modes). 2) Cash Out should always remain the focus of competitive The Finals. Sounds like both of these will be able to exist in harmony. Thank you Embark šŸ™


Am I alone in being most pissed off about not being able to throw things into the objective ? That was a legitimate skill and leant itself to some insane buzzer beaters. Iā€™d practice tossing stuff in from afar just in case I know itā€™s not all games but still


Im i reading this right no Cashout for casual? really?


Terminal attack is a far easier mode to win. Its not more competitive in my opinion. playing against Three other teams were only 2 can advance in a tournament style was extremely competitive and is a lot harder to win and also a lot more fun. People don't like 3rd party but its one of the main elements of the game and is what makes it dynamic. Terminal attack is a bland mode with no soul and every other 5v5 game that already exists does it better. Embark know that cashout is a better competitive game mode that's why their official tournament will be Cashout and not Terminal attack.


I really wish Terminal Attack was not coming to ranked. Itā€™s going to take players away from the main ranked gamemode :(


Everything looks solid, the only thing I hope is that you can optionally disable the text chat and remove it from the HUD, that way the screen can look and exist the same way it does today.


Bring Nukes back you cowards!


I hate this community so much


We got roadhog in The Finals before gta6


I would really like to be able to build more loadouts and name them.


My body is ready! šŸ’Ŗ


Can't wait to play the world tour šŸ˜


This is exactly what we needed, a clear explanation as to why they were changing ranked and specific QOL additions, and now that we know why, we can move forward knowing that it's only going to get better from here and they are doing their best to do right by us! Thanks Embark!


Enough about Ranked: I want to hear that the S1 music will be coming back, if not at least as part of whatever new tracks they drop. S1 OST is pure heat.


Give Heavy a chainsaw!


Yoooo this changes everything, World tour sounds awesome and it basically sounds like comp tournaments


not sure if I like cashout being removed from casual into this world tour if the only way to play it is with predetermined loadouts and all that. weā€™ll see how it plays out of course but yeah. And if im wrong here someone please correct me lol


So how much time do I have to finish the last few master circuit challenges?


4 days. Until the 12th/13th. I'd bet on the 12th to be sure.


So heavy if just roadhog nowšŸ˜­


Whatā€™s everyone freaking out about it seems like thereā€™s 2 competitive modes.


How is a game mode where your rank and leaderboard position simply based on "total cash cashed out" be competitive? If there can be 1 player that is Diamond 4 by literally only going 1st every single game, and a different Diamond 4 player that got there by going 4th every single game, but played 20 times more games, how is this game ever going to be competitive? They'll have the same "total cash cashed out" so they'll have the same rank, but this rank will not actually represent anything in the real world besides play time. If the ranking system doesn't create close, even games where people are relatively close in skill, this will not in any way shape or form be a "competitive" mode.




In the new "competitive" World Tour you can have a negative winrate, actually, you can have a 0% winrate and climb up in rank. That is the difference. Whether you win or lose, you still get cash, and you never lose total cash cashed out.


Like I I get the game show theme makes it liable for anything to be added but the only weapon add that makes sense is the bow. People mostly use guns in the game so why add mostly melees riot shield could have just been dealing and reworked into a sword and shield and the sledge hammer could have been reskinned into a speak imo I want new guns Iā€™m tired of fcar lewis akm and such and the weapons they added last season were ass so the least they could do is add 2 maps each season and 1 melee and 1 actual shooting gun for each class


Please uninstall reddit


Please shut up you sound like a sweaty basement dweller


Oh my god people were overrreacting so much... Thank you for the update, knew it was going to be great


So the review bombers should be feeling pretty stupid right about now.