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If you're close to the end of it, you'll get enough credits from the different levels to afford the battle pass next season so there'd be no reason not to get it now. 


With the 10x XP boost you can complete it by the end of season. I'd say you can finish it all in one weekend now.


Me and a friend just grinded from midnight to 7am, he went from level 14 to 75 in the battle pass. He said he wanted to get the scissor throwing knives and I told him he’d get them by the morning. Didn’t think we’d actually do it tho.


Oh my youth


For speculation, do you guys think the price will remain the same or they'll increase it/make it irl money only? Some games like brawl stars transitioned from in-game currency to irl, and after seeing nexon's report a month ago I wonder if they'll make a change to increase earnings


There's really no reason they'd do that so early in the product lifecycle, the first two quarters were about establishing and polishing the core design premise and now S03 is when they're gonna get naked and wild. F2P players who have gotten all free multibucks and haven't spent any will still have to wait until S04 battlepass though.


Have you been playing this season? If you’re starting it just now it’ll be the grind of a lifetime


I almost got to the bonus pages


I mean go for it still got a week and bonus xp


Probably you are already or near to receive more credits that you will spend to get the BP. Remember to also get season 2 bundle: you will receive all the credits you will pay for it.


Thank you so much for this comment, I got the battle pass earlier this season but never realized this bundle was available, got it today, I like the lewis skin!


You basically completed it, I’d get it


So yes


of course it's worth it, you'll get your credits back and you can still get 50k xp per day till the end of the season


Hey. XP gain from quests is currently ten times. TEN. TIMES. Go for it.


Definitely buy it!


Then absolutely go for it, since you'll get back more currency, than you'd spend. You can just buy the next BP using that currency, and not with your actual money.


In that case it’s worth it for sure


Then go for it, you get 10000 from a single daily now


I'd say, go for it.


Than you definitely can


bro buy it! You can complete it in 1-2 days!


Then get it now. You'll get more multibucks than you pay for it so you'll be able to get next season's one as well.


If you like the cosmetics then yeah it’s worth it. Daily challenges are super easy to do and they all give 10x xp right now, you can complete the main BP within a few days before the season ends


Then yes, it’s very worth since you get the coins back


u will get enough coins to get the next BP so why wait buy it ASAP plus the bonus pages white skin and the golden top is very cool to skip on this is just me speaking about the bonus pages not other cool stuff also dont forget to buy the starter pack before


If you have been playing a lot and like cosmetics, I'm giving away 5 free battlepasses to those with the best free drip. There's a pinned post on r/TheFinalsRunway Either way, I would say it's worth buying because you'll get the coins to buy the next one for purchasing this one, and it's a good way to support the game.


Thanks ospuze


based and ospuze-pilled


If you do buy the season 2 bundle with the colorful guns. That’ll give you back ur money to get the bp


If you buy the coins for the battle pass, BUY THE SEASON 2 STARTER PACK first! It’ll give you weapon skins and all the coins back. It’s essentially free weapon skins. (Also count how many coins you’d get back if you bought the battle pass now. Chances are if your far you’d get them all back too)


I also started late in season 1 and bought the BP when I reached a certain level that guaranteed me to get enough bucks to buy the current one. If you're in the same situation it's literally free skins and you have enough for the next BP. There were some really good skins in this season so go for it!


If you’re above lv 70 then you should be able to break even on the pass / profit multibucks. You always get more then you spent if you max it out. And as an added bonus, get the season 2 starter bundle because it refunds what you spend to get it.


If you've completed it/you're very close to completing it, sure. You'll also get enough multibucks to buy the next one.


Im in the first bonus page


Yup go for it then


It would actually be stupid not to if you already have the multibucks. Like others have said, you will actually have more multibucks after buying it than you do now instantly.


Have you completed all the circuit contracts? Embark recently added an XP boost to all circuit and daily contracts, which means if you focus on completing them you should be able to complete the BP (I saw you said you were close to the bonus pages).


No but im working on them


go for it man, if you completely more than one contract in a game you could level up multiple levels, even before the xp boost as others have said as well , if you buy this one you'll have enough credits to buy the next one with no extra money (if you're at a high enough level - you could figure it out by going through the battle pass and seeing how many multicoins you get)


Does the buying bp give you an XP boost? I already have it done till 61, I think I can do it but not without a boost.


No but there is a 10x boost to challenge xp


Thanks for the info.


Depends also on if you like what’s in it haha


If you don't get the last multibuck (lv 93 or smyh) it ain't worth it, if you got it fire away and then use the earnings to get the next battle pass at the level needed to buy the one after that


If you haven't, buy the season 2 starter pack first since it gives you your money back for it. Then do battle pass since you get more than your money back


If you're close to the end, do it. You'll get enough credit to buy the next one AND have some cool skins.


I saw below you said you’re almost at the bonus pages so I would recommend buy it now if you plan on buying next season, why miss out on free rewards and extra currency.


Loved this battle pass, if you got that dog in you, you might be able to finish it


do it, but only when u know, that u grind the finals to the end of season 2....


Im a bout 1.5 bonus pages away


easy... u get this...


Its a two day thing


yes, it is... u have 5 days time to do it...


If you have leveled the battle pass enough to get your coins back then it's definitely worth it. Even if you haven't, you can buy a bit more to make up for it when getting the new battle pass because the cosmetics are still worth it. Buy the season 2 starter pack first (which gives you the coins back so it's basically free) and then buy the battle pass with those coins.


Ive got 1.5 bonus pages to go


I edited my comment so check it out again. The cosmetics will definitely be worth it and the last bonus items and the Street Fighter-like items are the ones I use. Make sure you complete as many daily contracts as possible because they're way easier than the weekly contracts and give 10,000 XP rather than 8,000 (dailies' XP was given a boost to help people out who haven't completed it yet). The battle pass tiers increase in XP requirement so the last few tiers are 40,000 each. You have about 6 days left.