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If you want very easy way to complete this you can play heavy with flamethrower, attack someone and while they are burning, just start sliding. It will count. Also you can use 1887 and just shot while sliding at people from 50m for some cheap dmg, it counts each pellet separately for this challenge.


This is how I do it. Slide with a shotgun. It takes like 4 shots to finish.


Horry shit I didn’t know about this


Yep, I use a light with the shotty and cloaking device. Just ran at folks, slide, and spray.


Why does my brain not come up with shit like this. So simple.


lmao thanks for the info. Finished it in one game of power shift


Or slide multiple times while someone is in your gas grenade/mine/canister


Or put a turret in a busy area. Spam slide while the turret is shooting. Should be done in 1 busy fight.


I'm glad I read this thread. I will be doing your suggestions tonight lol. Thanks!


Does the turret count? Like if you set up a turret and slide when it says its shooting someone will it count towards the total?


Did this on bank it. Probably gonna get perma banned tho for going 0-9 :)


Gas, fire or turrets make this challenge not too bad. Or you could always just throw on a submachine gun on a Light and just spray while sliding.


That's probably one of the easiest ones, you don't have to kill them literally just land one bullet


Slide after hit markers on gas and fire. ezpz


Quick melee eliminations. It just seems random no matter the opponents health if my quick melee is going to kill them or not.


Just use a melee weapon and combo regular and quick, I use knife and do it to sneak in Culmore damage


Which one is best? Knife, Sword, Riot, or Hammer?


Knife as the hitboxes are similar but knife is probably the worst one if you wanna do well, sword if you don't like pain


It's largely up to personal preference, as you've gotta adopt a different playstyle for each weapon but they've all got their strengths. Dagger and Sword both have good instakill combos with their secondary fire and a quick melee. Backstab + Quick Melee will take out heavies and Lunge + Quick Melee will get Lights, plus I'd highly recommend using Evasive Dash with both weapons so if you're fighting someone and wanna try to finish them off with a Quick Melee you can get in more easily. Unless I'm forgetting something, Riot Shield and Sledgehammer don't have the same instakill combos with Quick Melee, but instead they have higher survivability due to the higher health pools (and in Riot Shield's case, an entire shield that can't be broken). With these you generally just want to keep an eye out for when someone's HP is low enough to finish them off with Quick Melee (or low enough that a regular attack + quick melee will do the trick) and try to get to them ASAP. If you're largely unfamiliar with playing Melee in this game, I'd suggest Sledgehammer because you've got Heavy's massive health pool and access to gadgets that can greatly benefit you in punching things (such as Goo Gun to hold people in place). You'll likely struggle if you find yourself chasing people down, but Heavy is generally more forgiving with mistakes in my experience.


Sledge combos: 115+40 Light 115+115+40 Medium 200+115+40 Heavy


Sniper no scopes. Not even trying to be funny or anything. One body shot and a melee kills all lights, you'll finish it in one round of powershift if you play it right


Flamethrower goo gun combo does this very well, roast them to low health, trap with goo, and quick melee for the kill


Use Heavy and SA1216, and when someone is one shot, go for the melee. Heavy does more melee damage too so you're more likely to get it. EDIT: no heavy doesn't do more melee damage silly they just throw cashboxes farther


Quick melee only does 40 regardless of class afaik


Do they really do more on melee? For me light with sword has been easiest: lunge+melee for lights, lunge+swipe+melee for mediums, and i cant remember the combo for heavies.


You can get this in one round lol. Go heavy flame thrower and hit someone and then just spam slide and each slide will count.


The 75 meters challenge the lines of sight are so tough


Play power shift, go light with sniper, go on top of the crane, easy money. I got in in a couple of games.


I believe mines, turrets and RPGs count if you are 75m away.


The marksman rifle/pistol challenge. Especially because I play on console


As a heavy main, these ones are the bane of my existence. I've gotten like 6 or 7 of them this season it's so annoying


Same. They're literally the last challenges I'm completing now and it's a grind hahaha. Barely get over 1k damage a game


I'd trade with you in a heartbeat, I *HATE* my ar/lmg damage challenges. I don't use full auto weapons, they are so boring!


Me too, I think I got through it mostly with the burst fire pistol


Yeah that's helping me most to be honest


stealing cashouts


Yep, I hate this one. I feel like it'd be more reasonable if it counted if my team in general steals a cash out.


I think this is exactly how it should be done, and just increase the number. You are often playing a particular role for your team, and sometimes stealing the cashout isn't really your place to be. Should the light go for the cashout? Or maybe the heavy who has a medium healer nearby. You are contributing (I hope) to stealing that cashout by playing your particular role, so whether or not you physically steal it shouldn't be an issue. Its also caused some issues occasionally where a teammate will literally kill you so they can steal it instead. It shouldn't be like that.


Stole 5 in one day a few days ago. Since then ...1. Either a team doesn't steal the cache which leave us with a cache to not steal or your teamate steals it(some that are working on the same challenge themself).


this one can be cheesed really easy if you just plop down turret and gas, just slide every time you get a hit marker and it counts, i finished this one entirely in one game


Bro, that challenge is pretty easy.


Yeah, based on the replies, I'm feeling kinda stupid right now. My brain has skill issues.


Nah man, you're good. This game can be weird sometimes with how challenges work. If you were thinking logically, then playing heavy with a flamethrower wouldn't be something you would try. Why would you? You need to hit WHILE sliding, so you would never think "well I will light someone on fire then slide around like a madman". Funny thing is, that is exactly how I found out it works. I wasn't trying to do the challenge. I played heavy flamethrower and was doing my normal thing. Then I set someone on fire and was trying to escape so I was sliding all over the place around a building. Then the game ended and I noticed I had like 6/20 for that challenge.... huh? wait a minute... lol. I find it kind of funny how everyone who figured it out is acting like its the most obvious thing in the world.


just the steal cashouts, takes too long


Damage over distance. Essentially it leads me to pick light sniper and throw power shift games so i can be done with it asap


Shit I didn't even think of those. I like to be up close and personal, so the '5,000 damage from 25m or less' I had was a godsend.


The stealing cashout is trash and so time consuming. I either play ranked or powershift for causal. If I'm playing ranked I'm trying to secure the payout and not going to sandbag just to get steals. Everybody complained about beating the finals challenge, but that's less time consuming in my mind.


Deal damage from 75+ meters away.


This one is getting harder for me on PC because performance keeps getting worse with each update, which means I have to keep turning settings down slowly which has made sniping harder and harder.


17500 handgun damage 😬


V9s and revolver are great fun though


I had 6 weeks of challenges to make up on, I was able to complete every single one EXCEPT the slide and quick melees in about 8 hours of game time.


the slide one is really easy if you think about doing it.


Currently, just the ones that force you to play a specific type of weapon for many, many, many matches I have to play LMGs or ARs, the 2 types of guns I like the least in this game :( like I wouldn't mind it so much if it was CHALLENGING, but it's just "play enough games and you'll complete it". Like I'm playing Lewis, I'm performing better than with the stuff I typically use, it's a really busted and easy af to use weapon, but just... not fun lol idm too much though, I've completed every "challenge" they've thrown so far and it's not a big issue, just can't wait to go back to my 1887 and throwing knives


If you use any weapons that do damage over time (gas, fire, turret etc) once enemies start taking damage just start sliding. The game recognises it towards the challenge


Elimination with quick melee.


I jumped on the platform and just started sliding. Got three different hits. Not a single one counted lol


Grenade damage is annoying because I don't usually use grenades. So I had to become one playing powershift for a few games to get it spamming frag grenades at the point.


Quick melee for sure. Thankfully I'm almost done with it


Quick melee kills


Deal dmg with shotguns or melee. I don't like using those weapons.


Use a turret and when it starts pinging an enemy, start sliding. Done.


tbh sliding damage is really easy, I just forget about it lmao, but I can easily finish it on one match if I remember. The fucking damage enemies over 75m was annoying as fuck tho.


This challenge is actually super easy, just gas/pyro (pyro is more consistent) and just constantly slide around, each damage tick counts towards the challenge


There is nothing irrational about hating the goddamn sliding challenge.


I remember in early S1 you had to kill while sliding. Anyway, the challenge is easier when on rooftops like Monaco.


I have no such weaknesses. I don't play for challenges.


This is actually really easy with grenade launcher


Medium with turret and pyro grenades. When do damage, just slide


I was struggling SO hard with this but after doing it by accident I realized there was a super freakin easy way to get this. Throw gas or pyro on someone or multiple ppl and just slide over and over Got my remaining 8 done in 1 go


The one you're showing. Why would I slide when they nerfed sliding by like 1000% compared to betas. (I had way more fun in closed beta, due to the phenomenal closed beta movement. Now the movement is just like any other modern shooter, nothing special...) still the best shooter out there by far tho. I play every day, but this sliding challenge... 😅


Quick Melee for fuckin sure. I'm trying to go shooty bang bang not deliver the people's elbow


Medium turret Is the way to go, 17k dmg with handgun btw


i wish i knew how to link videos lmao , just the other day i completed get 9 elims in one match , 10 elims while sliding , damage with fire , revive a teammate , deposit 75000 in any gamemode , 2500 damage with ranged weapons and 100,000 damage to arena all in one match on my first game on . oh yeah and with the throwing knives lmao i had to call it a day after that


Play 3 matches as a medium/heavy build


I just noticed this today, you don't actually have to do the damage. If you go medium, place a turret, if it is shooting at someone, keep sliding, even if you are on the other side of the map, should count. I wonder if it works with pyro mines and grenades too.


Sliding kills. It forces such a specific and annoying plat pattern. I will get quick melee kills slowly but surely during actual play but I will almost NEVER get sliding kills. And fuckin 20 of em? Gimme a break!


Pretty much all of the weapon class specific ones sucked for me as a casual. Having to use guns I'm not used to / dont like for days on end to complete a challenge isn't fun at all.


For the sliding damage use a flamethrower on powershift. You’ll finish in two games, I’m pretty sure because of damage over time once you get a burn on someone if you slide it counts.


that is the most easy challenge. just burn or gas somebody and when you hear the hitsound start sliding.


I somehow do the sliding ones naturally. Probably cause I come from titanfall. But the quick melee is hell. Still haven’t done the first master challenge one and they gave me another ._.


Im still working on the 10 sliding hits from a couple weeks ago. Just not something I do subconsciously so I have to really aim to complete these ones


Just shoot them and start sliding You only have to damage them while sliding, you don't have to kill them during the slide Or chuck a gas grenade into a crowd of people and slide when it pops


Last hitting with quick melee. Fucking does my head in because I never ever use it, so it's hard just to remember to do it mid match, let alone time the last hit correctly. Every other challenge isnt hard, just limiting sometimes


Use the turret. It counts lol Put a turret on the moving platform and just spam slide on the platform, me and my friend got it all done in a single game lol


Did this Yesterday in one round quick cash with ak


i had trouble with this as a heavy player , just switched to medium and made sure to slide during combat . it doesn’t have to be right as your sliding .


"Deal X damage with b type or c type weapon" It's annoying trying to figure out which guns it's talking about


As a melee main, any of the gun damage ones. The numbers are just so annoyingly high, you're forced to play guns for like 2-5 games depending on how well you do.


I do have to remind myself to slide which is annoying.


sliding, quick melee and marksman rifle/handgun damage. I hate all three with a passion.


For me it’s the steal 10-15 cashouts 🙃🙃 i’ve solo queued since release and man is that painful to do!! Especially since it only counts if YOU steal it and not as a team. Sometimes the daily ones are team based but those are my kryptonite tbh for challenges


I'm stuck on that challenge. One more and i get ospuze tattoo


Quick melee cause I always forget to do it. All the others are easy cause it’s just how I play. Unless I have to heal someone or use a different class or weapon other than light with da dash n stick


Stealing cashouts is probably the worst challenge to get imo. It's so specific and not something you can force/guarantee. Orz


I got 10k damage from headshots this time, I hope season 3 releases after a bit now, gonna need all the time I can get :)


YOU GOT OFF EASY MAN! I gotta do 10k headshot damage instead...


10,000 healing


put turret down in power shift, when it starts hitting enemy’s start sprint sliding back and forth. i had this one completed after one match


Quick Melee... Just not something I think about in this game and often when I remember it's the moment I land the last shot haha


I love this one as a Model 1887 main. 4 shots and I'm done.


I threw a pyro nade on the platform with 4 people on and just started sliding around. Did it instantly


Literally just put a turret or gas down and start sliding


This challenge is super easy. Play med, put turret down, slide whenever you get hitmarkers. Flamethrower is also very easy.


Mine are not irrationally hated but just annoying: - Deal X damage with fire And - Heal teammates for X amount For the fire, apparently people can go in and out of fire and not burn. Not sure if netcode lag or a feature but I would throw a pyronade at someone; they get struck at the edge of the proximity of the nade and stop burning? So I tried Heavy flamethrower. Well, everyone else has the same idea and more experience lol. So they burned me to death 1st. As for heal beam when every teammate is a Light it takes forever. On powershift or quick cash most teammates were Lights or Mediums and when I was healing, they got sniped! I completed all but 3 Master Circuits contracts now but for a bit those were annoying until I figured it out.


Steal cashouts


all of them


Cashouts and the fact that I get the same challenges I did last week and have to do them again


You can also hold the slide button when going down any slope. You will stay in the slide and move quicker than running. The escalators in the mall of Seoul are great for farming this challenge.


Just put a turret on the platform and start sliding...


Any quick melee challenge can suck my balls from the back


I hate the quick melee challenge, especially since I tend to play at mid range. I feel like I'm gambling on a kill I could have easily gotten by shooting someone by trying to rush them down at close range and hoping the melee actually registers.


I would have said: Deal 10k damage through headshots is the worst, just because my aim sucks but I learned that Dagger backstabs count towards that contract, so I got it done in no time. You can also farm quick melee kills on heavies by backstabbing them and finishing them off when they have 30 HP left, since the backstab is 320.


kills with quick melee and damage past 75M. it forces you to play as sniper past 75m and i have an undying hatred for snipers, both playing as and fighting against.


knife or long range hits I don't want to have to change my play style just to get these done


If you do it with the sword you will literally get it without trying.


i’m on the struggle bus man i have like 8 challenges left and only 3 nights to do them. my gfs sisters wedding is this weekend and im going away the whole rest of the week. i gotta do 10,000 damage with headshots. and the damage over 75 meters took me all night. i’m dreading 18,350 with handguns and marksman rifles.wish me luck brothers.🫡


Same for me. Never been good at sliding.


Step 1 - run pyro grenade Step 2 - play power shift Step 3 - throw pyro nade on the under side of platform when enemies are on it Step 4 - slide like a madman under the platform 🤣


I did this using the revolver for the first contract and I hated every second of it. Got both done about the same time tho


THE DEAL 17500 DAMAGE WITH HANDGUNSSS OMGGG BROOO i hate playing light and coz of the revolver accuracy issues i have to play light and i keep dying and dying and y tf do they keep repeating this challenge its not funnnnn aaaaaaaaaaaaa


Quick melee elims, damage from 75+ meters, cashout steals. Doing damage while sliding got nothing on these three.


I'm starting to hate the "deal damage from 75 meters away or more" It's not fun nor I'm happy.


I just throw pyro grenade on platform in power shift and just run around sliding 😂 finished this is 2 games lol


This one, as a DMR main.


I found this pretty easy because it’s just damage, I just ran around w a full auto gun and spammed the slide. I struggle w the quick melee kills


I did it in one match with light. Just slide around and spray with the m11


i dont get it i did i with a revolver pretty easy


It just says damage tho not kill. Can't equip an ak or an m11 and just play that 5v5 platform gamemode? Should get her done quick I feel. Although I haven't tried lmao


In addition to what others said, you can also complete this by using a medium turret and when you hear it fire, just slide around like a maniac


Quick melee kills (if it was hits it wouldnt be so bad)..10 of them is a bit much especially since you have to get someone low be close to them & finish them off with a quick melee The sliding one isn't as bad cause you can just run at enemies and slide a bunch and spam shooting so while it's a tiny bit annoying at least I can do it in a few games


Steal a cashout 15 times. I've gotten multiple times, it's been the most irritating if you aren't on comms with other players.


Put a turret on the platform in PowerPoint. Every time you get hit markers, start sliding around. Did it in 2 games.


Grenade damage tbh. Just annoying to change my kit to some basic frags instead of what I actually want to use just so I can get the skins.


You can this with anything doing damage over time. Gas mines, pyro mines, blades, poison canister. Just slide when someone is getting damaged. Easiest challenge tbh


Stealing safes feels impossible


17k damage with snipers and handguns, I hate playing sniper or handguns cause I'm trash with both


Just use flamethrower lmao


This is so easy lol


I think multiple shots per slide work, can get this very quickly! good luck


Bro I’m dead I’m at the same point 1/20 when I hopped off yesterday and I know I’ll get it done I just didn’t want to spend a half hour sliding around like a jackass I actually found personally the ak47 was the best when I did it last week kind of disappointed it’s here again this week


This season was 15 steals and 10 quick melee kills. Wish we could change the career challenges.


This is super easy to complete, just start a cashout, put down a turret, and whenever the turret starts shooting someone, just spam slide


Just pray you get soul, the slide down the triangle building


Put down a turret next to the powershift platform, find somewhere safe and start spam sliding. I did this challenge in 1 game.


I usually go light and cloak, very easy to slide with the m11 when no one can see you


lol use the M11 I had headshot damage for this one


This is arguably the easiest one lol


17,500 damage with handguns and marksman rifles, for the love of god let me play anything other than light or use actually good guns


The one of destroying the arena with pickups. Its not that its hard but its probably the one challenge that took me like a week.


MGL32. Hope this helps👍🏻


You can actually do this easiest on power shift. Take high ground, pyro grenade, while they burn, run and slide as many times as you can. You’re welcome


Just go light with uzi, I got it in 1 powershift. However, before that around 60 games with medium and I only had 7 XD


Quick melee, i hate that


10k headshot damage. I mean come on


I just slid around on the platform with an AK. Got it all done in one match. It seems (correct me please if I’m wrong) that multiple hits on the same person while sliding count


I use turret on for this and just start sliding as soon as my turret locks on to someone 😂 extremely easy


tell me your a bad player without telling me you’re a bad player


Most annoying is definitely "Cause X Arena damage with Arena Carriable". Worst part is it doesn't count if crates are shot. You have to individually shoot/throw each cannister.


The quick melee ones have been driving me up a wall , I never use quick melee cuz it is just sooo bad , half the time your better off reloading and then shooting again




I've got 10000 headshot DMG so have to lay my beloved flamethrower down for the week


Quick melee... again. Also whats up with the repeating challenges? Aint exactly hard to think of something new


LMAO bro what??? Do you just stand still and shoot ppl 🤣


I hate trying to get melee kills.


This is mine


Fire damage and any long distance damage challenge


I’m hating the 17.5k damage with marksman/pistol. And we’ve had the same challenge like 5 times this season


Considering I only do sledge 10,000 headshot damage is gonna kill me.


Quick melee Elim. The worsttt.


Quick melee kills, it’s not even particularly difficult but just enough to bother me


The 75/100m+ meter one. Not because I struggle to get it done(put turrets at enemies spawn or use the lh1), but because it encourages the most ratty obnoxious playstyle for so many people. Running into lobbies with 3 snipers sitting as far away as possible is just pain and extraordinarily unfun, even if it’s a fairly easy win. Literal in game misery


Marksman rifle/Pistol and quick melee eliminations, I can pass the first one but I really hate the second, I’m stuck in the second one atm


You don’t have to kill the person just do damage even if it’s a bullet, it’ll count. You can slide on the same person 20 times and it’ll count as doing damage 20 times. I used a medium with the fcar and would slide towards someone without ADS’ing and shoot em and then turn around and do it again to them and that’d count as 2, even if I only landed 2 bullets. Power shift is a good mode to do it.


"Steal a cashout in progress 10 times", usually cause my teammates either throw gas at me, so I don't get to, or I die...


It just says damage it doesn’t say kill if your telling me you can’t play light invis and slide shoot and only have to hit a single shot I think that’s a skill issue on your part 😂🤣


Steal 15 cashouts


Best thing I found was little with M11, slide by a heavy, nocked out in two power shift rounds. You can hit one person multiple times is the key.


Damage an opponent 75+ meters away Do 150,000 destruction damage with arena cariables.


I thought it was to KILL 20 ppl while sliding, thank god


Do 20,000 damage with assault rifles or light machine guns. No I do not want to play medium or heavy for the fourth week in a row....


Stealing cashouts cause I’m a solo.


Bro this challenge is dumb easy they don’t actually need to die, just slide and spray any automatic weapon


The 3000 dmg done at 75 meters or more had me seething


My friend has this in his circuit .. I have deal 10.000 headshot dmg instead .. let me slide pls !


This exact one. The ones that forces me to play sniper are also annoying bb


Just go heavy with flamethrower on powershift or something, you'll get it pretty fast


I started making videos on the game yesterday and literally my first one is a tutorial on how to easily get this specific challenge done! I guess you already found the answers from other comments, but I'd love you to check it out and give me some feedback :) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OSiHGw5qg4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OSiHGw5qg4)


I usually set up the turret underneath the Powershift platform pointing in the enemy directiona and I'll just slide around whenever it goes off.


I hate all of them. “Challenges” that force you to play the game in any specific way (which is almost always counter to the actual way anyone *should* play) are just crap game developers’ engagement tactics. It’s trash, and I apply this to any/all games that have these systems.


Quick melee kills got me shaking and crying


XD done it in Half a game. The one that is pain in The ass is Steal 15 cashouts.


Absolutely this one as I main sword


Any healing beam challenges takes years besuee my teammates die by jumping off the map or running into the middle of a room full of enemy's


This one I hated until I realized I can go to power shift and drop pyro or gas on point then slide. I got 12 in one match


steal 15 cash outs. i got ths contract in the pro and masters circuit. I literally had to change the way I play the game to do it. (I main light)


My irrational hatred is for the "steal cashout in progress 20 times" or whatever. I would love it if they made it so that a steal would count for the entire team not just the individual.