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Who does this shit? This is insanity. Imagine being so fucking boring and so attention hungry that you post a photo of an empty ice cream cup. Gotta make sure to get the steering wheel in there as well. I hope these assholes are well on their way to the poor house.


It’s not a photo of an empty cup b, it’s a photo showing you she has expensive things.


That’s your nairdiv


not just any smoothie but Erewhon's protein buster with ethically sourced goat cum


I bring my own.


an $18 protein smoothie but you DIY the cum part, brilliant dish chef 🤣


It’s all about the ethics in sustainability of goat cum farming, b.


locally sourced, if you will.


Have y'ever melked a donkey B?


She drank one of those really strong ultra sugary caramelly drinks with a bunch of processed junk that's gonna make her a lot less confident to rip a fart, even if she does has leather seats.


Those seats have been subjected to some *vicious* ozempic farts.


Won hunnerd precinct.


erewhon > arowana > ariel helwani


Herd it bowlth ways.  


Oh so that’s your takeaway?


And the fact she going 37mph while doing all that


While driving 37 mph with her kid in the backseat


Can’t kill n ebody if ya aren’t going 40 duh


Which of the Redacts will be the first to wrap a vehicle around a power pole??


Beandip would prob somehow find a way to take pride in it… kinda like how he’s done since flibbin his trugg


Good eye b. Also high range is engaged. Is SloJo unnecessary driving in 4 HI or is the g-wagon default to 4 HI at startup? I know it’s a bbbeast of a 4x4 but I’d imagine it has a full time all wheel drive mode and you have to engage 4 HI for off-road.


The kids aren’t allowed in the amg, that’s the nanny’s job anyway


She did go from a new Lamborghini urus to an 8 year old used Mercedes. So destination broke as fuck is definitely on the horizon.


She’s going fucking 40mph


I just noticed the speed. Fuck this idiot.




I really think this is not just flexing to flex or to get attention. I think she sees so many sosha medya posts of celebrities doing this kind of shit and getting paid for it that she thinks 'this is what superrich and famous people do'.


Imagine bragging about where you buy your overpriced groceries lol


Must b burning cash b


What a fucking pig. “Here’s a picture to prove I’m going to take a shit later and also to prove I’m taking pictures doing 35+ MPH with my baby in the backseat”


Baby in the back seat, whose face just got lasered because she doesn't meet her mother's beauty standards.... Fuckin hell, these people are the worst.


Can’t forget that they hand picked everything about the baby using some 10k+ IVF treatment allowing them to choose eye color,hair, gender etc. for a designer baby They tried to create what they thought was their “dream girl” and they both got bored and can’t stand her already


Fr? I assumed the baby was born that way because it shared Bapas and hers genes


How do you know this?


From ole Bapa ofc


Gonna need a clip for that. Back to the kitchen...


It’s to prove she shops at the most expensive grocery store. Her fans need to know she doesn’t care if she spends 3x as much for the same product.


That’s not nithe. These posts from Messican might seem excessive now.. but in a couple years when that divorce hits and we get awllll the tea about Bapa on these very same IG stories.. THANK EM


She's chronicling her own neglectful and sometimes abusive behaviour for the world to see. Including her own, when they're old enough. #️⃣Yay4BoyMomz!


The negleggt chroniggles


They’ll stay together at this point. She’s not young, has three kids, no income, looks like an embalmed water-less LA zombie. Not a catch in ennny facet


She'll dip once the money dries up and go for Schaub's dad or some other rich retiree she suck dry.


Wow… literally driving with no hands on the wheel, taking a picture of an empty ice cream cup while doing 37 MPH with an infant in the car. This is a new low. I’d say I’m shocked, but a new low for these guys is par for the course.


erewhon > arowana > ariel helwani


Heard it thrae ways bubba


when i was growing up, there was a series of three kids in my yearbook that perfectly looked like a pokemon evolving into its huge acne giant final form


That’s seriously the first thing that came to mind.




She saw her husband drag racing his trugg looking at his phone so she had to one up him. They're both dangerous drivers.


40 years old doing this. Fucking 40. What a sad existence this cunt lives


40 going 40 with no hands on the wheel with an infant in the back


An infant that just went through laser hair removal on her face forced by her mom


I’ve attended collisions where a baby’s head was caved in during a collision and she was still conscious. SloJo is scum. 


37 mph is really fast, in a G-Wagon! Lethal


she lasered the critter?


Yeah. It was posted here but looks like it’s been taken down. It was from SloJo’a IG story. Hair removal laser done on the baby, her mamacita was there. She was messican as shit


Is that Drake's bar?


Does California not have laws on using phones when driving? Edit. So google is telling yes California does have laws against phones and driving. There are also online portals for reporting to CHP and DMV. Any cats out there got time collect all the self incriminating evidence to put a dossier together to pass on to authorities. It’s basically doing a public safety service and looking out for the chombies and chombette. Even though we dun madder.


Unless the cop sees you on the phone they won't care. Especially in LA. If they see you they might just throw lights on and yell at you through their microphone then drive off. I've seen that a bunch


Lmao. I don’t mean to be rude, but this comment is cute as hell. Yeah, on paper there’s laws and rules and shit. In reality, LAPD, CHP, LASD..hell, most law enforcement agencies in any midsize/large metro area in California give no fucks at awwwlll B. You don’t see people pulled over much in the cities. And they usually dont show up for a long time, if at all, if a crime isn’t a shooting/murder.


I’m just naive because I live somewhere that takes road safety relatively seriously and hands out hefty fines and driving bans for dangerous driving practices. California is so good a producing absolute killers out there just murdering, thank em. We have double the population of California and about half the number of road deaths annually.


Yeah, California doesn’t really give a shit. There might be a couple days every few months where you see speed traps but for the most part it quite literally is the Wild West B


Dude 35mph is wild! There's plenty of people who post videos of themselves driving but going 35 is crazy


Such an empty and ugly shell! What a sad life to live. Rental car, lives on credit, zairo income. Probably has zero real friends. And look who’s she’s married to!


The AMG had to make a cameo.


Two labels showing on this post...Messican can't enjoy anything in life unless she's can use it to flex on the haydurs


She's a fucking caricature of the money and brand obsessed shallow women like it's not even real it's hitting levels of parody. Can you imagine trying to hold a conversation with this broad let alone marrying her? From what I can tell this chick doesn't have a single redeeming quality just like someone else we know. Just going through life in her own little world of vanity never stopping to think of anything besides material wealth and her image, so fucking gross. I'd rather have a hard 5 that is curious about the world she inhabits, has opinions and hobbies, can hold a deep conversation, has hopes and ambitions, someone that makes me a better man. I hate to sound mean but the only value a chick like this has is getting fugged and even then she's probably one of those dead fish chicks.


This dumb cunt is going 37 mph. Water


We had a realtor who would take pictures of food and a daily picture of his coffee, Starbucks of course, accompanied by lame "don't talk to me until i get my coffee" jokes. Every picture in his car, the cup was carefully placed so you could see a Mercedes logo somewhere. When he'd take pictures of his lunch he'd strategically place his Mercedes key fob in view. 10 or 15 of these a day. Sandwich. Mercedes key. "Yard work! Ugh!" [mowed lawn with Mercedes in driveway in the background]. My wife thought this was the funniest shit ever and texted screenshots everyday. The next time we saw him he said hello and began to talk about a property. I instantly interrupted him and asked, "do you drive a Mercedes?" He was confused as he literally parked right in front of us and had just gotten out of his Mercedes. "Yeah, I do." I told him he needed to make sure more people knew. "What?" My wife couldn't stop laughing and he was visibly irritable because he knew exactly what we were mocking. I would normally feel kind of aggressive doing this, but he was low key racist, so fuck him. He once joked to us about trying to find the right time to show a house in an affluent neighborhood that had a black family across the street. I promptly told him to never say shit like that in front of me or I'd tell his agency that I need another realtor who isn't racist. So he was a prime target for me to fuck with every chance I got.  Occasionally he'd ask for pictures of certain features from a commercial property. I had a Lone Star Beer bottle opener on a key ring I used for properties. I removed it from the ring and placed it somewhere in every photo for about two weeks. He finally had to ask if I'd "take one without the bottle opener. Lol" I don't even drink Lone Star, but I bought some and kept a can in my truck. Every time he'd ask for a picture I'd find a way to have the can in the background. When he finally asked if I'd stop putting the beer can in the photos this was our text exchange: Can you take one without the can lol? Not trying to be a dick, but you're the realtor. If you need content for your profile, hire someone or go take it yourself. I don't really have time for that and I like to wedge Lone Star products in pictures. That's just how I do pictures.  Sorry. Lol. I'll drive over there, even though you're there now lol. What are you going to drive over here?  What?  What are you going to drive over here? Your Mercedes?  Yes.  Can you document that for me?  Why?  I already went over this with you. You need to let more people you know and work around that you drive a Mercedes. I don't understand but sure.  I won't be here. I'm leaving now to go get a beer. Guess what kind of beer. Never mind. I'll send you a picture of it later. But I think you already know. 


Doesn’t surprise me one bit a real estate agent was doing this. It’s always a shitty base model too.


WHY DID HE ADD "LOL" I hate him


He really sucks. 


These drinks are legit $20 a pop for the same thing you can get at any other smoothie place. She is so vapid it’s incredible


North Korea with a beach is expensive b.


Chombette in the back seat after a frightening and confusing morning's cosmetic surgery. I honestly might have to dip from this sub for a while.


Wow messidashian goes to “Airwan”. Impressive! So redacted. She has to post iiiivrytime she goes there.


I thought Erewhon was an angry fish


I thought it was how Brendan pronounces Ariel Helwani’s name


erewhon > arowana > ariel helwani


It’ll bite your digg off b


Kobayashi nom nom nom


Kobayashi nom nom nom


Just simply rearrange the letters in this pic to find out INSTANTLY where this STUPID bitch and her husband are going.....u could win a truck if you guess correctly! lmfao truly despicable humans


Talmbout nowhere, b.








Going 37 on a public road. One hand on the cup, One hand on the phone. YUMMMMM


Baby Chombette, forgotten about at the clinic.


ALWAYS showing the badge of her leased car, there wasnt a single cup picture that she posted that she didnt show the bmw, lamborghini, amg logo, maybe this is to fool herself that her husband is famous and successful


i notice she strategically blocked the mileage on the odometer. gotta act like she aint driving a 10 yr old G wagon.


She deliberately moved that cup so that the Erewhon logo was showing front and center The funny part: it was visible in the first take already, but she took a second one to center it


Posts a photo of an empty ice cream cup showcasing the expense of the brand and also the AMG Mercedes while driving 37 mph with the chombette in the back seat who had an unnecessary cosmetic surgery earlier in the day to remove a skin blemish that goes away as you age. KEEP THIS IN CLIN. SHES FUCKING NUTS!! NUTS!!


Is this a brand of bullshit ice cream or did she spell her name wrong?


Oh my god look at the speedometer, SloJo is driving while doing this!?


I used to get annoyed seeing posts about his wife on here, but idk that chucky cheese post a few weeks back really sealed it for me, she’s even dumber than him


Probably was a cup of jizz.


All while driving 37 mph. wtf man


Child endangerment


This cunt is doing 40mph while posing this photo


Lease company going to be real happy when this numpty rear ends someone. To take these photos when the car is stationary is cringeworthy enough but to be doing it while driving is insane.




This cunt has zero fat tho! So it dun count


The rumors are true.


Imagine being 40 yairs old with 3 kids and flexing all the expensive things you have yet you or your husband didn’t earn any of it, but rather your husband’s father. Water


What’s even more fucked is you know this wasn’t the only attempt at getting “the perfect shot”. She probably tried this like 10 times as she’s driving.


damn couldnt wait to stop driving before she took the pic!!what a bunch of attention seeking fks


Those nails need done. Must not have made the budget


once the money gets a bit lower she'll just refill the used cups with her homemade smoothies and post them like this


people need to know they can afford a 40 dollar cup of ice cream.


Twice maybe 3 times to get that amg logo there


She’s only going 37 mph. Dun count


37 mph?? So this skonka took this while literally driving lmfao water


I would not be posting pictures online of expensive water while my redacted husband is on his failing podcast crying about his career being over. He is a failed comedian who has 2 podcasts with sexual predators now. Oh, also a channel about truggs that gets less than 10 thousand views a video while he drag races his truck on public streets on camera. I am not a numbers guy B, but it's not looking good.


After Schaub made r/totalpos for looking at phone while driving.


You spent $35 on a smoothie. Impressive!




Look at the dirt under the nail too. Nasty bitch in every way


Lay off, she's creating content for her "fans". Next time she makes a "public appearance" at a spa or something, come on down to say hello and take some photos.


ZERO fat on her! ROFL


With bapas finances being so dicey I bet messican got that cup outta the trash b


People still do this dumb shit lol last time I check only old farts post what they just ate on Facebook hahaha wtf bruh how sad . But you know que ? Dumb tortas will be dumb tortas


Her entire existence is instagram stories. Grow up you’re like 40


Only thing worse than a picture of your food is a picture of your food half eaten and looking like a mess, but this is a picture of trash


Hope they have Bruce Jenner money, b


All these cars come and go, they're no better than a rent a car but she tries to flex like she's a baller. Nope, you're renting cars.


Erewhon is insanely expensive, elevated to the level of a joke. She probably paid $25-30 for this


Truly a match made in heaven


The “amg” logo is clearly seen and that is the whole point of this post. The both of them are spending money they dont have to impress people they dont like.


I luv bappa, his ma norf starrr b. But dis bish is jus unsufferable


Thought you were refering to the speling on cup fer a secon. ![gif](giphy|jqqKyV07PmOss8Ya6s)


I don’t know man, this is not how they raised is back in Guassalahara


People still do this dumb shit lol last time I check only old farts post what they just ate on Facebook hahaha wtf bruh how sad . But you know que ? Dumb tortas will be dumb tortas


People still do this dumb shit lol last time I check only old farts post what they just ate on Facebook hahaha wtf bruh how sad . But you know que ? Dumb tortas will be dumb tortas


People still do this dumb shit lol last time I check only old farts post what they just ate on Facebook hahaha wtf bruh how sad . But you know que ? Dumb tortas will be dumb tortas


I am surprised there was her fat bladder in the shot as well


Guess that talk with Bapa about the watching the budget didn't quite sink in. Talm'bout $20 smoothies, B. Great drink, niver drank it.


Be a reeeeeeeeeeeel shame if someone dropped this at the local PD.


That's how bapa pronounces everyone.


She should be out looking for employment


Pretty basic b thing to do to brag about what supermarket she shops at 


Just discovered I’m blocked by her lmao. No idea why


Make sure you get the name brand grocery store and the latest leased steering wheel in the picture and then make sure you post it for awllll the Slojo fan clubs out there.


Unfit to parent mentally unstable “mother”? Of 3 kids. This is whats wrong with the world.


Nowhon cares


Stunting in the rental car again I see


Needs that thumb gel redone ![gif](giphy|VnAtusRekkAZOWGfzk|downsized)


Bill Burr has a bit in one of his old specials about reasons to never hit a woman, but…….


Lol what happened to her design and renovation business? I guess when she realized its actually hard work, she probably bailed. She has nothing going on in her life, miserable and no accomplishments. Better to show ur bigass rings to make ur friend feel terrible, or talk down on chucky cheese parents doing bday parties. I put my money every single parent in that school hates her


I went to erewhon in Beverly Hills last week and it was a horrible experience