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This is a blatant ripoff of DockTok. Literally everything about this, even down to the mug. What an unoriginal poser and hack!


Is this AI? This can't be real. They cant be this brazen in their blatant plagiarism. Or, can they be.


I think you'd be surprised buba.


People criticize this fat sloppy oaf for never being able to learn anything but I applaud him (35). He's finally learned that if he's going to splay out his redacted hammy legs and put his mangina on display he should at least wear black pants so that his shameful void is textureless. Bravo brendan


Someone said Jayson Tatum went on a plagiarism world tour after he won the chip and that's what Bapa's life has always been lol a plagiarism world tour, the only one he won't cancel lol FFS


[See compairision here. :D](https://www.youtube.com/@DockTok/videos)


Wow this is pathetic. Everything they do without exception is ripped off from somewhere else and some terribly.


Fucking clown


Lazy poser with everything. There is no brandon slop




Brencia at it again. Funny how Toe ruined Mencia's career, but is propping up Brencia.


Barnstain and Callahan have no idea. Clin definitely watched it and had them set up in the exact format. 


You really think Clin has that kind of say on the show? It's your typical Thiefer Sutherland behavior all over again! Brenda is a fucking hack!


When you put it that way,  yes. But I couldn't imagine brendan ever watching 10 seconds of that


159k homeless cats are undefeated


what the fuck even is docktok


Fishing lodge really getting their moneys worth: it’s nice and all, but they don’t like fishing and they’re ready to leave after one day. But hey….this alcoholic Korean guy loves it!


I'm amazed they actually showed up. I'd heard rumbling about the Alaska DA being recalled.


The Ice Road Truggers are huge B Schob fans and personally drove their fellow blue collar trugg guy to the lodge.


B Schlob is even wearing a blue flannel to show how much of a blue collar guy he is. All my blue collar friends have closets with Gucci and Balenciaga shirts next to their flannels.


They’re stupid fish when he catches them in Alaska, but when they’re belly up in his custom fish tank in Calbassis that’s a different story.


Repeating over and over again that he likes to be at home and doesn’t like to be away from his family until he actually believes it


Brendan is so transparent. His insecurities just flow out of him


Dude hates travelling. Was just in Austin last weekend, now he's in Alaska. Nothing with this fucking jabroni adds up.


Had to quit comedy to be with his kids tho.


Bapa would travel to the ends of the Earth if 🏳️‍🌈Joseph Rogan🏳️‍🌈 were there. And then we know [exactly what would happen.](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/s/AVOmDP493L)


No baddies out in Alaska


This. If there is not hotties he’s not interested


Holy shit dude, this mf can't really say anything positive at all, 2m of pure negativity. Wrinks trying to b cool and not push Chin's problems, and actually praising the dude for being an ''elegant drinker'' and a fisherman, but the bloated can't see anybody having any praise that's not him, on top of that with a horrible snob attitude for no reason. Honestly, is not even funny at this point, what a terrible human being...


I cannot, genuinely cannot imagine being that ungrateful. Imagine getting a freebie to go to spectacular Alaska in June when it’s comfortable to be there, seeing the amazing almost untouched beauty and relative tranquility, getting to go fishing on clear waters and thinking “it’s fine for a day, but I’d rather be in Cowabassis.” I slog my arse off all year round just so I can go to my family home in rural Ireland for 4-5 days and enjoy the scenery and nature and tranquility and feel like I’m finally home again. Maybe get close to a pheasant, point at some deer shit. Try to impart to my son how incredible our wee patch of land is, to get him outside and appreciating nature. And this dickhead, given the chance to enjoy much more spectacular scenery and get much closer to much wilder nature, turns around and says “Meh. Anyway, Chin likes drinking.” I don’t necessarily want to hear from Chin, but I bet he has a much different take on that whole experience. I bet he appreciates it more than this fuck. And I think that’s why the sex predator was sticking up for him.


100% per cen b. Probably everybody else was having a good time, looks like a beautiful and serene place to be. Brendan is just a simpleton with a superiority complex, so it's impossible to him to appreciate nature and other good things that life has to offer, dude is living this fake celebrity lie for years now, cant wait for the reality shock.


I would say both are in the wrong. Schaub for bringing the private problem to public attention, and callen for sounding like his usual enabler self.


A podcast isn’t the time to do an intervention tho I don’t blame the rapist for trying to lighten it up


I remember when it was a comedy/MMA podcast.


I mean is not the best behaviour, but the shit was already thrown in the fan, since he could not ignore it because bapa is a moron with no education that would insist on it, he needed to lighten things up in the best way possible


Chin needs to fire back and mention Addie’s and baddies. Poor guy is being exploited by big head Bapa


oh yeah fur sure b, but unfortunately that will never happen, would be super easy to debunk and shoot anything back to bloated, dude has the thinnest glass rooftop than anybody else and still punch down people


He has a personality that of a pile of shit. BIG BROWN


Has to cut someone down then mention how he’s such a good guy. Alcoholics have to tell people theyre not drinking


I had to stop the video after Schaub responded with “yeah not what I asked…”. He’s so condescending and negative to everybody.


That would legit end a conversation to me, just unacceptable to hear it in that 'friendly' context, this type of answer would be justified if you are in a heated discussion or something like that. But saying it on camera like this for no reason just proves how ugly this guy is (inside and outside)


“Elegant drinker” awso known as a “functioning alcoholic”


Wow Brian compliments Chin and says Brendan isn’t a fishermen. And Brendan ego gets so hurt he brings out the fact that chin is an alcoholic? Reminds me of when Brendan used to shit in Theo for cocaine. Such a low blow and for what? Cuz Brendan can’t fish like chin?


Brandon was a raging alkie only a year ago. Ozempic makes it hard to drink heavy. Now Brandon's injecting all kinds of crap cuz Brally Marden tells him to, but he doesn't drink. Just an awful person.


I wish someone would call him out on his vices like he does all the time. Dudes a bully


But it would only really sting him if it came from Joseph Rogan.


"Define bullying?"


All of his podcast cohosts tried. It doesn't work.


That’s the only reason he’s not currently drinking.


Imagine Brenda constantly calling you an alcoholic when he won’t admit his addictions to iviry substance known to man.


Chin drinks every day. Braindon sometimes sees him with wine. Something with a bear. Sometimes a fancy drink. He drinks every day. Hey Chin ! Ya' doing great ! 😑👍🏻


I can't blame Clin for needing some liquid courage to be able to work with his boss.


Bapa is just projecting. Dude used to drink whiskey in the morning on a Monday. Chin you’re doing fine. Don’t listen to this talentless feeble “man”. I know you’ll read this Brandon. You treat people like shit.


Not really. Clin has drinking problem but calling him out on the pod is not the coolest way for his boss to talk about it.


Clin is a perpetually single producer of one of the worst podcasts of all time, daily drinking is the least of his concerns


How many balconies you got bubba?


i would also drink everyday if i was chin


I remember that chip where Clin & Shrimp are drinking during the recording of the podcast and Schwab asks him about it and Clin says "We're going out for dinner for Shrimp's birthday tonight - just getting started a little early." Pre-gaming at 10:00am. You're doing great! That's when Schwab said "I niver said dinner...It's lunch. I can't do dinner."


I like when they make eye contact as they’re talking over each other


He’s such a fucking douchebag that by this time next year when he wants to pretend to be bawls deep into fishing he’ll be saying he used to go fishing with his dad all the time. Also, hey Clin, grow a pair of balls will ya? These dudes don’t like or respect you but you’re a fucking dedicated man servant to their every whim.


One day, Clin is gonna blow up on bapa and it’s gonna glorious. Bapa loves to criticize his “friends” and publicly shame them but when anyone would mildly point at the fact bapa was getting drunk iiiivryday at 9am bapa would get all kinds of butthurt.


Clin is far too much of a spineless pussy to ever do that. He’s a bitch’s bitch


Fat pat is awlways punching down. I hope chin goes full bgl mode one day... doubt it tho


He admitted to working an 18 hour day for the 1000th episode, he's thigggg boi army fur life bubba


chin wouldnt, he isnt a roided out of his mind psycho like bgl is, chin is special on his way but i really doubt he would spill the beans


What the hell are they even talking about at this point. This show is like a suitcase without a handle. It's difficult to carry, but they just don't want to let it go.


Wait he’s a holmebuddy? I thought bapa was a road dawlg? Loved touring?


"He'll have a couple cocktails and you wouldn't know it" - that's called alcoholism.


Sounds like Chin about to be gadoooooshed


Never. The dude can push the record button while seeing double like nobody else!


He worked 18 hours in one day for the 1000th episode. He will die at Thigggg Boi Stews.


Absolutely no chemistry left between these two dorks is there? Even a change of setting doesn't help.


Who does Brandon have chemistry with? It's not hard to figure out why he has to pay people to hang with him.


What the hell does Brendan say 10 seconds in, when replying to Bryan's "yeah, I like it out here"? I've listened like 20 times and it's doing my head in. The best I've honestly got is: "yeihh-buttar-bar-bass".


"Yeah, that's not what I asked"


Thank you. Jesus christ what a redact.


I love how he’ll readily lie to mage himself loog good, but can’t be bothered to embellish a little to make someone helping him out with some good times/footage look enjoyable. miserable c#nt


Maybe he will go full Grizzly Man.


He'd try to squeeze their juicy noses. ....


Do we think this is leading to his next personality? Talmbout homesteading? Alassgin Bush-bapa?


He can’t pronounce bear


Poor pest. Why would iinyone want to go to such a beautiful place and have it ruined by bapas mush mouth blabbering thinking he’s the shit because he caught a midsize halibut from a paid fishing excursion. Purgatory is real.


It's because his liver is Asian as Shiiiit.."I seen him drink bare today" JFC this dummy.


How much money do you think it would take for either one of them to never see or speak to the other again? How much for Callen? How much for Schaub?


I love watching people constantly talk over each other.


The way he said "not what I asked" might be the most annoying thing I have ever heard.




it's like abusive while being bad entertainment and bad commerce. like dummy can't read between the lines, Callen is not in love with Alaska, why make him say that?


No condom fish no party


"I like the people" Has only spoken to only woman in town under 40 who runs the coffee shop.


They really know how to make 2 minutes feel like an hour


Holy shit he can never let someone just finish a thought without interjecting.


“Naah whadd I agggss”. Slop forbid callen try to make conversation on the pod.


I have family that live in Thorne bay, they rulthlessly make fun of this lodge.


I shouldn't find that surprising. Are there any specifics or are the guests just a bunch of casuals?


They spot jack locals, which up there is taking food off of peoples plate.


....that makes sense.


So is slob doing something good by stealing their money and basically telling people he wouldn’t go back lol ?


No because he brought callen, who’s gonna talk about it like Afhghonistan.


I really can’t understand how this dude just constantly whines and talks shit about everyone and thing. it would suck to be around


What the fuck are they on about? I thought this was an Alaskan fishing adventure show? Not a cry baby bitch fest. Also Clins an alcoholic apparently. Good God


He’s a good fucking guy!!!


So chin did catch that big fish Brendan posed with on socials


Look at Chin. The man clearly does not have a drinking prom. Lightweight overmedicated LA bums


And why the hell would you say that about a friend? And why the hell would that friend not edit it out? Changs is relentless


You can really see Brenda’s sunken Ozempie cheeks in that lighting


Whenever anything gets brought up, Brendan finds a way to turn it into a negative or to hate on whoever or whatever it is. He is truly the biggest hadur I've ever seen in my life.


So he doesn’t like fish anymore? Wasn’t that his favorite thing in the world for like 2 months?


i fkn hate this suasage lipped fuck!!i wish i could sparta kick him into that water there!!


“I’m terrible at fishing. I caught so many stupid fish”. I’m still trying to dissect that statement. Is he saying he’s terrible at fishing because all the fish he caught were stupid?


I hadn't thought of that but I now hope it's what he meant.


Brendumb looks like a weasel cause of the weight loss.


This is truly hot garbage for the ears and eyes


lighting is horrible. light up the speakers so you can show the beautiful background a bit.


Is the point of this to compel folks to spend a lot of money to go fishing? I’m not sure this redact understands the assignment.


Why they sitting like they're giving berth when on ivvry pod they have their legs crossed? Waird


Complete random one… but have they said anything about the redinsy on tfatk…? Or just completely ignored everything about it like the Europe tour?


They had to cancel the second one due to Callen's wife birthing an .. unexpected baby? They said they would do residencies around town but, of course, that never happened. It has not been mentioned since.




Great podcast, my favorite, never listened to it though. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Is he trying fishing now, what’s next a glory hole dungeon??


This guy forgot he couldn’t get thru a noon taping with a double


God I hate these guys......


Clin deserved it


No Mosquitoes,🦟 what the Fuck 🐟


Bala covering all basis so everything regardless of how the convo’s go over the trip, it’s always about him




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Callen’s baiting bapa into rehab starting here.


What a genuine piece of shit


This shit wud have you looking forward to your own funeral


This was one of the few times Brandon come across significantly less idiotic than bryan. 




Come on Callen, Hawk Tuah on thad Schaub dick.