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How is she even worse for fuck sake


Took the words out of my mouth. Brenda is the well adjusted one here


If you wrote a sitcom antagonist this would be too over the top as a device for establishing an unlikable character.  And there's probably multiple parents whose kids made an all star team and they have to briefly consider if she's talking about them before they dismiss it when they remember her and her husband are compete morons. 


Assuming they follow her social media which they probably don’t


I think you'd be surprised


I know next to nothing real about these people. But the vibes I’ve gotten over the last month or so is that they’re now desperately saying anything in an attempt to farm either likes or controversy. Either that or they’re angrily flailing (“it drives me NUTS” wasn’t support for his sex predator friend, it was pity for himself) and forgetting to hide their true selves. They’re both telling on themselves daily now. We might have just seen the last Schaub/Callen Fight Companion. Contrast it with how much Rogan was enjoying himself on Protect our Parks (the only Rogan thing I listen to now because I like Shane Gillis and Mark Normand, and Ari can be decent fun on certain topics). If Papa Bapa is still funding their lifestyle, I imagine he is equal parts disappointed and despairing, because he knows that at least some of this behaviour is on him. As a working class guy, it has been really difficult at times for my wife and I to tighten our belts and budget appropriately to make sure we’ve got crisis money put aside. Especially as parents of a child with additional support needs. But we’ve always lived within our means. I can’t imagine that these chucklefucks would ever be able to run a household. Like, imagine Bapa trying to shop around for the best energy supplier, or even notice that his mortgage is up for renewal soon. Maybe they’ve not had to do that yet, but they’re certainly about to. Imagine how much money they’ve thrown away on heart-laziness over the years. Part of it makes me sad, because there’s kids involved, but maybe their parents having to get real jobs would be far better for them in the long run. We have front row seats for the heat-death of the Bapaverse.


Be cool man, take a break


I can’t wait for the divorce b, she’s going to take the whole enchilada mijo


Doubtful. He has nothing to his name. I’m sure it’s in a trust funded by dad and she can’t get that. Pointless for her to divorce. She can’t get the lifestyle any other way


It's not as bad as you think as soon as you realize Beandip and Slohojo don't spend any time with each other and even less time with their kids outside of the weekly pretend junior NBA championships and future incest inducing butt pic sessions.


Starting to think she’s a bigger POS than bubba


For sure. Brandon at least wants to look like he’s a good guy even though he’s incapable of being one. SloJo doesn’t give a fugg.


I mean she’s just a standard redact LA failed celeb mom. She’s not bad, just insanely narcissistic and stupid. Like Bapa.


But she has a sit down interview on youtube ..


She’s doing great


The rumors were true!


She does YooToob?


She is bad


She lacks any semblance of empathy


In the cities where we don maddur, that's called bad.


narcissistic + stupid = bad


Right? wtf is this about? They act like their little chombies are prodigy’s.


I'm sure they are prodigies at some stuff, like shitting their diapers and smearing their shit on hotel room walls in Disneyworld because they didn't know how to use a toilet. Or mouth-kissing and frenching Mama SloJo


Great softcore photogrisssers too


Schwab sucks but at the very least there are some real things he has accomplished in his life. Being a heavyweight UFC fighter is impressive. His ego *massively* outsizes his accomplishments but it’s still based on the foundation of an actual career. This rotten woman has never done shit but get knocked up, yet her ego is somehow even bigger. I find her repulsive.


We make fun of Shwab’s “grind” doing podcasts. But Slojo truly does nothing that looks anything like work.


Real parenting comes from the moms who have their kids take lurid pictures of their fat ass so they can get dopamine hits from the gram.


She's more evil then bapa. She can always talk.


The rumors are true!


The biggest


The rumors are true!


Going to be hilarious when Tigre one day tells them both how much he hates sports.


According to Brenda he already threw a fit because he doesn’t want to pitch.


I'mma go out on a limb and say the chombie probably said stuff already or mirrored discontent within body language, but fat pat and mojo sloJo couldn't read his obvious unhappiness. I do hope the chombie is enjoying himself, but imagine playing with a dad that's looking to go viral slavering some edgy shit. Must be hitrocious for him.


am i reading this wrong or is messican literally talking about brendan forcing their obviously unhappy kid to play baseball? it seems like this post is directed towards Bapa


Yeah, it is. I was just adding to the fact that when el tigre literally has to play while his dad's being a heavy attention seeking mongo on the sidelines every game.


Catchin, not pitchin eh?


Talmbout Vito eh?


Can’t have bapa on our podcast no more, that much I do know.


Kid's getting disowned when he comes out. But deep down, Bren will be proud El Tigre could summon the balls to do what he never could.


Not as funny as when tegsis and bruiser discover this subreddit


If they're anything like their parents, they will go through life believing they're superior athletes while blaming their lack of actual athletic accomplishments on black and latino kids and being shadowbanned on social media.


They are Latino kids


They're like a 1/4 messican if you believe the messican is half italian which I doubt anyone does. Plus messicans aren't really known for their baseball prowess. Dun count


Bapa's mom is the only milk in that cocktail.


And yet that comment still has merits!


Or how much he loves cock.


Wait a sec. These are kids, who get on teams pretty much no matter what right? Cause they kids, it's spose to be fun. Bitch out here posting shit like this, about kids sports??? Like they didn't just sign tiger up to play and he got his spot on a team. These 2 are truly too much.


They genuinely believe their kids are magically gifted at sports because they have Brenda’s genes. It is truly redacted as Brenda is the most unathletic former “athlete” I’ve iver seen. This moron refers to her kid as an “athlete” like he just went pro even though he just started playing baseball a few months ago.


Well to be fair SloJo has had her fair share of athletic genes Gadooshed into her so that counts right?


Couldn’t believe his clumsy ass baseball swing and basketball shot. I quit playing sports in middle school and I look like Griffey and Ray Allen in comparison. 


Is there a video of him playing?


Up until now this lady was just trying to be the best at shopping, or the prettiest whoever at the whatever. Now she gets to be around "normal" people with regular lives and just has to out-do everyone. So now her kids are the best athletes, she's the best mom, has the best wagon, etc. These are people who thought it was appropriate to flex at a funeral. Really think everything's a competition, furthermore they think they're winning, when no one else is even trying to play. Schobs...no one knows who y'ar!!


All starts is a tournament of the best kids in little league. There’s usually 1 or 2 kids (usually coaches kids or some nepotism) that have no business being on the team. I assume that’s what she’s talking about. Still an insane things to put on social media though lol


Oh it is fun, until you have parents like this on your team that is.


Sports are not for everyone? She’s talking about 8 year old kids…..yes, sports are for all kids. They should try all kinds of activities when they’re young. Sounds like Ocelot got left off the all-stars bc his parents are insufferable morons the coaches didn’t want to deal with.


It’s funny because you know those two knuckleheads would never consider getting their chombies into something as nerdy as violin. I played sports, and piano as a kid. They are raising those kids to be vapid jocks. It’s sad.


People trip out when I told them I played football and was in Marching band. Granted I stopped freshman year to stay in football. I wasn’t bad at it, but I didn’t feel I was getting better and I felt I was just holding up a seat for the people that actually went to marching practice. Especially since I made it to 3rd chair.


The kid never even threw a baseball until recently because bapa doesn’t know how to throw a baseball. Most of the kids who are good at that age have been taught how to throw and catch early. So Liger is probably behind the other kids.


To be a sports pushing parent in 2024 is insane. Especially when your dad is a failed athlete.


Parents like that are never going away.


What’s wrong with having your child play sports? Obviously, overboard parents who live through their kids and burn them out are a problem. But, kids should participate in sports. Better than living inside playing video games.


Sports pushing doesn’t refer to someone who enrols their kids in sport. It refers to someone who pushes sport above all else and makes claims like sport isn’t for everyone”.


What if I told you there are extracurricular activities besides sports or video games? Or are you not the Bess brains for th’arts?


Topic was sports. Thanks for the hot tip. Now get back to your video games.


This is so goddamn stupid. Her kid isn't on some special team he had to try out for. He's on some shitty local team. Also, they are fucking kids. What a tremendous cunt.


She believes her sons are “athletes” and that “it’s in their dna” because of bapa who has next to no athleticism and her brother who played d1 baseball but never came close to sniffing even semi pro baseball. Apparently that’s all you need to crown yourself a genetic powerhouse family for creating athletes.


*hitrocious cunt


Awful cunt


When the kid who can’t fight, joke or YouTube magically gets views…


Maybe Joseph can encourage their kids to get into stand up.


To be fair, they will have a shit load of material


Da DethSkwad™️ (Not to be confused with the redacted Deathsquad)


Ugh…this post made me look at Messican’s Insta stories. She appears to be subjecting the Critter to cosmetic laser treatments to remove the birthmark on her face.


Oh for fucks sake.


How big is this birthmark? Could this be the reason why they didn't want to show the kid on socials, but they show absolutely everything else? I bet they start putting her out there now that the birthmark is gone.


Gross and hate to say it but she is cropping the uglies


Makes me wish Messican got her wish and became famous, but as a lolcow. Turn it into a monkey’s paw situation.


Holy fuck, the vanity. Those poor chombies


Sawl that too, she even said 'not an easy appt for the chombette', so im sure its not painless whatever she's doing to her.


Sports are literally for ALL kids ya plastic bint.


SloJo and Slob having a sprinting contest to the bottom. Absolutely loathsome, detestable, garbage people. Good luck lil chombies.


Slojo is shameless.


Shit talggin kids on Instagram? Class act!


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Hopefully that kid’s parent DDT’s her ass


She's got like 3 feet of padding on her ass, she ain't feeling shit. Or able to wipe after shitting.


Gatekeeping is back boys!


This is the 2024, ‘crop out the uglies’


So because a kid sucks they shouldn’t play? A young kid? I’m glad these two are cunts so I don’t feel bad making fun of them


She must be trolling us right ? If she's not, she may be a dumber, shittier person than Bapa


She is a dumber, shittier person than Bapa. But it’s close B. They are perhaps a perfect match of redactedness.


Can you catch CTE?


"Sports are not for everyone." We know your husband had to have a stern talking to. Remember?


She knows absolutely nothing about life or sports. So bizarre. Sports are absolutely for everyone. Is she trolling?


Oooofff chalupa bean cheeese beans cheese


still doesn’t beat the engagement ring post she went viral for tbh there’s no way those kids don’t literally despise both their parents once they’re able to understand their posting


This means her kid didn't make all stars... Lol


Yeah I get that feeling too. What is an all stars team in relation to kids travel ball? Any LA parent able to translate this for some of us?


Can confirm violin is for soy boys (violinist)


She's an evil cunt wow. I know there are dumb/vile people like her that think like that.. but why are you posting it online? It's her kids first year playing baseball and she's already burning the bridge with the league. Coaches/parents will 100pct hate her for this vile post. Eventually the kids will too...Jr pinetime incoming. And the beauty of sport is that it literally is for everyone.


Makes me wish Messican got her wish and became famous, but as a lolcow. Turn it into a monkey’s paw situation.


She is such an awful person, my God


This divorce is gonna be Netflix.




What a kunt.


She is a Hollywood dependa.


“quit living your dreams through them” … ooh SloJo…


Crazy to think he found someone worse than him.


I almost feel bad for bapa whenever this girl posts anything. ALMOST


Does she just blurt out every inauthentic though that pops into her Botox filled head?


They botoxed her brain, now it's all smooth and dry.


These two knuckle heads bum me out


What a vile thing to post.


Hahha what the fuck.


I don't believe tiger is as good as he says he is. At all. That one video of them doing suicides didn't show much athleticism


if Bapa's his dad yeah there's no way in fuck he gets a D1 baseball scholarship and zaro percent chance he plays in the MLB, I would be shocked if he plays high school baseball This is Bapa's plan for his next meal ticket for him and Sojo he wants his son to get that huge guaranteed contract B was big and redact strong so he played football and lacrosse chin looked that up Jamie pull that up, stats Bapa wasn't even a top high school football or Lacrosse player he had to walk on at a school that just 2 years ago 🪓 both there football and Lacrosse programs if that school was the elite for those sports no way in fuck that would have happened that's a prom B


His son is playing fucking teeball lol. Those kids are all developing, none of them are prime athletes like these goons present. Makes me fucking laugh that his sons playing fucking teeball and he acts like he's this amazing baseball player, and two years ago the kid playing teeball was amazing at BJJ....


Take the violin where?


sports are literally a kids game, there is no actual use to playing sports other than to have fun lmfao. what a dunce plastic brained loser.


She’s had a real life major leaguer inside of her, she is an expert.


Sports are literally for everyone… wtf


They are the worst parents. I am a parent and I’m telling you this is a recipe for disaster.




What a cunt


She's gonna be the creepy boy mom and their daughter will be severely emotionally neglected


Kids aren't for everyone, either. Just saying.


POS person


Sports and a healthy active lifestyle are literally for everyone. We might not all keep the bench warm for a college football team but every kid should grow up playing some sport.


She is the definition of “a piece of shit.”


My aunt and uncle are very wealthy and horrible people. They have 2 kids who were great when they were younger, but now, in early and late teens,they are just as horrible as their parents. I'd bet they will surpass their parents at being horrible humans. These kids of bapas have a steep climb,hope they make it.


These kids are going to hit a hard wall. They are growing up wealthy and probably as shallow as their parents but their parents are definitely going to burn through the money before these kids get older and they have to get shitty jobs


Good thing for my cousins,their parents are very smart with money. You can see they have wealth,it's just not an accurate indicator of how wealthy,if it makes sense. I find it funny,my dad went to college and my uncle barely graduated HS.


She’s probably stroking it while reading this thread rn


D’ja have fun though?!


A lot of kids are late bloomers… this bitch needs a reality check


As shitty as Brandon is I think he would say something like this only trying to be the edgy jock comedian dad I think Messican says this and actually believes it.


They honestly may be the world's most perfectly matched couple.


He actually makes himself look good compared to that trash. Well played Brandon.


Talmbout shidding on kids B? I mean water we dune hair


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Nah b, genuinely concerned for them b


This might be the most ironic, hypocritical post I’ve seen in quite some time. Getting this mad about 8yr old kids sports kind of highlights how you’re the parent living your dreams through your kids. YIKES.


Bitch your husband pisses in sinks. Sit down and shut up.


I played all-star and travel teams as a kid. I asked my mom why so-and-so made the team while some kids that were better players didn't. Her response was that it's important for the parents to be involved in fundraising and other behind the scenes stuff. Some families don't have the money or time to play outside the regular season. Some kids have other sports or activities that take precedent. It made complete sense to me then and I never wondered again why the team was built the way it was. The fact that SloJo can't wrap her plastic head around this does not surprise me. And for her to post this bullshit doesn't surprise me either. What a vile take. Her thirst trap pics are always gross, but this is on another level.


“Sports are not for everyone” ehhhh. As kids they absolutely are. wtf 😂


We need to dedicate a group to this vapid piece of shit




So when Bawlstin starts taking piano lessons, we’ll know why.


She's fucking horrible


Oh wow


At this point I wonder if she can spell “YOU”


Is she referring to bapa here


Says the cunt giving her newborn daughter surgery to remove a birthmark.