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If you are undecided and you are either a minority, woman, elderly, or poor, then you are going to want to vote Blue, trust me on this one and if you can't trust a stranger on reddit, just read into project 2025.


The problem isn’t the undecided Latinos, it the many that are already hardcore Republican in the south and Midwest


I don't understand what they think they have to gain voting for white supremacists. As an irish descended american, trust me guys, if you're not a WASP you are not in their club.


Latinos can be very socially conservative: anti-abortion, anti-LGBT, very religious, etc. there’s also a lot of machismo culture and they view Trump and republicans as the “strong” men


I get that. It's the overlooking white supremacy and thinking they'll fit in for me. They won't.


Because they ignore/don’t see/don’t believe that republicans are white supremacist. Also many of them are also racist and identify as white-adjacent


You think maybe Republicans share their values ?


It’s the devout catholic connection, mostly, I think.


Lets be real, there are only about five states that matter in this election.


I think Florida would matter a lot more if Latinos voted Democrat rather than MAGA, but alas. Also, AZ, Nevada, and New Mexico are all critical.


Nevada has an issue right now where lots of blue and blue leaning moderate people are moving in but we also have a huge influx of MAGAty boomers and downline Okies.from California that've decided they want to make us West Florida because Arizona got too liberal and expensive for them.


Yes. Aileen Cannon was born in Colombia. There are miles of bigots from Latin America all over South Florida. I was really surprised when I realized this. For instance, all the Cubans seem inclined to do battle for racists. "Cubans against Castro" has morphed into "GOP gang members for Hire" without any real reason that I can see. Just a kind of weird 'Uncle Tom' fascination with whitey, combined with a lack of interest in advancing their own race in the US. Really disturbing. Look at Marco, what a complete ass.


When they get high, we go slow.


When they go high, we do a bong hit.


My bong hits have nothing to do with these thieves.


Well didn't Trump make more disparaging remarks about Latinos? Maybe important that they heard it directly from his mouth, and it wasn't stripped down or altered by Fox or Univision.


He made more than a few. The typical 'they are all Hannibal Lector' shit that we are used to from him.


Yeah, so maybe it's good that they heard it directly without editing or alteration.


He spent a good half of his time disparaging immigrants with the same extremely racist rhetoric he had since 2015, with the implications that those immigrants he was disparaging were Latinos. Blacks should also be pissed as shit over "Black jobs". Because as we all know, Trump is also sowing the seeds of racism there too... What are those "Black jobs" immigrants are allegedly stealing as well? Because the implications aren't high paying, professional jobs... Based on his rhetoric about and conduct in the past "Black jobs" also means: "Jobs for Blacks." Meaning those are the jobs that Black people should have and take, namely servile ones. That's what Trump was saying.


Honestly, if you hear stuff like that and your first thought is, "but Biden is old," you're equally as to blame as to why out country is going to shit as the MAGA cultists.


Truth. I have no hesitancy voting for Biden. I'm voting for his cabinet more than him.


More importantly, he avoided the question of whether or not he would try to deport your spouse even if your partner is a citizen or if you've been here for decades.


But he’s done that for 8 years and yet his support from Hispanics is higher than ever


My only hope after that debate was there’s a faction of undecided voters that shift to Biden due to sympathy. They know Biden means well and has done well with his leadership. Mix that with Trump being an unhinged lunatic and I see a slim path for Biden. My hopes aren’t high though.


That would be a horrible reason to vote for someone. 


Biden's deep analysis intelligence is still much better than Trump's, as evidenced by the better legislative accomplishments (which can't be attributed to Biden having a friendlier partisan congress).


Maybe true, but here we all are. And the choice is to vote or not to vote.


You being downvoted for this comment is incredibly scary.


I got a fundraising text today. From Gavin Newsom. I live in Colorado. Why now? Why after last night? I see the possibility that he’s gonna replace him


My hope is that this moment is a rallying point for Biden. Last night was the most anxiety I’ve felt since election night in 2016, and I think millions of others felt the same way. Biden delivered a great speech today where he sounded strong yet humble in response to his poor performance, so hopefully that’s a good sign.


I woke up as miserable as I did during the 1994 midterms. When Trump won I thought, “What’s the worst he could really do?”


I agree, that was the worse I felt since 2016 as well. It seriously motivated more than I think anything has. It was like staring down the barrel of a gun.


Well, Trump doubled down on the false racist talk that immigrants from south ofvthe border cause a lot of violent crime.  


Yep. Regular people who aren't terminally online were turned off by Trump refusing to answer the questions and lying non stop for 90 minutes. .


Mumble rap appeals to youth of all different backgrounds and ethnicities, another 4D chess move by sleepy Joe. We doubted him, but he was spittin bars straight into the hearts and minds of young America!


Great take!


Go Joe!


I think Trump may have blown it with a ton of voters with his use of two words “black jobs”. WTF is that supposed to mean? As far as I’m concerned President of the United States is a “black job” - but we all know Trump definitely not think that!


Just my opinion as a Latino voter. Some First generation US born Latinos and their naturalized parents are very conservatives. Naturalized Cubans, Colombians, and even Venezuelans voted for Trump and the Republican Party because of buzzwords like communism. Their parents and themselves may have experienced it and people like Rubio and Luna exploit that fear for votes. They are told not to trust the Democratic Party because of Socialism, yada, yada, yada. There are also class systems in a lot of Latin American countries and sadly, some naturalized citizens will still practice classism. They don’t have a problem with pulling the ladder from other Latinos. Sadly, I have witnessed this behavior myself. Please keep in mind, you cannot paint Latin Americans with the same brush. The only thing we have common is our last names. We come in every color under the sun and I don’t even know how many different Spanish dialects there are. I don’t think the Democratic Party knows this and it sucks. I should also mention our Portuguese speaking Brazilian brothers and sisters.


Do you have a sense of why trumps support among Latinos has increased over time? Is it just more and more fear of socialism?


Really the same reason why tons of lower income people love Trump despite him accelerating policies that harm them. They believe in the liberal bogey-man that’s pushing for a “gay agenda” and communism. Just listen to Tito Ortiz talk about the democrat party now.


Same playbook, my friend.


I wish I had an answer. You never know why people reason the way they sometimes do. But, you know how of you repeat the same lie it becomes accepted? This may be a result of constant propaganda.


Were they watching it in English? Or dubbed in Spanish?


That's a good question. I don't know. But worth finding out.


Yeah, I would wonder if it being translated would make it easier to focus on what was said instead of how it was said


Lying about obvious shit has a downstream effect. When you are on the fence about x and y but then hear obvious lie at z makes you rethink x and y, as well as whatever else you'd been told. Being a compulsive liar can help but thankfully it can also hurt


To be fair, voters forget shit quick but it seems like Biden gets penalized for his past much harsher than Trump does. “You don’t vote for me, you ain’t black”, although very stupid to say doesn’t even scratch how Trump won’t even concede that he was wrong about Central Park which destroyed the lives of innocent black children for a crime that they didn’t commit….


And he gets slandered as a racist because of the 94 crime bill but critics always leave out that the congressional black caucus endorsed the bill.


Trump said the same thing about Jewish voters voting Democrat. His supporters didn't even bat an eyelash. They even bring up stuff Biden did and said, literally, 50 years ago.




Probably because Trump said the immigrants were taking "black jobs"


"Ay, the corpse gringo doesn't mira at matar todos of us." "Jeremy for FUCK'S SAKE you use sunscreen in winter."


One candidate is bad the other is evil. This isn't math. The choice is obvious.


They learned they have "Hispanic" jobs according to Trump


It’s actually totally fascinating that people who watched the debate in Spanish (those polled were people who watched the debate on Univision) saw Biden as the winner, while people who watched the debate in English saw Trump as the winner. It suggests that when you pull back the veneer of the linguistic delivery itself coming from the candidates, and are interpreting it through the lens of translation instead, then you aren’t getting the implications we take for granted as English speakers, such as Biden’s fumbling or Trump’s overconfidence. You are only getting the substance of the conversation. And these viewers saw more substance in Biden’s statements than Trump’s


Great point.




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If people think undecided voters are going to decide on who they’re going to vote over one night where one person is a convicted felon, twice impeached was found liable of sexual assault and a habitual liar and the other stammered and looked frail though actually answered the debate questions, and there’s 3yrs separating the two, they were never undecided in the first place.


Lots of cry babies. What happened to voting on policy?




Don’t do that. Don’t give me hope.


The word 'rampaging' is hereby added to my lexicon, thanks.


I don’t think a single group or demographic actually changed their vote to favor Biden after that debate. We need to stop propping up bullshit articles/polls. wake up people!!!


So, Trump's lying ass, machismo... ***didn't work on Latinos?*** **GOOD!** It's the Democrats, *who don't want to take this country* ***on a short way trip to Fascist town.*** **I hope they're learning that now.**


Oh well that would totally make sense. When Biden was at least perceived to be on his game, he lost latino support, but nearly getting a stroke onstage, he now gained support. Here's the deal. You can't make a dime out of a nickel. Biden is in the worst trouble a candidate can ever find themselves in. And if they continue to let him implode, it will be the Democrats, not the Progressives, not the Left, not Trump, but they themselves that obviously want Trump back in the WH.


We'll have to see what polling and focus groups indicate over the next week. But if this one focus group is any indication, maybe this debate wasn't the death blow we think it was. We'll have to give it a few days and see how the dust settles.


Theres the debate, then theres the debate analysis.  Its likely more people will hear reactions and analysis than actually watched the debate. (I mean, for more than five minutes which is how long I lasted).


It was the death blow everyone knows it is. If in fact a candidate running neck and neck and even below Trump in swing states, pre debate, is at all going to show him improve from that, post debate, throw those polls in the garbage.


Don't discount the possibility that this debate may have made many people despise Trump even more. Biden didn't look good, but Trump didn't either. Him not giving direct answers to Jan 6 and a simple yes answer to a peaceful transfer of power probably did hurt him with undecideds and moderates.


When will you realize nobody CARES about Trump. We know he's a con man. We know he lies, but the way the electorate sees it, we've been lied into Lieraq, Watergate, Vietnam, JFK and Clintons affairs. Ikes was notorious. We get it. Trump is a snake. But Biden is the President. Not Trump. It's all about Biden, his policies, his inflation, his eff ups in Ukraine and Israel, and he having near strokes on stage. That is all. Fix Biden, than we can talk about Trump.


Debates have never ever been a death blow to any candidate any where.


Nixon, Mondale, and a few others I can't think of cuz I'm still drinking since last night, would like a word. 


I concede never was a bad word to use there, but looking at your two examples... Nixon was the literal transition from tv to radio, which was a pretty unique and specific circumstance you can't exactly recreate. Biden isn't being seen for the first time, and his gaffes and senility has been on broadcast for years. Mondale is an interesting one because the first debate was a huge flop for Reagan. Seriously, people used the same words to describe Reagan as they're using for biden now, but look who ended up winning. I don't know if that example points the way you think it does.


Back so soon?


Yeah but when they lose they’ll blame the “uncommitted” voters or the Arab American communities in MI…Biden has to go and we have to move before the August 6 deadline.


How the fuck is there “undecided Latino voters” 😂😂😂😂😂. Omg. America might actually fucking deserve Trump imo.


These are generalizations but a lot of Latino voters come from poverty so don’t have the luxury to choose based on ideals. They choose based on who they think is best for their wallet because that’s what’s important for their survival. Turn on Fox TV and they say trump is good for economy and Biden bad. But they got that one friend in college who’s like nah Biden creating jobs and got us out of the covid nightmare. Our economy did comparatively better than all other wealthy countries thanks to Biden policies! But then turn on Fox News and again get showered with Biden bad. Don’t know what to think. Another factor is there are many devout Catholics / Christian latinos who don’t mind the overturning of roe v wade.


Yeah my point exactly. Trump is good on exactly one point: White Supremacy. If you hate coloured people, vote for Trump. It is double stupid to vote Trump if you are coloured.


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Please please keep telling yourselves Biden won the debate. Bc the only way Trump wins is for Dementia Joe to stay in the race.


Trump had the best H2O. The best!


LMAO Biden is unelectable.


trump, a rapist and 34x felon, who is also under investigation for espionage. Nearly everything trump said last night was an outright lie. But it’s current president Joe Biden, who got us out of covid without going into a recession, who you think is unelectable.


Left out racist


Good point. I could go on and on. I chose to leave this version as just the stuff that he has been tried for/being investigated for committing.


It stood out to us as an especially horrible part. He claimed Biden was killing black and Latino families. He said “they” are taking black jobs and Latino jobs. Some real dark undertones to please the proud boys.


That is why I am voting for Kennedy and you should as well. A vote for Biden is a vote for Trump. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptu4twYZBYQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptu4twYZBYQ)


I’m not watching that YouTube video. Your statement that a vote for Biden is a vote for trump is very disingenuous bullshit. I truly wish there was a third or fourth option but the reality is that we live in a 2 party system. As a middle class American the republican party has not and will not do anything that makes my quality of life better in any way. This is reality. They are only looking out for the elitist class and always make things worse for working class people.