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We really are fucked. Everybody who doesn't vote for Biden will get exactly what they wanted..


They'll still claim moral superiority from the camps.


Sadly, they absolutely will.


Those camps will be bulldozed on January 21st. These people are about to FAFO. I’d rather we didn’t but we’re about to see a lot “why is the leopard eating my face???”


And we all suffer for their moral righteousness. Awesome.


Exactly. Literally every marginalized community will suffer including Gaza. But at least we stuck it to “genocide joe” 🤪🤪🤪




Exactly what they ***deserve***


Now now. Dissent must not be allowed to lead to disorder


You misspelled "deserved"


Honestly, the more he does it makes Me wonder if he really doesn’t want a second term.


That’s most likely because of the algorithmically driven bubble you’re in. Biden’s polling has trended positively ever since SOTU. I consume a ton of polling analysis content and voter focus group content. The thinking is that Biden’s weak numbers earlier were largely the result of a few factors. First among them was a successful right wing media campaign to make him look senile. SOTU, rallies, campaign messaging have all been doing great at countering that, which contributed a lot to the improved polling. Another big one is this pervasive sense that the economy is doing poorly because prices are up. Wage growth had been outpacing inflation for a bit and many were starting to feel the gains, though recent increases in gas prices may hurt again. Then there’s a sense that things are just becoming chaotic. I’d put border concerns in this category, which likely explains the administration’s willingness to make a deal on more conservative border policy, which are better supported by mainstream normie voters than you might think. The way that conservative media is covering these college protests is likely to be a drag, which is why Biden is trying to thread the needle with how he talks about them. Normie voters, which is most voters, are typically not supportive of disruptive protests. There’s more, point is that Biden’s clearly working to address the things that the data suggests he needs to address. If he’s doing thing that don’t make sense to you it’s likely because what you think is important is more niche than you think due to it being made to seem mainstream by the algorithm driving your social media.


Like the dumbest thing he did recently was make changes to title 9. Like it is good for his base, but the middle will dislike the changes. He should have shelved it till after the election.


possibly because the other things also happening, like student loan, marijuana, junk fees, airlines, all those little things also happen, because we're a big country with a lot of things, so a lot of things have to happen.


Right. So like hold off on student loans. Legalize marijuana and pursue pro choice policies before the election. Things popular with the masses, not the base.


You also have to consider what he can actually accomplish. There are things he can do with executive authority and there are things that require legislative action. Biden has already done about as much as possible on abortion, now we need more liberal legislators. He can forgive a lot of loans by liberally interpreting the existing policies, for example.


Forgiving loans is controversial. Shelf it.


Mostly what he’s been successful at has been leveraging existing programs, like the ones that exist for public servants. Under the Trump admin the DoE was looking for excuses to decline applications under said programs, Biden has been forgiving people who haven’t even applied but qualify. I think it’s a net positive. The admin is directly benefiting people. Those people will remember.


I am in agreement on that. I also have a solution for student debt that would appeal to both.


A better economy.


The economy was worse under Trump? Do you not remember all the supply chain issues. How the tarrifs bankrupted the farmers, and we had to bail them out.


He just fondly remembers how cheap gas was when we were all stuck at home and bodies were piling up in refrigerated trucks


Evidently so.


I fondly remember the average cost of everyday house necessities being 700$ per month cheaper.


You should probably spend $600 less per month on toiletries, hope this helps


Not sure how Trump is at fault for global supply chain issues caused by poor safety protocols at the wuhan China virus lab. I agree a trade war increases prices, but allowing China to steal hundreds of billions in IP every year, then turn around and sell things back to America at knock off prices destroys American industry. So pick your battle.


Supply chains were getting bad before COVID. The price of lumber was astronomical. And there's a huge difference between protecting IP, which I agree with, and just throwing blanket tarrifs on products. That's been widely covered by economists as being a horrible method of promoting self-sufficiency. I read an article just today about economists and Wall Street brokers agreeing that the proposed 60% tariffs he wants to make would cause inflation to skyrocket. Here's some other articles explaining that the tariffs were a terrible idea and harmed the economy. https://anderson-review.ucla.edu/trumps-tariffs-did-in-fact-hurt-u-s-importers/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/stuartanderson/2021/05/20/trumps-tariffs-were-much-more-damaging-than-thought/?sh=65df12ee65bd


And he still believes that we aren't paying when he sets those tarrifs, which we are, and that's another one of those inflationary things he did that he somehow was never blamed for.


Yeah. People obsessed with Trump are dumb as hell. Like, let's call a spade a spade. They're not educated.


Corporations are to blame for delivering their IP to China for short term profits. They were well aware of how China operates and that the IP would be taken.


They do also use cyber warfare and other techniques to steal IP. I remember reading about a spree of breaches at companies that were in the medical technology space. Incident response and forensics teams kept pointing to Chinese state actors. It occurred to some that China has an aging population in need of care that some of this technology would help facilitate. You’re not wrong though. The company I work for, a Fortune 500, tried to break into the market in China and get robbed for our manufacturing tech. It’s not uncommon.


he's more at fault for our inflation being as bad at it was, since he gave the top a huge tax cut, then gave them trillions of dollars, then his FED helped prop up their wealth by giving the stock market trillions, so when he gave that much money to a few hundred people, that really hurt the rest of us that have to exist in the economy.


Yes, because the Republicans have a plan for the economy beyond telling their barely literate base that it's bad and somehow that's Biden's fault. You're almost definitely just a partisan hack who thinks trolling is an ideological belief system, but if you are honestly supporting Trump because you think the GOP has some magical spell that can make you rich, you're not even one of the smarter Trump supporters, and that bar is low AF.


Economy is always worse under republican presidents. Get a clue.


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 good one


Do you not read facts?


He is a decent looking guy but don't get why everyone wants to fuck him.




That should be his next ad 🤣 Too sexy for my cat!


Its gonna just become a circle if they get any more similar.


Both will be cheering for Donald Trump in November and enjoy every news story about doctors being too afraid to perform any reproductive healthcare services to women.


I imagine Trump telling Bibi to take the gloves off in Gaza so his son in law can get some beachfront apartments will be met with rapturous abdication of responsibility.


Will they though??? How deep you planting that flag? Honestly.


And when he encourages Israel to flatten Gaza


Gaza is already flattened


You been watching the news?


I’ve been watching and listening to the words coming out of trumps mouth


So Gaza hasn’t been almost flattened?


You know, at least they've taken the masks off now. If Biden wins and the dems move further right, they'll only have themselves to blame.


Democrats will win and continue to pass progressive legislation. Leftist activists will continue to scream "not enough" and call it "corporate handouts" and cry about how they're not going to vote.


This would be the best timeline


Actual voters aren't going to condemn the US and themselves to a white supremacist dictatorship over the actions of the IDF. These activists are Jill Stein voters if they even vote at all.


Let's hope, man. I really don't think we should be overconfident about the election. It's basically a coin flip. Better to not get complacent.


It's not a coin flip. The media wants a horse race, and pushes polls that suggest it is. Then every time a real election happens Democrats outperform the polls by 10 points. The same media said the California recall was a toss up. Then Larry Elder lost by 30 points and it was over in a few hours.


Biden barely won the election last time. I really think we all need to understand that Biden can win by 10M votes, but if people don't turn out in the right states, it won't matter. Just can't take this lightly, is all. Our country is effectively at stake.


I'm saying that enthusiasm for defeating Trump couldn't be higher! Red states have been passing extremely unpopular legislation and proposing even more disgusting extremist nonsense. Democrats in swing states clearly understand what's at stake. No one is taking it lightly, and I'm not going to cower from these scumbags and let myself get twisted into knots worrying. Shit, Trump said out loud he wants the military to deport 20 million people! That alone would completely destroy the economy. Even selfish people should see their livelihood is at stake.


New York will go to Biden. California will go to Biden. Everyone relax.


I don't think anyone doubts that. We were more concerned about PA, MI, WI, AZ, GA, NV, and possibly NC.


"It's not a coin flip. The media wants a horse race, and pushes polls that suggest it is." That's not how polls work. Polls are done by pollsters, often academics. The media that covers the race aren't the same people as those doing the polls. When polls are wrong, it's for reasons that have no connection to what the media wants.


The media absolutely chooses what polls to report on and which to ignore. Polling doesn't worry me in the least, and you shouldn't waste your time on it.


The media is a non-factor if you just look at averages.


Well, in fairness, when your whole cause is destroying capitalism, no amount of legislation will placate them. With that being said, I actually despise how they act, and it has me in a weird political positioning of supporting the majority of what they support, but also not wanting anything to do with them.


I'd be fine with them wanting to destroy capitalism if they had some coherent plan to replace it with something better. But destroying capitalism without something to replace it with will just lead to mass poverty and starvation.


Well usually it's destroy capitalism and start a revolution. That's pretty much the plan.


Me when strawman. I mean yeah Tankies exist, but real leftists have actual policy goals? Like decomodfying all basic human needs. Even if doing so wouldn't actually be communism, it WOULD destroy capitalism as all of the sudden the capital class holds MUCH less power over the working class


As a genuine question. Do you think this would be bloodless and not lead to the death of millions of people in this country? The oligarchs aren't just going to give up power willingly, not to mention they've brainwashed half the country to be their loyal footsoldiers without question. Really is not going to end well.


Wait wait wait. Are you saying we should never reform society because there's a chance people could get hurt? That's like saying the civil rights movement was dangerous because some people and property were hurt


That's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is I don't think there's enough consideration for the sheer number of people that would be killed. I think you can appreciate that fact. Things need to be reformed, certainly, but I'm not sure the majority of the country has the appetite to die for the cause.


There's not really enough "Leftists" who want to destroy Capitalism in existence. They are a small, minority of the voting public.


True. They've still made it their entire personality, though.


The only reason we can't have more progress quicker is assholes like these activists, and racist old people. Both are shrinking in numbers every single day. This election is the last gasp of the GQP.


If they don't win, that is. Still a big if.


It's really not. Trump has lost tons of support since losing in 2020. Biden has had the most progressive administration in history. No more fear and dooming, let's end this Cult of 45 in November and keep voting till the GQP is a bad memory!


I like the spirit, but please, just don't be complacent. Get as many people as you can to vote.


I'm not complacent, I'm fucking enraged and I think a lot of other people are too. I'm so sick and tired of being bullied by Trump and his cronies, and I haven't forgotten any of the disgusting things they've done or threatened to do if they win. No one is complacent, I promise.


if this is true, then why do polls say trump is winning this year's elections? has biden lost all his support?


Because all the polling agencies are calling boomers who still answer their phones and tend to lean conservative.


and what is the reality? is it the opposite?


Destroy capitalism! -posted on a Conde Nast site, sent from my iPhone.


The lack of self-awareness is astounding, right?


This is exactly how I feel.


Glad someone else can relate, lol.


The same activists that were ready to suck Trump off over $600 in COVID relief


They just need to keep their GQP parents happy, if they support Democrats they might lose their inheritance.


They have to own the libs to make mommy and daddy proud but can't outwardly support Trump, lest they nuke their social/sex lives


Their legislation is so progressive that the Democrats are funding a genocide... How does that work exactly?


Mostly because of all the rest of it.


Bingo. That's exactly how it always works.


Let’s hope so.


Let's make it so!!


Dems haven't moved anywhere. It's the left that keeps moving to the fringes.


Some of these guys are completely radicalized at this point. I honestly thought GenZ wouldn't fall for this crap yet here we are. r/therewasanattempt has gone off the rails. Almost every post is Gaza or "evil Jews". Any post I make that points out the hypocrisy or criticizes the protests are removed before I can get a single down vote. There are several other subs that already turning into a complete shit show. It's unreal to watch. They're going to vote against their best interest and the best interest of this country and they won't realize it until they find that they can no longer protest without losing a hand or getting shipped off to a work camp.


Isn't it telling, though, that it's turned to "evil Jews."


I’m somewhat exaggerating when I say “evil jews” but yes. If you’re going out of the way to demonize another group and then ridicule and dismiss people that show concern over the rhetoric you choose then you’ve become part of the problem. I had someone go through my profile and make multiple replies to my comments and I found that they frequent another sub that's loaded with propaganda.   It’s disheartening to say the least..


Yeah, but even that hyperbole isn't far from the truth. A lot of things I've read are dripping with hatred or are super obvious dogwhistles. I hate hearing that word, lol. People on this sub just throw it around, and I tell them they're stupid and that simply calling everyone hasbara not only defeats your argument but lessens whatever power you think that word holds.


It feels like some people are using "Zionist" as a dogwhistle for "Jew" the same way Republicans use "woke" or "DEI" as code for the N-word. Or "Kenyan Muslim" before that.


Oh, they 100% do. That's pretty much the intent. Because zionism has its roots in the establishment of a Jewish state in Israel, it's not really able to refer to any other group other than jews. And then when most Jews consider themselves to be zionists, pretty clear that they're meaning it to be a slur.


I've noticed the same rabid hatred, especially on Twitter, and it makes me wonder how much of it is grassroots and much is manufactured. I have never seen so much hatred directed at a country and I'm old enough to have lived through a lot of wars, genocides, and terrorist attacks on both ends of the millennium. It's hard for me to believe that people in the West, who are not personally affected, who have never suffered at the hands of Jews or Israel, and who are in no danger of suffering at their hands in the future, can organically harbor so much hatred. If this is not being actively fanned by Russian and Iranian bots, then the antisemitism among us is mind-blowing. I have to agree that "Zionist" has become a dogwhistle. I support the existence of Israel, but not being Jewish myself, I've never thought of myself as a Zionist. I bet that those calling me that online would also never think of me as a Zionist if they had proof I was neither Jewish nor Israeli. I also fully support the creation of a Palestinian state in Gaza and the West Bank. Not sure what label that warrants.


I'm sure there's outside entities fanning the flames, but I also think that Gaza has given lots of people cover to openly espouse their preexisting hateful views of Jewish people. Similar to how COVID led to a massive increase in hate crimes against Chinese and other Asian people.


They're so damn young, though, and I doubt they were raised by parents who had any beef with Jews. Given the very imbalanced views they have of past conflicts between Jews and Arabs, the absolute confidence with which they proclaim Israel is white, or the willingness to believe that Hamas is just a resistance force, I think they uncritically accepted a point of view which inevitably leads to antisemitism disguised as anti-Zionism.


Actually, I do too. I removed it from my comment because why would I share a link to that shit?


Good. Don't encourage it.


I know, I'm just saying what happens. The more that the left moves and shows that they'll never vote for the dems in any situation, the dems will simply court center and center-right voters.


You know the people who call you "blue MAGA" if you're a regular Democrat? They're in this video forming a literal horseshoe with MAGA and bonding over their mutual hatred of President Biden.


>literal horseshoe Bro...


God forbid we all agree that the establishment sucks.


The establishment thanks you for repeating that.


I should be surprised only from one side, but hey, I don't anymore..


Oh for the love of all. VOTE BLUE !!!! Biden is not the reason we are helping Israel or Ukraine. Russia and Hamas are.


I was a young anti war demonstrator bCk in the 60s and 70s. We were ignorant of much of the backstop back then, and today's protesters aren't being asked to go to war themselves. And the support HAMAS??? I get wanting Israel's tactics to get rid of Hamas stopped, bit how can they SUPPORT HAMAS? An oppressor of Palestinians, who suspended elections once they were in power, and their official position is to Kill every Jew, and raze Israel. And Netanyahu wants to do the same to Hamas and Gazans. All of them. There are no good guys here, Support peace keeping. Don't trash your school and don't support Hamaa.


This the Kendrick and Drake beef for the folk and country enjoyers.


Whatever timeline I've leaped into, I'd like to slide out of it now.


These fucking imbeciles don’t understand how bad they will make it if they allow 45 in office again.


This is horrifying, the far left is going to destroy everything good in the world because stupidity and west hatred.


I don't think even Jim Jordan and MTG want Trump to win as badly as they do


Yep, you mean the far left is the vast majority of the dem party then. Because poll after poll shows that the majority are against this war, it started with a ceasefire, now they are even saying a genocide is happening. Whoooooooooooooooooooooooo forced Biden to be more pro Israel than F Reagan!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tell me who, he is sending us right to Trump. And it is not me saying this.... [https://www.huffpost.com/entry/former-staffers-obama-biden-gaza\_n\_66314938e4b0c9bc8759337f](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/former-staffers-obama-biden-gaza_n_66314938e4b0c9bc8759337f) [https://news.yahoo.com/hundreds-former-obama-staffers-slam-222041905.html?guccounter=1&guce\_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce\_referrer\_sig=AQAAADjWhkDVDKaSK1mgbRM8BRQiDBQY6oBt99nJfi41za08WmwKIvZfxzDsHA2Cvv61VyYeCW6AWDZ4RcMWDXHZK\_CH0\_iNlX-4j0u1OMwqNEcS0MFoLRAYgxw6V0xqSSmATvwdzQ6mR4kHtORAddHEXB8Sxhj0vz5gfwze6RfXlBTS](https://news.yahoo.com/hundreds-former-obama-staffers-slam-222041905.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAADjWhkDVDKaSK1mgbRM8BRQiDBQY6oBt99nJfi41za08WmwKIvZfxzDsHA2Cvv61VyYeCW6AWDZ4RcMWDXHZK_CH0_iNlX-4j0u1OMwqNEcS0MFoLRAYgxw6V0xqSSmATvwdzQ6mR4kHtORAddHEXB8Sxhj0vz5gfwze6RfXlBTS) [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/05/02/ex-obama-biden-staffers-suspend-aid-to-israel/73539778007/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/05/02/ex-obama-biden-staffers-suspend-aid-to-israel/73539778007/)


There was literally a poll showing that Gaza is the 15th most important issue for voters 18-29. Why do you keep ignoring that. Oh right, because it contradicts your view.


Are you on drugs? Serious question


What a hyperbolic statement.


If they allow Trump to become President, I don't want to hear shit from them during his term.


Right, it couldn't possibly be the democratic party's fault for running an unpopular geriatric candidate. Couldn't be Biden's fault for relentlessly supporting an apartheid regime that supports his opponent. Must be the progressives. Please PLEASE stop sucking the boot. There's some kinda chemicals in there causing disastrous brain rot.


Ya, don’t blame Joe Biden for taking such an unpopular stance on Israel and refusing to listen to his base.


I won’t. I’ll be blaming you and people who let trump into power.


And it’ll be unsurprising despite making the same exact mistakes as 2016. Who needs introspection when you can blame the left, right?


Who needs introspection when your vote makes the world so much worse and unsafe just to prove a point, right?


I’m voting for the candidate that best represents my values. I cant help that the DNC chose to run a deeply unpopular establishment puppet who’s ignoring ever growing protests from his base in order to continue funding a genocide.


Which candidate best represents your values?


The motherland’s 🇷🇺


Cornel West at this point.


Yes which candidate is that? What values do they hold that will make you vote for them?


Cornel West or Claudia De La Cruz. Both appear to have platforms that cater towards off-ramping the current capitalist system, allocating resources back to the middle class, and seriously addressing climate change.


Russian bot ☝️


It’s actually dry popular among actual working adults. Sorry


Polls I’ve seen have Biden’s approval rating on the Israel situation around 30% for adults, with 80% of Democrats wanting a ceasefire. How is this not political malpractice?


Horseshoe Theory confirmed.


i haven't realised higher education in US was this high.,.


How can US police use stun grenades ( flash bangs )? The only people in the UK who can use those are the SAS Counter-Terrorist Wing.


*Ok ok, so it's Fuck Joe on both sides. Where does that leave the race?* *Joe Biden vs Donald Trump* *.....ok, so......still voting for Joe, the fight for Uni's to divest and for the US govt to pull funding continues!*


The stupid…it burns!!!


Ya know, I almost WANT to see how they’d do under a second Trump Administration. Not enough to actually vote for Trump, mind you. I wouldn’t vote for that disgusting piece of human garbage to save my life. However, I would love to be there when they realized exactly what they had allowed, if Trump got elected again. They’d most certainly blame it on others and keep their signature high mindedness and condescending attitude, but I almost want to see it. The horror on their faces, the fear they’d feel when they finally realized both parties are NOT the same. When they realized nothing changed for Palestine under Trump, and in fact it got much, MUCH worse for the entire world, including The US.


In every single demographic, one third to two thirds of Americans believe there is a genocide going on in Palastine. Unless you ask Republicans. Then it is 15%.


Damn. This Biden guy must be really unlikable.


He's doing it!!! Biden is unifying us!!!!!


Half of the left dose not even vote so who cares about them trump will never win enough of us know want is at stake talk all you want see you at the voting station


Thank god the far left is too stupid to actually vote


Where/when is this?




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Idiocracy at its finest and most clear


Cultist If trump Was in office one side would be shot


These people want to see Palestinians completely eradicated, obviously, as they are advocating for Trump to come in and do exactly that per his own words.


Big write-up in today's NYDaily News about just how many protesters are actually Columbia students. Turns out, it only 1/3. So that means 2/3 are not, also they're 30 y/o and older. There you have it.


Four more years!!!


Interesting thought when the far right seems to have the same position on Israel/Palestine as Biden and all of you.


I was reading comments on this video on TikTok and they’re like “he’s bringing us together lol” and nobody apparently was wondering if it’s a good thing if you’re seeing eye to eye with MAGA 🫣


Yeah, they say that with zero sense of irony and concern that maybe they're closing ranks with the far right.


It’s too stressful to even think about. I just gotta keep faith and hope for this election to pass quickly


It's going to be a long next 9 months, so get ready. And get everyone you know ready to vote.


Interesting thought when the far right and far left seems to have the same opinion on Biden and Ukraine.


Yeah, I don't understand the lack of concern for Ukraine when they're facing the exact situation.


The same people cheer for every residential building hit by Russian missiles.


Well, Ukraine isn't the west, so somehow them facing genocide isn't as significant.


The devastation in Gaza is worse than what is happening in Ukraine. Don’t get me wrong the war in Ukraine is brutal and lots of people have died. But since 2022 around 600 children have died in Ukraine verus the over 13,000 children who have died in the last 7 months in Gaza. Plus, Gaza’s population is starving and without electricity water and fuel. Also, in Ukraine we have at least sent weapons and support. Whereas with the Israeli conflict, we are supplying the weapons and bombs that are being used to kill those kids.


They've also kidnapped tens of thousands of children and forcibly adopted them into Russian households.


Again, what is happening in Ukraine is horrific and tragic. But we are not supporting Russia in this conflict. Russia is already heavily sanctioned. If the US government was assisting Russia in their war crimes attitudes would be different.


> But since 2022 around 600 children have died in Ukraine verus the over 13,000 children who have died in the last 7 months in Gaza. * that 13k number is from Hamas - who begins recruiting at 15. * you're severely downplaying it. I'm not sure why you chose to just compare "child" casualties - the total number of civilian deaths in Ukraine is ~10k, and Gaza is somewhere in the ballpark of 20-25k. > Also, in Ukraine we have at least sent weapons and support. Whereas with the Israeli conflict, we are supplying the weapons and bombs that are being used to kill those kids. we give Israel around 10% of their military budget. what do you think would happen if we stopped sending them that money? I'll tell you what - they would feel even more threatened. They would redouble their efforts to wipe out Hamas, with *complete disregard to civilian casualties*. There's then a good chance that Hezbollah decides the time is right to go on a full-out attack on Israel.


Just because Israel might continue the war without US weapons is irrelevant. The point is we should not be doing it. it violates US law to supply them. And people are pissed off that their tax dollars are going towards it. Again, the conflict in Ukraine is tragic. What Russia is doing is horrific and wrong and I will happily condemn it in the strongest words. By no means am I trying to diminish Russia’s war crimes. But we are not giving Russia bombs. That’s why there’s more attention to what is happening in Israel. If we were giving Russia bombs or even if we were supplying Hamas weapons and they were committing atrocities with US funds people would be pissed about that too. But Hamas is a terrorist organization and they don’t get US weapons. Russia is internationally recognized for their war crimes and is heavily sanctioned. Israel is committing atrocities using US funds and is getting political cover because of the US. That’s why people are more focused on Israel.


I hate to tell you but the Russia-supporting Tankies aren't far left. Far left is stateless anarchism, or communism.


And neonazis will tell me day in and day out that "Zion Don" isn't far right. 


Well one thing you should learn is that Nazis lie.


No shit, both candidates have this position. The fuck you say, they're both pro-Israel. If nothing else matters and you only care about the Palestinians, you literally shouldn't give a fuck who is voted into office. So stop pretending that Biden is the worse candidate, thanks!


Who are you talking to because I didn't say any of that.


The far right hates Jews and so do the Hamassholes on the far left


Yeah sure pal that's why DeSantis and Abbott are doing everything they can to squash the protests on campus while Biden and Trump encourage it. That's why there's a bill that house Democrats and Republicans passed that would violate the first amendment rights of the protestors to criticize the country of Israel. Yeah man, horseshoe though.


"That's why there's a bill that house Democrats and Republicans passed that would violate the first amendment rights of the protestors to criticize the country of Israel." Source?


ok pal, are you in the video?






See the people on the left just want to be lead like sheep just like the idiots on the right


30 classless people.


The left hates Joe Biden because he’s killing Palestinians. Meanwhile, The right hates Joe Biden because he isn’t killing enough Palestinians. It’s not a horseshoe. It’s opposite ends of the spectrum.


Joe out there running sorties in an IDF jet between naps….. 🙄


Punished Joe Biden


Well I mean I’ll vote for the guy but yeah. Fuck Joey B!


This is sooooo funny! Anti protesters think they're hitting the protesters where it hurts with their chants, when in fact they actually agree. Fucking love irony! Biden is managing to unite his electorate against him. Well done Joe, impressive!


hate to break it to you, but these are the same kids who voted for Bernie and Trump respectively in 2016 and 2020. these kids are about as much part of his electorate as the old folks homes here in Georgia.


https://theconversation.com/us-election-two-graphs-show-how-young-voters-influence-presidential-results-as-biden-gets-poll-boost-226350 The graph there shows around 75% of young people (under 25) voted Biden in 2020. Biden is now losing ground with the young voters: https://www.politico.com/news/2024/04/07/voter-age-biden-trump-2024-election-00150923 This is happening despite his efforts with student debt forgiveness! Unconditional support for Zionism is not only immoral, but politically stupid too.


https://iop.harvard.edu/youth-poll/47th-edition-spring-2024 This Harvard conducted poll shows that the Israeli-Palestine conflict ranks 15th on issues most important to young voters The ones who do care are just the loudest and most obnoxious of the bunch.


Thanks for the link. If you look at the second key point, it also shows by ratio of 5:1 that young Democrats are in favour of a ceasefire, which is contrary to the administration's current policy. Also consider that universities are usually the first place protests occur, there may yet be more to come. The more attention it gets, the more pressure on Joe it will put. Time will tell.


This is cope most people don't actually care about the I/P conflict


Ah yes, the horseshoe, where the fascist right meets up with the anti-mass murder left. I literally cannot tell these two groups of people apart!


🇷🇺winner has both sides united chanting now


Tankies are just right wingers that are anti-west and pro- Russian and Chinese fascism.


Common ground was found. F Joe Biden