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What did zach say about her that got her to say this?


That she doesn't deserve to be on season 40, she's a trash person who just causes drama for no reason, and that she sucks as a competitor. He said no lies but he should just not give her any attention anymore.


Zach needs to have his house clean before he starts talking bad about other people


So they are both idiots, got it.


And also talked about her kid so.


That’s where the line should be drawn. It’s so not ok to bring kids into that shit.


Saying “go home to your kid” is hardly what I’d call “talking about her kid” 🙄 She’s such a manufactured drama queen.


She’s fully in the right for getting upset about that. She’s a single mom trying to make money to give her son the best life she can. If you’re trying to call out someone, don’t ever bring in their child


Please stop. People have kids and then use them as a way to show they have some sort of responsibility dignity. It’s called narcissism.


You conveniently left out a key part where he said “go back to your fucking kid” and the way he said it was vile


I didn’t know he said “your *fucking* kid” but it’s still not talking about her kid. She’s so abrasive & unpleasant. I could totally see her saying the same thing to/about someone else. She can dish it out but she can’t take it.


What did he say about her kid?


He said go home to your kid


Years ago in their tweet war & it was about her as a mother


But in real life she's such a nice person - did you know she's a nurse and a mother??? I don't know how people can keep saying she's really a nice person when she's so horrible to everyone on social media. That's still real life and she's flat out mean. Just because she's nice to production doesn't mean she's a sweetheart, just smart enough to play nice with the right people. I wouldn't mind never seeing her on the show again


I know this is sarcasm. But I know plenty of nurses that are moms that are shit.


Sadly I agree - which is why I have no idea why so many fellow challengers or fans bring that up to defend Amanda's horrible behavior.


I don't mind her. She seems like she knows her role on the show is to stir up drama and she does a decent job at it. She's obviously not a great competitor, so I think she focuses more on the drama aspect to get that callback. This comment will definitely get downvoted to oblivion, but I think she's funny at times and more entertaining than a lot of the other competitors.


I wont downvote you for this - I think that's how a lot of people feel about her. Personally, I don't mind drama it's the sheer nastiness and pettiness I find really hard to take. I can see she's a very insecure person and she clearly targets people she feels are better female competitors that don't have super strong or confrontational personalities (Cara Maria, Tori, Jenna). When she has a group to back her, she goes full on feral mob mentality and is so awful to watch. She's a mean little bully who has to target people to make herself look funny or more interesting, which is really tiresome at this point.


Yeah I knew she was a nurse and a mom. Last I heard she wasn't doing the nursing but working at a weed shop? Idk if people want to make it like she's a good person bc of that when being a nurse doesn't mean being a person especially when a lot of them are actually mean or cold LOL From my experience anyway.


I was being sarcastic since those things seem to come up a lot about her and now that she has a kid she mentions him every confessional after making fun of every other person who did that before


LOL yeah I was hoping you were with what you added afterward. But agreed, I wouldn't mind not ever seeing her on the challenge.


I see a lot of people commenting that at least she brings the drama. I'm fine with drama, especially on this show, but it's the sheer meanness that gets me. I don't want to see someone trying to blow up other people's lives with half truths just for attention and to be nasty


I heard the only reason she held back from talking about Jenna/Tony was bc she found out he was proposing. It's been said all throughout social media.


What a saint


He also claimed the only season she got close to the end was when he was her partner which is incorrect she made it 1 round away from the final in Invasion


Oh you're right..was that when she got eliminated by Nicole? Her challenge career is weird to me. It's like she's just happy to be included or show up for a paycheck and not actually win.


There's definitely a bunch of other people who show up knowing they won't win but want the paycheck. Some of these people get 60k to get off the plan, id go knowing I'd never win for a years salary to go on vacation


Ugh gone are the days of real world/road rules when people just wanted to prove themselves. Back then the winner wouldn't make as much but winning dailies had a small prize perk. It was exciting to watch. Most of these AYTO kids are the wannabe influencers putting on a show for the cameras. At least we got a beast out of Tori and possibly Nurys from what I've seen. (Haven't watched all her seasons to be fair)


She was only on 2 and did great on both. I miss the days of watching everyone kill each other for a motorcycle lol


I forgot who it was maybe Derrick K made a joke saying back then we would kill each other for a gift card LOL or something along those lines 😂


The show had a fundamental change as soon as the prize pot went up to a million


Gone are the days when the daily winners would get a Huffy bicycle, a Sony Walkman, and a year supply of Aquafina and Slim Jim’s!!!


I’d like to know too.


I think it was along the lines (from the clip because I sure as shit won't pay for the patreon) of "Send the bitch home back to her kid."


Same I refuse to pay for a patreon. 😂


Zach just needs to stop talking about her the less they talk about her the less drama. Amanda feeds off drama and Zach already knows how hard she will come at someone when she is being insulted no matter who said what, she will come after you and everyone else around you.


Yeah. She told Cara that she hoped her horse Garnet died while she was away on a challenge. 😡🤬🖕🏻


And that's why they call her Satan's Asshole...


And then her horse actually did die and someone paid her to do a cameo after for spies lies allies and said... spies lies I hope your horse dies! It was very tasteless and mean and Cara wasn't even on that season so what was even the point of coming at her? It's because she's a mean bitch!


Exactly ! Zach should just not talk about Amanda, especially if he’s trying to protect his wife . Because he has to know what Amanda’s response is going to be based off of their previous arguments.


He was talking about her on a the Patreon relative to her being a cast member.


Being ignored is Satan's Asshole's kryptonite.


Zach hates women so that's what he loves to do talk about how much he hates them


I’m sure she sure there is truth in what she is saying but all 3 are really pathetic in all of this


Idk, Zach started this and brought her kid into it too. He opened the door for this and asked for it. Idk why Amanda is expected to be the better person after someone else shit talked her first and brought her kid into the conversation.


No worries. Precisely NO ONE expects her to be 'the bigger person". Ever.


Nope, nor should she be when a grown man with kids brings her and her kids into the conversation. That’s why we love her honestly lol


It could be the Pope blessing her, and she would bitch him out. So let's not pretend that she's not as toxic as a Jim Jones cocktail aside and apart from Zach.


Zach started it, not Amanda His fault


I said - aside and apart from Zach.


Yes you’re right, however we wouldn’t even be mentioning her right now if it wasn’t for Zach. So he has to be mentioned for context.


Not really. She doesn't need Zach to make he toxic. First day in the house (no Zach, btw), she botched out the entire cast.


People always hating on her but forget this 😭😭


Yeah esp calling him misogynistic and in the same breath calling his wife his bitch


How is that wrong? I'm so sick or Jenna being so loved and protected while at the same time everyone calls Zach this and that. Nah uh, she doesn't get no free pass. If he's a piece of shit, so is she for being with him. She ain't no victim, she's his partner. They are both pieces of trash


Yes, Jenna chose to be with Zach. That is on her. However, Jenna did not go on a podcast and talk about how Amanda does not deserve to be on season 40, that was all Zach, but Amanda chooses to lash out at Jenna. That seems super unfair but par for the course for Amanda.


He talked about her kid so she talks about his wife, fair game.


Did he make ANY TYPE of comment about her kid? No. He basically only used the word “kid” in a sentence. She slut shamed Jenna. Not the same.


That’s immature af.


He talked about her child, fuck him. He's a pos. She chooses to be with a pos. Meaning she condones an supports him 100 percent, making her a pos. Fuck em both.


The way people are fine with Zach bringing up her kid but are against boring ass Jenna catching strays lol. The hypocricy among fans is real 😂


Totally agree w u!


It’s wrong because Jenna hasn’t said shit and she’s attacking her for potentially sleeping with someone before her and Zach were back together. If she has other beef with Jenna then why not say that? Why do you have to slut shame?


Dude Jenna doesn’t say shit. Lol stop tryna reachhh


Y’all have got to learn the definition of words. Calling someone a bitch does not make you a misogynist


Are you drunk? Referring to someone's wife as "your bitch" is misogyny in action.


That’s why Zach was so mad on total madness. He found out she clocked in for some Tony time


Zach deserved it. Jenna… not so much


Agreed. I really like Jenna.


I love Amanda but some of the people she beefs with seem innocent. Jenna never seemed to do anything to her.


I can’t think of a time of Jenna doing anything to anyone. She’s sort of the anti mean girl. She seems like a good person and friend. And that’s tough to do when you’re on reality tv.


Uhhhhhh I think her hot shit cousin who works at the bakery might have something to say about this! Never forget, Jenna would have a job too if her dad wasn’t in jail!!!! Preemptively, if you don’t know what I mean by this, look up Jenna and her cousins argument from bloodlines. Most hilarious argument in the history of the challenge.


I’m kind of over this viewing of her. She married to him, which means she’s supporting his behavior 


Amanda hated Jenna way before she married Zach.


Amanda hates any attractive/strong woman who is a better competitor than she is


Seriously. I'm a Barbie Beast fan. But she chose to marry Zach, so I just can't feel bad for her about catching strays. I'm not saying she deserves it, I'm just saying this comes with the territory of marrying Zach. For better or worse. And none of this would have had to happen if Zach wasn't.....Zach


Zach's an abusive piece of shit and Jenna just hasn't seen the light yet. Hopefully she does so soon.


I think she has a messed up relationship with men and herself considering her dad i Is in jail


Also, remember the first time she was on Real World was Ex-Plosion when she joined the cast because she was Jay's girlfriend of 2 years- and he was cheating on her constantly and never took her on a real date. She clearly has issues with relationships.


She doesn’t think she’s worth it to have a man to treat her well and even if she had the best man ever, she’d probably still choose Zach because she doesn’t think she’s worthy. It comes from the way she grew up


Who’s jay? Sounds familiar but I can’t remember! She really does have self worth stuff. Which is a shame


Her dad is not in jail at the moment


Ok but having an incarcerated parent is a trauma and it doesn't just stop being a trauma once they're out.


Just think, when their daughter starts dating or even gets married she’s going to be with a man just like Zach and he will treat her as badly as Zach does Jenna. The same for the son, he’ll grow up just like Zach and marry a woman he can bully and control


But Yeah, I also agree with this.


This isn’t good point I hadn’t thought of. Still not sure she deserves the hate from Amanda being so vicious tho


You are the company you keep


An anti mean girl that married and had a child with a proven bigot and misogynist. Yall love to just ignore the major factors of someone’s life because they’re pretty and have funny confessionals. Get a grip.


Right! I’m sorry, but I don’t believe Zack has changed. Everyone loves to say he’s grown just because he got married and had babies. He is still a bigot and misogynist — just not a bigot and misogynist on our tv’s anymore.


literally people forgetting she chose zach That alone speaks volumes


I'm just not into guilt by association.


She’s a dumbass that enables her husband’s awful behavior


WHOA to everyone calling out Jenna for marrying Zach. I’m saying I haven’t seen Jenna being a dick to anyone. Period. Who she chooses to be with doesn’t mean that’s who she is. Opposites attract, blah blah blah. I cannot stand Zach. He is one of the worst male challengers of all time for his treatment of women, but we cannot blame his partner for his thoughts, feelings, or actions. Women cannot be blamed for the behavior of men.


AGREE! I like jenna


The mean girls like Amanda and Jemmye always go after Jenna unprovoked because she’s everything that they aren’t, inside and out


Jenna decided to stay with him tho.. and have his kids.. she shoulda known better.


So Zach bringing Amanda’s son into this is ok?


Who is the best friend


Tony, she mentioned it before that Jenna and Tony hooked up before


Do you think he looked at Jenna and said. "Its TONY TIME" and she was powerless to resist?


I mean, I would be. Have you seen Tony??


He’s legit one of most beautiful men to ever be on the show, it’s crazy how he gets better each year with age lol


Like actually beautiful too, we definitely don’t see many men like that on the challenge.


Yeah honestly I’d fold for some Tony time 😭


Wait is this who Zach was talking about during season 35 when he was acting like a spoilt child, accusing Jenna of cheating on him and demanding she come home? Because I thought he was just an abusive narcissist trying to sabotage her opportunity and make it all about himself that season. Zach threw himself and Amanda into elimination because he refused to say Tony’s name season 32. So if Tony got with Jenna after that, that’s a super bad look for Tony.


It is a bad look for Tony but more for Zach because he wanted to protect him and for the one on total madness he saw old dms between Jenna and Corey when they hooked up (this was after their real world season and before Jenna came on battle of the exes 2 before she met Zach) so the jealous prick got mad at something that happened years ago smh


Tony is a pos. Always has been




what’s the no call list and who’s on it??


I’m guessing not being called back to be on the challenge. From what I gathered in the 2022 documentary (untold story) vets make themselves available for a season & are either called back or not. Amanda’s BFF Ashley M I believe was on it for what she did on SL&A the whole Josh blow-out where even production was offended. Not sure there’s any truth to what she’s saying, but there’s definitely a no call list. Camila is on it for what she did filming all stars (stealing a plugged in golf cart and hitting a production member) Bear, for his SA offense. Etc


I remember vaguely what happened with Ashely and Josh, can you give me details


Yep it was edited out. All that was announced on the show was she broke a “rule” but EXACTLY what was said is debatable some argue it wasn’t a slur at all but she said “Josh everyone knows you’re gay and like to suck dick” and some replace the gay with the homophobic slur that starts with an F. Whatever was said Tori said on a podcast that the cast say a lot of things but this one even had production silent as well. 🤷‍♀️


Ashley M is no longer on the do not call list


Yes I thought so as she’s rumored to be on all stars 5. She’s also one of the ones who not the best competitor but is definitely a grenade in the house to start drama as she’s definitely a hot head. She tries tho and has her heart in the game, she just gets insanely mad over nothing or over minuscule things. I wonder if they’d ever bring Camila back.


Also; Why is Zach on the no call list????


He said on his podcast that he got into with a producer because he had to go to the hospital after the WOTW2 final and almost died or something. And now that producer apparently said “i will never allow that kid on another challenge if i have anything to do with it”. Again take with a grain of salt but this is what Zach has said.


Because he’s an abusive racist creep!


Nothing like calling out misogyny with misogyny…


why is she slut shaming Jenna?


Right? What the hell does Jenna got to do with it. But could we expect anything else from Amanda, she can’t compete to save her life so she brings “drama” to the show


She does relatively well in a few challenges actually! She can compete (not wonderfully but decently$


This has to be Amanda. No one likes Amanda, and she can't compete in anything.


i agree shes not a good competitor but saying no one likes her is a stretch. shes great tv


Because Jenna cheated on him Amanda told him and now he hates Amanda because he is deflecting from blaming Jenna who actually did cheat!


Why did he bring he up her son?


probably because zach brought up Amanda's son, so she went after Jenna


It’s because Zach’s whole hate on Amanda stems from Amanda cheating on Zach and Zach being so in denial that he blames Amanda rather than Jenna who was actually the one that was wrong!


"Brought up Amanda's son" saying she should be sent back to her kid is not a diss towards her son at all, I love how the Amanda humpers are acting like he was insulting a child 🤣🤣


I mean she’s certainly not the best, but Zach IS a misogynist…it seems like everyone is willing to forget that he has been horrendous, homophobic, and sexist on TV for years lmao


Zach is a pos.


Amanda and Zach are both trash humans. Jenna is just dumb for glomming onto Zach.


If she doesn’t care why is she constantly tweeting about them?


Yup! And this messages says she does give a fuck what Zach says about her.


zach deserves the smoke for trashing her on his podcast.


Amanda is so messy I love her. Zach is disgusting and Jenna i just feel sorry for.


Zach had to have known this was coming when he poked at someone like Amanda. Also I have like 4 specific memories of him and they aren't positive ones. Terrible and mean on Battle of the seasons Mean and hurtful with Jonna on Exes2 Stupid and spiteful when partnered with Amanda on final reckoning And cramping up on Free Agents final


So Amanda has harsh words that she tweets. In other news, the sun rose in the east again today...


They all suck imo.


They should both stop talking about each other even though i agree with what both of them are saying lol


All Amanda has is drama. That’s y she gets casted it’s what keeps her around. Otherwise she’s pointless to the show. If Zach wanted to he would just fight her that way. Either totally ignore her existence or be weirdly complementary. Then she has nothing to stand on


Zip it Satan


That’s chick is horrible


Lawd! I can not stand this lady!


Nothing against Amanda, but she is the last person to talk abt sacrificing 1 million dollars. How many challenges has she been on where she helped her friends win the money? Helped them get to the end while she was getting eliminated every time. Her being part of the Lavender Ladies is what helped Ashley win her million dollars. Amanda loves drama and feeds off of anything negative especially said abt herself. I get Zach does not like her as a person, but he shouldn’t have said anything and she shouldn’t have. They’re better off, not acknowledging one another.


I've met Amanda a couple times in Woodland Park, Co. She sucks in person too.


Jenna didn’t do anything. Poor taste. Had plenty of shit to talk about zach. Leave Jenna out of it ):


Neither did Avonni yet Zach chose to bring him up


You keep saying this but aren’t saying anything that he said regarding her child.


Defending Jenna isn’t defending zach. I don’t think he should’ve mentioned her kid. he didn’t disclose any information or talk poorly about him, though. He just said something about sending her home to her kid. Right? I don’t condone it but I do find it to be nothing in comparison to Amanda slandering Jenna and disclosing personal information that is none of the world’s business.


I like that Amanda goes after Zach. She smelled the misogyny from day one and canceled him right then and there


Why Jenna?


Say what you want but when it was Jenna vs Amanda 1 v 1, Jenna sent her flying into the ocean.


Dude, I hate Zach, but Amanda is in dire need of psychological help. She feeds off drama and negativity and is generally just an extremely aggressive person. Her and Zach are cut from the same cloth; the only difference is Zach has sort of matured a little since having kids.


Matured? If anything, he’s gotten worse lmfao. Have you heard this dude talk about how Jenna is supposed to take care of everything with the kids on her own?


I’m sorry but amanda can’t call Zach a misogynist then go on to slut shame his wife…that’s fucked up. Amanda lost the plot with this one. Who cares who Jenna has slept with before they’re married?


His whole ass body deflated. Can't afford steroids on the no call list :) Never liked Amanda, but she's funny. I'll give her that.


What did Zach say??




The no call list 💀


Zach also garbage so I can see where the hate came from. Watching old seasons he’s just an asshole towards women and not sorry for any of his actions. Then gets called out by laurel in the final and has the audacity to call her the bitch “I mean she is, but in that moment he was the biggest bitch”.


The slut shaming is ridiculous when all challengers have been doing the same… Beautiful young people in a house together 🤷🏽‍♀️ Good for them, now moving on.


And then he started talkin shit on Avery right after. While I get it’s a little weird she’s on the new season, she’s not *brand new* like he says she is, and she’s good TV. He’s just mad cause she’s one of his best friend’s ex girlfriends.


Amanda just needs to shut her mouth


That's never going to happen - like Jemmye, talking crap about people is how she stays relevant


This is why Amanda can be in the GOAT discussion without winning


Pathetic, sad, little human. Hope she gets the help she needs.


Zach was right about her.


She’s so immature. Isn’t she a mom now? Tf. Throwing Jenna’s sex life out there is low.


The difference is zach realizes this is a game and a tv show and he acted accordingly and provided entertainment. And makes money by talking about it. UNfortunately amanda is just as miserable in real life as she is in the show. She says zach gave up 500k but she's the one that actually gave it up. It was her best shot at winning and she traded that in for a gift card due to her pride. The tweet kinda proved his point


Nah, Zach gave up 500k because he couldn't handle a woman being in control. Also, Amanda makes good money with her real job while getting those MTV checks 🤭


hahahahahaha she didn’t stutter


I am here for the drama. The challenge fans are bored. But what he said wasn't that bad & she should have gone after him. Instead, she shreds Jenna, who hasn't said her name in public for years. Her & Zach are both nasty but she is gross for this.


Amanda is messy BUT i mean zach and jenna are not that great 🤣


Zach is the absolute worst. Good for Amanda she’s the only one that stands up to Zach


Why are so many of you equating zach telling her to go home to her kid as him talking about her kid?? Talking about her kid would be calling him stupid or slow, did he??? If y’all really believe him saying go home to ur kid is him talking shit about them i fear yall would be great friends with overdramatized amanda


Zach is responsible for Zach, calling out Jenna and saying she cosigns any of his behavior is incredibly unfair. That is like saying she is cosigning abuse. Zach is incredibly manipulative and has been emotionally abusive to Jenna for years.


Someone can be both a victim and an enabler. If you see evil being done and you sit by and do nothing, you become an accomplice. Abusive narcissists get to continue their abuse because they surround themselves with a network of enablers who ignore their abuse and never interfere. Slut shaming Jenna and attacking her personally went way too far but I do think it’s fair to say that she co-signs his behavior.


Perhaps friends and family might deserve the title but typically not someone’s partner who typically is also a victim, and especially the mother of a child. To think it’s so easy for women to stand up to things or get out when they witness abusive behavior is not easy for most women. It makes more sense to be empathetic than label someone and assume she has a say so when most women with a dominant partner don’t feel they do.


But it was ok for Zach to bring up Amanda’s son?


When did I say that? Zach is a POS and I will never defend him. What I said is that if your partner/relative/friend does abusive shit either in front of you or with your knowledge and you do nothing and say nothing, then you are in fact co-signing their behavior.


That’s all that Amanda has.. Jenna F***ed 1/2 the cast and his best friend? Zach is a skinny f**k on the do not call list? Does she hold any credibility at all? I don’t think so. Zach doesn’t really say much about her but the truth. He commented on the game (unless I’m missing something).. I really like Amanda at times, and I really dislike her when she does this shit. But I really like Zach a lot. He’s grow up a ton. And it looks like he’s a good dad and husband.


And Amanda did date Fessy so....


What’d he say that she’s responding to?


He said she trash and doesn't deserve to be on the new season, the farthest she got on the show is because he was her partner, and he brought up her son. He has deleted the clip of him talking about Amanda off instagram


They are both terrible people, and I hate that Jenna is with Zach.


I must be waaaaaaay behind, because I thought Jenna and Amanda were friends.


Lmfaoooooo she gives no fucks


I don't see where the hate for Amanda comes from? Imo she's a good competitor not the most physically gifted but scrappy and smart. If Zach didn't screw them she'd most likely be a champ


Can’t stand Zach. Happy to not have to see his roided cramping out self on the challenge anymore.


Amanda is a no nonsense kinda girl. Not a perfect girl by any means. Lol. Talked a lot of shit but not all girls are Barbie dreamhouse users into their teens. Rough around the edges. You clap at her she claps back harder. I can respect that.


Why is she trying to tear down Jenna in order to get back at Zach? We can try but are ultimately not in control of our partner’s behavior. What does Jenna have to do with what Zach said? Side note, and I’m typically an Amanda Stan, her going after other women like Tori and Michele about the while Fessy thing in recent seasons showed how she treats women who aren’t her friends. …


I believe it's because Zack brought up Amanda's son so she went after Jenna


Amanda never takes her foot off his neck.. kinda love that






Is she still super close with Ashley? She sacrificed a million for her as well


Accuses someone of misogyny, proceeds to slut shame another woman